HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-10-16, Page 8LQWER PRICES. 1GW On all Fall and Winter Merchandise purchased at this Store $5.00 Saving On Ladies' and Misses' Coats Otir prices this year, .for' ladies and Misses winter coats arein, a good many eases $5.00 lower than last year's prices for the same Class of garment. These new, lower prices have been made possible by careful buying and our smaller profit and more sales plan. See our coats and get our prices before you buy a coat. Slippers and 5ords .:.... At Ne,w Lower Prices The ladies' and Massee' slippers oxfords pP s and 1 for fall and win- ter wear "are here in a larger range of styles than we have shown for years Ask to seethe new scotch grain trimmed oxfords, you'll want a pair when you see them and hear the.price. _ Ioseya: arians When You' are in need of warmer stockings for the' cooler weather come to this store. We have some very special bargains which yon should be interested to see. Our °Cashmerette stockings in black, brown and sand shades is a winner at 35e per pair. New Dress 1, a ..: teria•ls The new all wool flannels and crepes are taking ,first place a- mongst the pc/pular materials for fall and winter dresses. We have all the new shades. and also 'some pretty new plaids and checks.. Ask to see the new all wool delaines also the 'cotton broadcloths and brocaded ani knitted silk materials. House Furnishings This is the .practial time to beautify the interior of your home for the coming winter months. Take stock of what. is needed then come in and see our display of wallpapers, rugs, linoleums, stove squares, curtain materials and blinds, our prices are lower on all these lines. Grocery Specials Tasty Cheese 25c. Kellog's Corn Flakes 1Oc. 3 15e. boxes matches ....._..25c. Cascade Salmon 1 lb. 15c. 2 lbs. sweet cookies ......:.35c. S bars any.laundrysoap 55c. :.y sfsets NAN? ,,.,•,5 " avatV.. • is 4, , .wa kr?. «Vd�.x.br<,tes W.W.""*- .a:sow, ;: 't,V. �, w' na M .Myrs?,re a:a ell Furnish your �3' Com•: i. let. an 4 oney a orae For many years we have been furnishing homes like yours,. Our service to young couples has been perfected o the highest de- gree of genuine helpfulness. No matter how little or how much you may, wish to invest, in furnishing your home complete, you are assured every advantage of low prices, courteous service and pains- taking attention inmaking your selections. All we ask is that you give us an opportunity of showing you. how reasonably you can purchase furniture at this store. E OFFER SPEC -FA -1-4 : PRICES ON EVERYTHING IN OUR ENTIRE STOCii. INE Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Motor Hearse and Horse Equipment Long distance calls given prompt attention. DAY AND NIGHT SERVTCE -OPERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 741; Night call 74W mmarzEzamat .1nraazaiwamamemauaaeaaaaa emotomearimlateirow Fur s in s When you are t-huiiking of Clothes think of Ta an s. The new fall fabrics are very ifty a l , d we can offer you:the very latest styles at most attractive prices. See the very latest in and Brock Hats is it orsali re now in order have a swell line of nifty.New w Ties t. 1. Market report ---.The, following is the report of the lilxoter Market corrected every Wednesday. Wheat $1.30 Oats 55c Manitoba Flour $4,90 Pastry Flour $4,75 Family Flour $4,65 Feed 'Plan' $2.2,5 Bran $1.60 Shorts $1.75 Dairy Butter 32c. CreanlerY Butter 40-41 Eggs, Extras 4.2 Eggs Seconds 32 Lard 20c. Hogs $9,50 LOCA THE SCHOOL BY-LAW. ,ro you in doubt? Have you a question, to