The Exeter Times, 1924-10-9, Page 5'THE EXEltft TIM
illiifiglillimilimimilmommllimmimmiummillommlliilliumilommim immiumiummummillmillimiimffit,
— OF --
School of 'Commerce
Clinton, Ontario
Tuesday Sept 2nd, 1924
Stenographic -- Commercial -- Secretarial
Special Courses
For particulars apply to
Vice Principal - Principal
Phone 198
Vacuum Cleaners
For Sale or Rent
You cannot be more delightfully
entertained at less cost, than by
listening to the best musical talent
•the world produces, and which is
within the reach of all through the
medium of the
The Hydro Shop
J. Passmore
Barristors, &c.
Office on the Square, 2nd door
trona Hamilton St., Goderich.
Private funds to loan at lowest rates.
W. Proudfoot, K.C. J. L. Killoran,
D. E. Holmes
Mr. Holmes will be in Hensel'
*very Friday from 9 until 6.
Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Au -
tion School, Special course taken in
5tegistered Live Stock (all Breeds,)
1.4arcband1se, Real Estate, Farm
Sales, etc. Rates in keeping with
'prevailing prices. Satisfaction as-
gured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, or
wire 18-93, Zurich.
DR. A. IVIOIR, L. M. C. C.
Physician and Surgeon
Phone 70
Graduate of Faculty of ,Medicine,
McGill University, Montreal; Member
.af College of Physicians and Surgeone
et Ontario; Licentiate of Medical
Council of Canada; Pbst Graduate
eAssuber of Resident Medical staff of
eleneeal Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15;
diee,3 'doors east of Post Office.
se 56, Hensall, Ontario.
1x6, v matched
resised on both
sides it
'50 PER M.
A., J.
Miss Violet Whiteside, who is at-
tending Normal School at Stratford,
spent the week -end at her home in
Owing to the fact'that the Hen -
sale grain dealers aee paying from 5
to 10e.- more per bushel for grain,
enormons quantities aee steadily
pouring in to the local elevators.
Teams ane auto trucks arebusy
hauling the harvest into town and
the road to the elevators present a
lively sight these days.
Report of S. S. No. 10, Hay, for
September—Sr. IV—Honors, Stella
Ingram 88; Marie Bell 82; Bertha
Corbett* 77; pass; Edwin Dick 72;
Jack Corbett* 44; Willie Parke* 39.
.Tr. IV—Lorne Chapman 62. Jr. III
Hugh McEwen 66; Margaret. Dick
64; 'Ted Munn*. Sr. II— .G. Dick
73; Garnet eirousso 66. Sr. 1—Hon-
ors, Alvin Bell 90; Jimmie McEwen
S-5; Helen Munn 82; Harold Elder
75; Mary Iluiser 75; Pass, Irene
Mousso 65; Dorothy Corbett* 65% Jr.
Pr. Jessie Dick 75. Those marked
* missed .some exams or were absent
during Month. No. enrolled 20; av-
erage attendance 16
M. G-. Johns, Teacher.
Farmers are very busy at the bean
harvest and silo filling.
Grain is pouring into the Kippen
elevator. Mr. Isaac Jarrett is the
right man in the right place.
Next Sunday, October 12th is
Kippen's Anniversary services., Rev.
Dr. Solavete, of Toronto will preach
at 11 a. in: and. p. m. A choice
anniversaiy entertainment will be
held on Tuesday evening, Oct. 14thl
to which the public are cordially in-
Mrs. •McGregor• hat'' gone to Tor-
onto to visit her daughter, Mrs. T.
All are lining up eor. the 0. T. A.
on October 23rd.
Annivereary services were held.
las Sunday; Rev: Mr. Ii:vin; of Sea -
forth, was the preacher and delivered
two splendid sermons. In the after-
noon the church was packed andh
there was a large crowd in the even-
ing in spite of the inclement weather
The proceeds were $225.00.
Messrs Bonthron and Drysdale
have installed a new furnace in the
Mr. "Wilkinson visited his brother
in Wingham last week.
