HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-10-11, Page 1440Zi4i40.WIR,;*.in47,k,;.i4fj, SPECIALNOTICERA' Birthday or Anniversary Pictures:, _ $/1-0000 or $20.00 dependingAri Size Engagement NOices (witti picture) . — . — $ti.;00 Graduation Pictures " .0 Anniversary Pictures5 years and 'otter — ... No chats; Wedding Write Ups • f. * * . °•.' CNIT00. If copy is received within 4 weeks after the ceremony Charge for accompanying pictUreIS. O. ....'. If received Withid7 weeks picture and write-up . . $1.0.00 If received within. 9 weeks picture and virile -up — -$20:00 Birth Announcements to our regular forrnat • • . . ,0 • • • • • No C-ttargo ANINT.eleelemermenessommemereefeeelleeelpelee, . - FOR SALE .;,, ofibie„, Place, udcha south0ttitlekiew.PhOlie 'WANTED Alefttr trailers* RVs to seilf0Illemittigument, We will ,pick 1",arlE011- 01.111aiXersaletlOt tarn Over. Royal ralle134;RY. Centre in Teviotdale, 404011 23 and Hwy. 9. Phone 1- 519444123. 3tf MAGNETIC -tkigns many nines Livonia)* $29:, FOrlurther• information phone -The Wingham Advanceirtmes 3574320 ° rrb NEW 140PEL Micrefiirnace- for 1989. Computerized thermostat, PTC harmonica elements. MI -Tech Leis- twe. Phone 519494-3866. Factory:dis- tributor. Visa and mail order. Wing ham dealer needed. - 11,25,7 JIARDWOOD slabs, face cord lots. 2 PAIR, .large drapes, sheers and Delivered -in 20 and. 10 cord lots, track.- ALso a free TV tower. Phone Pick-up loads picked up, $25, Phone 335-6354. 4,11 5283047. 31tf LAST. WEEK for bu kwh t hite BUGGY for sale, on rubber. Good. cmidition. Phone 335-3822. ADDRESS labels: gummed 200 for $5.95; press -on 200 for $6.95; trans- parent 200 for $6.95. Add 7 per cent pst to all prices. The Wingham Ad- vance -Times, Box 390, Wingham, Ont. Phone 357-2320. 20rrb 1 SINGLE GRAVE, $100. Phone 482- 5495. 4,11,18,25 15, CU. FT, Frigidaire freezer, $100. Phone 887-6257. Di) YOU have a favorite recipe, a story or a poem? Let us make photo- copies of it for your to pass along to your friends. We can do any quanti- ty. Drop in at The Wingham Ad- vance -Times office. Phone 357-2320. rrb • 1 -YEAR-OLD laying hens, 4-5 lbs, Asking $1.50 or best offer. Phone 357-, 1328. 11,18 MATCHING coffee and. drum end tables, walnut Excellent con dition. Phone 357-101t. TOWN OF WiNGHAM Tender fOr Construction of Services Cedar Avenue Industrial Development SEALED TENDERS, in the envelOpes provided, will bp received at the Town of Wingham •Municipal Office until 5:00 p.m. local time on, Friday, October 28, 1988 for the construction of ser- vices for the Cedar Avenue Industrial Development in the Town of Wingham. Each tender must be ac- companied by a tender de- posit in an amount equal to $25,000. A certified cheque payable to the Treasurer, Town of Wingham will be the only form of tender de- posit accepted. Tender Documents may be obtained at the office of the undersigned, on or after Oc- tober 14, 1988, for a non- refundable fee of $20.00 payable to4he undersigned. Tenders are sulNect to a_for- mal contract being Prepared and executed. Ciaintraot - award is subject to MirliStey of Transportation appmval. The lowest or any tender via not necessarily be accepted c ea , w -cream, liquid and comb honey. J R. Fear, RR 2, Wingham. Phone 357- 3656. SERVICEABLE age purebred and crossbred boars from high quality bloodlines. Also bred gilts, vaccin- • ated and due date. Peter Petrovic. Phone 656-2619. 20tf WEDDING,invitations. Drop in and view our latest book of sample in- vitations. The Wingham Advance - Times, 192 Josephine St., Wingham, Ont. Phone357-2320. • rrb- FRESH Ontario lamb, dressed, cut to your specifications: Phone Brian Jeffray 357-1796. • 27,4,11,18 DO YOU have items to advertise in 132 weekly newspapers?,cali us now for details on our blanket classified coverage of Ontario or specific areas of the province. The Wingham Advance -Times, 357-2320. rrb ENGRAVED signs: door plates, mailbox plates, house numbers, name badges, desk signs. Easy to read, washable, stainproof. The Wingham Advance -Times, 357-2320. rrb Huron County Board of Education SNOW REMOVAL CONTRACT TENDERS • Plainly marked sealed ten- ders will be received prior to noon on October 21, 1988 for snow removal at the fol- lowing schools: Myth Public School •East VVawanosh Public • School Grey Central Public School Vanastra Public School All tenders must be sub- mitted on the official tender form which Is available at the Huron County BOard of Education, 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario -and at ihe abOve -mentioned schools, • The lowestor any tender • not necessarily accepted. • Huron dour* Board, of Eilbooflort 103 Albert Street •'Clinton, *Mark) NOM1LO RA. Mari J.Jewitt'L'S Diltector • - a 5 FIBERGLASS and aluminum truck caps to fit most makes. For the best • price and selection see Royal Trailer & RV Centre in Teviotdale. Phone 1- 519-343-2123.. •3tf USED lawn and garden equipment. John Deere 212 with 38" mower; 314 with 41" mower; 200 with 37" mow- er; 214 with 47" mower; 212 with 37" mower; 111 with 38" mower; 57 rid- ing mower; 66 riding mower; 56 rid- • ing mower, Phone for. details, 523- 4244 ask for Kevin. 