HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-10-23, Page 3:.:CANAD-A....'MOYES.....T.i}
Slaughter Reserved to Indians
and Eskimos Since ' 1 917 is '_ P
Now;Ba.m- ed.
Half a century ago large herds of
musk-ox roamed in Canada's northern
teriltoriesv, Even as late .as twenty-
five years ago good-sized herds were to
be found in many localities in the Bar-
ren lands which extend from Qi•eat
Sla'eLake to Hudson Bay and from
timber line to the Arctic, Ocean. In
the last few \'years, notwithstanding
protective' measures, the animals have
become much reduced in number and
in :several localities Have disappeared
altogether writes "Natural Re-
sources," '
The Dominion government; through
its" Department df the Interior, keep-
ing in mind' the 'successful effort to
save the buffalo, has steadily striven
to give the musk-ox such protection
that it might remain a permanent as-
set of the country. It is far ashore than
an<intereSting 'zoological specimen; it
possesses dualities whiciii may,make it
of great social and economic value to
the Dominion.
More Stringent Laws.
For a good many years the'
meat of the Interior has been steadily
strengthening the. laws and regula-
tions to protect wild animals,
In 1917 the Northwest game act was
passed, and by one of its clauses no.
persons except Indians, Eskimos,., and
half-breeds were allowed to kill the
musk-ox, and killing by those "people
was permitted only when they were in
actual need of food. No person was
permitted` to trade in the pelt dor any
other part of the musk-ox. In 1919 there
was appointed a royal commission on
the reindeer and musk-ox to investi-
gate the poseibilities of establishing
musk-ox and reindeer industries in the
arctic and sub -arctic regions. The
commission gathered ' much valuable
information, some of which has been
embodied in regulations.
The commissioner' of the northwest.
territories, as :empowered by the 1923
amendments to the
game act, issued,
not long,
ago, g a regulation prohibiting.
the use of dogs in the hunting and
ing of game 2nuuals"inthe northwest
Theiasis '
s g Cance of this
regulation will be more' readily seen
by those conversant
Y 9 withthe habifs of
the musk-ox, It is a primal instinct
of the animal to fee from man, but:-tq
stand and form a circle when attacked
by wolves or dogs. Native hunters
have taken advantage of this fact to
send on their dogs first, and since they
have -acquired modern r firea.rms they
have been able to kill the musk-ox in
much greater numbers.
Closed Season Year Round.
Reports of the continued.wanton and
unnecessary "slaughter of the musk-ox
by natives, rumors of which were cor-
roborated by missionaries, and others,
necessitated the '.paseing of an order
in council Decently prohibiting any
per•son ,from hunting or killing .musk
ox at anytime, The, order also pro-
hibits any person' from trafficking in
To ascertain whether a special musk-
ox patrol wouldbe advisable to reach
districts not now covered by the' Royal
Canadian Mounted -Police, a,special in-
vestigator has been 'appointed. '- This
oMeer, wife speaks the language of
the natives, will, while 'pursuing his
investigations, disseminate propagan-
ropaganda on the necessity for the conserve -
tion, of the musk-ox and other wild
Pearls of Wisdom from
Ontario School Children.
The following answers to questions
on history dad geography examination
papers were written by fourth 'book'
childreri <in. Ontario public schools:
Lloyd Gorge was , a great English
poet. -His chief poems are Uncle
Tom's Cabin and Hamlet.
The early life of Australia was one
of bard ' work and murder: The con-
victs' landed •at Calcutta, then they, sat
down and spread over all the land.
They settled at Botany Bay and work-
ed hard among the wildflowers abound-
ing. Their hides are used for felt.
The frigid zone is noted for lichens
and eskimokes.
Sun time is the time the sun,is shin .y
lag. Standard tune• is an hour dif-
front from daylight saving' ime:
Themost important breeds of cattle
are holsteins • and filistines•.
The cartridges were introduced. in.
India to the, infantry, the end of which
had to be bitten off.
La Salle followed the Mississippi"
, and hien,, placed it on his map. The
next year he massed its mouth and
'his Innen became desprut and shot him
because he was a bad man, and went
back home without him. La Salle then
tailed down the St. Lawrence and
founded Quebec.