ask? If any ratepayer .,las a question to ask or wants any in- formation ,zregard,ing 'the school by-law to isa voted qui iVEonday, members of the Board of Education will be at the Town Ha1Lon Saturday evening at S o'clock to aasw'er such questions or give. any infortuwtijan desired:. The Board feels the necessity and economy of the addition, and they believe the ratepayers are .initerested in the- school, pleased at its progress, and desirous that progressi may coentinue, but if there is anyone, in doubt, kindly come to the Town Hall Saturday :eveasitnie., Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Terry visited in Donegal last week. . Mrs. 1Vlelvlie O'Niel of Lucan, vis- ited with Exeter friends on Monday. Mr. eharles Harvey visited over the week -end with friends in Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Snell have re turned after a motor trip- to Pontiac, Mich. Mr. Fred Ford has taken a •'posi- tion: as Junior with the Molsons Bank. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Martin, of Lou' don, are visiting with relatives in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson, of Lam- beth, spent Sunday in town with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Vincent of London, spent the week -end with his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ward, Mrs. E. A. Follickand .Miss: Edna motored to Listowel on Sunday. Mr. and: Mrs. Noyes and son of Oakville, visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Woods the forepart of the week' Mr. •and Mrs.• H. E. Huston, and family, who have spent the summer at their gottage at Grand Bend, re turned honre Tuesday. Little Miss Myrtle Lee 'had the misfortune to strike her big toe with an 'axe last Saturday afternoon in= flitting. a nasty wound. -- Mr Mr and Mrs. Fred Howald, and two daughters Misses Kathleen and Thelma, of. St. Marys, spent Sunday witllt Mr. 'atid Mrs:' E: Howald. Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Ferguson and daughter, and Mrs. Geo: Powell and son Bruce, of near London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 1. W. Powell. Mr. F. R. Hectle, and Miss Pearl of Brantford, are visiting in Exeter, The former will spend the winter in town with his sister, `Mrs. E. Jory. The' latter will visit for several days The fowl suppers are on and : are being well patronized. Several from town were at Whalen fowl supper Tuesday evening while others attend ed the supper at Zurich the same evening. • Rev. Jas. Foote, was in Thedford on Sunday morning, conducting an- niversary service on his former 'ap- pointment Rev_ Mr.,McInnis of Thed ford occupied the pulpit in Caven Church. Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Donnelly and children visited on Saturday with Mrs. Donnelly's' uncle Mr. W.'- E. Van ` Velzer of Wroxeterr returning on Sunday for the anniversary in the Methodist Church at Blyth. Mr. • Johnston's new house has the roof on and'tlie workmen are busy on the interior. Good progress is being made on Mr. C. 'B. 