HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-10-30, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES 11111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111,IIIII11UllI11I11111111IIIIII IIIIIII1111111HIif 111111111IIIQ1111II ews From ill !I t I Illill 1 i.1lf� � Ililll I ! uIl1111II! Illll II I Illi IIIIIIII I111 NII I illi l II N l !l I 1 MI I II 1 1 I ;-III 1, 1 , Illllllllillll :�. • I111IIIlIIIlIid1I11111►I11IINiNIIIIIi I M. EGA),' SYSTE t, • i,: r > :o TO PEWRITi� IS TAUGHT EXCLUSIVELY IN THIS DISTRICT BY THE School of Commerce Clinton, Ontario YOU CANNOT ATTEND A BETTER SCHOOL,SO O WHY NOT REGISTER NOW FOR THE FALL TERM? SCHOOL RE -OPENS 'Tuesday, Sept.y2nd, �.9 COURSES Stenographic -- a p Commercial -- Secretarial Special Courses. For particulars apply to A. STONE, COM. SPECIALIST, Vice Principal Phone 198 B, F. WARD, B.A., Principal ELECTRIC Vacuum Cleaners For Sale or Rent NOW THAT THE TIME HAS AR- RIVED FOR FALL HOUSECLEAN- ING, A VACUUM CLEANER WILL GREATLY REDUCE THE LABOR AND TIME REQUIRED FOR THIS JOB. WE HAVE A RELIABLE MAKE OF CLEANER FOR SALE OR RENT. •':3IOW DO YOU SPEND YOUR WINTER EVENINGS? • You cannot be more delightfully entertained at less cost, than by, listening to the bestmusical talent the world produces, and which is within the reach of. all through : the, medium of the RAIQ WE ARE AGENTS FOR SEVERAL RELIABLE ' MANES The Hydro J. Passmore,. - PROIJDF'OOT, K'ILLORAN & HOLMES Barristors,. &c.. Office o nhe t Square, n 2 d door lin Hamilton Goderich. o rich. '$eats funds u ds to loan at lowest Owe9t P etas. Proudfoot, K.C. J. L. Killoran, D. E. Holmes lair. Holies will 'be in Hensall *very Friday from 9 until 6. AUCTIONEER OSCAR.. KLOPP /donor Graduate Carey Jones' Au- tlon School,` 'Special course taken in Registered Live Stock (all Breeiis,). Merchandise, Real • Estate; Farm :'galas, etc. Rates- in keeping with prevailing prices. Satisfaction as- sured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, or wire 18-93, Zurich. DR. A. MOIR, L. MC. C. Physician and Surgeon 'Phone 70 <a ., HENSALL DR. J. W. PECK .. ' Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, Montreal; Member esf College of Physicians and. Surgeons at. Ontario; Licentiate of Medical - Council ; of Canada; Post Graduate Member of Resident Medical staff of General Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15; Office, 3 doors east of Post Office. Rhone 56, Ilensall, Ontario. lie Pine. • 1x6, matched v � i t t dx°e>6' �sed n both " py��S ss�� S t PER L I , THE TWE TO STOCK ',l' ii B IS , ,,OC Irl' ' WITH GOOD' .COAL WHILE YOU CAN GET IT AT A •LOW • PRICE A. j. CIATWORTHY 6- t. i. IiIL+'THODIST CHURCH HOLDS ..-• SUCCESSFUL ANNIVERSARY Anniversary services of the Hen - sal Methodist church was ' held on Sunday last and proved a success- ful event in every respect. Rev. J. C. Moorehouse, of Clinton, was the preacher for the occasion, and very acceptably, took charge of the 'pul-' pit for tlie' day and rendered appro priate addresses both morning and evening. In the morning -\he discus- sed the progress and advancement of our town and stated that -Hensall has made greater progress ,for its age than any other town ,orvillage in the country: In, the evening, when the church was packed to capacity, Rev. Moorehouse •delivered another fine sermon on "Living wholly after Christ.' The: full ;choir of the church rendered. several pleasing anthems and the anniversary offering 'reach- ed a very satisfactory figure:. • CHISELHURST The fowl supper was ares - g tcuc cess, the :'proceeds amounting to $. 201.50. u. e Qit a number tooltain tIze acini-; versary • services at Thames. .Road; and Hensall on Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. Roy McDonald MIss' • ; ,-,Pearl and ' Mr. Cecil Harris visited 'at Orville Cann's at Thames Road on Sunday. A TEN 'THOUSAND :DOLLAR:,,, . I'LE -LIST Sortie- - 1e ad.., eI sof"7 ;the °Pari.