HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-10-16, Page 1FIFTY .FIRST, YEAR No. 2566 EXETER, ONT. TT" iJRSDAY . Imam 'L s `1 411.11110 96.0110 ding Meta • 111=10111 •}1NdINC, OCTOBER 16th., 1924 ith !ictus liii Jt,1 ��i��ll��l!!IIliliIIIIIIllBiilill�l�lllllllillllllllllllil�llllllllllllllllliliUllllll N t� :. , I•,ili�l�llflH��l�illl�ll�,llllliiw�L. Coats, EY.JTER cO NcIL Winter Monday,' October 13, 'L924 yy�� 9 regular session of the M 'c' Fall and ual z >a1. Council was• held , with all members: The e` rriiRiflit of1 cr. .'�: present. the m,ee krn �= held Sept.,,22n1 were react and • a � IIIMMIMI 1.}rovecl. Letters were read is follow MEOW ..^ From the secretary.of the Ontaruo barn Associated Boards of Trade and Cliant M. hers of Commerce, Mr. T Mansholt, 14.1.1011 •4zonto, regarding participating in a deserving •tributeto the Honourable Monte EIenry Cocksbutt, Lieutenant Gover- nor, with an anuitation,' to attteiid a "`' lsanqui et inthishonour ,'at the rd,10 I�:�esses and 'Suits Congoleum Rug Week, October 20th to November 1st Get our special prices •on all sizes of Congoletim rugs for this spec ial Sale frons October 20th to November 1st: New patterns will be shown for the first time during sale. .I_"apestry Bedroom cgs $14.75 We are overstocked with tapestry, bedroom rugs sizes 2 Veyds by 3 yds. and 21/2 yds. by 3 yds. These rugs were all from $20.00 upwards in price. Over twenty to select' froth at one price only $14.75 each. Clean Sae of Sate ns Cretonnes,Etc. � s We place, on sale this week hundreds of yards of cretonnes; chint- zes, 'sateens, etc, at greatly reduced prices to clear. These are suitable for comforters, coverings etc. a1ateas at 25c yard 100 yards dark patterns, good quality galateas `regularly 35c. yd. clearing at 25c. a yard. v For Men, Boys and- Youths BUY YOUR OVERCOATS EARLY. YOU WILL NEED IT FOR THE .COOL -EVENINGS. THE GREATEST VARIETY OF STYLES AND CLOTHS WErHAVE EVER SHOWN IS NOW ON DISPLAY. MEN'S ''$15 TO$30 YOUTHS '$10TO,, $•17-- CHILDREN'S ;'$7.50 TO $12 PHONE 82 PHONE 32 . Edward Hotel on _ hullsday, Nov: 20, The clerk was .instructed to acknow- ledge the receipt of the same, IN ORDER TO DO SO WE HAVE ft -n .iin-wrlateon ,extended by the Cote A TEST ROOM EQUIPPED WITH poi -afloat oP the Count} 01 Middlesex THE MOST MODERN OPTICAL 1 to all erud the unveilcing of <i talalei ilio INSTRUMENTS AND THE KNOW honour of the meso of r1•[itldlesexn*ho r LEDGE OF IIOW TO USE THEM. 60.01.1 Let Us Help You II yhqq' t, i, 4 Id a. a. r if1 b7 al+ , i tAF a j 1 + pp inn i 1 tr Ix t, Ih or r i,lVr', �,Yil k". +. ,r 1r. •F' `P lad d'i 1'+ . a a. , r a ' > F id4.1.,0//'j hta. all/ • .� a `. To See Better gave their lives an the Great Wan of. 1.914-1918, at the"Urnive-rsity of West- ern, Ontario, I;gadon, on Friday iifter- 1 noon, October 17th, _ Per Davis and Coulli, Tliat the reeve' and clerk be empowered to sign ± the by-law ye securing tends from the Canadian Bank of Commerce for cur- rent expenditures.