Mrs. E. Parker is laid up with
. Mrs: Jas.' Stark, who has been ill
is improving.
Mr. Geo. Chambers was laid up forl
a few days owing to illness.
Quite a number of visitors were
present for the Anniversary.
• USE NAMELESS Cold Remedy
foe the treatment of Cold in the head
Hay Fever, Asthma, Catarrhal Deaf-
ness, Sore eyes, Piles etc. It is
easily applied. It is pleasant 'both
easily applied. R is pleasant both
to taste and smell. Priced. to sell,
250. Sold in Hensel]. at Hemphill's
Drug Store. In Zurich, at, Wagner's
prepare e young men and
weinen for Ilusiness which is
BOW Canada greatest erofes-
sion. Wo assist graduates to
positions and they have rn
oratorio:1 training which en-
ables them to meet with sne-
cesS. Students are registered
can week, Get Our free cat-
alogue and leaenesomething
%bout our different depart -
D. A. McLaughlin, Prin.
Mr. J. Steacy, Sr. was in Exeter
on Wednesday.
Miss M. Hunter spent a few days
this week in Centralia.
Miss Beryl Aeliton spent Sunday
at her home in Gerrie.
Mr. M. R. Rennie, of Seaforth was
In town on Monday last.
Mr. Harry Smith of London, spent
Sunday at his home in town.
Miss Gladys Slay visited with Miss
Greta Lammie over the week -end.
Miss Helen Fisher of Toronto, is
visiting at her home in town this
Local baseball fans are busy "lis-
tening in" to the world's series this
The close season for black and
grey squirrels has been extended to
• Miss Anita Graham of London,
spent the week -end with Hensall
Mr. Glenn Broadfoot, of Goderich
paid a short visit to Hensel' friends
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. White were
visited by relatives from a distance
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Farquhar and
family visited relatives in Goderich
on Sunday.
Mrs. Thos. McKay, was taken to
the Old Peoples' Home at Clinton on
Friday last.
• Considerable interest is being ta-
ken in the village over the coming
0. T. A. vote.
Mr. George Petty this week is re-
painting and improving his block
opposite the post office.
The Methodist Church is holding
their fowl supper on November 4th
keep the date in mind.
Rev. H. Naylor conducted the
services in Trivitt Memorial church
at Exeter on Sunday last.
The Fowl Supper 'given by the
ladies of the Neethodist church will
be held on November 4th.
Mesers'Bonthron 8c Drysdale have
recently installed a furnace in the
Chiselhurst Methodist church.
Miss Dere Sherritt left some time
ago for Port Huron, where she has
taken a position in a hospital there.
A number from Hensall attended
a dance at the home of the Misses
Gill, at Chiselhurst Tuesday 'night.
On Friday lase Mr. R. Donaldson
moved his furniture and household
effects to Teeswater by motor truck.
Bean Harvesting, silo „filling and
threshing are the order of the day
with farmers in this vicinity just
Mr. Wm. Stone, Jr., Of Detroit
motored to town on Sunday, and
paid a short visit to his Hensall
friends. -.
A number of friends and relatives
gathered at the home of Mrs, Suth-
erland on,elonday afternoon last, to
celebrate her birthday.
Goderich and Seaforth were with-
out lights Sunday evening owing to
a break in the line caused by the
storm Sunday evening.
Quie a number from here attend-
ed the Chiselhurst Anniversary on
Sunday last and report that the ocs
casion was a big success.-
- Don't forget that the Observer Of-
fice takes subscriptions for all the
daily and weekly., papers. Let us
have your order; we can save you
Miss Dorothy Welsh has been suc-
cessful in gaining admission to Strat-
ford Normal school. She left the
forepart of the week to commence
her studies.
The Hensall Methodist . church
Anniversary will be held on October
26th. Rev. C. J. Moorehouse of Clin-
ton, will be the preacher for the
Mr. Jack Carmichael visited in
Stratford on Saturday last, return-
ing on Monday with his sister, Miss
Nellie, who has been visiting • for
sometime in that city. •
Mr. and Mrs. E. Rennie and Sam,
and Mr. and Mrs. W.. Chapman. and
Master Lorne motored to Palmer-
ston. on Sunday ahd spent- the •day
with Mr. and -Mrs. Chas. Chapman.