`.. . Her- ald He = ald and. Weekly y _ St ax of 1VIontreal bre going to find themselves .richer` by. several thousand dollars' some morn- ing. That paper is offering a prize list of $10,000. for those who make the best estimate ,of the total num- ber of votes to be polled 'at the next general election in.`.Canada. The right to make an estimate costs nothing. Full particulars will 'be' found in that paper. The Faml'y Herald also offers ,each sucsriber for 1925 a most beautiful art calender with a very fine picture subject en- titled. The Sale' of Old Dobbin." Never in the history of that big week Iy have their readers been offered such value. The subscription price` is only $2.00 a year for the big 72 page weekly, the ,best •'-family and farm paper on the Continent Give' Us a. Chance To show irou Samples mples and quote you Prices', on +' tC TICKETS'. 13ILLHFADS ENVELOPES S STATEMENTS LETTERHEADS TTERI iEADS SHIRTING TAGS VISITING CARDS BOOIKLETS and, CIRCULARS' - OR ANYTHING. ELSE ,.IN THE PRINTING LINE A TRIAL SOLICITED The. Hensall Observer CENTRAL. BUSINESS COL- LEGE,STRATFORD, ORID, Oi1h". prepares es young , urea and women for Business which is now Caned's greatest profes- sion. We assist graduates to positions and they have en oratoi'ial training which en- ables then to meet with suc- cess. Students are registered each week, Get our free cat- alogue and ,learn sonethi7ig • about our different depart,. :bents. D c • A. McLaughlin, Prin. entarcarat.ove.a.ratazurzomnriAze .p Ile Order • your 'personal" 'greeting cards for Christmas early. Drop in and look over our 'samples which are both extensive in designs and moderate: in' price. OBSERVER PRINTING OFFICE Rev. and Mrs. A. Sinclair spent Monday' in London. Miss , Beryl , Ashton spent Sunday at her; home in Gorrie. Miss Florence 'Welsh visited with ri f end ` s in London don on Tuesday aY Mrs; F. Marshall, of London„'vis ited in town over the week -end Mr. George Hanley, of London, was a visitor in town on Saturday. Miss McGregor has returned from London where she has been visiting for a time. Dr. Cawthrop, wife and 'family, of Tavistock, spent Sundayvisiting relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hawke, Clinton, were Sunday visitors friends in town. Fou tz carloads lea l ds of winter a were shipped to the west from station this week. • Mr. Robt, Morrison of Woods is visiting his sister, Mrs. J. P 'ill' town this week. Mrs. C. Hogarth and Ma Leonard are visiting with relat in Buffalo, this week. A number from this vicinity tended the fowl supper at Tha Road' on 'Tuesday evening. of with pies our tock reist ster” ives at- Ines Mr. Hugh McDonald, of the News -Record staff at Clinton, spent Sun- day at his home in town. Better -,take off your gate to -mor- row evening, you know what hap- pen to it on Hallowe'en. Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Sharp and family;' of Seaforth; were visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Zuefle. We are sorry to report that Mr. G. N.' Hill, who recently suffered, a stroke', is still confined to his hoiue: Conununion service will be",held in the Methodist church on Sunday morning next at 11 a.m: and at Chiselhui'st at 3 p ni. Miss" Flossi e Foss, ' • whohasbeen visiting 6r some tinewati> relatives in Toronto, is this week" ` vrs>tin'g ath her home here. fi'.. Sugar'beets are being hauled into town in 'large quantities .,just ,now, full cars of them *leaving;,the"station every day or so. Tire evening „service in Carmel church' was withdrawn last .,Sunday;: on_account of st •-. Uel ng Anniversary, S_unda Y• in the Me ku t odl st :..: char's h. Don't iforget the Fowl •Supper in the Methodist church on November 