—Carried. Messrs. Harnesa•snd kleywood asked the council to place, an. electric light onp6site their properties on !indr-e,v Street, The council win :;n,testigate. The rate oftaxation for the year, was fixed kt 41. malls on the dotter, the cleric to prepare a by-law confirming the same. Per Southcott and Coultis, Carried. Per Davis and , Hooper -Clerk to prepare form of by-law to be pre - scented at the next meeting for the purpose of the purchase of the lands required by the Cemetery Board end for cemetery purposes Carried. P••er Southcott and Hooper -That a by-law be prepared regarding the clos t g of Cafes. aind Ptu1ylle Eating Houses, said places to be. closed sharp at F' o'clock midnight +every. •avight of the week, and Sunday nights at 10 o'clock. Carried. The following accounts were read and ordered paid,—Writer Works De. par•tment, P. U. Commission, waterrate 1200 00 P. U. Commission, re, "'-: :wiring, paintiniteand repairs to Town =1 Clock' 1:3.55$_; H, C, Clark, varnish incl .� lobar• Elerauy 4.50; Ross Taylor Cao"y. lumber emetery 41:75,; G. H. Martin,; palatine contract Town' Hall 225 50•; Bell Telephone Co., cemetery' phone 62; Bissetts phone 6,15, 10.77; John Norry, labor, 8;25; Jelin Pars•oais 6,58; Thos. Sanders` 6,25; W. T. Gillespie. 13.1.1 anmaank Ya Wig ea Yam Yom alan foomme aemog = drayin,g `:50c.; Philipe H:een, laboa. 3.30'.. Per Southcott and. xdiwtper. Carnet Adjournment by Coultis. .Los. 'Senvai; Clerk. lillll111111llllllllllll111111IIII(III1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII„ 111111111111 11111191e11i1I1111141111111119111#Illll1NMlliilllllllllllllllN!!I!!lIIID0. w '4 w % , `.?3,- rf, �t+ e Surface ani e ve all' P,„>` FALL- The he e Prudent People Paint for Protec tion Lowe Brothers High Standard Paint Will Protect your Property PINTS 80c.. QUARTS $1.45• :1, GALLON $2.80 GALLON $5.40 ALSO TO PROTECT USE AGATE FLOOR VARNISH UNIVERSAL VARNISH SUN FLOOR VARNISH_ NEPTUNITE, VARNISH IN TINS FROM 80c. UP repate for inter Copiete Stock at Lowest Prices • iTOVES HEATERS AND RANGES e' STOVE PIPE ELBOWS STOVE PIPES COLLARS DAMPERS AND STOVE BOARDS e, TINSMITHING AND PLUMBING-.' FURNACES: AND IRON PIPINGG CISTERN PUMPS AND SINKS ii iam*;!I's Hardware and Stove Store BORN WAY—In Exeter, on Tuesday, Oct. 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Way a son. GUENTHER—At 'Dashwood on Oct. 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Guenther a son. MARRIED MERKLEY—CANN—At the home STEPHEN COUNCIL BACKED U1 WITH 2 $ .YEARS OF EXPERIENCE AT SIGHT. TESTINS AND SPECTACLE FITTING. WE CAN HELP YOU SATISFACTION GUARANTEED S. Fitton, Registered Optometrist_ bepassed, signed and sealed.— Ca rrilt. d, • The , foil, olviirr , accounts werei passed —Samuel -Smith, cutting weeds 7.00; also on town. line Stephen and Usblorne 2.00; H, Powe, dragging .4.00„ Adjournment to next regular meet- ing. -Henry Eiilber, Clerk. LOCALS Rev. W. E. Donnelly was at Clan- deboye Monday evening giving a lec- ture on ":Tean Valjean,'" Mr. F. Taylor and Misses Elva Harvey, Stel- la Southcott and Verna Coates .as- sisted with the musical part of the program. Mrs. Jas. Beer of town, while vis- iting at the home of Mr. Chas. Johns in Ilaborne, had the misfortune to fall downstairs Monday evening, frac tuning' her arm. The accident oc- curred about ten o'clock just as Mrs. Beer was preparing to retire. Rev. Thos. Sawyer, of Milverton occupied the pulpit of James Street Chulech on Sunday' and preached two splendid sermons. He addressed the Sunday School in, theafternoon. The Pastor; Rev. W. E. Donnlly con- ducted Anil .ivers icy Services at Blyth; Little Stewart Cann, four year old son of Mr. and Mrs'. S. J. V. Cann was run down