'Snell'•s new house on Ann St, and he has the foun dation in for one on John St. One of the,.large brick silos at the Exeter Canning Factory collapsed Wednesday morning about, 6- o'clock The silo which was about 50 feet has just been filled with corn con- taining nearly 500 tons.. It has' been up for about five years. Rev. D. D. Thompson, of Wood- ham occupied the pulpit in Main St. Church on Sunday preaching two fine sermons. The Pastor Rev. F. E. Clysdale, conducted anniversary services at Zion in the Woodham. cuit. The teen age girls of James St. Church to the number ofmore than 30 have been organized as a unit of the "Canadian Girls in' aa The girls will Meet every Friday afternoon at 4:15 and a very inter- esting program is being set up bas- ed on: the principle of the four -fold life. A very pleasant evening was silent by the members of the Caven Pr:;es- byterian Young People's Guild and their friends at a corn and marsh - mellow roast held in, a valley on Gar- net P'r°ayne's farm, Wednesday even- ing Oct 8th. About fifty were pre- sent and a splendid programme of games,' contests, Impromptu speeches and community singing was enjoyed by all. r• /ENGAGEMENT ENT Mr and Mrs, s, E. A. Follick, of Extter announce the engagement of their dn�daughter tEr Edna, Cnn tok1. I°: Leslie Hearts, of Sinicoe, son of'll,.ir. and Mrs. L. Hearts, of Hamilton, thee wedding to take place at the end of this month. 7AVEN - PRESEXT9ERAN ORVROII Rey. J'ltznes Foto, l;i.Ai„ Minister ANl✓'IV7ERSAR 10 a.m,m--Sgnday,School and Bible Class. 11 ti m. -The Minister - 7"-IL/IL-RE/Y. F, W, Duggin,. of First. Presbyterian Church, St. lilarys SPECIAL 11IUSIO BY ;1iItE ;CIIOth' Boy Scouts :meet Friday evening,:' JAMES STRElhlT IgJ`THODIST • CHUBOI Rev. yv. E. Donnelly, B. A., Pastor^ 10':15 -Morning Class.. • 11 a.m.- "Tho Axe at the Root of the Tree." 3 p.m. ----Sunday School, Tenip erance Mass Meeting • Addressed by Mr. J. G. Stanbury, and Mu •J. H. Holtzman. 7 p me-- "The Giant that slew our children revenged.''' A hearty welcome to ' all POW ELL' S BAZAAR PLAIN PRICE STORE Day by Day and in every way, we are getting compliments from the good•people who appreciate the pres- ence' reyence' of .such' a store as Ours in =Exe- ter. A` store where people like to, see things, nice things,at prices with- in their buying reach.' Since we last talked with you here we have re- ceived Aluminum Coffee ' and Tea Percolators, Collanders, : Dessert Spoons, Small Graters, Leather change Purses, colored coat hangers Rapid Fire egg bea eics, 3 kinds wire egg heaters, potato mashers, a big assortment of graniteware in blue, white and grey .enamel, ` and many other articles too. We expect in a shipment of Small. Peanuts, when we will have more of the best salted peanuts you evei•:ate Always count on fresh roasted pea- nuts on Saturdays. Try a bag this week. We roast and salt all the. nuts we sell and are anxious that our customers are pleased, FRIDAY, SATURDAY SPECIALS: 100 Flint drinking glasses (reg 10c) 5c. Each More Chocolates, Pound Lots 35c COME expecting , good values for your good money., Miss Verda Vale is able to be out after her illn'e'ss: ' Mrs. HBierling is visiting with her sister at Sarnia.- • Mrs. arnia.•- Mrs. W. Lawson has- returned af- ter visiting in Toronto. Mrs. J.' H. Medd is, visiting for a few days with her son J. B. Medd' near Seaforth. - Mr. ,and Mrs. N. Sheere and dau- ghter Jean motored to St. Thomas on Sunday last ,; Frost at any time may cut down the beautiful bloom that surrounds most of the homes of , town. • • The Rally service collection of Caven Sunday School was completed last Sunday and 'amounted to $38. Mrs. C. J. Patterson and little daughter of Deti'oit, visited her par- ents Mf. and Mrs. Rd. Quanee on Sunday. A communication from Rev.; H. E. .Livingstone and other important items have been crowded out this. week. Mr, and Mrs. ll'has. Hyndman and son of :Toronto, motored up and vis- ited the former's uncle : Dr. H. Ki Hyndman. Rev. and Mrs. John Ball, of Lam- beth, are visiting with. Mr. and Mrs. John Johns