The meeting of the Young Peoples'
League held on Monday night was
well attended. The program given
by the Mollard Mission Circle was
enjoyed by all. Also solos and mus-
ical. numbers added to the interest'.
' The members of the Masonic Lod-
ge at Hensall held a special meeting
on Monday last. D. D. G. M. Mr.
Aberhart, of Seaforth, addressed the
order and was listened to with at-
tention by the many members pre-
sent. At the close of the Meeting
refreshments were served.
The Heesall Rural School Fair
held on Wednesday of last week was
considered a success, both as to
large exhibits and large attendance.
The niunerous exhibits were shown
in the Town Hall and included bak-
ing, sewing, darning, art, writing,
flowers, fruits and vegetables and
also" many other classes, While out-
side a fair showing of liVeatock Was
en exhibit. The spoets, Which were
keenly contested, were held on the
jhall field.
In the school parade, all the see -
tions or schools Made, such a geed
' showing that it was agreed to give
, etteli school the same men Money,
Owing to lack of space the list of
.prize WillllerS Will libt, appear Until
uext week.
, A 1/TY succeesfel school fair was
held at the West school laet Friday.
The teacher Miss Kenny and her pu-
pils are to be congratulated.
Mrs Mollard, Dist, Suet W. M. S.
visited the local ,seciety last Wed-
nesday and gave a very interesting
addrese. 'Lunch was served' at the
close of the meeting.
Mrs. R. Pollock and little son, of
Kerwood spent the week -end with
her parents, Mr., and Mrs. E. Mc-
Pherson., e, • e
Anniversary services will be held
In Grace Church Sunday, Oct. 12th.
andeaeHarvest-,1-leme. dinner Oct. 17
4, USBORNE, fo.r the month of Sep-
tember, based on daily work and ex-
aminations 4—Lily Hunter 77
Gerald Ford 73. jr,' 4—Mary ',I-tun.ter
62. Sr. 3—jean Coates 85, Ua. Ituater,
82. jr 3—Roy Hunter 52, Archie
Tboine,on 51. Sr. 2 --Norman Hunter 75
Bessie Coates 66, Eldon leading 63,
Florence Mitchell 58. Jr, 2—Arnold
Void 65, Allan W,estcott 60. 1.—Elgin
Luxton -'63. Primer-7Clitton Hunter 81
Willie Quinton, 77, Beatrice Essery "62
Hubert Quinton 55. No. on roll 18;
average 15.1.
L 1. Davis; teacher.
Crediton Schobl Fair
Better than Ever
The Annual Crediton School Fair
took place on Thursday, the 2nd of
October -1924 under the direction of
the Ontario Department of Agricul-
ture and management of Mr. S. B.
Strothers, of Clinton. Tho weather
was ideal and a very large crowd
was in attendance. The exhibits
especially 'grain,, corn, roots, and
vegetables exceeded those of prev-
ious years. The showing of live-
stock was splendid and competition
was quite keen. The drills,and par-
ades of the different schools dress-
ed in attractive colors, presented a
pretty sight. The fair this year was
the best held In its history. The
following is the result of the judg-
ing. The number preceeding the
name is the school section number:
Wheat, 1 qt..5 Kenneth Kuhn,
1 Willie Elliott; wheat sheaf, 5
Kenneth Kuhn; oats, 1 qt. 5 Willie
Geiser, 3 Bernice Sanders, 5 Mau-
rice Beaver, 4 Arnold Becker, 2
Willie Lampert; oats, sheaf, 5
Maurice Beaver, 5 Clarence Fahner,
5 "Willie Geiser, 5 • Gordon Lampert,
2 Willie Lampert, 5 Melvin Lampert
barley, 1 qt. 5 Harold Fahner, 5 El-
gin Woodall, 2 Harry Hirtzel, 5 Gor-
don Lampert, 1 Ivan Hodgins; field
corn, 1 James Corsant, 3 Ella Dear-
ing, 5 Ila Appleton, 2 Lloyd Lam-
pert; sweet corn, 5 Velma Guett-
inger, 5 Jean Richard, 2 Maurice
Hertzel, 4' Eldon Smith, 5 Eugene
Beaver, 5 Arthur Heist.