If you have adenoids rub them with.
j�►�e oil and tie a rag'then:.
,1 around
If you have tooth -ache, you ott'a ull
it, but if it's a contemporary, why fill
The first slreptoms of measles and
obleken{sox is a card on your door and
The tropics abound in alligators,
oranges and, inegroes.
An oldriver is the same
as aoun
y g
0 only more go. "
y m
0P.:10 p„\eked $aP9.
days it
frafl ht rc~ 'Ii �
A s ®B
Provincial 63oard of Health, Ontario
fldaleton will l e glad to answer osie+ttona nu'Pubue. ffealtta gialts
thiss through this- column”"°,>.ddresto hilts at, 15jpie+liixa &'io s$,
Crescent, Toronto.
The infant is a delicate organism pacities. It is much easier to acquire
and answers readily to any adverse and disseminate that knowledge of
influence exerted upon it; therefore, mothercraft which is necessary for the
it is necessary to ensure a high'stan-, saving of infant life, than to impart
dard' of health by removing such ad- that spirit of self-sacrifice and unself-
ve.rse influence. Poveity of parents is ishness which is necessary if this
a most important ' factor for evil in knowledge is to be put into operation,
this connection. In all our large cities It is, for instance, far easier to make
at the present time,' the nurses and; a . mother understand that breast -
workers in Child Welfare are hands feeding affords her infant the best
capped by the,shortage of houses, the chance of survival than it is to induce
overcrowded state of those that exist, her to make the necessary sacrifice of
and, in many cases, the unsanitary pleasure or remunerative employment
dwellings that are necessarily allowed :which are often involved if this ma -
to be inhabited`becausethere is 'no acr tern it duty,.is attended to. Again, it
coin nodation. for, their Inhabitants if 'maybe quiteeasy to make our,, pnuni
these` dwellings *erecloed. ..The' pro-cipalauthorities understand that bad
vision of additional housing accommo- housingconditions, overcrowding, tub-
dation is most urgent, but this prob excu'lous inmates, an impure water
hem in too many instances is not tackl- supply,-- and bad scavenging of the
ed with the vigor which• -its urgency streets are never associated, with a
demand. ' low infant mortality and a high sten-
Among the causes of infantile dard of health, but, it is quite another
deaths, the following are the most im- thing to induce them to incur the risks
portant: climate, season, housing alto-' and unpopularity which the carrying
hal, venereal disease, diet, poverty and out of the indicated reforms would
employment. From these primary entail- A want of appreciation of
causes, two others stand out forcibly: these essentially human elements in.
1. Want of knowledge,, the problems explains many of the
2. Want of character. failures' of otherwise admirably de-
Infants die from, lack of knowledge signed schemes of Welfare Work. In
on the part of the mother or father some cases, efforts to reform have un -
or of others who have personal super- expectedly met with most encouraging
vision of them, but they also die from success, owing again to the magnetic
the ignorance. 'of the statesmen, the influence of some commanding per-
legislatorand the municipal councillor. sonality, who has succeeded in corn-
Infants, however, die from the selfish- pelling'society to make -the necessary
ness of the same individuals, both in sacrifice,:whether personal or 'corn -
their private and in their public Ca- munal, for attaining the desired end.
Mrs. Alfred Tran h mon agne
Michel des Saintes, Que., writes:—
"Baby's Own Tablets are; an excellent
medicine. They saved my baby's life
and I can highly recommend them to
all mothers," Mrs. Tranchemon
tagne'sexperience'is that of thousands
of other mothers 'who have tested the
worth of Baby's Own Tablets. ' The
Tablets are a sure and safe.,medicine
for little tines and never fail' to regu-
late the bowels and stomach, thus re-
lieving all the 'minor ills from which I
children suffer. They are sold by medi-
cine dealers or by mail' at 25 ets. a box•
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
There's Money in Oil—Even Castor
Eleanor, who is six years 'old, 'had
for the sum of ten cents consented to.
take the despised Medicine prescribed
during a slight' illness: A few days'
later 'her brother- asked 'her to help
pick up corncobs. She was reluctant,
but when he offered her a cent a bas-
ket she went gleefully to work,
It was 'slow, work, however; she•
found that the basket held a 'prodigi-
ous number of cobs. With growing in-
dignation she persevered until the
basketwas piled high. Then she stood
erect with '.wrathful countenance,
"I'll not,pick up another cob,' (Fred -
Allen!" she said crisply. "I just "want
you to know I can make more money
taking castor oil!"