by an auto on Main Miss Kathleen I -lean -Ian had a house party for a number .;of. her friends at their summer home at Grand Bend, over tire week -end. 0 i ttur S da evening n• a held on the beach. it . wiener roast was Fr d:: y and Sa. lea YOU CAN'T 1 • 11frs. Geo. Marson spent )re ee# ,'rail an, t'oresi visiting het•. son Wil]); wilco recently opcared rip di tr;;storg iii that end oil from •ireports is s160 azr f• � .ane ay, October 17th aad. 18th y(1 ill "Girl thy,, Love, Thrills and Spills NOW WHAT WOWS OF LAUGHTER ARE UNT HAVE SEEN "GIRL SID' ext Week, October 24 and 25 ' - WILL (&y�@jp/ EP . YS A STORE: Bk BARONESS .O ZCY COMEDY 1-$ uRny J P" St., Tuesday afternoon and narrow- The arrow`I•he council met in the• Town Hall 1Y averted a very serious accident. Crediatoin on. October 6th at• 1.p.m. The little fellow ran out onto the Councillors Snell and Sweaitzer were road from between a standing car. absent. The previous minutes were and a wagon just as a Ford: car clriv- read and .adopted being aby-law to. provide for the 'en by •a young lady was passing.- The. Hayes—Goetz=That by-law No. -321 radiator struck the little fellow and . levy and collection of the respective knocked him down, the auto passing rates' of taxes for the year 1924 hay- over him but the wheels, fortunately ung been read three tunes be passed, did not c ;ouch him. He suffered a signed and sealed,—Car aed. " number of bruises but was not ser- The Reeve report:d having inspected iously injured and was able to be Kulin's culvert with Deputy -Reeve around again next.day. Hayes and Councillor Goetz and rec- oxnniended payment of the contract. 713e, foil owing (orders, were 'passed,-- Frank as •cd, -Frank ,McKeever, gravel 1.8.75 ; George Eirlber, rnaking the 1:31.50 Geo.. 7:,il- her, inspecting Kuhn's' culvert 15,00; Harold Wxlper, grant to Grand Bend School Fair 20,00; Herbert It. Eiilber grant to ; Crediton School Fair 25_00; Reuben Goetz,, grant to. Dashwood School Fair: 20.00; Hydroi Electric Po- r Commission acct.:' .15.20; 'files. Zimmer, rep. woad grader 3.00; ' Row- landBros. gravel,S0 S�•• also 3025 Clinton News Record printing 186.50; Peter' Eis:enibacli, bah contract roe, of th bride's. parents, `,`YVillow kuhr's. culvert 665.97. jor Grove" Farm, Usborne; on Wed- iA s. asirriment to Nov.• 3rd: special meeting of the council was nesday, Oct. 25, Stella . Pearl, held in 'the clerk's office on, Oct. 9th at' 8, p.m. Deputy -Reeve Hayd's' ab- sent. Goetz -Snell -That Lloyd England' be and is 'hereby appo'unteri collector 0f taxes for the year 1924 it a salary oC S100.00 and that he be paid has postage and excise, staanps also, and that the roll shall be returned on the 15th of December,' 1924.. That his bonds filed with the 'clerk for the clue performance of the tyoi•k be approved and accepted. -Corned: Sa eiitzer-Goetz—'Chat lay -law No. 322 appointing Lloyd England collector` of taxesehavi.ng been read three times daughter. of _ lVIr. 