4th. generous supper and good prograinl, are assured all who attend. We are agents in Hensall for Mc- Lean's Magazine and subscribers to the Times can save 25c. by leav- ing your ,order at the Observer of- fice. The result of the plebiscite vote in Hensall on Thursday last_was• decidedly,. in favor of the continu- ante -of the 0. T. A., 330 dry against 89 wet. -, Mr. Dan Beggs, of the Steele Briggs Seed ' Co., of Toronto, is here this week supervising the storing 'of the company'scrop of dutch set onions. Mr. Wesley McGill, who is attend- ing high school at Exeter,had 'the misfortune last. Thursday, to have his shoulder dislocated while playing rugby ,on the school campus. The (Misses Hoover, of 'Guelph, musicians of high standing, will give aF! musical eoneer tl in ,the toy rn hall here on Wednesday eveniri `- of next ". wp'eek ' at 8 L. in. ' All lovers of good g music should, not fail to be present. Don't forget that, the ObserVer- Ptg. Office can give you attractive prices ' on Church envelopes, in one or two colors, and with or without' the box.• See our samples before ordering :.elsewhere. The bankrupt stock in the garage just east of the ' Hydro Shop was sold 'by public auction 'on Si turday afternoon last. A number of garage owners and other interested buyers from. nearby towns, attended.:., A every successful Y old-time d tinx e der zce was put on in the town hall here on Friday. evening last under the aus- pices ,of the Bowling 'Club. , . The dance, the first of the season, was well attended and was a success; both as to enjoyment and also from a financial standpoint. A very interesting meeting of the Young Peoples' League was held on Monday evening. The • topic was very ably delivered by Dr. C. Flet- cher. Several musicalriubers :' in - chiding a solo by in Mrs. Lee Redden Mind a duet by Mrs. Joynt and Mrs. Sinclair, and a reading by ' GlhdY s Luker, added to the interest .of the meeting. A number of young boys of our village wore severely re.prinianded , at a trial in the town hall his Mon- , day evening. They were charged with causing a distur'bafice • on the Main st. on Sunday night. The boys Were warned not to bo + • , I ., c< . n,tn�,1.t to - beating the offense or they would be more- •Severely cleat - with. Sc vi W a fa Mr an Al on gel eve ER fiv eve eve ser 1VIis wil is T ley, dec Sta two ass• ton, ical $50 and mos CREDITON Don't forget the Fowl Supper in the Evangelical Church to -night (Thursday,) Anniversary services will be field, in the Methodist church on Sunday, Nov. '2nd, at 11`' am, and 7 pm.. Rev. Dr. Knowles, of St. Marys, is the preacher for the day. Special music will be rendered by the choir assisted by Mr. F.,G. 1Vle Tavish and Mr. 'and Mrs. C. ZWicker visited in Londe ; .on Sund London a. y Mr. r , and Mrs: • john : Brown, . Zurich, visited with Mr. of Herman Oestrich and Mrs. er on Sunday, Mrs. Louise Fahner and daughter and soli} -in-law, of Detroit, visited relatives 'in town on Monday. Mrs. Harold, J. Moir and daughter Jean, of Redford, Mich., recently visited Mr. and Mrs. George Either. Mr. and Mrs. Frank •k Taylor, of Sunday Exeter, spent Sun with Mr. and Mrs. George Either. Mrs. Schwantz, 'daughter and soli- n-aw "of Cayauga, are visiting rel- atives g tl tro tt Mout. this district. , Miss Lila Hahn, of Loddon spent he week -end at her home here.' Miss Lily I+ ahiser, Miss Loretta aist, Emery;Falzner and Roy Fink - ether motored 'to London on Sun - ay, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. I. ahner. . Rev.' and Mrs. Drier motored to I{itchener on Monday to attend a onvention"'in that city. The body of Mrs. Ed. Wui•n's, of arlsharn, arrived, on Friday even- ig, the funeral taking place from se home of Mrs. 'W. Gasser on onday afternoon to the Evangel al cemetery.