HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-10-11, Page 3'••• • fr...';• TO: h • . ' : „.• . • ""`.; ' ..• • , 1-. •LT r• \ _ - tr• yro ethrinla; - Y r e?' number • oaths Pit $ • the as of these could have they can ension cords, to e ab- ded, ing 111 Any of these conditions, Mr. Ga smoke detectors and fire ex ishers, to make sure they are • y durrng the approacbing 1-800-265-1777 1:11nr:SetiC'14' 11. • d be cleaned by qualified Phone AtISTRALIAN VISITOR — Ross Procter, right, points to spot on the map of Australia for visitor Justin Walsh who is visiting with Mr. Procter and his wife Mary, left. important to each MIA • Gaunt said: 1,1 " - • Crime Stoppers and the Ontario "The,baseMent'S Oat place for V finds it dit- I It. assistance to help solve this theft. you don't need it, get ride! it.'! Provinc al Police are seeking your junk to aeciiMulate,” ,he said. "11 Somethne over the night of Sept. beet en prev e alVarC.:".of some at* steps for their min safety, and their family, . a CRIME STOPPERS • of Huron County Inc. Ov s ff- iderltoarug, 4 ",`.. • 4 .4 '41 014 whet* they found a band saw Bel:more youth t 14, 1988, thieves arrived at aIluron 4 I chained to a hydro pole. Police is injured in i. Retired Australian farmer Justin Walsh says he finds it hard to get used to seeing so mem; farms with no fences. "We can't do without fences over there." , "Over there" is• Northam in Western Australia, about 60 miles from Perth. Mr. Walsh is visiting Canada and is the guest of Ross and Mary Procter of Morris Township. • He laughs when he thinks of what would have'. happened. on his sheep `4station" if -it -were'fented--with -the- single strand of electric barbed wire he has observed on most of the farms herein Ontario. Fences aren't the only difference Mr. Walsh has found in his travels across Canada — including a two- day trip to British Columbia with Mr. Procter and neighbor Jack Wickstead where he saw the Canadian Prairies for the first time: "My knowledge of Canada in general has been taken from novels, but when I got there I discovered it is not just the way I, had imagined." For example, 'he said, he never thought there would be trees, and was, surprised to see the many rows of trees planted as windbreaks. Another trip toward Eastern Canada illustrated other differences between- this country and his own. "We travelled through Toronto, Quebec and New Brunswick, and went through 400 miles of first class country," he said. "Beautiful land and beautiful scenery, you don't do that in Australia." Emphasizing that he only describes the area in which he lives, Mr, Walsh said a similar trip there would find you were tragelling , across hundreds of miles of send - desert. "But it's a different climate." to ge used to no ences County bridge construction site • believe they cut the chains with bolt single -car crash utters and then loaded the band aw on a truck. The band saw is al A Belmore youth received minor Procters treated Mr. Walsh to a performance of "My Fair Lady" at Stratford. Seeing it live, on stage for the first time — "I'd seen the movie" — was a delightful experience, he said. "I thought the staging was excellent, the stage management was exciting, and the whole thing was first class." Co -incidentally the play also provided him with the o nity to , • experience, miracle?, theMr. Walsh says he is hard of hearing and the small piece of: electrOinc equipment allowed him. to hear the entire play "clear as a bell". He jokingly "blames" Mr. Procter for his being in Canada. Retired and living in Perth, he was host to the Procters when they were touting Australia "and Ross thought it c would be a good idea if I came over s here," Mr. Walsh says. "I had no plans other than retirement, until he cam§ilongt,bitt i beel-Ifir inteieetng journey of mylife up to this point" Mr. Walsh returns,to Australia Oct. 30 where he will be greeted by climate not unlike that of a Canadian 11 f . "The '11 bestartingharvest e and it ightbe sitriiiiind 601 " , fttwillAte to. :0400 imemoriei• General Band Saw, green in color, iiijuries in a single -car mishap early withthe identification number OP5- I „ast Wednesday morning in ..-.Turnbemzownslinp. - - If you have any informatkm about A spokesman for the Winghain this or any other crime, calLCritne detachment of the Ontario Stoppers toll-free at 1-800-265-1777. Provincial Police said Al -year -Old You will never have to identify Kevin Dunn of Belmore was yourself nor testify in court: If 'an eastbound -on County'Road-7, near arrest is made, you will earn a cash Sideroad 15-16 of Turnberry on Oct. 5 fa • reward between S.„50-ooli $1 000. C,,all, at 2:30 a.m..• ..,.., 1 i i;i" t.40 4 '- Accor -ding - Monday to Friday. 9:30 4. .... 4:30 rding to the police, Mr. , .m. • Dutilfs1979 Spirit crossed the,. Remember crime doesn't pay, but roadway, entered the north ditch rime Stoppers does' and struck a tree. Mr. Dunn was taken to Wingham 0-0-0 and District Hospital by private A difference of tastes in jokes is a automobile for treatment of minor reat strain of the affections, injuries, say the OPP. 'Damage to George Eliot the vehicle is listed as severe. of Canada with. , p • 0-0-0 Some 70 per cent of Canadian C households „reported they, bought tickets on govermnentsponsored lotteries in 1986. The' average re- g ported spending was $146 per family. •••••••:•,, p_. t.,611 beat is 010 -to ioned• • Maybe. Oil.dealers do give you good old-fashioned 1'11 be right over" service. They're not like the huge gas or electric.utilities. I feel like My oil dealer knows:rne. And oil heat equipment is more efficient, more econoMicat Clean, safe. If that makes 'oil heat old-fashioned, then I guess I'm just an oid-fashioned kinda guy. • xrigelui, 1L12 Wo9 onr,A. St 4r4' •••• R ' .• 4KItt:f4av •• , . • • Farms here are much smaller than in, Australia, he said. A.iinitite minimum over there la "A couple:* thousand" acres; with many Statioria, or ranches running tough larger His station was about 30:100.0reahi size. "One of theother,, thitjga I'rn not used te is the number of towns over herewithin ten Miles' of oath Other • and • they all 'have their iivitt newspaper," Mr. Walsh80i "Over theroowns are 50 oand iherreaboutthesiziatt 1101nesteads or fifirPlli° closer together 'IMO can theft . d4t§**tr- licinare miles some o t.„ es :are • • • •,• 4` • • • 41,4101, rf. • 4tiek . • • 'VW e.,:414111.Ptysi4Wt.1 • • "..„ v- • I