HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-10-11, Page 12to:O fish**A.t f iris
Notice of Registration Forms are available at the cletk s„
office for any personwho intends( to be a candidate for the`
1988 Municipal Election.
Under Section 122 of the Municipal Election Act, every can--
didate must file a Notice of Registration priorto accepting any,
campaign contribpti t it incurrin campaign ar n .ex enses,. 5.
Last day for Flling a NotI90 pf Registr-atlon and.
Nomin on Forr51 is tha 1' th` day of October, 19
Nancy ichit -,
Pam - The Winglnint
is coming to Th
Explore the world of reptiles and
amphibians this fall when the
"Snakes Alive" program comes to
the local library. The program co-
ordinator is Jim Lovisek of the
Toronto Nature Centre.
Throughout the ages, reptiles and
amphibians have inspired awe,
curiousity and even worship. To this
day, many people fear these animals
though numerous species are
beautiful, completely harmless and
The "Snakes Alive" program
features lane snakes from Ontario
and around the world and introduces
basic facts about snakes, including
their feeding habits and special
adaptations. It also should dispel'
some cornr1non myths and
misconceptions surrounding these
Exciting, educationl and often
humorous, each program stertswith
an audio-visual show and then offers
audience members an opportunity to
touch an array of live snakes. Direct
contact with these animals
generates enthusiasm `among
children and encourages youngsters
to learn more about there.
Sponsored by the Huron. County
Public Library, with the assistance
of the Outreach program of the
Rural ministry helps
farmers in trouble
The Queens Bush Rural Ministry
began operations in December of
1987 and since that time has logged
just over 1,000 calls. The service is
free, funded largely by the, United
Church, with donations from other
denominations being sought. A 10 -
person board of directors oversees
the general running of this service,
while two hired co-ordinators,
Brenda Mason and Brian Ireland,
deal with the incoming calls. Collect
calls are accepted at 392-6090.
The majority of the calls come
from within Grey, Bruce, Huron or
Wellington Counties. Calls from
-outsider this radius are received -on a
less common basis but are en
couraged and accepted, regardless
of the vicinity. The co-ordinators can
connect the callers with the services
they require within their own areas.
Fully 80 per cent of the calls are of
a financial nature when initially
received. Once the problems unfold,
underlying problems such as
marriage difficulties, family
problems, emotional instability and
pastoral requirements become
obvious. In addition, the callers
often need expert help in dealing
with the Federal Debt Review
Board, Farm Credit or financial
institutions. Personal counselling
and referrals to both professional
and volunteer services and people,
are organized for these callers to use
in their difficulty until they find
something or someone they are
comfortable with.
Anyone needing a compassionate.
ear or help of any kind, or anyone'
kdowing someone who needs help, is,
asked to keep this number in mind:
Queens Bush Rural Ministry, 519-
Almost $1.3 billion in lottery
money was returned to Canadians as
prizes in 1985. Most of these win-
nings were in the $2, $5, and $10 cate-
Clerk's Notice of First Posting of the Preliminary List for
1988 of the Township of Morris in the County of Huron.
Notice is hereby given that I have complied .with Section 24
of the Municipal Elections Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 308 as
amended, and that I will be posting in the Municipal Office on
September 6, 1988, the list of all persons entitled to be elec-
tors for the Municipal Election, and that such list remains there
for inspection.
And I hereby call upon all electors to examine the list for the
purpose of making inclusions, additions, corrections or dele-
tions from the list.
Applications for inclusions, additions or corrections to or
deletions from the list may be made by an elector completing
and filing a form obtained at the office of the clerk after 9:00
a.m. on the 6th day of September, 1988.
The Ipe v for filing applications is:
15th L�,r Jctober,1988 at 5:00 p.m. • the Office will be
open Saturday, October 15, 1988 for revision of the list of
Nancy Michie, Clerk;;
Township of Morris%
Brussels, Ontario/1
ministry of culture and
munications, "Snakes Alive'
appear at the Wingham Lib
branch onOct. 28 at gin
For the .past six years, Mr.