- She leaves to mourn er, loss: her husband and daughter, tree?sisters, Mrs, W. B. Gaiser, of reditops, Mrs W. H. Gaiser, of New ork, Mrs._ •Jacob , Pinkbeiner, of •editon, and one brother, Mr. J. hw,artz, of. Crediton. 'Miss Lulu Gaiser, of New York, sited at the "'home"of Mr. and Mrs. B. Gaiser over the week -end to at the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. I. Wurm. Mr. and Mrs.. George Hay and nily spent Sunday at - the home of and Mrs. Charles Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Haist, and. Mr. d Mrs. Nelson Baker and Mrs. vin Baker, :motored to Detroit Thursday, .returning Monday The ,Dorcas Band of the Evan- ical Sunday'sehool held a social ning at time home of 1VTrs. Geo. ber on Thursday, about thirty-• e members 'being present. The ping was iinmensly enjoyed by ryone and a dainty lunch was yea. • s Agnes Collis; of 'Stratford, who 1; sing at both services Everyone cordially invited to be present. he annl'v.ersaz•y services at .Bras - on Sunday,, Oct: ' 26th were 'a' ided success: Rev, E. Jones, of ffa, was thea•' preacher and''gave excellent 'a'ermons. The . chchoir. rsted .by Mi�s .Shaddock, of Baer soloist, rendered special mus - numbers. A 'thank offering of '0 was asked for by the officials the collections for the ,; day al- t reached that amount: H d F c M iI tl M is 11 tl C 1 Cr DASH WOOD Dr. H. H. Cowen, L. D. S: D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At McCormick's Block, Zurich, every Thursday and Saturday. MAIN OFFICE Hartleib's Block — Dashwood, Ont. Mr, and Mrs. Adam Birk are vis- iting in Michigan. • Miss Olivia '4Veltin is visiting in Kitchener.' Mr. Duncan Snider attended the funeral of his brother Dr. George Snider at Cardington, Chid, last week. - Mr. and Mrs. Wellington, Mair, of' Detroit spent the week -end with his parents. Rev. and' 'Mrs. Yager are attend- ing' convention in Kitchener this week Mr. end . Mrs. Alex Held of Buff °a,lo• and •Mr; and Mrs. Geo. -,Sennet' of London attended the funeral of their sister the late Mrs. Wm. Mil- ler, of Zuricii_pn Friday. On Monday evening' Oct. 20th the friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. ' Felix Wilds, who are about to move to our village, met at their, home to bid them a parting farewell and presented them with a 'lovely rocker and an address read by Mrs. William 'Stade, which reads ..as fol- lows:— To Mr. and Mrs. Felix Wilds and daughter Edna Dear Frieizds:— As you are about to move from our midst we your friends and neighbors hors haw g e met here to-nightto bid you farewell and to wish you. happiness in your new home, During the many years : you have lived among us We have learned to love and respect you. You have always shown a disposition in all good things s and g that spirit of helpfulness -has been shown in kindly deeds both in sicknes and in health. We now ask you to accept this little gift not for its intrinsic value but as a token of love and esteem Which we bear towards your and we wish the good- ness oodness and' blessings of the eternal Father • may ever brighten your ways and`that neighborly spirit Which we so much prized May bless those` among whom .you may in future dwell Mr. and Mi s, '-`VViltls made a suit- able reply and expressed theft' sin - core 'thanks. The' evening was spent in a, most Sociable way, Be- fore pasting justice was done to the inner men provided by the good Wien 'and all went ,home having spent a happy evening. Y e: 'owl Supper :!]e, Anniversary Services of the EL� I MVI L L E METHOD ISTi, CHl'JRC Will be Held on SU ND Y NO V• 9 i when sermons will be preached, at 10.;30 a.ns, and 7 p.m, by Rev, G.'4V Rivers of Parkliull. ONTARIO VOTES DRY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30th, xii,„04 Years and four months. Deceased Stas well and favorably known in Hay Township by many of the older inhabitants, abitants, a$ this- township was his birthplace,` on the Bronson Line, the farm now owned, by Jacob Meld - lager. His demise was caused liy a paralytic stroke,' being sick only about a week, He is survived by a son and daughter both of -Elkhart; three brothers JohnColosky at Elk-' kart Ind., Samson Colosky at Dash:. wood and Cyrus Oolosky of Zurich. Mr,, and ' Mrs F,,;;:Spntlicott and family, 'who have been Spending the summer- at Grand Bend :and' Zurich left this Week for -: Venice, California. 