Irish Cobblers, 5 Kenneth Lillow,
14 William Richards, 14 Mary
Buckley, 2 Agnes Lampert, 5 ,Elgin
Woodall; green mountain, 5 Inez
Fahner, 4 Lloyd Eagleson, 14 Char-
les Baynham; deeley, 14 Earl Frey,,
5 Agnes Love, 5 Elsie Thompson,'
5 Lloyd Fahner, 4 Lloyd Wein, 1
Pauline Hodgins;. mangels, 5 Angus
Love, 5 Eugene -Beaver, 5 Inez Fah-
ner, 5 Willie Gaiser, 5 Elgin Wood-
all, 5 Rodney Bowman; turnips, 3
Willie Stanlake, 14 Gerald Godbolt,
5 Russel Finkbeiner, 5 Eugene
Beaver, 5 Arthur Heist, 4 Joe Mar-
tene; beets, 4 Marguerite Amy, 3
Margaret Penhale, 14 Mabel Smith,
5 Carrie Fahner, 4 Esther Martene-,
14 Maurice White; carrots, 4 Ler-
een Becker, 5 Karl Kuhn, 5 Helen
Hill, 5 Alma Winer, 5 Willie Gaiser,
Geraleine Hedden; parsnips, 5
Clarence Fahner, 5 Lulu Kerr, 14
George 'White, 5 Helen Finkbeiner,
5 Bernice Either; melons. 14 Jack
Buckley, 3 Gladys Penhale, 5 Ang-
us Love, 5 Irene Fahner, 4 Martha
Martene, 4 Greta Becker.
Asters," 5 Elva Wuerth, 5 Gerald
Zwicker, 4 Eldon Smith, 5 Alma
Lawson, 5' Gerald Smith, 5 Carrie
Fahner; sweet peas, 5 John McTa-
vish, 5 Rodney Bowman, 5 Lulu
Herr; phlox, 2 Kathleen Lawson, 2
Agnes Lampert; zinnia, 14 Fergus
Buckley, 3 Glades Penhale, '5 Eber
Lewis, ,14 Jack Esseree African Mar-
igolds, 14 Earl Frey, 14 Reta Buck-
ley, 4 Laurence Wein, 2 Norma
Finkbeiner, 1 "Willie ,Elliott, 2 Ila
Lainport; Coreopsis, 3 Margaret
Penhale; Calendula, 1 Gerald Hed-
den, 3 Greta Dearing, 1 James Cor -
sant; French Marigolds„. 5 Velma
Guettinger, 6 Ruby Finkbeiner, 5
Melvin Richard, 5 Edna Gaiser, 5
Willie Geiser, 5 Margaret Kuhn;
Salpiglosis, 5 Irene Fahner, 1 Weal-
thy Schroeder;; Uerleena, 4 Olga
_Martene, 1 Ruby Redden; Cosmos,
'2 Elva Lampert, 14 .Jack Buckley,
3 Ella Dearing.
Essay, "Birds and their relation
to Agriculture" Prize donated by
Rev. Kitely, 5 Edith Sweitzer, 2
Harry Hirtzel, 4 Eldon Smith.