4,11,18 CARS AND TRUCKS FOR SALE 1979 PONTIAC ACADIAN, 4 cyl., 4 door, ,automatic, 40,000 miles. As is. Phone 528-2108. • 4,11 A GREAT winter car. 1978 Pontiac Sunbird wagon, 6 cyl., auto., ps, roof racks. Best offer. Phone 47-9747 after 6 p.m. 1982 FORD ESCORT L, 4 speed, good condition. As is or will safety. Phone 335-6464 after 6:30 p.m. week days, - - BLYTH id* , FE -ST 1 VAL- . • INVITATi N TO TENDER 'BY THE BLYTH FESTIVAL Project description: Renovations to rehearsal hall and new workshop addition. Mit involves,rm!,(:))01#9..0 to rehear- sal hall including Interior alteratiOns • exterior insulation and Metal 4500 sq. ft, addition to be wood structuio with metal siding and partial basement. Offers under seal*ill,beteceiVed at the office of Christopher Borgaldkr- 1,1094g atrOktik• 139X 276166 na St -,qoilcrieh-, Ont., N7A 414411tVt'At• or before .pm on the 8th day of November • 1988 4 • • ender documents for.* igirkited contractpdco may Obtained from the *Ade, 'Of the 'architect UPOrf eepi tof a refundable cheque deposit ot $100.00 per Ott oroto:conionttri,tbili:kbfit EXTs • QUILTING READY for Hallowe'en?: GARAGE TO 4i7T:Pilene'35i4793., "•. For adultie and ehildren's costume- after 27,0• rentals and balloons -for decoration or unique ;treat -contact The Jack Reavie V,ocitiOnal Centre 3574382 or drop' in at I58,JohirSt.; across from the Wingham swimming pool, Mon. to Fri., 8 a.m.-3:30p.m. 4,11, Huron Landscaping Limited Residential and Commercial Landscape Contractor R.R. 2 Lucknow, Ontario bus. (519) 5294247 1/2 mile south of Luchow on Huroh County Road #1 • 20 to 50% off selected • varieties trees & shrubs Including 50% off Privet and Honeysuckle hedging, • Skyijoe Locust, Junipers, Russian Olive, Common Purple Lilac, Shiner Blue Spruce, Rose of Sharon, Variegated Weigela • 25% off ornamental • standards; Oaks, Silver Maples, tindens and Magnolia • ERICA FINANCIAL CORPORATION EARN $2300000+- PER -YEAR individually or $807,500 with 10 associates •(est.) with North America's most exciting bus- iness opportunity. We have attracted CA's, lawyers, MBA's, management executives, salespeople and others who own franchises. ▪ Brand new Product • CLIENT benefits substantielly_ -atriniklfa-diAt ° • Product sells itself when • shown • No competition • Unlimited market • YOU allocate your own time • Expert training • •No inventory • Minimal overhead •• Not a franchise or MIM Limited number of Marketing Rights TOTAL INVESTMENT $20,000 For ariinformation package call (416) 368-0464 or •(416) 941..9922 Huron County Healthst).011 the . • •,!.• , • .aqi-f• --r-11 1 1 r • • • • AI !'-7 01*. r• `:1/2eL: 'VeterinaryCilnics • of Huron Cotirt)ty 11 -RABIES CLINICS FOR HURON COUNTY • SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1988 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2,1988 • 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. At the Veterinary Clinics Listed below For dogs and cats over 3 months of age. Please have them on a leash or in boxes or bags when in the clinic. COST: 47.00 per animal vaccinated Ceritificate provided, and tag for dogs. THE FOLLOWING HURON COUNTY • CLINICS ARE PARTICIPATING •„filyth Veterinary Services • .Queen Street South (Nevi Location) • *Exeter Animal Hospital • London Road South (Hwy. 4), Exeter Seaforth Veterinary Clinic • tolaittStr t North, Seaforth lb South:Huron Veterinary Clinic • 4,40 • • itintiitiONitortiyeteintary ,.,•':.4eiffOes • . • Goderich Veterinary Clinic • R.R. 2 Goderich • Leedham Veterinary Clinic • 11 Alfred Street East • • Wingham Veterinary Clinic • Rintoul Pool Complex, Wingham NOTE: Brussels Veterinary Clinic • Wed. Nov. 2 and the afternoon of - Friday Nov -4i -i -5 -pm. - 0...0. ' s. '.• - .. - .:,. ' , ' ... , • • ,' . ..• . „,,,: ,3 I`.; ' .. . ' .e ,r,.,,,, ,... • ,. ee, ,. . . 44 ,..' ' ";.' '1. ',-,,'i' ' If • • ,..• • ,., • 't.