'thea home in —ON-- Monday �% Evenin ,7 a.bOWL SUPPER with hot notattores and- grave), will be served from 5,30 to '8o'clock p,m. Your choice, of Goose, duck or chicken... .h en. . Five hundred 'were lied last year, we can feed six' hundred this year of plenty and we need mousy to pay for renovating the basement ,of the church so. please come. A, complete program • of readings:, vocal and instrumental music will be presented by Mr.. W. R Goulding and Company, Rev.. Mr. Chirdley wilt give an address. ADMISSION 60 AND 30 CENTS SUNSHINE E. Mr. and, Mrs. C. Camra and fam- ily, motored: to Michigan where they spent the week -end. Mr. S. Manning of "Ridgetown, Mr. and Mrs. Scott, of Strathroy, spent the .past week with Mr. A. Scott. Mr. John'Francis of London spent a day recently with his sister Mrs. J. Fletcher, A pleasant evening was spent on 'Wednesday of last week at the home of Mr. and, Mrs Pooley, when the people of Sunshine gathered to bid farewell to Mr. and Mrs Skinner and presented them with an. address which reads as follows— Oct. 22nd :,1924 We, the members of Sunshine church amid residents of the sur- rounding neighborhood, wish,' on the occasion of the departure of Mr. J. W. and Mrs. Skinner and Eleanor from our community to express our most. sincere regret at your remov- al froth our midst. We' fully real- ize how much you, ,Mr. Skinner, have contributed to the welfare 'of o,ur community, to the church at Sun- shine .and. to the' cause of religion in general, not only by your occupying a, position ion the Official Board of our Circuit, on the, Sunshine Trustee Board,' by so ably superintending •our^Sunday School, and by a deep interest. in • everything connected with the -church, but also by your business life of sterling 'uprightness honesty and obliging gentlemanli- ness that has:. been tor fifteen, years a practical demonstration ,of the ch you mad. christian profession'whi , •° and taught on Sundays.. We also bear •in mind the, part t 'contributed b you, Mr Y s. Skinner by way of encouragement given to your husband' in all his good works, by your quiet christian deportensent and cheerfulness besides. your help- fulness as an interested and'energet is member of the W. M. S'.'arid your influence upon the young people, when leader of the Mission .Band. We, therefore wish to express in a tangible form, our appreciation Of your efforts in the past and our good will and best wishes for your future, trusting that God's guid- ance may accompany you in your on ward journey and that His richest blessing may rest upon all your la- bors. So we ask you to accept this clock. Clarence Routley Maud Heywood CEN 'I'RALi A Rev, Rivers of Parkhill conduct- ed Thanksgiving services here Sun-. day andpreached two excellent .ser- mons, the entire service -vas a fine SttCe ass" :'A'.•Hallowe'en party,:wil1, .be ,,held at the parsonage Friday evening:' Mr G. Tho.msbn lids moved into his new 'ir'ouse and Mr. Mason has moved to the house vacated, by Mr. Thomson. Mrs. Dickenson and daughter' Mrs Haines of St. Marys and Mr. and Mrs, James Horne of Usborne visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hicks on Tuesday. ZURICH Mrs, Elmore Oesch is spending a few days in Dashwood this week. Mrs. s. tale of at • Sto 1 g Waterloo, loo spent a few days with Mr. and 'Mrs. L. Kalbfleisch. , bliss Ortlsa Mellick left for De- troit where she intends to stay for some time. Mr. Sol. Hardy, of. Exeter, a for- mer Zurich old boy, called on friends here on Friday.. --Zurich Herald Mr. and Mrs. 