Little Girl (used to long sermons) :
"What a very short sermon the new
curate gave, Mummy! • I suppose he
doesn't know much about it?"
He—„Why do you prefer Jack ;to'
.She—"Well, he always.sends me''a-
bushel:'of kisses when he writes,and
you only give'me a little peck."
You may not be to blame forbeing
mediocre, but you are to blame if you
put forth. onlymediocre effort.
Victories that come- without having
had to be fought and won are nothing
to brag about.
- The fellow who works by the clock
is not worth the price of -a cheap
The finest peal of bells in the world
is being cast at Croydon, England, for
Mr. John D. Rockfeller, the world's
wealthiest man. A special tower is
being 'built'in:New York to hold them.
c --•the pret ration' which as-vvoii'th-e-co if irlenCe O( `•
Overy:gcluntry under, the Britisl>E,Ftag the remedy
vVeh has broughtyhealth and happiness .to nnllionsl
Of then anis ,women' hi every:Part of,, the Empire---1:
the, treatment which is resorted ; to` everywhere=--,)
for,. ailments such `cis Sick Headache, Biliousness;
!lndijestiori iomd '•Constipatioii'often teonside •ed
(ilisigtiificaeit; yet decidedly inconvenient—ailments
which have their origin in a.dv§peptie c,,ondition° of
fhe s_t'oRach mil ;a iorpidactien.ofrthe_.11verr
No, • ;337
W1'lere Is It?
This is a elmplified'fornm of. the
famous three carts zrionte trick.
The pack is divided Into three
heaps, each being placed faced
down on the table, On one of these
heaps the, perforincr , places the Ace
of Hearts, facedown. He then
moves the heaps around, insisting
that no matter how ',carefully the.
spectators watch, they will lose
track of the pack which has the,
Ace onthe top. After he has
moved the packs around sufficient-
ly, he asks a spectator to indicate
which pack has the Ace on the top,
The spectator makes his choice.
The performer lifts the top, card.
It is not the Ace! •
In this trick the magician's
standby :is used in a somewhat un
usual manner. The card displayed
as the Ace has behind it another •
card. If the two cards are slightly
bent and are held with the thumb
at one side and the fingers at the
'other, no one will suspect that`' the
Ace is anything but' what it seems
to be. However, when the Ace is
' seemingly on too„ of the pack, there
is another card do top of it -and
the remainder of the trick becomes
a very simple matter.
(Clip this ^out and paste it, with
other of the series, in a scrapbook.)
Find Renewed Health by Im-
proving Their Blood.
If you feel run down, it means that
your blood is thin and watery, that
your vitality, is low. Your feet are
easily chilled. You do not sleep well
,and you are tired when you rise in the
•'morning. You find no pleasure in your
meals and are listless and dispirited
at your work, You have noenergy to'
enjoy yourself.
Thousands of men arerun down
u ds by
anxieties of work. Thousands of wo-
men are broken down by their house-
,hold toil, with tired limbs and' aching
backs; thousands of 'girls .• are pale,
listless and without; attraction. It all
means the same thing -thin and
watery blood, vitality run down, anae-
mia, poor appetite, palpitating heart,
short breath.
Do '_not submit " to this.- Get new
blood and with it new vitality. There
is no difficulty in doing this. Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills build' up and enrich
the blood, which brings with it new
health and vitality: The man, woman
or • girl who . takes Dr. Wbilitamss' "Pink
Pills is never run down. Their friends
notice how energetic'; they are, what a
Sine appetite they have, and how much
,they enjoy life.„
you, can get.these'pills through any
dealer, in medicine, or by, mail at 60
"cents: >.a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co. Brockville, Ont.
In. Praise of Candles.
"Dark, these times, is blinding bright,"
Old godmother nodding says,
"But earth grew wise by candlelight."
Candle, candle burning clear
On the nursery window sill,
Not, a goblin dared come near.
