HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-09-20, Page 12•i•
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-(Continued from Page 11A)
Grade 1: Jamie Black, Blyth;
Ryan Cook, Belgrave; Allan Gib-
bons, Blyth; Robbie McGee, Bel -
:grave; Gavin Van Camp, Belgrave;
Joey Schmidt, Riyth.
Grade 2: Shane- Hesch, Darryl
Bromley, Scott Bromley, Michael
Ansley, Michael Courtney,
Jeremiah Hamm, all orBlyth.
Grade 3: Dave Schwartzentrtiber,
Belgrave; Chris Fox, Blyth; Dean
Walker, David McBurney, Vaughn
Vincent, Bradley Ramsey, all of
Grade 4: Chris Wattam, Ben Hall-
man, Jason Rich, Manuel Hussey,
all -of Belgrave; Kirk Krieger,
Blyth; Darryl Shannon, Blyth,
Grade 6: Mark Olson, Darryl Jar -
din, Micah Hussey, all of Belgrave. 13
Grade 7: Mark Robinson, Bel- k
grave; Rob Johnston, Belgrave.
Grade 8: Shawn Rodger, Jason
Campbell, Matthew Hussey, Dean a
Vincent, Ian Morton, all of Belgrave. L
Kindergarten: Jimmy McCrack-
en, Belgrave; Kyle Anderson, Bel- B
grave; Bryce Toll, Blyth; Justin Ar- S
kell, Belgrave; Shawn Bromley, 0
Blyth; Ryan Montgomery, Blyth, B
Grade 1: Gavin yan Camp, Mat-
thew Beck, Robbie McGee, Justin H
Howatt, all of Belgrave; Joey M
Schmidt, Blyth; Robin Sanders, Bel- of
Grade 2: Michael McBurney, Bel- D
grave; Jay Sanders, Belgrave;
Darryl Jardin, Micah Hussey 1 all of
Belgrave; Brian Machan, BlYt.
Grade 7: Rob JOhnat9o, RIC! Watr
tam, Mark 9,RobinSOlt, We Nora%
Mike Golley, Tim Coultglp,,aU e
grave. .•
Grade 5-8 Open; MattheivHusey
Brad Robinson, Kyle MoranR.an
Pletch, Micab Hussey, 'Ian. rton,
all of Belgrave. .
Grade 6-7 Open: Mark Qison, Be
grave; Jerrod Button, Blyth; *Ica
Hussey, Belgraya.; Brian Macha
Blyth; Paul Hessels, Mik
Golley, Belgrave.-
Kindergarten: Bryce Toll, Blyth
Matthew Snow, Belgrave; Rya
Montgomery, Blyth; Tim Robinso
lielgrave; Dean Wilson, Blyth; A
rew Ward, Belgrave.
Grade 1: Nathan Hubbard, Jami
n- B
e a
Jamie McCallum
thew Morrison, al , �it
le, 411:3; R. ontieMe-
qn,.. ;Shane Bur. t Went
JOff-r4. rer0411, Fnr;t
all OMSK_ •
4:7Gteg Toll, Jason WNW
Trevor ..,"1040 Or Wirth;
Mantle' .ltils§ey, Beigrave; John
Arnistrong, Blyth; Wattam,
Oracle 5";......4ovian Karr, Aaron
P..114WII Walker, Darryl.
Marks, all of Belgrave.
Grade 6: Brian Machan, 'Blyth;
Brandon Coultes, Belgrave; Micah.
Hussey, Belgrave;, James Mc-
Nichol, Blyth; JOshua Yanchus,
lyth; Mark Olson, Belgrave.
Grade 7:.Tim Coultes, Kyle Mor-
n, Mike Golley, Chris Jamieson, all
f Belgrave; Chris Mason, BlYth.
Grade 8: Matthew Hussey, Bel -
rave; Jason Campbell, Belgrave;
evin Souch, Blyth; Dean Vincent,
elgrave; Jason Lee, Blyth.
Grade 1: Joey Schmidt, Jamie•
lack, Allan Gibbons, Jonathan
ucksey, Jonathan Sanderson, all of
lyth; Peter Irwin, Belgrave.
Grade 2: Corey Shannon, Blyth;
Matthew Morrison, Blyth; Jamie
cCallum, Belgrave; Darryl Brom-
y, Blyth; Michael McBurney, Bel -
rave; .Jeremiah Hamm, Blyth.
,Grade Shane ur, o der, Chris
Fox, Jeffrey Ferguson, Mark Wil-
son, Ronnie Abell-Rinn, Trent Rich-
mond, all of Blyth.
