HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-10-11, Page 6M,',4147iT4F,A1V4'1Fi..17.7-4;n1p r.11V741'41;c111," 1, ":! ••. -:: ;•,•;:". err .1 Aft4 4,P,: • FORDWICIi — A Thanving prayer taken from The Voiceppened the October meeting of thelsenjor, citizens, followed by a welcome pon Young Mises $329•50 in walkathon GORRIE—The Howick Lions sponsored a walk-a-dog-athon OCt. 2, walking from Fordwich ip-Gorrie, approximate*, Young, in participating, raised $329.§0. Gwynne Brown raised $280 and Jasper Farrish $99, totalling over $700. This is for leader -dog training at Canine Vision at Oakville. These • dogs are intraining for guiding blind persons. • The walk was accomplished in less than two hours. • • A all, "0 Canacta" and.bjilbday greeting819 tWe nleMberawaolte Wks ainsWer#30., question, illanr):Othe, 4 -4 *Olt' goer 1:!!" .• •,7:J• - The group will ask material concerning th,i disposal being sent so they in touch with the proceed* Elva Cooper and Mrs. _WilSon. will plan a CluistrnaC and report to the next rnjL Membe, are, to pay for t tiatetsfil full. *`A committee of Helen Njek Minnie McElwain, Pauline Riche and Duncan Sangster -will arringet program for a visit to the nUrSing home on Oct. 12. The nextcardp will be held Oct. 14, the next Ire Nov, 2. A thank -you was ext all who helped at the boatlf-at,.. fair. • The program opened ',with a •reading by Mrs. Agnes Geiger:Miss ,•14 • 44'11 f!L ••••441 01. • • •• • Sherry Leetch, the group's Farr Thanksgiving is Queen representative, gave her meeting theme GORR1E—Thanksgiving was the theme -of the worship at the October •ttleeting of the United Church Women, Mrs. Dewitt Adams was in charge of devotions and closed her thanksgiving thoughts with "Forget Not Our Thanks". Mrs. Bill Nay conducted the business. The., fall bale will be packed on Oct ft; bake sale and tea will be held Nov 19 and the fowl supper Nov. 9. • Mrs, Gordon Mann and Mrs. Lorne Mann served lunch. speech which*as given at the fair te; and thanked everyone for the opportunity Of representing the seniors. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ruttan showed pictures of their trips to the southern U.S. -andiunch andifideial hour brought the evening to a close. • 0-0-0 In 1985 Canadians bought just under $2.7 billion worth of tickets for govel7Pme11411rineeredAttterie*,...11,P from '$485 million in 1976. --Tieket sales 'for such lotteries have moved steadily upward since 1969, when they were made legal after some 70 years under a Criminal Code ban. +Canadian Radii -television and Telecommunications Commission COnseit de la sadiodiffu§ion et des telecommunications canadiennes arc DECISION Decision 88-729. CKNX Broadcasting limited iNingharn, Ont APPROVED. Renewal of the broadcasting licence for CKNX-FM Wingham from 1 October, 1988 to 31 August, 1991. APPROVED - Decrease in the level of spoken word programming Irom 20:5% to 14.5%, of foreground programming from 20% to 15%; and of mosaic programming from 40% to 35% per week. • Where may I read CRTC documents? CRTC documents may be read in the "Canada Gazette", Part 1; at CRTC offices; antat reference libraries: CRTC decisions concerning a licensee may be read:Mkt licensee's officbs during normal business hours. You also may obtain copies of CRTC public documents by contacting the CRTC at Ottawa/Hull (819) 997-0313; Halifax (902) 426-7997; Montreal (514) 28376607; Winnipeg (204) 983-6306; Van- couver (604) 666-2111. "1' • fir Q.aidit,4 n'iI)"*I8401,- de? ••r afld CarI ZUelligh Run.. Michigan, • spent with heir(aunt,. Mis. Edith en and otherrelatives. ryr.t:Wf pr_aealkerhards411::0,' wiraidil'iWingham anny:.e6ad:itiesb!14. ititii:er:Ilfd17:n.jii. 4104,D.. A. Hackett, urs;goivard- • ;.:ftickarc1 and Dennis, Wroxeter, . visited Thursday at the,,, • home of Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt.... •2)4: JOOISIMMo‘Vspent4 few days at the itonle. of Mr. andMrs-- Antes Freiburger, RR 3, Walker - Mrs. Esther Jacques of Clifford is visiting-withlVIrs,-.,Bert Hubbard.' . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hambly and Ktchener Visited recently with Mrs. Mel Taylor. Mr: and -Mrs. Norman Mulloy, Kristie and Leslie of Paris, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George - Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Burt- Elliot Of,,I; 44L00.-. '0110. at*, • iantellP.meonlacsdaY..'r, Gary titatitger. of Winnipeg visited his •grandmother, Mrs. Cecil Grainger, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Lilliman of Caledonia spent a couple of days with Mrs. Joe Simmons. • „ A double -ring 'ceremony took Community Centre, The mother of place at :Sacred Heart Church, the bride wore a royal blue dress 'Teeswater, on Aug. 20 at two o'clock with a red and white corsage. The tnother of, the groom, wore a mint - colored dress with a pink and white •ePrSage' Folloingw • a honeymoon, the young couple ikresidlog at Wroxetei. • •-e•• • • r in the afternoon when Sherry Schiestel and Allen_ Funk. were united in marriage*Rev:Alichael Downey. Parents of the couple are Nick and Midi Schiestel of Viingliam and Gordon and Lois.Funk, Blyth. GiV14, in • Marriage by her father; the bride Wedding dress. lititiokitt"'h*rmas Pyke;. sister. .Or:the.groom, of Listowel and bridesmaids were Labrie Schiestel, Wend Schiestel and Lisa Schiestel, all of Winghain. Thelicitt-gard pafty Of the season They ,,,wore pink street-length„,a4 Sanredlinfnl Church in Wingbam drattiki: .44401.904ficenu3r. Jamie Kennedy of Teeswater, Gert Reavie was the high lady and friend of the groom, was best man. Ria Van den Broek (playing as a Ushers were Terry Funk of Blyth, man) was high man; Irene Farrier ' brother of the groom, Steve was low lady and Hank Van den Beninger . and Steve- linSitner man. Kevin Doerr • Mildmay, cousins of the bride, - Wi4ihe.: doer prize. 'There will be A 'reception Wit held, at BeImbre an�ther eitchreparty thiiiitesdaY. There's a computer boom in farm country. And that- means new • opportunities. •We're launching a new farm cleakr nehvork. If you know farming and computers, and other gfrowers'who plAinoMputeri„: . no iota* ou mai Le ion hosts shoot arty A total of 12 tables were in play at the Wingham Legion. Han last mondaynight, • Jean Wilton was the high lady and Jim Coultes was high man. Helen Casemore had the most shoots and Mina Edgar was low lady. Mary Chamney (playing as a man) was low man. A few draw •prizes were awarded to Cliff Bray, MargaretWiens, Ken Stevens, Ethel Willis and Morley Bushell. There will be a euchre on Monday, Oct.17. t Income. you can earn tip g410 -per package selling FartniiandTm Agriculturai SciftWate. .That's up to 30%. coMmission per sale. Arid • well train you to earn that extra -ircome• right (lat -of your own home. Now, .take just two minutes to learn more! • All irtinutis ere So IVY • about, antipapd Dealers,- Farm tor you completing coupon • Ntune.- 11; '44 4t1dri reitturdo. an the' rewads annftill ore ; 4•••••••,.6.,"01? • it Today. on, Ontario N6A 4-1.6 • Or Galli . '4'. • 7, ;1!" : • - • , , 81 i3 1 '1;•.11, C41- In 10 Vsl. 1; 5 • •• • • .:17'.11•04 tritOliikt MO11 4," 241. Yr\ ;i, ... .4.,`"6,,..P1".•.. t .114",•• . • , ••: , -• • • !.•