Cockerel, 5 Clara Thompson, 3
Douglas Triebner, ,2 Dorothy Law-
son 14 Jack Buckleye,pullet, 5 Clara
Thompson, 3 Douglas • Triebner, 14
Fergus Buckley, 2 Dorothy Lawson;
pen of three 14 Donald Hicks, 3
D. Triebner; pr, white Leghorns, 5
Angus Lovie, 2 Willie Lampert; pt.
white Wyandottes, 5 Laura Clark;
pair Rhode Island Reds, 3 Douglas
Triebner, 1 Geraldine Hedden, 1
Gerald Hedden; pen Barred Rocks,
5 Arthur Heist, 5 Gordon Heist, 5
Alma Lawson, 3 Willie Stanlake; 5
Jelin D. IVIcTaeish , 4 EldOn' Sinith;
pair pigeons, 5 Edna, Geiser, 5 Dor-
othy Schroeder, 3 Murray Scott, 14
Gerald Godbolt 2 Willie Lampert, 5
Melvin Laniport; any pet, 4 Jee Ma-
tene, 5 Elva Wuerth, 2 Thelma Sims
1 Ruby Heddee, 1 Mina Flynn. 5
Clara Lewis; dog, 5 Kenneth 'fellow
2 Gerald Rollins, 5 'Clevald, Zwicker,
5 Bernice Either, 5 Carrie Fahner,
4 Edgar Rader; 'cat, 5 Marion Rich-
ard, '4 Eldon Smith, 5 Alma Lawson,
5 Earl Sheardown, 4 Waiter Weber,
5 Ede:a GaiSSY
Dozen white, eggs, Gerald Hod -
den, 4 Loreeee Wein, 2 Edward
Lampert, 5 -Elsie, Thompson, 5 Ger-
aid Smith, 5 Willie 'Geiser; elpzen
brown eggs, 4- Edith Weber, 1 Ruth
:Heiden, 5 Willie Geiser, 3 Beeelee
Andereem, 2 Thelma Sims, 3 Mar-
garet, Penhale. •
Daley calf (feelale,) 5 Elgin WOo-
dell, 4 LloYd "Wein, 5,11 and H.
LAI 0 la 9'
Woodall, 5 Willie Gaieer 5 Morria ter Edgar 13.ader of DitshWOotl end '
lamb, 4 Edgar Rader, 4 L. Weise, were also several drills, duette aud
w211 be
4 LieY4 Wein, 5 Sani Lawson; hal- dealogaee. Tee aeiiinateete pu6.. 1/ROPKIITY 'IN TIM VILLA,QE,
ter broken colt, 5 Sam Lawson, 2 lie Slieeking were, Miss Alma Winer, OF EXETER
HarrY Hirtzel, 5 Melvin LamPort, wiles° sithieet was "Canada a nation' under, and by v41,t e ,ert
e Gorden, Heist; pair >baeon hogs, rwteitehdienr, the lePiree". Elsie: registered mer(gageittWiloich-
2 Maurice Ilirtzel, 4 Lorance Wein, , le oe tee elence or gag
Beaver, 14" Gerald God1/471t; market duett by the Misses Ferde There MORTGle.0/ SALE GE, 11114:181DY4NOS
e Gaiser, 5 Elgin Woodall; Wale e to the United States and Can -
Agricultural colt, 2 Harry Hirt- ada," Gerald Zwicker, "The Cenad-
zel 5 Gordon Haist, 5 Melvin Lam- lan Natioual Exhibition " Agnes
port, lat. prize (longed by The Can- Lampert, "All that ,glitters is not
adian Bank of Commerce; beef calf, gold,"Eva Lampert, `Save, the Ver-
5,Manriee Beavers +-Lawrence Wein, est," Haeel Hay, "1.)rohibitione'
5. Gordon Heist, 5 Elgin Wooden, 5 The judges awarded ,the prizes as
William Geiser, prizes donated by follows: Seniors, Elsie Reeder, AI-
N. W. Trewartha, AI, P. P., j Ma, Winer; juniors, Gerald Zwicker,
Fall pears, 5 Clareece Fahner, '14 Hazel Hay, Eva Lainport and Agnes
Reta Buckley, 3 Gladys Peehale 4 Lampert.
