HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-09-20, Page 4Pa
44-TheWingamAdv ffeR
Plibiish4 at 'mammal. atitari0„PO. Rix
vironw Woo. Alitllited
Barry Wenger, ptibitsh,er
David Wenger, President Norman $actionnan,
Robert Murphy, Editor Audrey curne,Aqvertisin
Meer--Conadion Community Newspo*A§om.
()Mario. Community NOwmafier Assoc.
SubSeriptions $21.00 per year SIX MOIlthS0;09 .
• $234X! beY0n0 40701ile P1414 •
fteturittpostage guajtd.
7. 77
Second Class Mail Registration No, 0821
*Salute our young people
Every day's news carries word of the misdemeanors of young
people not because there are more wrong -doers in that segment
of society, but simply because they are at the adventurous stage of
life. Be it drugs or alcohol, cars or motorcycles, young people want
to try them all. Probably they are merely imitating their elders and
lack the experience to get away with it.
Whatever the case, we hear and read too much bad news about
our kids and too little of their achievements.
Since 1981 The Ontario Community Newspapers Association
has been recognizing the "good" in our young people, from the
ages of 8 to 16 years of age. The association has been generously
backed first by Canadian Pacific Airlines and in recent years by its
successor, Canadian Airlines International.
Candidates for such recognition are usually located by the local
newspaper in each community and the nominees are chOtenkfor
the service and commitment they have deMbistrated in their
munites . , • =
Each year theselected young people are taken *Vie annt4a1
meeting of the OCNA, where they meet the lieutenantt90eiriOe.
-,Ontario at his, official suite and have 'a .famity portrit1aken, and''ta
he presenkeach of them -with a -Scitat5le'401#.#660017
T116,Yenqi:e'Ejoprpose qf the'event is to publi'plZe'thd'fict fife pO'
Inarfy•Kilfigsfgrkare indeOlgood OtOiisltiYrnii,,O#0.1ititOTAAL
and 44740 its repon=
If you know osuciln young person, please let,0§, know at TPe
Advance-TiMeA; e,WpOld be'hat5py to sponsor yet anther SW)
Junior Oitizen..;
" • • .
'Votingisa dlitSr
Once every three years ratepayers getthe chant* to elect those
who will be handed the responsibility of conducting the business of
their municipality in the best interests of its residents. Municipal
election day this year is Nov., 14.
Unfortunately, hpwever, many eligible voters will not take advant-
age of this„oivortunity. Some, of course, for validleasons — the ill
or the frail elderly, to name a few -- are'siMply unable to get to a
polling station. Too often there are those who just don't care
enough to get out and vote. Ironically, many of the latter do not
hesitate later to buttonhole -a member of council to rail on about
some issue handled by that body and its resolution with -which he
fails to agree.
We urge all who are eligible to elect the council in their village,
tOwnship or town to turn out and`Vote. Voting goes beyond being a
privilege, or even a right. Por us it should be considered a duty.
it is easy for us to recognize that election time is at hand as
candidates slowly begin to announce their intention to run. Some
declare immediately, while others prefer to delay their announce-
ment, waiting in the wings, so to speak, to discover what oppo-
sition they might face and calculating their chances of winning
before tossing their hats into the political ring.
It is this type of maneuvering which leads to candidates being
placed in office by acclamation and once again electors have miss-
ed out on the opportunity to do just that — elect!
We urge those who want to be candidates to declare themselves
early and not wait until nomination day, Oct. 17. Those of you who.
want to see certain candidates in the race are also asked to urge
them to file their papers now. .
Let's make Nov. 14 Election Day, not just a day of acclamation.
One man's opinion
The second president of the United States was not so sure that
party pollticS operated in the best interests of the nation:
"I say parties and factions will not suffer or permit improvements
, to be made. As soon as one man hints at an improvernet* his rival
opposes it. ,No sooner has One party disoovereq or inOnted an
amelioration of the condition of man or the order Of toddy, than
the opposite party belies it, misconstrues it, ridloOlee it, inSults it
and persecutes it."
You know, Mr. Adams was right. His contention was, never triore
clearly demonstrated_ than tight at the present,time irt the Canadian
House of Commons.
But Mr. Adams did not, to our knowledge, suggest a viable, alter-
native to party politics. So far If has owed to be the Only way both
sides of a public question Cart be aired. grid dtpided.
