HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-12-13, Page 11Whitechurch — The United .:Iburch W met W. /lee 7, at the home of Mrs. Agnes errier. A des,sert luncheon was sijoyed before the meeting The Ja 0.7- opened with a music 3relude on the piano by Mrs. Farrier_ Mrs. Gertie DUrrliD gave a mading„ "The Shepherd Boy" and Mrs. Alice Moore read scripture kern SL Matthew's Gospel. Mrs.. Durnin then read a story, "Christmas Jis i ere" and Mrs. Moore read "The Legend of the Christmas Catae". Rev_ John Neilson ed slides of Germany which were enjoyed by all_ Mrs. 11 0 in thanked him. Mrs. Farrier and Mrs. Durnin played a musical ru 00 Mrs. Farrier con cted the business_ Fifteen answered the roll call with a Bible verse con e g t1 word, "give". Members to send us- to Drug -Al ik0 Con 0.1 • inter eather riving tips ee ing cern. They received a donation and will send it to the Scott Wission in Toronto. Offering and the Least Coin were received_ The ladies ex- changed gifts and. Gifts were received to be given to the Salvation Army. Ciwistmas awr - were sung throughout the meeting and the Mizpah benediction closed the meeting. Rebekahs enjoy Christmas meal t : A Croriss tmas 1 was held in Majestic Re h Lodge room No. 352, W 0 14 0 on Dec. 5. Mrs. Mary Lou Thompson, district deputy pre - at and guest, Mrs Marjorie Hill of Teeswater, were present. An - a nge of gifts followed. Later the regular meeting was held, with Noble Grand Mrs. Ethel Adams IDEAL FMLLOONS,Bright orange ideal Supply balloons were Claus paracie.. Youngsters and adults alike lined the main street ,,w4 -u • ueta „ ,44,."04,0%,,e? 4?, a hit with chffdren at the Wroxeter Santa of the viffage for the event. (Staff Photo) Winter weather gets the blame for manyts. ut the driver who fails to adjust to cold weather prob- is the real culprit hi cases, accor to the OntatioSafe- ty League be caught in the same trap. Here are. some of the canses of win ter wrecks and lime to avoid them. Too fast for co . . ns.. When the road is slippery you car4 stop as quickly or as - y. Lower your speed when the road surface is haz- Stretch your 0 0 wing dis to I 0 0 41e -or evertlervpie the dry 3intervaL Abrupt 0 0•lane changing and sudden acceleration or deceleration can came bad ski& on ice and snow_ or - - al changes them slowly arsigradunt- ly. Use = - - steering more 0 Limited visibffity... A who scrapes onlY a Utile hole in the ice -covered windshield is asking for it. Clear y 0 0 1 0 0 -hield completely of ice and snow and keep it that way. Also scrape outside 0 0 Jr s dear. Be sure aaf dpi v Is in good shape Poor traction has caused many a crack-up. The problem for the most part is lack of tire tread -0) a t wrong tires for ci seasorr. And there are still parts of Ontario whore tire are necessary. ONTARIO LIBRARY SERVICE_ SERVICE DES BIBLIOTHEQUES D L" ONTARIO SALIGEE'N ANNOUNCING THE DOROTHY. SHOEMAKER LITERARY AWARD CONTEST 'POETRY PROSE (to 500G words) Senior (180years and over Senior (18 years and over) rntennediate (1347 years) Intennddise (23-17 years) - _Junior (2r years and under) Junior (12 year and under) UP TO 3 POEMS PER PERSON 1 PROSE EMMY PER PERSON Emmy'. ctiLegffr, president of the .Beigrave Kinsmen Club, pre- sented Bar Chair" man Larry Robinson with a special plaque at the re- cent Beigrave Kinsmen Past President and Ladies fiffghL (Photo courtesy of Beigrave Kinsmen) JUDGES Mary di Michele. - Distinguished Toronto poet. • Ann' Ireland - Awardwhining-novelist Deadline for entries is March 3/, 1989. Awards night May 26,1989,,Waterloo Public Library Contest rules and entry forms available at partidpating public libraries in Reue%,Defferfn,,Grey, Eituron, Perth and Wellington countieand in the Region of Waterloo. The Dorothy Shoemaker Literary Awardrentest is fiattfrd by the °walla Minis' try of Cultivre and Conanumications, andpanicipatii mpublie libra,,‘ in Ontatrio.Libraly Service - Saugeen. MRS. JEAN ROSS 357-3459 iNCia; ,ikzr$4. Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong rr..1 ed home last week after spending 10 days visiting with frie.rids in R Mr. and Mrs, R Falconer of 4 Mr. and 1i Paul Fakoner, Erin and of Bright's Grove. Mrs. Jean h 0 of Whit:, 10 0 ;: land Mrs. Cassie Mowbray of Pinecrest L.0 010 0 visited Sunday 0 Li /44: • °I'?" 1 e."00 TEST DRIVE in beautiful Stratford with Mr. and Mrs. .• Plconer. Mrs. Mowbray was celebrating her With birthday_ Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gibson, White- churek Mr_ and Mrs. Blll Gibson of erich, attended the baptism Sunday a a .1 1 of Drew Marshall George Newman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Newman of Ayton at a United (or nearAyton. 1988 Baratta Coupe &mkt/82210i Automatic transmissiors electric rear window defroster, AllIFK MARA. 614,403 °II PaY $125554 • 1988 CUttass &Trent .1 Stock 4/832601. Automatic ransmissiork 21 litre; AMS cassette. &MP. $14,615 TatrjaY n6,225 1989 Chevy S-1 0 Pickup Stack 25 litto EFI Sspeed trans:, AM heavy duty hammy. , MARA, SIAM You Pay 9684 : :0 Ordy a tow money saving 1989Chavy Wady minutes away For assistance in obtaining non-ernergency information about chemicals, can the C EMICAL REFER a L CE E 1-8 267-6666 between 1 a.m. and $ 040m. (tamer* public servizt operated by tbe Canadian Chemical? stssittrers' Ataidatiort Stock 41003% ?.8Iitre VA, 4 po0 automatici aircon& tonere titandi cram MAP. $191391 faulty 465201 Chevrolet, OldSrpohilk Cadified, Chevrolet Trucks 9200nowfo Sven 271-4886 ,lorridolyttentaS pm ar01164alipali • ,. •