Candles on a frosty cake
Gleaming, gleaming,: tipped with gold,
Seven for one little sake.
Candles, glancing up the stair,
Flicker, flicker every flight;
Haloes on the children's hair.''
Candle shining starry bright
Through the casement on the dusk
"Hearts came home by candlelight."
Candle flame on every floor
Blessing hinted, hall and hearth
When the bride came in the door.
Candles mellowing ancient pages
Slowly turned, old song and story
Of the half-forgotten ages.
Candles comfdrting the gloom
When the last dim Shadow,fell,
Bind' as angels in the roam.
"Ay,"" godmother nods, "the night
Flashes like a jewel now—
life was sweet by candlelight."
—Nancy Byrd Turner: in, Youth's Com-
Why They :Smiled;,`
Stumps was shaving himself when
he made a slight cut on the end of his
nose.' He called to his wife far stick-
ing.plaster, and was told to look in her
sewing basbet.' At Alia (lficc every-
one who entered his 'sanctum sinned.
Crnsidorably annoyed,' he asked his
partner if there Was anything wrong
with his appearance.
"I should say there is," was the re-
ply, "What's on your hose?"
"Sticking pilaster,"'.
"No! It isthe label from a spool
of cotton, and it says, 'Warranted 300
yards,' "
Minard's Liniment Relieves Pang
H,R.II, the, Prince of Wales greeted:on his arrival at Winnipeg, where
the special Canadian, National train carrying the royal party made its first
stop en route. 'Left to night •in , the group are: A. E. Warren, General Man-
ager, Western Region, C,N.'R..; 1I;.R.H. the Prince of Wales, and Mayor S. J.
Farmer, who extended a hearty welcome to Winnipeg. Below is shown the
special Canadian National train bringing
the royal to his Alberta
nanch.—C.N.R. Photos.
"IS, C..,,,
in 1975.
"When did the family feud start?"
"Years. ago, when- his bootlegging
grandfather sold'my grandfather wood
alcohol." ,
She—"I can remember 'every im
p,ortant'date''in?iiisifory.�', ^ ,,
IIe—"Between Antony and Cleo-
patra and *dates like those, you mean?"
The maple, is for tables, spread
With golden -crusted, kindly bread;
It sends the sirup that can bring
The resurrection of the Spring.
The oak—that's for men's yokes and
Faith and harrows and their hearts.
The fir tree is the roving tree, ' And wears great sails across the sea.
The apple is the heaven'
The rains of life on poplars wait.
But houses where we love and dine
Are 'grown and sanctified in pine,
And over all our joys is hung
The music that its boughs, have sung.
—Robert P. Tristram Coffin.
Mechanical Arm Testa
° Stocki tgs,
Tradition demands that niiladi,
when she buys hose, shall run her
hand 'and. forearm into- the .stocking;
stretching the garment over the rack
thus provided,' for the purpose of veri-
fying its structural integrity whish
is another n er way of saying that until she
has looked it over she isn't sure that
the stacking is free from runs and
similar flaws.
But the shopkeeper isn't particular-
ly pleased by this technique of exam -
Thing, since it is apt to result in dam-
age or soiling, So there is now offered
a mechanical arm for the purpose, and.
one which possesses a marked addi-
tional, advantage. It is built in the
form . of an extremely long . electric
light ,tube,, and the stocking goes right
on it,'over the' light. •One then doesn't
have to hold it up against daylight for
examination—the dight shines right.
through the stocking and greatly fa-
cilitates the work of the inspecting..
The sate way to send money by mail
is.,by Dominion Express Money Order.
During a severe thunderstorm in
the Baltic Sea, seagulls were observed
flying about with small blue electric
flames on their beaks, and at the tips
of- their tails and wings. ,
Minard's -Liniment for Rheumatism.
If moths get into your carpet, treat
it as follows. Put in "a pail half a
gallon of boiling water and a quater
of a pound of rock ammonio. Then
take a large square of flannel' and put
it in the pail, leaving the ends hang-
ing over the sides. Pick up the dry
ends and wring the flannel. Place on
the, carpet and iron dry with a very
hot iron. Go all over the carpet Iike
this and no moths' eggs will come to
Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are
not getting the genuine Bayer . product proved safe
by millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for
I sl ified A4v e
I A1)II+dS W'AN `, ► TO DO P k
1 ' Filtd h in;'a i Fut Incl if
oz', sfare i i ,' t '; MR'
i star} ctl4for e� aztiac x�ttra.pai Notional
Ill Manufacturing Co,, Montreal.
rani sa Y.