Grade 4; Trevor Beek,Itelgrave; -
Wes Wilson, Blyth; Chris Wattam,
Belgrave; Ben Hallman, Belgrave;
Chad Haggitt, Blyth; John Walden,
Grade 5 ::Kris Krieger, Darryl
Marks,. Shawn Walker, Aaron
c944%, v
all of R626 •
Grade 6: Brian Machan, Blyth; V
Brandon Coultes, Mark Olson, t
Micah Hussey, all of Belgrave; John
Ramirez, Blyth; Darryl Jardin, Bel -
Grade 7:.Tim Coultes, Brad Rob- G
inson, Mike Golley, Kyle Moran, all B
of -Belgrave; Jason Elliott, Blyth; p
Rob Johnston, Belgrave.
Grade 8: Kevin Souch, Blyth;
Jason Lee, Blyth. . c
Grade 3 French: Victor Buchan-- g
an, Adam Garniss, Jeffrey Fergus- a
on, Mathew Campbell, Dean Walk-
er, Dave Schwartzentruber, all of B
lack, Jonathan Cucksey, Jud Hak
ers, all of Blyth; Gavin Van Camp
elgrave; Justin Sauve, Blyth.
Grade 2: Jay Sanders, Jason How
tt, David Piluke, Jamie McCallum
uke Lockridge, all of Belgrave
eremiah Stephens, Blyth.
Grade 3: Dave Schwartzentruber
elgrave; Dean Walker, Belgrave
hane Burkholder, Kurt Lentz, Bill
'Hearn, Jeffrey Ferguson, all o
Grade 4: Chris Wattam, Manue
ussey, Chris Casemore, Corey
oran, Brian Marks, Jason Rich, al
- 0
, B
, B
; C
y B
1 g
Jeremiah Hamm, Blyth; Luke
Lockridge Bel"grave Michael Ans- -
ley, Blyth; Shane Hesch, Blyth.
Grade 3: Dave Schwartzentruber, T
Belgrave; Billy O'Hearn, Craig H
Empey, Jeff Ferguson, all of Blyth; B
Matthew Campbell, Belgrave; Dean
Walker, Belgrave.
Grade 4: Darryl Shannon, Blyth; st
Jason McDougall, Blyth; Manuel of
Hussey, Belgrave; Brent Robinson,
Belgrave; Chad Haggitt, Blyth;
Christopher Wattam, Belgrave.
Grade 5: Chris Fidom, Joe Fraser, Sa
Andrew Wharton, Henry Bos, Chris A
Lee, Jeff Josling, all of Blyth. M
Grade 6:- Jerrod Button, Blyth;
Jason Clark, Blyth; Mark Olson, Iry
Grade 5: Brian McNichol, Blyth;
arryl Marks, Collin Campbell, An-
rew Potter, all of Belgrave; Henry
os, y „Christopher Howson;
Grade 6: Jerrod Button, Blyth;
homas Schroecker, Blyth; Micah
ussey, Belgrave; John Ramirez,
lyth; Aaron Sauve, Blyth.
Grade 7-8: Tim Coultes, Mark
obinson, Mike Golley, Rob John4
on, Kyle Moran, Rick Wattam, all
Grade 1: Jamie Black, Justin
uve,,Joey Schmidt, Jud Hakkers,
dam Blair; all of Blyth; Robbie
cGee, Belgrave.
Grade 2: Corey Shannon, Zebulum
ing, Shane Hesch, all of Blyth
As a member for Terry Fox Team, I wish to
thank all those who assisted and sponsored the
Terry Fox Run. Also Many thanks fO Linda and
Dale Edgar for organizing this fht-run fOr Wing -
ham area.
L. 'Casey" Casemore
The third tax installment for the Township of Howick is due Friday
September 30th, 1988.
Interest at 1 1/4 percent per month or any part thereof will be
charged after, the due date.
Note - persons who have acquired properties, and have tot received
a tax bill shot& contact the clerk's office.
Failure to receive a bill does not relieve a tax payer from responsibili-
ties for payriptit of taxes, nor from penalty forlate pap:mint.
A-1Hortli Huron
' -11,11Eip
cifill, Ili
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'ft,. 11111
'4110w -i flit) .4 OfC
Grade 4 Eugene Fentlan
atla 047440- jar
*tax 4.114.4eigraite-
• .:Grade French: Darryl Marks
-Aaron Barnes, ,ItowanSerr, all o
Belgrair; Henry .Bos, . Chris How
899, Andre", Wharton, all of Myth,
Grade., 6 French: Mark Olson
Brandon 'Mins, Andrew'Forrest
Wan Belgrave; Jerro
Button, Myth; Micah Hussey, Be.
grave, .
' Grade 7 French: Rich Wattam,
Tim Coultes, Rob Johnston, Kyle
Moran, Mike Golley; all of Bi -
grave; Jason Elliott, Blyth.