Lovisek has lectured and given
wildlife presentationsin schools and
libr-a,ries . across the .province,
reaching approximately ' 25,000
students each year. He is a research.
associate with the Royal Ontario
Museum and his specialty is her-
petology, the study of reptiles and
Mr. Lovisek has consulted ex-
tensively for the ministry of natural
resources and television science
programs such as CBC's "The
Nature of Things".
Minister speaks
at WMS meeting
The Women's Missionary Society
of St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church, Wingham; held its
Thankoffering meeting last Tuesday
in the Upper Room.
Mrs. J. Donaldson opened the
meeting with a reading on "Giving
Thanks for the Day". This was
followed with several members
reading a verse of scripture.
Merle Wilson read the scripture
for the meeting from the Book of
Luke. Mrs. Donaldson led in prayer.
Mrs. D. Cruickshank and Mrs. B.
Richardson sang a duet entitled "He
Touched =Me", accompanied at the
piano by Cora Robertson.
Mrs. J. McKague introduced the
speaker for the day, Rev. John
Vaudry, who gave an inspiring talk
on Thanksgiving. He was thanked by
Mrs. C. Tiffin.
Mrs. Donaldson gave a reading
entitled "The Art of Thanksgiving"
and conducted the business. The
minutes of the last meeting were
given by the secretary, Mrs. R.
McKay, as well as _ the correspon-
dence and the roll: call.
The treasurer, Mrs. .Ii. Bateman,
gave her report, as well as a report
on last month's bus trip to a Russian
church in Toronto.
The offering was received by Mrs.
M. Robertson and Mrs.H. Hastings
and dedicated by Rev. Vaudry. Mrs.
J. Conn presided at the piano for the
meeting. A dainty lunch was served
by Mrs. G. Wall.
:M : „Brian I:. HaU o.0 •
4 , Urand.Ben
The Canada Life Assurance Coin -
parry js . liased to announce that Brian
CL 1. has r, ml. been
award the charieredL fe Un et vrit, r
designation,. Tha ' L.0 designation is
rams l bysthh titute of Chattered
Life,,Underwritenif,ttsion the successful
ettrePlefion. of a 42 lta t comae of
study adount*arid bir e.fttstitute in co-
nies" Whit he $01414'4 Continuing
Studies ohlte University Ton,
The terse currioubnm includes the
subjects of economics? s? ate phasing?
•* trntitig,commercial ii►w, corporate
finance* truce "
tion, and personal iiraanoia&
i n s►s well as intettiti a *diet in'
ART DISPLAY AT LIBRARY ® Pat Brigham, an assistant at the
Wingham Branch Library, displays the unique plasticine artwork of
Barbara Reid. Ms. Reid created the piece in honor of "Library
Week" and it will be on display at the library until this weekend.
the pages
By Carolyn Gauld
By Carolyn Gauld
You are invited to take part in
Ontario Public Library Week
celebrations from Oct. 17 to 23.
Public school children may tap their
creativity by entering the bookmark
contest. Think colorfully, as a prize
for the most eye-catching bookmark
will be given at the end of the week.
The theme once more is "Your
Card Is Your Key". Do you know
where your card is? As part of
Public Library Week, the "fine -
cancellation coupon" shown below,
may be clipped from the newspaper,
presented to the librarian and your
fines will be forgiven.
This coupon, however, applies
only to Wingham Library materials
and may be used during Public
Library Week.
Enter the "pumpkin draw" too
while you are at the library. Three
winners will be chosen at the end of
the week. And be sure to view the
unusual artwork of Canadian
illustrator, Barbara Reid, on'displ'ay
this week afthe library.
Dori for aone-
'Ihis coupon is good
forfines on
time cancellation ) materials.
one -
overdue coupon witmaterials
ai a cent
we won't charge
arideek 17 - 23 Oct. '1988
The- Weaves
of the
Corporations of the Townships
Turnberry, Morris and East Wawanosh
officially proclaim the week of
October 9 -15,1988
to be
Douglas Fraser Ernie Snell
tv*.t4Tvrp,oLMorris'}3 wptel/EastzWawal os t