Anyone wifha tttrJaplease 'MN?, tp ' b
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SEPTEMBER 1941‘" ' -
Prior to his departUre for .Regina
last week where he win be on duty
with the RCAF, P.O. W. T. Booth
was presented with an identification
wristlet by the Lions Club.. The
presentation was -.made; :by the
president, H. C. McLean:. -
Mr. and Mrs, John _Ai Kelly
announce the, engagement of their ,
daughter, Irene ',collie,' to prank •
Herbert Collar, elder sorof 10r. and
Mrs. Herbert Collar of Mfingyaln.
The marriage will take place early'
in October. ,
G. C. Gammage of blactoe has
received the apPOintment as•
Manager of the local. branch of the:
Dominion Bank. He re
J. R. M. Spittal Who pas,easted:for
active service. ' •
PASS Edith Weir, daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. John Weir of turnberry,
Hamilten Were e1ectedpresident f:
atit iSist
!mogul*: , Athlete. ,VjC.
presidents,at .. iind
Lorne Garaner;:iSecretaites. are
Margaret'Connell ad George
141o* treasurers,, k and
. 0.,
auditorium of theAdnevale- United created when Judge Frank Fingland
Church,is, the, gift of , Miss Viola -of Clinton was forced to retire due to
Mothers in, Memory of.herifather, poor health.:„ ;
the late Thomas Ma thers; who was a - The Winghant
_member of the church. The painting Cadet Corps has won- the $trathcona
was dedicated at a special service. ,,Shieldfer,„thtititiqdigonseciktitye
They,prtganigitiemitmxteRocekthe 4,14et ghiMilakerflikikriucIngitial
new Wingham and lirkstrict4il oys' =,,icompetItion layi,vaschooltandmior
and paid was held when overall efficiency in the
children, parents and members of The Riverside Parks Board 'an -
town ediniejl*rePresent.,te -hear pounced that lenders; had. ben -let
about the workings 01 the new band. • for...the-construction Of WaShr901u.Ste
Seventeen baYs and girliAigPed up serve the and picnic aVekThe
at,the meeting. • cement Nock, building ; tbe
Edward Palmer ,of the Cale- erected just to -the south ralf, the4+01a
nia branch -of the Canadian Bank Street entrance to the ,park. The
f Commerce, has been appointed to )101000 Poiltrai.t- went 10 al*Ifilm
the:p�ition of accountant at the'. cornDanv.`.„
ngliarn branch''They are Mark Wa tson and Whirray Procter
living 'in' be Bitterest house of 14._111. were named head' prefects, if the
Wecid,' 140 Ose position Mr. Peltier is Wingham; District .High School.
taking, Mr. Viredd, has ;been trans-: Thirty-four students were named
ferredtoSt. Catharines.. inaugurating a plan. -where- the
SEPTEMBER 1964. -4* students will ASsist With supervision
1%17! 0011014ment 1.:,0t1011401 --.R4'1 01 halis and other 4044* the
getlieitt100*-iliirWitighara, local ..''?school;
barrister .andotteitor; ,as Huron Miss Elauie Marie Miller, daugh
coot Indgeisespee tedstobitnade 'ter of Mrs, Archie:MO et.''RR 2,
immediate -appointment will Wribteter, and Mri. ' Margaret
fill the Vaeatier on the Huron bench Finnigan, =tondo* daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth frlastle of Gerrie,
1.11E•04.1 ••••,
graduated from Guelph General
Hospital. ,The two: graduates are
cousins., •••
Over 100 guests attendedeli. er
in the Winghtitrt Legion Halliehotior
two retiring tnembers of. the Staff of
the *bighorn and District Hospital;
Miss Edna Carr and Mist Fanny
belle Weir. Miss Carr has been on
the staff for 24 years, Miss We
new coat inof'pas town
up program the town's Property
committee has been waiting years to
get started.
Miss Laura Collar, who spent the
past nine months visiting relatives
(Continued on Page SA)
MO- tly4=-Tirntis is a
membe Of• the ' Ontario
whkih will
ri twitter' corn-
)fttifltS about the publica-
ws, opinions' and
rtising. If a complaint
ot be, resolved with
newspaper, It should
'" sent t& the Ontario
Press Council, 151 Slater
St., Suite 708, Ottawa,
Ontario KIP 5H3
andbanaktitiatint, "."
A 'mutat painting* 'he Good
Shepherd" on the athe that
loft In .,the newity,deearated