'C. Salmon are snor- ing from the Babylon line to Miss Jemima t•t Johnston's house Mr. anti Mrs. John Gillman, who visitrc'• friends in Michigan for a, few weeks have returned home. Mr. and Mrs, C. Fritz, and Mr. and Mrs. John' Gesclto left for a vis- it with friends in.M'icbigan Mr, and Mrs. Wm. O'Brient w10 have Spent the last few months in the West have returned home: and enjoyed their trip immensely Mr, Edmund Bedard who is at- tending St. Jerore's College, Kit-. chener, head the misfortune to break his nose, While playing rugby at that place. There passed away at Elkhart, Indiana, on Saturday, October 18, Wendel' Colosky, at the age of 78, (Continued from page one) Poli No. 6 76 15 645 126 Majority for 0. T. A. 519 Township of Tuchersmith O. T. A. G C Poll No. - 103 57 Poll 1 No, 2 138 44 Poll No. 3 Poll No. 4 14 9 1 149 1 Poll No. 5 1373 132 Poll No. 6: 23 23 797 165 Majority for 0. T. A. 632 Majority for 0. T. A. in Sontls Huron 3795. Mr. Robt. Higgins was the returning officer, , and W. J. Carling election Clerk. Goderich Clinton Seaforth Ereter Hensall Bayfield Brussels Stephen Usborne Hay Stanley ... Goderich Tp. Tuckersrnith .. Huilett Tp. Colb'ne McKil'p Tp. ,. Grey Tp. ,SUMMARY AUCTION SALE —OF — ` FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENT AND HOUSEHOLD i 7RNfTITRE roti c errs tosell by Public undersigned e. n C Auction received ON -- b actio n in - 1 st LOT T. , CONCESSION 1, STEPII:E , - N' ` WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER Bila. At 1 o'clock the follo5rug HORSES --1 agri,' horse 5 Yrs, old GA T'1L D 1 cow freshened in Sept., 2 cows just 7 t calved, 1 heifer due at time: ;of sale, I., heifer due hi Nov., 1 •heifer 2 yi•s (la, °i heifer rising 2 yrs. old, 4 steers one yr. old, 3 cal - res. PIGS -8 young ;figs, brood sow 1due on January itch,., HENS -25 Wyaliaotte liens, pullets. IMPLEMENTS —= hi. •II. binder,t Deering mower, Deering fertilizer disc drill, hay rake, , land roller, spring tooth cultivator, disc harrow,,, 50 rod of wire fence, walking plow, 4 section harrows, lumber wagon, quantity of brick,hay rack, sleighs, fanning mill, soft coal, cream 'sop-• rater, 2 water troughs, grind stone mail box, gravel box,, ince}bator, 120 eggs, 3 ' bro'ode'rs, wire stretchers, turnip drill, small cutting box,, set of double harness, 'set scales, lad- ders, churn, .6 tons of 'ray. FURNITURE -4 burner coal - stove, kitchen table, ?'6 chairs, 3 oi- steads, 1 chest of draw , b tier bowl, hanging lam ie batter h,, some carpets, dishes, sealers' and other articles, TERMS OF' SALE'., $10 and under, cash; over that mount • 12 monthscredit will, be iven n on furnishing - approved joint otos or a discount of 5 per cent er annum off for cash. . Rollins F. Coates- F. Taylor roprietor Clerk Apetioneer la O.T. A. GC Maj n ••••.. 1149 886' 713 280 263 433 653 300 353 762 188 574. 330 89 251 132 58 74 379 114 265 885 335 550 802 89 713 520 428 92 557 157 400. 645 126 519 797 165 632 808 153 655 538 65 473 497 255 242 960 128 832 THE RESULT IN HURON IN APRIL 1921 „„ A P In April' 1921:a referendum was submitted to the people asking whether or not they favored the -im- portation of liquor and the Province voted dry by a large majority. Fol- lowing was the result in 'Huron:— Maj. Maj. Yes No Yes No Goderich Clinton Seaforth Exeter H,ensail Bayfield Brussels Stephen Usborne Hay Stanley Goderich h T - ,Tuckersmith sm'tth Hul lett Colborne.' McKilloli' Grey Wingham Bluei'ale Turnberry Blyth Wroxeter Ashfield Howiclt Morris E. Wawanosh W. Wawanosh .... 