The Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-10-25, Page 21.9 1 "1- re ks, • ,x,„4' ' "•7.• - "Education" was Lavonne Ballagh's addrisa at lint Wednesday evening) volunteer - appreciation night for the Huron County chapter of the: Heart and S lroke Figindation of Ontarie. The dinner and awards night was held Oct. 19 at Huronview, Clinton. Miss Ballagh of Wingham was in- troduced by Gord Baxter, foun- dation vice-president and also of *Ingham. In her talk, Miss •Ballagh discussed ediication as it applies to heart and stroke. While most people are aware of the work of the heart and Stroke Foundation and its many worthwhile projects, she said, the most painful part is "out there" with those who actually have suffered a heart attack or a stroke. The television advertisement says "A heart attack is an attack of the heart. A stroke is an attack of the brain," Miss Ballagh told her audience. But what it does not say is how well people cope, if and when they are struck by illness, depends on how well educated they are. "The best education is to be with someone (who has suffered a heart attack or a stroke) and spend time with that someone," Miss_ Ballagh urged the assembled crowd: - "He -.,Ip them, support them, love them:and be grateful for your own good;health." She' -shared with the audience her own experiences with her mother, who as suffered several strokes. v,_,, J •.,.;% illft a 'a la a 3 i g Dernois 'reparing- me by 'present' rant and up- stand* Slate'the4 0 ose ,/t.L., to promoteth mtbeca/1"7 rope as arl: . - , 'an iflness heart and respirat is, its victims always appreciate the team has put oiti iC human touch. all of which Mr has "This is your ongoing education," Later in ...: - - n awar yourself now. Don't sft back and si), avoid it (heart attack and stroke), Prmmting the demonstrationteaMr it can't happen to me. Learn how to Pubhe. 3°11°01 * she said. "It is not easy, butprepare taat,rw tue-Avemnik too the, , was presented t?: the .. and in others," she concluded. Invaidera, wa41 learn how to deal wfth it, inyourself ex:107 activities, , including Miss Ballagh was thanked by Stanr . past president Connelly, past president of the presentation of reports. TM ' . Fountlatio4 of Ontario1' chapter, chapter of . the.11MA and Stroke dinner Meeting. We _,_4,, ,, AWARDS PRESENTED F0411(14400 raised. $163,538 ifl 1988, Light-fteite . Cookboc Dave Shaw, a teacher at the an overall increase of $34468 'oirer- Wingham Public School and coach of, 1987 revenues. That aMoUnt includes its Huron Hearts Jump Rope $77,551 raised in the 1988 campaign. • rilak4iLinc more lok derstantling. Miss Banagh4s to "adopr-a-strOke pati no matter how debUltai • • '44 *4, e. • ou d,4 Wingham 'Mari is q, as CHP standar A Wingham to represent the Christian Heritage, Party in Huron-Bucetin next month's federal election. Tom Clark of John Street in Wingham will carry the:CHP liner in the Nov. 21 election, receivingithe nomination at a meeting held last Thursday evening in -Loudest- borough. The Christian Heritage Party em - (ANGLI AN) WINGHAM-' John $treet at CentreStreet THE ANGLICAN PARISH OF WINGHAM AND BELGRAVE AH services from the "Book of Common Prayer SUNDAY, OCTOBER 300988 11:00 a.m. - Holy Communion Nursery & Sunday School Sunday, Nov. 6 - Remembrance Day Service and Church Parade of Royal Canadian Legion, Ladies Auxiliary and Air Cadets. Minister : Rev. D. Madge ** a *** aa Trinity, Belgrave - 9:30 a.m. Service . • •. 7 rat• as- Pirelen • (Coatinued from Pagel) and tourism. "I see nothin greatest, natural' water resournea. g Using the st Lawrence Seaway as detrimental to Huron' in thos $ #ren't*the only,ones whowintto-see fljj-.eree!111e1914:'11799teacli 1 Me‘It a alphas, says Mr. Clark,' The party is a clear opportunity." conservative in its views, and he Tourism, 110.:.