HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-10-23, Page 8TH tpinT SIISAZ OCTOBER 23, 1924 PnO. WART'S $19.85 $19.85 $19.85 16 W Ladies' & Misses' Fur Collared Coats Here is an unusual opportunity to save ,money on your new winter coat. These all wool velour coats have selected beaveriue fur collars. They Ore nicely trimmed and are lined with good loving serviceable satinette. All sizes from 16 to 46 in taupe,' grey, brown, fawn and blacks,. You save at least $5.00 at our spec- ial reduced price which is only $19.35, See Our Coats First, we'll •Save You Mmtey 98c. New Woollen Stockings Sand, Bamboo and black in Medium weight pure wool with fancy, ribs running through to the toe insuring proper ap- pearance with low shoes These stockings are first quality and are excellent value at 98c. a pair -sizes 84h to 10. 98c. Charno Suede Gloves These popular gloves have attractive cuffs in contrasting shades of sand and brown and are just what you are looking for. Until you see them you will not believe that so good a glove rould be sold for, 98c. Cofl.g leuni Rugs Special Bargain Prices THESE PRICES HOLD GOOD ONLY'UNTIL NOV. 11 9X6 feet -$7.95 9X7�/z feet -$9.95 9X9 feet -$11.95 9X104$ feet=413.95 9X12 feet $15.95 We also have special low prices on linoleum and floor oilcloths Winter Overcoats For Dad and. His Lad Better overcoats at dower prices in a bigger variety than ever before is what we have to offer for the man or boy who is due to buy a new overcoat this fall;*To any man who is looking for an .unusually warm and serviceable coat that is right up to the minute in style, quality, and appearance we offer the Barrie Cloth Ulster patented overcoat, all we ask is that you come in and look them over as this coat sells itself and is absolutely guaranteed. Auto :Gauntlets We have those black leather auto gauntlet gloves with the large cuffs for both men and boys -get our prices they are very special. 9',',10Z s•::fP u - acr 2t3 St;°ee?... wart We'll Furnish your home Complete and Save You Money Market report -The following iQ the report of the, Exeter Market corrected a'sery Wednesday. Wheat $1.35 Oats 53e, Manitoba Flow $4.90 Pastry Flour $4,75 Family Flour $4.65 Feed Flour $2.25 Bran $1.60 Shorts $1.75 Dairy Butter 54c Creamery Butter 41e Eggs, Extras 44c Eggs, seconds $4c Lard 20e • Hogs $10.00 For many years we have been furnishing homes like yours. Our service to young couples has been perfected to the highest much de- greehow gree of genuine helpfulness. No matter how little.or you may wish to invest, in furnishing your home complete, you are assured every advantage of low prices, courteous service and pains- taking attention in making your selections. All we ask is that you give us an, opportunity of showing you how reasonably you can purchase furniture at 'this store. WE OFFER SPEOTAT, PRICES ON EVERYTHING IN OUR ENTIRE STOCK. • Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Motor Hearse and Horse Equipment Long distance calls given prompt attention. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE OPERA HOUSE BLOCK : PHONE, 74J; Night call 74W • LOCAL ,12y,46049pfs 00.40•400 The Ladies' Aid of the James St. Church : will hold a Bazaar in the Town ' Hall on t Saturday, Nov, 1st, beginning at 3 o'clock. ' There will be home-made cooking, home-made candy, needle work and children's clothing. Tea will be served in the afternoon and supper from,,5 to 7. Everybody welcome. .Beech nuts are 'not -'very; plentiful this season. Mr. J. G. Stanbury was in Belle- ville this week on legal business. CAVED PRESUYTERAN CHURCH Rey, J autos Foote, ' D.II., Minister, 10 a.M.-Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 a.m,•--•Service withdrawn, 7 p.m, -"Tho Forward Look" Boy Scouts meet Friday evening. Miss Jessie Manson, of London, spent the week -end at her home here Mr. Wm. Hatter ,of Exeter North, is confined to his bed, being quite ill. Miss M. Walker, of London spent the week -end at her home in Exe- ter north. Mrs. S. Campbell left last week to visit with her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Lannin, of Hamilton Mr. John Welsh, of Toronto, visit- ed his son Wm. of the London Road north during the week. Miss E..A. Wares, of the Bank of Commerce Staff is visiting wittt frien'ds in London and Toronto. The population ofExeter accord- ing to the assessment roll of 1924 is 1527 an increase of 26, over last ybar. Do not cover your perennials too soon, let them freeze, then cover them and keep them asleep. If covered early the frost does not get into them and they come out ` too early in the spring and get 'into trouble. Mr. John $erslake who has spent the past six weeks visiting his son- in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs: Terrington, of Detroit, and also spending a week with friends in Flushing, Mich., returned ho'ine Fri- day of last week. A fairly well -attended meeting of the Exeter Branch Bible Society was held in 'the Anglican, School Room on Wednesday evening of last week. Rev. R. J. Bowen of London gave an interesting and education- al lecture on "How we obtained our Bible." The Officers elected were President -,Rev. A. A. s Trumper Vice -Pres. Revs. J. Foote, F. E. Cly- sdale and W. E . Donnelly. Secre- tary -Treasurer -G. S. Howard. A canvass will soon be made' for sub- scriptions . urnisk. ifl i When you are thinking of Clothes think of Taman's. The new afall fabrics are very thyand we can. offer you the verir latest styles at m st attractive prices, f See 'the very latest in Borsalino t�t . and Brock Hats New Fail Overcoats • are now in order e aswell m We have �ell i�.ne of nifty New Ties „ T'A MAN P i -i 'N E 8 r try JAMS STREET METHODIST • CHURCH Rev. W. E. Donnelly, R. A., Pastor 10 :15 -=Morning Class, 11 a.m.----"The Axe at the Root of the Tree," 11 a.m.-Centennary Inaugural ser- vice conducted by Rev. J. E. J. Millyard, of London 3x p. m. -Sunday school and Bible Classes. 7 p.m. -Service withdrawn. Sin- cere -and liea,rty greetings to Main St. on the 'occasion of their an- niversary. A hearty welcome to all I never dug such Glad Bulbs as I have this fall and 'will have hun- dreds for sale of some splendid var- ieties at 'prices ranging from six to fifteen cents: Also some very fine nixed at bargain prices. Buy now. J. S. Harvey Pt) ELL'°S: W .BAZAAR... �fIII11111111111QIQNQQQIII 111 Qltl1111111111illlii I11Qflillll Illlill ltilllltllll111 III.IIIIIQ111111111 11111 1 I 1 i �I 1 i � SMART STYLES IN :isses ,and Ladies, Coat � 000101 Mom• itP▪ omo PLAIN PRICE STORE It is becoming better known every day that this Store, talks Bargains and hands them out. Almost Daily we hear someone lament about hav- ing paid too much elsewhere for an article that we sell at a low pricce. Our slogan is "Make the Tarn," if we do not turn• our goods often, 'we might as well quit. W e have an option on 10 sets of a pretty Rose pattern 97 piece Dinnerware, which we are going to pass on to you at $27 a set.. Think of it 97 piececs for $27, in these times. You will also''find in this store, Beauty pins, hair pins.' needles, tapelines, cro- chet hooks, safety pins, bachelor buttons, rings, brooches, ;cuff and collar buttons, pens, pencils, mnscilage, combs,. curling tongs, rubberheels, candles most every size and color, , and many other articles at prices to self.. If you do not see what you want when you come in ask for it we might have it, or we' might be able to tell you where to get it. • FRIDAY -=SATURDAY