, ( SXR 93 0 0 R L, .E ,T, " J. ... , L S'
'RI,h:ND,'i mailed in phi -in eil-
velcipe,;:tree. Casser 2,125, Montreal.
•taugint. in twenty : bonne lessons,
Ptoficiency guaranteed, Diploma
Bgivenroadvl, ' 'eEwmpiAyre •3uTosiperontoas College, 345
e,, .
"Obey" In the Marriage Ceremony.
The courting day had Passed Plea-
santly. In due course Pat proposed,
"Bridget, me''darlint, will yes mar-
ry vie?" •
"Sure, Pat," repined the girl, "and
who else didye think .1 would marry?
Yat kissed iter rapturously:
"There's only one point, Pat, dear;"
she ,said, "I can never agree to say the
word' obeyk in the marriage' ceremony."
"Oh don't worry about that trifle, .
me darlint," replied Pat. "Say any-
thing you like. It won't make' a bit
of difference at all, at all, if you only
do what you're told,"
trong Nerves
Pure organic prosphhte, known to
most druggists as Bitro-Phosphate,is
what nerve -exhausted, tired -Qct people . ,
must have to regain nerve force and
energy, That's why it's guaranteed.
Price $1 per plcge, Arrow Chemical
Co., 25 Front St. East, Toronto, Ont,
•'� : i. FiUTATED ,iiy
wm4c, ren num filet cAA6 5055_muntsr, ce, ca e.koo,ai4
Apply MInerd's'• to the •aching
spot and get quick relief.,.
The remedy your grandmother
Use Cuticirra Soap Dail.
Bathe with Cuticura Soap and 'hot
water to cleanse your skin 'and free
it from impurities. If rough or pim-
ply, anoint with Cuticura Ointment.
Cuticura Talcum isideal for Per-
fuming,as' well as powdering.
Sample Each Free by Siad. Addreee Canndis
nepott " Ootloara, P. O, Sox 2616, EYoatroal,''
Price Soap25e. ointn,entzs and 600 Tnieam25e,
Try our new Shaving Stick.
Toronto Mother Found Relief
by Taking Lydia E.Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Toronto, Ontario.—" I have found
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Corn -
pound a splendid medicine to take before
and after confinement. A small book
was put in'nay door one day advertising
Lydia E. P,ixkham's medicines, and as .L
did not feel at all well at the time I went
and gota bottle of Vegetable Compound
right away. I soon began to notice a
di'&erence in my general health. I was
full of aches and pains at the time and
'thought I had every complaint going,
but l can truthfully say your medicine -
certainly did me good. ?' can and will
speak highly of it, and I know it will.
do other women good who are sick
and ailing if they will only give it, a fair
trial. Lydia E. Pink -haul's Liver Pills
are splendid for constipation. You are
welcome to use my letter if you think
ft will help any one." --Mrs. BAnta1
PVi STwoon, 543 Quebec Street,Tot-onto,,
The expectant mother is wise if she
Colds HeadacheNeuralgia Lumbago c,nsi s carefully,
this statement o
Mrs. Westwood: It is
but one of a great
Pain Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism
Accept only "Bayer" package
which contains proven directions.
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 .and I00•--:Drtt+ddists,
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) et Bayer atan11tnctate et ?denoeeetic-
aciiciter of SallcyliCactd (Acetyl Salieyiic Acid, "A, C, A."). While It Is tvaIi known • 'm �...._-._ �._.,,
that Aspirin means :Bayer mannfacture, to assist the public against Imitation::, the ',tablets ,
of Bayer Company hilt be stamped with their general trate• mark, the "Bayer Cross." { 1 i S U E No, 42--24,
many, all telling the same story—hem-
ficial results.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Cam -
round is especially adapted for use dur-
ingthis period. The experience of other
women who have found this medicine a
blessing, is proof of its' great merit.
Why not try it now yourself?