'and Mrs. John . Cann, to Mr. Chester M.' Merkley son of Mr. and, Mrs. M. Merkley of London, by Rev. G. M. Chidley IN ISIEMORIAM WARES— In loving memory of• Trooper Ian R. Wares, Medaille d' honneui•, (Avec Glavies en Bronze) who made the supreme sacrifice 9th Oct. 191,8, aged,19 and a half years, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Wares; Ann. ;St. "Ile thall riot grow old as » we that are left grow 'old, Age shall, not weary nor the years .condemn, , • • At' the going 'clown of the sun band' in ' the riiorning we remember 'him." 181r REPAIRS We are now prepared " to do ' all kinds of repairs on broken frames, Whereas before, we had to Send theni to London or elsewhere. HEAVY SII EL : r RA,1OtS TO YOUR OWN LENSES, WHILE 'YOU WAIT, $3.00. SPECTACLES, LARGE LENSES, $1.00 and PP. Dr, John Ward cantor,Sl ACTOR & OPTICIAN MAIN STIiiR.x'lfT`EE, ONT. PHONE 70 The z>drte on the school by-law will • be taken next, Monday and the citi- zens are being asked to approve or disapprove of the expenditure of $7000 for the erection of new ad- dition to the present school building to be used for H. S. purposes. The erection of 'a' new addition will re- leave the present congestion at the school and will permit the room of juniors' taught by bliss Taylor and crow meeting in the Libraryto be transferred to the "school. While' these scholars are comfortably sit- uated .at, present; the presence of these small children on this busy corner is dangerous:'iS one of them may be run down by an automobile. .The cost to the ratepayers will not exceed one mill on the dollar for five years. The Board of Educseti.on consists of ten of the leading citi- zens of Exetere. three, •of whom were elected at the irew year on this issue and thefactthat they are unanimous in their opinion that the addition is needed, should be sufficient evidence for those less in touch with the situ- ation. Only property owners are qualified to vote on this By-law. LI A meeting will be ' held in . ames St Methodist Church T. ctp .. tt 26th :r 8' O'CLOCK P. M. UNDER AUSPICES OF EXETER PLET,ISCIT • COMMITTEE SPEAKERS Rev. QUA C. Reid. B. A., leo D., of Ottawa Mr. George . Stanley, of Lucan SPEAKERS OF OUTSTANDING ABILITY AN,D ORATOR'' SPECIAL/ MUSICAL NUMBEE.S • COME and Hear tine Plebiscite Questions Discutisrd. n, CHAS. HARVEY, Pres t EO, MAWSON, Secy -Tree DANCE'. WIF.D.1,4E.Sj...).AY' HALLOWE'EN MASQUERADE CARNIVAL. AND DANCE 'WEDNESDAY, .) , OCTOBER, 49h. Prizes will be awarded for best couple in National Costume; Comic Cos - tune, Best Exhibition Fox Trot, Best Exhibition 'Waltz, Exhibition CIog.: Dance. All dancers are requested ro come in costume a.n'd make this dance a success. •••• h Plum Service Grocery SHREDDED HEAT CLASSIC CLEANER 2 pcltgs:W95e 3 pckgs, 25c PLANTOL SOAP WRAPPED CORN FLAKES per pckg. 10c: 3 cakes 5c. ROYAL YEAST ' CAKES per 'peke-. _ 05c. CORNSTARCH per pckg. 10c.. BON AMI, Powder .per •pcicg. 15c. REN. VANILLA ='bottle 0e, New Sweet Potatoes roc a ponnd CORN MEAL pound ..:.... . .......:..-05c. POT BARLEY pounds ....... , .25c: WHITE. SOUP B EA,N S 3 pounds 95e COTTAM 'BIRD SE11.1.D per pckg 20c .�w� e..w�a;..�•nx..n.+..:e«a�...at-,vvm.,.�„-r;r..m, g.IP1.071.17,MLOAINSIOSIV.a'41,411:11,,,Mi,,Mt.I. !MIA, 1.16,4006. TABLE SALT $'/2. pounds .:..-,......,100. ODTIgE SALT per pckg. .,15 c. CORN SYRUP • 2 pound tin: L�C7t CORN SYRUP' 5 T1RUP'5 pounce tin .450;, Honey We now have our new' stock of first 'grade hoirey,s in 2 tG 5 and 10 pound Bails. e Let as have your order for your winter sup- ply of real clear honey. Ic -1110 When. you get your Sam- 4, pie tic tfr 1lestairp Soap bring the enclosed slip to this store and ger, two 28c tins for 260, M V Y & A V TWO STORES' ;r, •