SPECIALS -100 pieces fancy decorated China go E . °on sale at 15e; to 65c. 50 .pounds fancy candy .assortment, .special 35e. ' 1 to 10 Fresh roasted Peanuts for Saturday will surprise you, be sure and get a 10c bag on Saturday. Come in Often, look around and we are sure you can,save money. • STRAYED `Strayed from -the premises of Mr. M. Elford, Lot 3,, Con. -5,. Usborne, a red dehorned steer rising' three years old. Anyone ; seeing please notify Will Johns,' Exeter R. -R. No:' 3. .Phone' 44-18 '• Kirkton. STRAYED -From --lot 20, Con. 19, Stephen, 4 calves„ 1 black. and three red. •-1-Any infoi'thation .gladly re- ceived by A. Devine,' Grand Bend. IM▪ MO MOM MOMS M▪ OM sonem STRAYED -Onto ...the , premises of Mr. Geo. Godbolt, Exeter, about ten; days ago, a two-year-old heifer. Owner may have same by proving property, and paying -expenses. ✓ omit 1.▪ 00 YOU WILL APPRECIATE' THE VALUES; AS WELL AS THE STY-" LES WE OFFER THIS SEASON. EVERY WEEK WE ADD. NEW NUMBERS"TO OUR RACKS. DROP IN AND SHE WHAT WE ARE SHOWING. Exceptional Values inWool & Silk' Crepe Dresses THIS SEASON WE HAVE A BIGGER RANGE THAN EVER TO SELECT FROM. FLANNELS AT $7.50, UP TO $15.00, SERGE AND POIRET TWILLS. $14:50 TO $21.00 SILK CREPES $16.50 TO $27.50. New Oxfords and Strap Slippers SEVERAL NEW LINES, HAVE BEEN ADDED THIS PAST WEEK, THEY ARE NOT ONLY SMART ,STYLES, • BUT VERY COMFORTABLE FITTERS. PRICED AT $3.75 TO $5.Q0 Fancy Check Flannels. THE VERY NEWEST 'THING FOR DRESSES COMES IN TWO ' QUALITIES. THESE WILL MAKE LOVELY WARM DRESS- ES FOR THE COOLER WEA- THER, AT PER YD $2.25 AND $2.75. Felt and Velour Hats for Men ' MEN, WE HAVE YOUR NEW HAT FOR YOU. WE ARE SHOW ING THE NEW SHAPES AND COLORS MANY OF WHICH HAVE THE NEW STRIPE BANDS.. PRICED FROM $3.50 AND $5.00. Men's and.: Boys' Overcoats SIT IS ABOUT TIME, TO DECIDE ON `YOUR NEW COAT FOR THE COLD WEATHER. IT WILL BE A PLEASURE TO SHOW YOU OUR EXCELLENT RANGE OF OVERCOATS. SEE OUR SPECIAL AT a $22.50 outhcott Bros. a NORMS ! Ill; Ii 11111111111111111111111111111111i111111111111111l11111I11111f1111111111111111l111HII11111I11811 Iff ftl �71111111111iliillllllill!! 1! �i11111! I II Ir Winter Apples Wanted Good prices paid for hand picked selected fruit. Will be shipping at Brucefield,• Hensall,• Dublin, and Clandeboye during months of Octo- ber and November. Empty baskets holding 50 pounds will be supplied the growers wanting t hem at the following places: BrueefieId, Crom- arty, Hensall and Clandeboye. For particulars and prices phone headquarters. _ R. S. LANG Walker House, Brucefield vssiemmenit L. - AND n.'. And Insurance YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED E. J. CHRISTIE OFFICE: North of Elliott and Johns J2111111121IIIl1111 1 1 I I I II I I llllllillllll 11111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY' ctober 24 and 25 Havizg.. made special arrangements with the Nyal Company we are .:able .to offer exceptional values in Nyal and other products. Come in early while stock is complete. . HOUSEHOLD RUB- BER GLOVES Reg. 75c. 2 for 75.e. Acid Acetysalicyl Formerly' Known as ASPIRIN 1 dos. 25c. spec. 2 for 250. 50 tablets 40c. spec. 2' for 40c. 100 tablets `$1._ spec, 2 for $1.00 IODINE 1 • oz. bottles reg. 25c. 2 for 25c. RUSSIAN OIL A good heavy mit eral oil, reg. '1 pound, bottles $1. 2 for $1..' c)vvey E1TER-READY RAZORS With every pack- age of blades at 45c.' You get razor free. SNAP ALBUM' S The best value you have seen for $1.50. each: FOR 310ItE COMPLETE Iii:`li'JE' S.il P.rEIJILS 'TP ,nt1 f7 , ?(" P111 i1 111 11 ii'i iFifl t riiif )prs�; 11'1 fgr, ,, ..11.,,II.�ID� .�U�i.