The Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-12-13, Page 18•
- ..- - - - -
HELP '111E KIDNEN 101 ND VLION IN 1111-:
Wall in port Elgin Friday, . then
Warned home to thump Goderith
Sailors 114 OnSunday in JuntOr4 •
° Winghant had the Sallors.on the
gun littif seconds into Sunday's gaMe
after Jeff Walden fired a blistering'
shot from the point past Sailor goalie
Mike Henry. Brad Murray and
Darrell Dmirkt assisted. •
Wingham's second marker came
off on a two-man advantage, with
Murray and PatdBrophy assisting. ,
Brad Murray and Brad Priestap-
eacktallied for the batmen before ear s1jp.
Past Wingham net: er mop,-
rairF0 tOstieta*Priestap was
1114:09ter.,„,third. peTiod scorer
_ Shortzttaffed Up front for the
wetclgtmatehes, defenceman J.C.
HeWitt WS. ladted 10 to play for-
ward; _and certainly- was a bright
spot onsiVing, scialut a haf triclrin
both games. Another big star for the
fromen- was `ientire Brad Murray,
who picked up 13 points over the
r,veekfmd4-7,-:--twe, goals and three
assists Sunday figur-
marker m the iPeitilit ampastfitiduaii041044441* Zfoorivg ,
Godeerrich managed _just one
e lone,: Brat ._ Priestap Jib
fronmen nettninder Greg Mcaeln- race, with - -font `goals And- fiire
assists. Defenceman Jeff Walden
froSomec000ndooptsecroiored thpelasay soar: four
four points on
dewZrk with
wgelegsinte front.twPputting scorers home einteamtbe eemingThe Ironmop weinthbathvee amboitittweFeLsendt
second-wereJ.aHewitt with a pair,
and Priestap and Murray each 8P:a3013.1. °Thtseinirennit8wilenSalturdawill ,Ybenjogutht 'Walt
acifingsinglek 7; ,:, : n ,_ ._th
= f. avengee lossitheysuffered at
, , :Third PeidoctieetiWeXe, scored by hands of the Patriots in the
-Hewitt Altd"AlOATEN---..Wi.. atit -a pair to ,--matchtup.,„• Follovting_ithisthe-teaol
ingreas. ezthe.margint.igto godeOch traveislo *lawyer sigiday_tittalmqn
40(40Pni,r000.totAvt- ' _ .... _,-,,, thenarons: •:::...,-.-2.-.:. - ' • --:' --
_._Fridaitalight's1aMe ill4k .•' -,::...;.--_.- 1 , - - , — :- • *: .
i‘ ... ,...1 i
%tr:oldiffe Wortrh=;Joi=e41111: Th0 Nuggets
game against the graprding Bears.,
The hometeam took the lead early dunk Mildmay
and increased it to 3-1 by the end of
the first npriod. wino,hanes ume Wingham Nuggets came up with a
goanu therxi;zit
teame-heitier of strong game from -all the players
"diarlig Way, m.
41astAitteek when--the.teant. took -on
with the assist going to Brett Martin. ildmay
Wingbam notched up four goats m
The Ironmen outscored the op- -
position 4-3 in the second to dose the • the7rirSt period; Scorers Vett -Sd'ott
McPherson,Steve Carter Ryan
ing -_gp _with - the Bears. _,
MarkSitleit Wert !gtArti— dohn mart4;,;with
Murray, Priestap, and Hewitt. The and
final frame was 4.7'repeat, lot the TY1r11:uf,f13?4,P,.• - :
second, : agairtc arn- the • IMAM_ ell .out- •Both team's mere scoreuss:mlne
scaretktbekaPP011403. The -Anal wsecond-vedoll. lquggeta',, came out
•minutes of the gawere:arinad atrong in4hethird frame, with flYe
=AM* as both teams, attempted goals from MePhersont -Martin,
to capture the lead. Wingbam went Carter, and two for Huffman.
in front with only 1:50 remaining Assisting were Marc Keil with two,
with Jamie Robinson denting the gachery 0,Krafta and Huffman.
twine, only to have Port Elgin come
back and tie it up again. Hewitt Goalie Robert Warwick was
scored his second of the period with outstanding, and special thanks go
just a few seconds remaining to give to O'Krafta for helping out the team
n the hat -trick and the ironmen a when they were one player short.
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