and other relatives in this' conimu.nit' Rev. Jas. Foote preached as strong sermon in favourof the 0. T. A., on Sunday evening taking as his •text, "Bear ye one another's- burden" Messrs. Newman hardy, O. Nestle; Roy 'and Gordon Perkins, of •Detroit have been visiting for a: few days' at their respective homes in town. T1iIUESDraX, OCTOBER 10, 1924 ._...IIIIIIl�l�illIIIIIlIIIIl;t6lllllilll 11111111111 x4 IpII111B11111�1IIINIIIIOIIIIIIIIIUIIII11111111111l�II11111111111111ii11l�lllli(lIII�IIIIIIIIfll11 ART STYLES IN Ladies. S� IMMO MUM s YOU WILL APPRECIATE THE VALUES, AS WELL AS THE'STY- LES WE OFFER THIS SEASON. EVERY WEEK WE ADD NEW NUM.III•RS TO OVR'RACKS. DROP IN AND SEE WHAT WE ARE SHOWING, xceptional-Values in Wool & Silk CrepeDresses Dre nes THIS SEASON WE HAVE A BIGGER' RANGE THAN EVER TO SELECT FROM. FLANNELS, AT $7.50 UP TO $15.00, SERGE AND POIRET TWILLS $14.50 TO $21.00 SILI>; CREPES $16.50 TO $27,.50. New Oxfords and. Strap Slippers SEVERAL NEW LINES HAVE BEEN. ADDED TIIIS PAST WEEK.: THEY ARE NOT ONLY SMART STYLES, BUT ^,VERY COMFORTABLE FITTERS. PRICED AT $3.75 TO $5.00 Fancy Check Flannels THE VERY NEWEST THING FOR DRESSES COMES • IN TWO QUALITIES: THESE WILL MAKE LOVELY WARM, DRESS- ES FOR. THE COOLER WEA THER, AT PER YD $2.25 AND $2.75. Felt' and Velour • Mats,' for Men MEN, WE HAVE YOUR NEW .HAT FOR YOU. WE ARE SHOW- ING THE NEW SHAPES AND COLORS MANY OF WHICH HAVE, THE NEW STRIPE BANDS, PRICED FROM $3,50 AND $5.00. Men's and Boys' Overcoats IT IS ABOUT TIME TO DECIDE ON YOUR•NEW COAT FOR THE COLD WEATHER. ' IT WILL BE A PLEASURE TO SHOW YOU OUR EXCELLENT RANGE OF OVERCOATS, SEE OUR SPECIAL AT 22.-0 • MINNOW ' =. iiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiliiiiilHIM 111111111 1 1 it i s !111` _ 1111111.IIiileli11111111.a11iiti1lEi.ill@CIi171.11111111111i111111@Ip191iiP111111111111i111111i1ffi11fi+1Eil Winter Apples Wanted • Good prices paid for hand picked selected fruit. Will be shipping- at Brucefield, Liensall, Dublin, and Clandeboye during months of Octo- ber' and November. Empty baskets holding 50 pounds will be supplied the growers wanting them at -the toliowing places: Brucefield, Crom- arty, IIensall and. Clandeboye. For •particulars and prices phone headquarters. R. S. LANG Walker Houe, Brucefield E . And Insurance YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED E. J C C R ISTIE OFFICE: North of Elliott and Johns White Leghorn Cockerels` for Sale $1.00 each for immediate sale ,Apply Garnet Heywood, Exeter Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Boyle and son Clarence, Mrs. Hockey and son Ken- neth, Mrs. M. Sheere. and Miss E. Frayne motored to Brantford Sun- day. The annual thankoffe' -ing meeting of the W. M. S. and Logic Circle of Caven Presbyterian Church, was held Tuesday; evening. The thank. offering amounnted to nearly $200. Historical accounts were given .of. the different societies, since their foundation. Refreshments were served.; Intovicating liquor may be Sold and men may get it to drink, but I ot, b . .Iy Vote! Truth -may be wrecked and cbaracter dismantled, homes may be destroyed and women and children beggared,, but Tot by . My Vote! Childrep may lie 'caught in the "hire i' sntire, the victims- of ai 001101 may fill our jails, almhousee and insane asylums, but T' of by 'My Vote® The liquor traffic nay irnpove ish ;and degrade the peoi2le may produce illness 'disease- `and l i i i ar l elinin; may breed anartcIly and crime; but '. My Vote! The people amayfn .L - h their Cotiennrnten�a.Ue 1ithe liquor oidfor