1069 677 392 631--270 ;361,..,: 801 444 357 ..., 695 136 589 .. 364 80 254 134 62 72 -... 355 95 260 .... 842 343 499 ... 734 92 642 - 47"7 463 41, ..,. '541' 1 6 4 '3 " r7 . .367 78""-289 :... 488 -Th4 8 340 .299 110 189 .,. 752 300 452 351 57 294 ,.. 699 73 626 743 22.5. 518 ,.,. 130 15 115 ... 5552 89 463 „ 241 101 130 ,. 162 25 137 -.- 442 38 404 .... 978 170 80S .... 662 123 539 .. 201 14 187 ... 764 300 464 .... 1 h;1! �r� lam'•!. r �, ��III Will he get to your Customer first? Certainly not—if you use Long Distance, but can you afford the risk of delaying? We now 'handle consider- ably over one million Long Distance calls a month— because they. enable mer- chants, CI1 v ants, bib and little, to get results immediately. Statistical authorities tell us that nowhere are the .ad- vantages of Long Distance more thoroughly ap- preciated than in Ontario and Quebec. Is there anything quick Y � so and dependable? Who arc the ci.astomersou couId selItdy today r f you cocou!d.reae:Ii than? aril them by Long Distance before your Competitor does! Each, new subscriber adds to the value of YOUR Telephone Hr � `",is'a tisbsal ui"u'k,'.+i'yrr„- USBORNE COUNCIL The Municipal Council of the cor- poration of Usborne met on Oct. 4, 1924 pursuant to adjournment at the Township Hall Elimville. All the members were present with Reeve Coates in the chair. The minutes of the meeting of Sept. 6tb were read and approved on motion of Skinner—Ballantyne. Commun- ication of County Engineer Patter- son re Anderson Drain Council ap- proved of the action of the Reeve in authorizing the Engineer to make a complete survey of the aforesaid drain on motion of Stewart—Han- Newton Clark interviewed the Council re grant to Township School Fair. Stewart—Ballantyne that a grant of $25.00" be made. Carried. John .H. Prance and others wait- ed on the Council re agreement of owners on a drain from the 'Win Win- chelsea Creek Drain on ;the 8th con cession northerly. - An' agreement was drawn up construction of same by. P d- ual 'owners. Skinnier—Hanna That the, foie lowing bills zls be a s Pse d and orders issued for the paymentof same viz: John Simpson. gravelling road 7 $1.25;, Win. IMoodie and •others wor k en - T r P roads '475.00; R. Skin- ner T. gravel $ 10`0.0 0 , D. E. ..D ick cutting weeds con s$S 0 "•Johnxunkinbrid e coaent.vork, con 12 $65.95. Council adjourned to :meet Nov. 1st, 19.4 at 1 o'clock: Henry Strang, Clerk NO MORE' " Oh, we ain't a-goin' to booze no more, no more, We ain't a-goin'-to booze no more Won't it be swell when the ballots tell We ain't a-goin`-to booze no more "Oh, _ the woodpecker sits on a hol- low log, The Government sits on the fence. The bootlegger sits on a hornet's nest!— Boys, ain't this immense! "For we ain't a-goin'-to booze more, ` no more, We ain't a-goin'-to booze no more Laugh fit to 'till—and scrap that. stili , For we ain't a -Born' -to booze no more! no. "Let the moon shine over the silver lake, Moon' shine in the sky, But why should the moonshine shine all the time? Boys, it needn't try! "For we ain't a-goin'-to booze no more, no more, We ain't a -gout' -to booze no more When we want a drink, there's the pump, I think, But we ain't a-goin'-to booze no more.i When a thirsty strangercomes to town, —My, what" a dreadful pity! He'll get no drinks his thirst to drown— 'Tisn't that kind of city! "For, We ain't a ' goal to booze.. no more, no more, We ain'ta-goin'-to booze 110 snore The 0. T. A, is here to stay, We ain't a•-goin'-to booze no more. "Oh, the li titter 11 soon be Off. the map, It just needs a little shove Isn't it, droll about. Gov. ;control -- Who tan control the Gov,?. "But We ai't a-goin'-f0 a t t0 iYo(57<e no • snore, no snore, Weain't a-goin'-to booze to more We've got a vote that can rock the boat, And we ain't a-goin'-to 'booze no more," a