Lloyd Wein, 5 W"illie Geiser, 4 Joe
Martene; six apples, 3 Greta Dear-
ing, 4p Eldon Smith, 5 Gordon. Heist,
5 Clarence refiner, 5 Harold Fahner
3 Douglas Triebner; pumpkin, 5
1Villie Geiser, 5 Arthur Heist, 5 El-
gin Woodall, 5 Russell Finkbeiner,
2 Morris /Iirtzel, 14 William Rich-
Half dozen doughnuts, 4 Selina
Rader, 4 Edna Martene, 2 Thelma
Sims, 2 Da Lampert; half dozen
Graham muffins, 5 Dorothy Fahner,
4 Eldon Smith, 2 Dorothy Lawson,
5 Bernice Eilber, 3 Luella Stanlake,
5 Eena Beaver,'halt dozen lemon
tarts, 5 Laura Clark, 2 Elva Lam-
pert, • 2 Thelma Sims, 2 Kathleen
Swain; d.ark layer cake, 1 Wealthy
Schroeder, 5 Hazel 'Woodall, 5 Al-
ma „Winer, 1 Ruby Hedden, 2 Thel-
ma Sims, 2 Kathleen Swain; raisin
(Continued from page four)
ca-ses, Mrs. J. D. Graham, leawsoin
Bros.; 40.111emade soap, W. Sw itzer,
Mrs, J. Creig.htori, .
Fancy—Lady's night robs, Mrs, E.
Lan:easter, Mrs. J. D. Graham; Lady's
conveleseent jacket, wool, iliss ESw .
itzer, Nrs. Jas. Brown; Lady's eon-
valesce.rit jacket, fancy, N, Heal, Mies
E. Sw itzer; Table centre, whits N.
Heal, ,Mrs.. J. D. Graham; Colored, 'Mrs,
Gres'e, Mrs, J. Di Graham; 'Pelee
runner, Mies E, ,Sw itzer,, N. Roach;
Buffet set, T. VC,7ashiburn Mr& L.
Groe,a; Tea cloth, Mrs, Jas. Creighton,,
L. Grose; Tea cloth crochet
trimmed, Miss E. Sw itzer. Miss NI!
pie (teachers only) 4 Lavine Smith Folieck; Pillow slips and 'sheets, A.
2 Isa e b 11
e Donaldson, 5 Cora Sch.: Wi4".;eman, Miss E, Sw itzer; Dresser
roeder; apple Pie, 5 Inez Palmer, cover, Mies E. Se' itzer, Geo, Jaques'
3 Luella •StaIllake, 2 Dorothy Law- Dresser Tanner, N. Heal;. Charles!
4 Charlie Martene; hoine made can -2" C-I'lld's
2 Thelma Sims, dress., a Gregery,',Mrs. F., Lancaster;
son, 3 Rosa Dearing,
jacket and booties. A. Wise-
dY, 5 Alma Winer, 5 Bernice FiTher, tZillnocvcovers,MrE.N
, L,a,tiliceaaeit,cr;G.Sh, feaetittleesn;d,
5 Helen 1VIcIsaac, 5 Ruby Finkbein-
er, 3 Ella Dearing,. 4 Eldon Smith; Day pillow slips, R. Mills Mrs. Gra-
school lunch, 5 Bernice Eilber, 3 ham; Camis,ole with crochet yoke, Miss
Ella Dearing, 3 Greta Dearing, 4 E. Sw; /tzar, Mrs. 3. Creighton; Caml-
Eldon Smith;
. sole, "silk, Miss E. Sw itzer, A. Wise-
Pt.soe; Handkerciriefs, N. Heal, Dameaen
Raspberries, 3 Rosa Dearing,
5 Inez Fahner, 5 Lulu Herr 3 Ella B--o.s.; Shopping bag, eles. E. Lan
Dearing, 5 Marjorie Lawson, 1 irla... career, A. Cele; Hahd bag, A. Cde,
zel Hay; beets, 5 Hazel Woodall, 3 Miss E. Sw dee?. Te'ole doylies, Miss
Rosa Dearing, 5 Clara Theinpson, 1 E. SW Ozer, A. Cole; Serviettes, Mrs,
3W Margarete altIiy
SchProenedheall.2.5 Irene Fahner, C... 'Lan:easier, Miss Sw, itzer; Bedroom
towels, Miss Sw frtzeir, Mrs. Graham;
Patch on Gingham., ,s Irene Wag- ,Guest towels., Mrs. Creighton., -
horn, 1 Hazel Hay, 5 Edith Sweit-
Wilson.; Embroidery, ecinive a , silk,
zer, 5 Lottie Waghorn,4 Thelma Mrs, E. Lanca,ster; Embroidery, daisy
Weber, 5 Alma Winer; initialled loop and Feench knot, Mrs. Creighton.