Grade 8 French: Matthew Hussey,
Ian Morton, Jason Campbell, Jeff
Olson, all of Belgrave; Kevin Souch,
Beginners in 1988:make a snow-
man with cotton -balls: -Justin Black,
Danielle Thompson', Lauren Walker,
Heidi Meier, Matthew Cameron, all
of Belgrave; Jeff Lewis, Blyth,
Grade 1-2, Article made from
plastic bottles: Michelle Pletch,
James McCallum, Michelle Thomp-
son, Jason McBurney, Donna Patti-
son, Carla Frieburger, all of Bel -
Grade 3.4,. Make a wig with yarn:
Candice Irwin,- Lindsay Michte,
Matthew CalnObell, Michelle File=
burger, Jennifer Black, Heather
Keller, all of Belgrave.
Grade 5-6; Cern CobPipe: Margie
Belgrave; Darryls,
Blyth; Christa Bird, DarrY1 Jardin,
Anne Taylor, all of Belgave.
Grade 7-8, Caff Halter froin piece
Itrope: Jeff Olson, Belgrave; Tim
Coolies, Belgrave.
Open Grade 1-3, decorated4lower
ase .aeke.CCa. Morrison, 41xtbi.
anAmersfoort, Blyth; Donna Pat-
ison, Michelle Frieburger, David
McBurney, Belgrave.
Open Grade 4-8, wild bird feeder:
hawn Walker, Belgrave; Margie
ordon, Belgrave; John Armstrong,
lyth; Lindsay Michie, Belgrave;
amela. Morrison, Blyth; Christa
ird, Belgrave.
4,11i- *ha TI4knoilAnitthe'rYrt
Istou, C'O'ultes, Bradltubifison'ry
11 ottielgrave. „q. 1
A Wooden Toy: Mark 4obinaen,
elgravei ,-Brad ,Robinson, Bel -
_ S., ,
n, Cheryl Cainplielk
k *wing t:.
A ii.rdOdilt C100: Dean
crYettiat vitek Jeff Olson,:
* -Beginner* a 'ilder
, . J •
( GhiS)., Sewing 'et Olymi
d Rings : Danielle ThomiSson„
" , **Per, Tania Pletch, Cin
burger, Vicky Bleck, Jessica L
ridge, allot Belgrave
Begineers and KiOdergery,
' (Bays), Sewing ciii* of 01- ' **C
Riggs: • Jareiify, Vail4perkO4r*
Blyth; Carleigh Gallkaith,/50,9VI
Jamas; *even McBnineY, alto/ BOIL
Grade 1 and 2 (Girls), Picture of
Olympic Torch: Sarah Cowan, Bei:
grave; Michelle Thompson,
Bel -
grave; Allan Gibbons, Blyth; Mieh-
elle Pletch, Brian Sinclair, Amanda
Black, all of Belgrave.
Grade 1 and 2 (Boys), Picture of
Olympic Torch: Michael Marks,
Luke Lockridge, Michael MeBur- •
ney, all of Belgrave.
Grade 3, 4, and 5 (Girls), Booklet
of My Favorite Olympic Athlete
: -
Margie Gordon, Erin Cook, Tracy
Robinson, all of Belgrave.
Olyrnpie Set' PboOt: -Natifel!a muS'
Grade' 6, 7, and 8 (Girli), My
eheid,' Anne `Taylkii, chi� CaniO
bell, Krista Bird, Ann Gamin;
Sherry Taylor, all of Belgrave..
Golley; Tim. Coiltes, Mark 'Rebin-.
son, all of Belgrave. 4 -
Senior Girls, Draw a Map of Huron
County,,,:tlidargie -Gordon, Jennifer
'Elstoirlkyne Vincent, Kim Leish-
man 1,11Of Belgrave Kim "PEW
-ion; fitytelinnifeCdocik; 141i -rive.
Senior Boys, Map of Huron Coun-
ty: Fijian Machan, Blyth; Mark
Robinson, Belgrave.
Junior Girls, Collection of pictures
expressing different feelings: Car-
leigh Galbraith, Janelle Anderson,
Harmony Spivey, Julie Hopper,
Michelle Pletch, Cindy Frieburger,
all of Belgrave.
Junior Boys, Collection of pictures
expressing different feelings:
aughn Vincent, Belgrave; Jeff
Ferguson, Blyth; Ronnie Abell -
(Continued on Page 13A) 6
CHILDREN'S HANDICRAFTS wet° mFull dist* at last Wednesday's 68th annual Belgrave, Brussel
and 01 SOO& Fair held at BeigraWL Barry Logan, his daughter Becky, his mother, Mrs. Dorothy
' all of Be/grave and matheNn4a • 011ve McKay of Mohair), took In all the fair exhibits. tzirl
Vslattftittortxtratiglawmagirier trarnwttmituttirstrlaiM,-tucicaa Tri • ) J• ttlrakf I. t,74•51a / 01 t ' t I 211,1115.1 /4