HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-12-13, Page 12Page e.. • ". cttr.xs,Av. SPECIAL NOTICE TES Birthday or Anniversary Pictures . .. • ... $10.00 . or $20.00 depending on size Engagement Notices (with piture) ... . $5.0() Graduation, Pictures .• 0.03 - Anniversary Pictures, 55 years and over. . No Charge Wedding Write Ups . • . . No Charge If copy is received within 4 weeks after the ceremony Charge for accompanying picture is . . $5.00 If received within 7 weeks picture and write up . $10.00 If received within 9 weeks picture and write-up $20.00 Birth Announcements to our regular format . . No Charge FOR SALE PINE and spruce Christmas trees. 11/4 mile south of Wingham, on High- way 4, to 11/4 miles east down the Golf Course Road. Phone 3574498. Will deliver. 29,6,13,20 DO YOU have a favorite recipe, a story or a poem? Let us make photo- copies of it for your to pass along to your friends. We can do any quanti- ty. Drop in at The Wingham Ad- vance-Titnes office. Phone 357-2320. rrb 16' FLAT DECK, goose necked trail- er with new stock racks built on. Good tires and great condition. Ask- ing $1,500. Phone 395-2243 after 12 BOOM 6,13 SERVICEABLE age purebred and crossbred boars from high quality bloodlines. Also bred gilts, vaccin- ated and due date. Peter Petrovic. Phone 656-2619. • 20tf FIREWOOD:'' hard maple, cut and split in 14" to 16", $35 a face cord at the yard, or we will deliver 3 cord at $125, to Wingham area. Please call evenings 357-2263. 6,13 Huron County — Housing Authority S.F.T. (HC) 89-01 For t Preventive Maintenance and Testing of Fire Alarms and Related Equipment at OHC • buildings in Huron County. •Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, Wednesday, January 4, 1989 by the Huron County • Housing Authority, 48 The Square, GODERICH, Ontario N7A 1M5. (519) 524-2637 from whom details and specifications may be obtained, quoting refer- ence number as above. • Th,0 lowest or any tender not • nressarily acc0pted. 1 KEROSENE metered pump. Lynn Hoy, phone 357-3435. 29rrb HANDMADE SOAPS and myrrh sa- chets. Christmas gifts with a differ- ence. Prompt delivery. Phone 523- 4994. 6,13 CHRISTMAS gift baskets. Gourmet foods, handcrafted gifts and plush bears in fabric and wicker baskets or boxes. Phone 357-1532 Crystal El- liott. 6,13,20 DO YOU have items to advertise in 132 weekly newspapers? Call us now for details on our blanket classified 4 • • BABYSITI'ER iieede. in. Oeigra area, in your *pi hi. Pho 3574067. ANTE ave HAIRSTYLIST-- "A ea -ne FulAtre", -Closes awing -4W , • AQUAFINg., - the, -lea0er Virate treatment Is expankliOgligain, sal rep requir' ed, 'compute trainin salary; coirunission, ear allowan gas altawanee4.-behefit padkag available: Phitue todaylor an Lute view, 364-1894. • 2rr SHORtORDER COOK and Waitress wanted. Redwood Restaurant, Clif- ford, 327-8738. - 25tf WINGHAM & DISTRICT Communi- ty Living Association invites appli- cations for a temporary employ- ment services support worker, Jan. 2, 1989 to May 26, 1989. Submit resume by Dec. 16 to Jack Reavie Vocational Centre, 153 John St. W., Box 997, Wmgham, Ont., NOG 2W0. Attention: Chris Gerster, Employ- ment Services Manager. 6,13 -0444YetaX gMta:Cit .LtrrhelPgre Watello0 SehoolizitHatti Victoria St. N., Kitchener, N2R-5C5 es oephone-745-5641. OSAP loans, avail - g, able. ee, 2913 • r• TOWN & COUNTRY Homemakers b requires mature, reliable, caring COMMUNITY Support for Families, Huron. County, needs male-female workers willing 'to provide individu- al support to children -teem with a developmental handicap on a part- time basis, levenings and weekends. Compensation for time and mileage ovided. Send resume, •ncludiig ferenees tc-Cornmunity-Suppert Families, • General- DeliVery, pr coverage of Ontario pr, gpecific re areas of the proviike. The Wingham for C linton, Ont., NOM 1LO, Advance-Timei, 357-2320. rrb OVEN -REAM turkeys, fresh or frozen. Free, delivery. Phone 392- 6740. J3,20 SEASONED FIREWOOD, $35 a face cord. Delivered into Wingham. Phone 353-5931. 6,13 USED church gestener and cabinet. Phone St. Paul's Church at 357-2634. 6,13 ADDRESS labels: gummed 200 for $5.95; press -on 200 for $6.95; trans- parent ,200 for $6.95. Add 7 per cent pst to all prices. The Wingham Ad- vance-II/nes, Box 390, Wingham, Ont. Phone 357-2320. • 2Orrb GREAT Christmas gift. Standing Electrohome Rhythm Master elec- • tric organ. Has 2 keyboards and many more, accessmies to mention. Eg. has settings for'waltzes, polkas, cha-cha, Western, etc. Walnut in color. Comes equipped with bench, 16 instructional song books and song book holder. Great condition. Asking $700. Phone 395-2243 after 12 noon. 6,13 CHRISTMAS TREES, spruce, $1.25 per ft. Cut your own. Phone 357-3215. 6,13,20 RABBITS. Phone 357-2314. • WINGHAM BOARD -OF POLICE COMIVIISSIONERS lootAi VEHICLE TENDER Tenders are currently being sought for the supply of a cruiser for the Wingham PoliceDepartrnert Vehicle specifica- tions may be obtained at theliTanghatts lown Clerk's Office during normal office hours (8:30 am to 5:00 pm - IVIonday tO • Friday). Sealedlendere will be accepted at theVieffiteliffiett .42147 Josephine Street Wingham &tit 5110 Om WEItitleitittk, ary4, 1989. Neither the lowest tier not necessarily- anyleiiier • setedled.••• „ BYrOn Ad 6,13,20 BE A HAIRSTYLIST :..;':-.Classes.-$1011,003ncitObly. T:';,ft HAIRDRESSING SAREERING UNISEX For free information K1tchener-Watertoo School of Hairdressing .g184.Victoria. St. N. , Kitchener N2H 5C6‘ - 748-5641 JANITORIAL SERVICE is required for our new office in Clinton, ap- proximately 1300 sq. ft. mostly carpeted. Please submit, a writ- ten estimate of monthly fee be- fore December 31/88 to: HURON ADDICMON • ASSESSMENT &REFERRAL CENTRE P.O. Box 1120, Clinton, Ont. NOM 11.0 For further information, please call Lynda Price, Director people to work as homemakers in the Wingham area. For more in - forma tion please phone 357-3222. WORK WANTED WILL BABYSIT in my own home, Mon. -Fri. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Phone 357- 2673. 18rrb MAN with small truck Will .do clean up and pick up of old appliances, wood stoves and TV. Phone Ron 367- 5665 any time. 22-Mar22 MOTHER of 1 would like to'babysit in my home. Phone Joan 357-3549. 29,6,13 WILL BABYSIT in my home or yours, also evenings. Phone 3920135. D11:ELPIllen'ertan3,57,1Hro#''tiljof ytri:tC:.,23;162n7 wingham. p ouseelealting -In 6th1e3 1) 7'11414 • 867-908L 0 • ,$ ‘ iVE t allTeafranilleinl_aagw. 9,Fit 5,1 t" and''"EarlyWorld of ehildrOdand Minimum of $19 Am/ for deinonstration, call Marie McIn- tosh, 7-6412. USED refrigerator and 'automatic washing inaOhine.-PhOne 0-1-428., new, $50; 12" -black and white TV, POOL TABLE, tblding,lqiiV,iiike very good condition, $30; 30" round kitchen table, arborite top, $30; baseboard heater, $10; inlaid tile top card table, $7; 4'x2' blue velvet painting, mountain scene, $15; port- able radio, $10. Phone 357-2258 after 5 p.m. LIVE CUT Christmas trees, live pot- ted trees 3' and 5' and artificial trees, also Christmas decorations, 4' potted white pine and "no problem tree stands." .1-1-titon Landaeapingr= 1/2 mile south of Lucknow. Phone 529- 7247. 13,20 SMALL Maytag automatic clothes dryer, good working condition, $100. Phone 357-1246. LOST• ANTIQUE treadle Singer sewing machine; woodstove. Phone 357- 2161. NOVEMBER 1, one beef type cow from Bluevale area:Ph —Glen -Warm ette3sV3oot, The,Transport Industry Needs YO 1J• FOR PROFESSIONAL DRIVER TRAINING CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-265.3559 • Accredited by the National Accreditation Committee • Job Placernent Assistance Available 16)8 ''134V -ba THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION invites application's for • TOwnshlio cif Morris LAND FILL SITE ATTENDANT Sealed and dearly marketappl- icatiohi'Are now being received for the position of 'Land filtSiteAtteodanr for, the Township of Mama'. Detitis io Intl:1001060f aditilttance cards into the site superviejng .the recycling bin operation at the site. Employment Will boa part time position - each Wednesday and Saturday of every week . Dutra:wile! toiSnric8.16•Oebruary, 1989. Should yottifiutrit further details please call the municipal office 619-887-8137. _ Pleasai r writing' together with your resume to the undersigned by Thursday. Deceht- ber22;• .1 at 4:00p.m. • 7• A1ClararillYk4Mrejealsterer ,•Tovirrtehip Lbf Morrie The Committee consisting of board members and volunteer citizens may make reeornMen- dations to Huron County igstsaid of 'Education in resp t� aiy -matter effecting the establish:, • mint and developrOent- of ape- . lal.,„educationrImbgrarns) and • servicesiiirtrespectoftlexCeptk* -nal pupils of thaboard. Volunteers must be -nominated - by lilaocat Inemorgikid astodiz tion and appointed by the Hum CountsiBeard oftducatieii --THESUPERVIStliAAFINATIVe LEARNING FOR OCU$ED PUPILSCONNIITEE This Committee reviews applica- tions from parents 01 14-15 year old pupils requesting alternative „learning programs. The Commit- • tee devises recommendations • which permit such pupils to be cicuseci from full-time 'atten- dance at school to participate in - alternative programs. Any qualified interested elector is invited*/ apply. AppliOatiOris should be for- warded . , • ,; '• :*" .0,K; tiblviand ' Superintendent of Student ServiceS, • Huron' CountY amd 'EthiCation 103 Albert. -Street ,C1.1100K Ontario • NOM 11.0 - Eachcommittee r Modem a Uweo year membership' ,Tha inneingt areatian ;ha s not UN* MOO Ihrin ▪ 1.4e111,4' 142'..12,.A.tVii.AitATACW451760%Y.ftt)iv.,.. -i•ff..1v441;,k;