a�con�ndertitioLtaze tiovardagaiist the innocent,' • and bargain away the public- health slid the public:. moralshut • Not .by I Vote! Ford Touring Car For Sale -In good condition, very cheap. Apply to W. J. Beer. ' HOUSE FOR SALE Two lots cornering on Wellington R William Sts.; 7room brick dwel- ling with- kitchen` and woodshed; good cellar,, hard and soft water, electric ,Iights, stable, garage and hen house. Easy terms and a liar - gain for quick sale. tFor terms ap- ply on premises .or to Thos. Camer- on, Auct., Box 154, Exeter. Also a Jersey cow for sale due in Sept: FURN ITUltE -- FOR QUALITY, • PRICES Ser'ice and' Satisfaction CALL ON US - FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND FURNITURE DEALERS PHONE 20W PHONE 20J W. R .Grnlin( . A. T. C. M. Organist ` and Choirmaster James St. Methodist 'Church. Teacher_ -of Piano, Vocal and The- ory, Instructor of Music in the Public Schools, - TERMS MODERATE Box 57, Exeter. CLEANING PRESSING and REPAIRING SUITS MADE -TO -MEASURE TO FIT YOU AND YOUR POCKET WORK CALLED FOR AND DE- LIVERED. ELLIOTT AND JOHNS Dr. I> G. Fletcher,L.M.C.C, Lice^ntaLe of ,,,the College., of sicians and Suigeons of Ontari Office ;in residence, of..,mHr. Camm, Main St. Phone 156 Exeter, Phy o, A.- FOR SALE -Tlhorouglrbrecl Jersey bull calf. ' Happy Thought Range Small upright*4leater: Bedri S rrng; cheap Drive's$"lle l t , suitable for a garage;. cheap Beseburner,; cheap. ' Information reabove at • POW13LL' i BAZAAR: ,Phone 55 ANDY EASTON' Licensed Auctioneer for the Conn.. cy1of Huron. Correspondence arrange* meats for sales can be made by call lug -up the Central Hotel, Exeter., Charges moderate, satisfactio * guaranteed. �e o CA: LING B.A. Barrister,.. Solicitor; &c.; Loans, Investments, ' Insurance, Office, Carling Block, Main St. Exeter GG. S. r Atkinson;'L.D.S.,D.I�.S ' DENTAL NTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal College ®E Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Un1*. versity of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer,,190i.. tary District Number ' One, London:, Ont., ' Main Otrice Main St. Exeter. Ozat, Phone 34, Exeter; Hours 9.00 rook, to °5.30, p.m. Office hours at ZURICH ONT., Tueg only, at 10.00 o'clock a.m. to 5.03 ; o'clock p.m, Phone 79. A. Ii. TENNAPNT Veterinary Surgeon Office McDonnelI's bates i91abids ea John •-St. Phone calls receive, prom 'attention. Phone `26w D� Local Cartage I AM' NOW IN A POSITION TO GIVE' OUR LOCAL' TRADE AN AI.. MOST IMMEDIATE SERVICE. TRY .US Bagshaw Phone 58W Cochrane` Machine Works Fordt,metors reground, fitted with Pistons, Complete $16.00 Every make of,Car Motor and Engines re- t ground with Pitetons Complete' to fit,. also Tractors. t FA? IUs FOR E-A fecholc Carnia in' th8 h11 ,of Uw Nbornea Tuckersmith , and ,1/31173 Hibbert. Good buildings' and well located'` as ,to 'mar- Out' lets, Priced right. .'Apply to Thoa, Cannezou, Auct„ 13bx 104; Exete TRAYED �. Strayed from the premises of Mr. M. Elfoi'ci, ' Lot 8 'Con, G, Usborne Clothing Hospital Wo are pleased: to announce that ` we are able to return- to our work and are again able to' give your prompt' and Satisfactory service.,, Cleaning,:: Pressing, Dyeing, R: -. raining to e 1 :Remodelling. e01 � m ells n , all kinds of Clothing. Ourningo' L A.TDfl ' WOilA A SPECIALTY We also make Ladies' and Gent's S uit to Order. A trial is„ solicited,. a 'red deliornedl steer' rising three Y ilc seeing please notify Will i .'H. GREGG 1 + � ��` i 3. Phone 44 „,`18 I ialkton. Yeztrs old. Anyone Johns, Exeter R,: R. No.: