HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-10-11, Page 44 7a .t Community Newspaper Amioc. • Qntario Community Nevis aper ass Subscriptions $21.00 per year r r - beyond Second Class Mail Registration No. 0821 : se An excellent plan • iron $.1.2 1y. Return ' ge guar-anteed` The Wingham Board of Police Commissioners is. to be commend- ed for endorsing the concept of a combined drug enforcement pro- gram which would include Wingham and other local municipal police departments in this area. Of course the mechanics of such a program are still to be worked out, but Police Chief Robert Wittig and fellow chiefs within the Hanover Radio Dispatch System continue to work away at fine- tuning these details. However, there is no questioning the need for such a program. No longer can muniipal forces afford to wait while their requests for investigative assistance in drug cases work their way to the top of a busy workload of Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Ontario Provincial Police drug .squads. • .t: ,, z •, And that's the fault of neither the RCMP nor.OPP. Illegal drug.. dealing has become a large, multinational business, and a profitable one. Correspondingly, the fight againstthat business is sophis- ` ticated and costly. Many taxpayers are alarmed when they are made aware of that post, yetmost agree -that it is necessary and that the alternative would be far more Costly' if there were no fight at all. )t -e, Statisticsshow tt3at an amazingly high percentage of crime is ,�drg-related. • Until : now undercover work . and enforcement have sib n beyond the capability.of• the small municipal force. ,..The.boa_rd's.erldorsementiisoa..move_in the:right direction and one .1 rich should be supported. • Y.t Canadian voters face no lack of big issues in the upcoming federal election. Number one, of course, is free trade — en- thusiastically supported by some and totally condemned by others. Then there isthe housing shortage, the dire need for daycare facil- ities, the mor, ,uestion of abortion. None of these are local pro- blems. They.are,irnportant to all people in this land. There is, liowe*ver, a much greater concern, one which has scarcely be mentioned by our politicians, and that is the federal deficit. Few among us are financial experts and most of 'us accept mat- ters of national spending as a necessary factor in modern govern- ments. But we should understand the fact that our own Canadian government ranks near the -bottom of the ,list of large industrial na- tions when it comes to the size of our annual deficit, calculated as a percentage of gross national product. Only Italy is lower on ,the scale. „ ..... The Liberals left us with an annual deficit of $1$0 billion and despite high-sounding promises the Conservatives have managed to reduce that figure by only a fraction. Prime Minister Mulroney's generous handouts befigo tfileption do not indicate any con- crete plans to bring olir-fiErtalairgs down during the next four years. And Liberal LegfilwxJcV Tyisgraalt,so far failed to say that he would do any batt sett t5F'i1 The nagging; iqgrrlfAbctit pint d economy is not what it will do for us, the IivinganiikgtherAtont,@ort of legacy we are pro- viding for our children andlcgfdchildren. Space-age wonders W WORLD RECORD.... OCTOBER 1941) Mrs. Myrtle Platt was elected president of the Wingham Ladies' Rifle Club at the annual meeting held recently. Agnes Williamson is vice-president and Hilda Brown is secretary -treasurer. Bert Armstrong has purchased the home situated on Frances Street, owned by Mrs. James Harris. Mrs. ' L. C. Young has sold her house in Pleasant Valley to Jim Gi'ibons'of East Wawanosh. • Mrs. D. Cornish of Clinton an- murices the engagement ofd her second daughter, Lenore Elisabeth (Wellings) to Cameron Elliott Mac- Tavish, son of Mr. and IVs. Allen MacTavish of Lucknow.. The marriage will take place the latter part of October. Within the last two weeks there have been three deaths in Lucknow from infantile paralysisThe vic- tims were Merril. Gibbons, four- year-old ouryearold son of. Mr. add Mrs. George Gibbons; Donald A. MacKenzie, 18 - year -old "son of • Mrs. . -Neil D. MacKenzie and Elaine Irwin, 14 - year -old daughter'of Mr. and ,lies. Emetaoni Irwin.Schools have - doted: and1 yrents are a quarantine t�E� Members of the team are Don Gray, Gary Storey, Jim Bain, Bruce Lott, Jim Campbell, Barry Fry, Doug Murray, Bruce Robertson, Ivan Gardner, Keith Lancaster, Ken Hodgkinson and Mac Eadie. Coach is Vic Loughlean. The Cub Auxiliary held a meeting, with 22 members present and Mrs. M._MclPh , president, -in charge. A. letter was read from the 'group ctimhnttee, requesting the auxiliary to `inquire into the possibility of fi rmitig a Brownie peck in'Wing- ham, to be affiliated with the Cubs. A-curmittee was fdrined to investi- gate the suggestion Mrs.. McPhail, Mrs. 'Gordon Davidson and Mrs. Frank Madill. Mr.. and Mrs. Joe Simmons, Wroxeter, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Sarah Margaret, to Gerald Robert Timm, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Timm, Bluevale. The wedding will take place Oct. 30 in Salem, United Church. Roundthwaite and Fairfield, Toronto architects,,. called for -ten- ders ten -dens on. the, :new-rbed chronic.. patients! wing. of- the:Wingham General Iifospital. T.he; ,$44%060 quay children. Dobie Project win begin at the end Of the: meetings have been prohibited. month. The new single -storey erg one for American space-age tech- y . Last week was a mornentoits. A pleasant evening Wad Spent at will hie-irr 'T�shapied a�ddtitrn : the I Th h no ogy, a orror of the shuttle explosion a couple of years ago the home of Mir: i>l d Mr A. was cancelled in the successful launch of a new space -shuttle in Florida and its perfect return to -earth foul days later. _ :.... ,. You may wonder why these daring innd kianerous Jhufrchirgs are so important to the Americana andall the rest 'of •tkre hum race.- U.S, scientists are preparing.;: for the construction of a ip°ermanenf • space station - which; some year once,, dill""ltd l nsiv laboratories a d s �l iii: havi ., . ment. �= f..:e ,: ' = ,V pry:r rc . t :, When the ai b We ri will be poiii 10:3 merits of h%m4 I Naturalvtk ly s Meaban Wroxeter, whet! d : adherents of Gerrie Pres" iu Church gathetestto honor wfd Gibson who is true of with the RCA then 'read add pre north of .the;present'buiiding. Mrs and Mrs.._ Ford_..h y and family,- who have reSidediiiiMhude, Sia eet for several year's,: moved to • Biia:igr ton and wu peen with Yob Winton.4404 ' vs 1"ham e", nden d roems dam • Bridge. The Wingham Squirts won the WOAA championship and the Fred Wicke, Trophy when they defeated St. Agatha. Team members are Donnie Murray, Ronnie Murray, Barry Gardner, Bobby LaRose, Bobby Sangster, . Terry Dingman, TOmrny•.,t,,ee,, Bruce .Skinn,-Steven Tiff n, .Car Mow,bray, Neils+ n Gower, - B,i)ly : Brown and • ;Larry Simmons. . . Clare VanCamp was named new Worshipful Master of the Belgra$ Loyal Orange Lodge. Other officers include George Grigg, Elmer Bruce, James McCallum, Lawrence Taylor. and Alex H. Nethery. Ken Edgar of the Howick, Lions Club must be unique in his con- irection with Lions Clubs. He was installed for his .21st year as Tail Twister of the Howick Club. Bill Felker was installed as president of the club. OC'TDBER 1974 Debbie Welwood, Karen Whitby, Anna Haugh, Debbie Foxton and Cathy Schiestel were honored at Wingham and District Hospital when members of the Hospital Auxi- liary held a capping ceremony. The candy stripers were presented with gape, pins and stripes. Wingham Police Sgt. Ron Zimmer has been appointed acting Chief of Pollee until a replacement has been found for the late Chief Jim Miller. Chief Miller was given. a full police burial in a solemn service held it St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, The Minister of Transportation and Communications has announced proposed changes in the Ontario driver's licence which will provide the Mea "tot a licensed driver to allow transplant of human organs in u mediately after death. There will. be Sufficient space for the etirte di9?h;to;� imp Jia lin witnessed. sC_c4lo3'Al�ie'.Y�. yt�n .+v�i. m-.,.. o.• •�.y. ..;`:a • At 0 4'. +t� kd �yf '�ai#'3�•'�skY�i I; Jj •