handkerchief, 5 Edith Sweitzer, 3 N. Heal; Colored erre>. j. Andereose
Greta Dearing, 5 Alma Winer 3 N. Heal; Tetted centre. piec,e, W. li,
Luella Stanlake; hemmed tea tow- SW. itzer, Mise Robinson; .Tatting, N.
Reach, E. Wilson.; InfaVs pillow and
ell, 1 Wealthy Schroeder, 5 Helen
Orme, 5 Elsie Thompson, 5 Verde carr.1:1-g'e c°ver, Mrs. L. Grose; Crochet
Sims, 3 Luella Stanlake, 5 Alma filet, MISS SW. etzer, Mrs.. Grahain;
Winer; crocheted lace, 5 Edith Crochet lace, A. Wiseman,,Dr. Ja
Sweitzer, 2 Agnes Lampert, 5 IIilda Grieve ;' knitterelace, Miss j. aohineein,
Sims, 5 Marguerite Lampert, 4 Kath A, Wiseman; Boudoir cap, H. Hanna;
leen Morlock, 5 Verde Sims; knitted Mrs. ..E. Lancaster; Aproll,ePelique,
Miss M. 'Follick, :Niles M. Doupe; Sofa
doll's quilt, 5 Dorothy Fahner, ;
wash cloth, 4 Edith Weber; patched
1 cushion, sllk emb.., Mrs. E. Lancaster,
Hazel Hay, 3 Greta Dearing, 5 Alma A. Cole; Sofa cushion, Miss J. Role:ale
Lawson, 1 Ruby Hedden; boudoir eon ; Roman c ut work, Mrs.' J. Creigh-
cap, 2 Thelma, Sims, 3 Rosa Dearing ton, Mrs. Graham; Service tray, Mrs
5 Irene Fahner, 3 Luella StanlakeL. Grose, D. Goulding ; Work by lady .
darning on woollen stocking, 3 Gre- over 70 yeate, Mrs. J. Anderson, eirs.
ta Dearing, 5 Alma Lawson; halid 'Anderson; 5 useful styles of needle,
made apron,. 3 Luella Stanlake, '2 Miss. Sw ezer, N. Heal; Special for
Wealthy Schroeder, 3 Bernice Sand-
ers, 2 Thelma Sims.
Any, model in wood, -e Gordon
Lampert, 4 Edgar Rader, 5 Willie
Gaiser; bird house, 5 Kenneth Lil-
hooked mat, Jas. Robinson,
Oil painting, landscape,.from„na,-.
ture, Mrs. H. Sweitzer, N. Roach;
oil painting, marine, from nature,
low, 4 Eldon mith, 5 Gerald Smith,
- on
N Roach; oil painting, vegetable or
5 Gerald Zwicker; patch sewn
grain bag, 4 Eldon Smith, 5 Gordon ' fruit, W. H. Sweitzer; water coloi,
Lampert, 3 Earl Christie, 4 'Lloyd scene, copy, Miss M. Follick; water'
Eagleson, 5 Sam, Lawson; 5" Earl color scene, from nature, ,Miss M.