�ii�fi li I'f,,,lr{ ,.iii wt:., ,.Ci.:, , '�i[lliT1 e7 AUTO STROP GOLD PLATED RAZOR 98c. with }shaving stick, free. VINOLA BOltACIC R,V COLD CREAM SOAP' reg. 20c. -„2 for 50c. xe 1 1111 WI 11111111 1111111111111 1111 101111011 010111 1 T1 10011 1111 00100 11111111 1 1 1 11111 E g 10yy ii Ford Touring Car For Sale -In good condition, yery cheap. Apply to W. J. Beer. HOUSE FOR SALE Two lots cornering' on Wellington & William Sts.; .7 -room brick dwel- ling wellingwith kitchen and woodshed; good cellar, hard and soft water, b electric lights, stable, garage and hen 'house. Easy terms and a bar- gain for quick sale. For terms ap- ply on premises or to Thos. Camer- on, Auct., Box 154, Exeter. Also a Jersey cow for- sale ,,Iue in Sept. FUR. N ITUR E A real opportunity to save money RIGHT NOW. Just when 'you are planning your fall buying. Come in early and make your selection from our large stock of QUALITY FURN-' ITURE. STYLES AND PRICES ARE SURE TO PLEASE„ • R. N•.ItOWE PHONE 20W PHONE 203' W. R. ,Goulding A.°_T:. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster. James St. Methodist Church. Teacher of Piano; Vocal and The- ory, Instructor of Music in the Public Schools: •TERMS MODERATE Box 57, Exeter. ANDY EASTON Licensed Auctioneer for the Cotte cy of Huron. Correspondenee'arrangei Tents for sales can be madeby by aallf ing up the Central Hotel, Exeter, Charges moderate, satisfaction,( guaranteed. 1. R. CARLING B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, &c., Loans, Investments, Insurance, Office, Carling Block, Main St. Excite G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.S DENTAL SURGE,N Graduate -of the. Royal College it Dental Surgeons of Ontario and UaL• versit Toronto. o f T ronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mill - tarp District Number: One, London* Ont., Main Office, . Main St. Exeter. Outs "" Phone 34, Exeter; Hours 9.00 a.m. to 5.30, p.m. Office hours at ZURICH ONT., Treses. only, at. 10.00 o'clock a.m. to '5.0i, o'clock p.m. Phone 73. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon Office -McDonnell's bales en,,ables `ma john St. Phone calls receive prop attention. Phone 26w Local Cartag e I :A14f NOW IN A' POSITION TO GIVE OUR LOCAL TRADE AN Ale, Mr. A. Rollins will hold an one - tion sale on Nov. 5th of farm stock �� y_ �� and implementS and some house-. • g sSh hold effects. Further particulars next week. TRY US CLEANING PRESSING and REPAIRING SUITS MADE -TO -MEASURE , TO:.FIT YOU AND YOUR. POCKET .WORK CALLED 'FOR AND DE LIVERED. ELLIOTT AND , JOHNS Dr. H. G. 1etcher,L. M.C.C. Licentate of the Collegge of.'Phy- sicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office inresidenceof Mr. A. Cann, Main St. Phone 156 Exeter, Ont. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Jersey bull, calf. Happy Thought TI ou^ht Raig e Small upright boater Bed Spring, cheap Drive• shed, suitable for a garage, cheap .BaSebiirner, cheap ,Number of Bred -to -lay Roth: Pullets`. Lady's Bicycle, nearly new. Talking Machine, cheap Information i o .above at POWiiiLlf ; DAZAAR 5: Phone op Phone 58W 'Cochrane Machine:' Works Ford motors regrdund, "fitted with Pistons, Complete $16.00 Every. make of Car Motoi.and Engines.re- ground with Pistons Complete to fit, also Tractors FARM S'FOR SALE --A few chole., terms in the Townships of unborn®,, ruckersmith and Hibbert. Good buildings'and well located as to mar. ,.ets. Priced right.: Apply to Thos.: Gammon, ter. ict,. Box 154. Exeter. GREV G'S F Clothing Hopi. Wo. are pleased to' announce ,that. we are able to retirY� to our work and ;are again able to give you prompt an'd satisfactory Service. ,Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing, Re- pairing, I7eniodelling. Turning' of ail kinds of clothing. LADIES' WORK A SPECIALTY We also make Ladles' and trent'. Suit, to Order. A.'triol is solioited, W:FL. GREGG TAILOR e.