-.34144 is! a major claims it already has drawn support Canadian industry which brings 420 from a wide cross section of the billioaannuallYinte theconntry and votingpublie. employs '600,000 people. A now For . -examp ,4 HP member'sfederal-provincial promotional believe all abo Murder, says aign„ will seen, be, trying to Clark ;The Oart,), -boosttwismevenrnore universal day awe, hat,agrees, in 00100 tiine we neverthought e an exaraPik".. he Said"Canadians principle with, ,tree-tiade deal OfWinghain aSa tourisrPare Another CHP - a ali* pLaiikL'OL Caidiff said. htit -11-0* The party willkick off the 1988 to 'the business as - election .11e4tt week when 4004n attempts„,**rate headquarters- are opened'-interest°Preie0Vtail,fam sLucknow. Mr. Clark also promises • the 'Maitland t :Zetland to "heat up” the so-fardull cam- Bridge • an„dm:e a !.24., e sign at a pUbl:otw: it protected; miltieAMericans in the northern 4:es, want toime;21t proteetedaSAVell.:'' • FOrthaiier-wbOlear theienievajtet tariffs there is also comfort, he said. some areas Vibere,..:Aakiffs,:Are remelted, there will be a limit Set ea the amounts whielr can he invorted..7.: 1.1 • 7 c Noting the number Of worn4tho are.ftlfElt:::‘...A.1114ruolop, nese' Association, . Mr. , pointed out-lhat sternst the country, the geiateatirmktii MAO buSiness . is 'being' generated by 'WOMeiL: -In additiokapimintbiately, 27 per cent of small business is :oWlied„ by woMen; headded. ; ,a-rrg %0•7:: r titirsday eveuittOt 'Clark ehmdthjsLake Wingham Coalition Party candidate in Grey Concept, -told 'Ur. Cardiff and the riding during last year's provincial association Members that up Until election. The party gathered 2,000 now the project has been in a stage votes in the election. of merely providing information. "Now is the Hine for action." .'oorrection The' association will now make formal nronos.als to the various The Advance -Times Said that East municipalities, Maitland Valley Gold During the CENTURY 21nalYsis Week" Wawanosh Township received Conservation Authority, federal and $1,290,000 in government- grants to provincial governments —• asking "Gold Market A 'build the Tenth Line Bridge. - for the authority to do researchof October 24th to 30th, .thou - However, Road Superintendent "And we'll ask for government sands of CENTURY 21 brokers Ralph Campbell says the grants funding for feasibility research', and salespeople across Canada actually total $1;929,576 on the On the issue of selling our natural will provide a detailed compar- 1,42 bridge with the township resources, Mr. Cardiff said there is ative Market Analysis of nneighbours' homes 11SP)45419f thelakl 119010#49 the free trade agreement friends -ad es — surrounding A report in last -week's edition of regulatory bodi entury Century 21 Gold - "Market Analysis" Certificate May Be Worth Its Weight In 104.vtgtitgL,WiIl',change things with the the NA/Ingham area and the- a'ae-4‘ •' !ate!, one of our rl pce.nithear"khezace is. worth worth in to- day's''It could he worth its weight :in. gold and the evaluation is free for the asking. "There is no obligation to. list the home, but an OpoOntity for people to. catch . up on their personal worth t� assist them with future financial planning,* says DOH Lawby, Regional Director for dentuty.21 Real Estate Canada Ltd. '"If the individual decides to sell, that's roe, but h's' a sap vice provided by the CEN- - TtAtY 21 professional sales - help the Oehler make: informed decisions about the future." • the “Gold Market Analysis.. Week is tut opportunity to „ fiir- ther dentOfistrate to --the pubjic the 'professional service *V able by the cp.Nerutt ittOrea saitataik! Y21vte Puritan 24 oz. Beef, Irish Stews --Lasagna . Campbell's 10 oz 2 for Tonga° Soup • • • Habitatit pen 750m1 • Babypill Pickles ?Heinz 14 oz Beans In ToAnatp Sauce • •Schwepples 26 Ginger Ale - Tonle Soda brik. , 4:1 TERROR BEYOND YOUR W DEST DREAM A, • ' • ,tgAt; ' " • <;• • ‘A I1 13 WS:: • LiA kt:A. 144.: ..:Lisa,4 40,4, ;A!