Sheardown; specimen of paper cut- Follick; water colors, flowers aild
ting, 5 Gerald Smith, 5 Jean Rich- vase or bowl, Miss M. Follick; Sepia,
ards, 5. Arthur Heist, 5 Clarence any subject, copy, G. Heywood;pas-
Fahner, 5 Elva Wuerth, 5 Eugene tel. any subject, N. Roache crayon,
Deaver; six named knots, 5. Edith or charcoal scene from copy' Miss
Sweitzer, 5 Elgin Woodall, 4 Thel-
ma Weber, 3 Willie Stanlake, 2 '
Folhcke pencil drawing' any subject
Harry Hirtzel, 2 Willie ,Laniport; Miss Follick; pencil drawing, geo-
collection 6 beneficial insects, 5 metrical, Jas. Marc, H. Hanna; pen
Ed. Sweitzer, 2 N. Finkbeiner; col- and ink sketch,' any subject, F. Gou-
lection 10 native forest seeds, 5 Ed- lding, G. Heywood; pen and ink
itis Sweitzer, 14 Garfield Neil, 14 drawing, G. Jacques, Jas. More;
Gerald Godbolt; collection of • ten stencil design, H. Hanna, F. Gould -
tree leaves, 5 Edith Sweitzer, 5 -
ing; basketry, Mrs. L. Grose, Miss
Ruby Finkbeiner, 14 Gerald Godbolt •
14 Garfield Neil, 1 Wealthy Schroe-
M Doupe. ameteur photography, R.
der, 2 School Collection; pressed Shier, F. Pridham; tinted snap shots
wild flowers, 5 Ruby Finkbeiner, 5 Miss Follick; penmanship, G. Hey -
Edith Sweitzer; collectiou 6 injur- wood; painting on china, conyen-
ious insects, 5 Edith Sweitzer, 5 tional, Mrs. W. Atkinson, Dr. Grieve
Ruby Finkbeiner'; map of Huron, 4 painting on china, realistic, Mr.
Edith Weber, 4 Marguerite Amy, 14 Blackler, Dr; Giieve; painting lus-
Earl Frey, 14 Doris Essery, 1.1 Gwen tre work, Dr. Grieve M. Blackler.
nie Hicks,' 4 Edgar Rader; map 'of
South America, 3 Greta Dearing; 3 DOMESTIC SCIENCE
Ella Dearing, 5 Lottie Waghorn, 5 Honey extracted, NI. Brethour
Edna Beaver, 2 Elva Lampert, 3 E- Mrs, J. Squire; maple syrup, A.
ber Lewis; map of Canada, 5 Mar- Doupe, H. Copeland; maple sugar,
guerite Lamport, 4 Eldon Smith, e
- Dawson Bros., G. Hazlewood; home -
Gladys Lewis; 1 'Hazel Hay, 2 Thel-
made bread white A. Shier, Daw-
ma Sims, 2 Edward Lampert; writ -
son Bros.; hoine-made bread brown,
ing, "Evening Prayer," 5 Carrie Fah
ner, 5 Carl Kuhn, 1 Joe Martene, 5 Nies. J. Squire, J. T. Hern; home -
Arthur Heist,' 4 Walter .Weber, 5 made buns, J. T. "Herm Mrs. J.
Gerald Smith; writing, "Abide with Squire; coffee'eake, Mrs. J. Squire;
Me," 14 Donald Hicks, 14 Doris Es- Angel cake, Reuben Shier, Mrs. J.
sery, 3 Willie Stanlake, 4 Edith We- Squire; light cake, Reuben Shier,
ber, 3 Gladys Penhale, ' 5 Elva -as. Malcolm; dark, cake, J. T. Hern
Wuerth; writing, "Lead Kindly Ray Mille- apple pie A. Robinson,
Light," 3 Ella Dearing, 3 Margaret
.Penhale, 5 Merva Sims, 5 Dorothy A.
_ i , -
Shier; pumpkn pie, AeShier, R.
Feltner,1 Rubby Hedden, 2 Elva
Shier; lemon pie, A. E. Doupe • R.
Lampert; writing, "On His Blind- Mills; red current jelly, R. eV.
ness, 1 Hazel Hay, 5 Gladys Lewis, Switzer, Chas. Atkinson; apple jelly,
2 Thelma Sims, 2 Agnes Lampert, C. Atkinson, R. W. Switzer; berry
4 Edna Martene, 5 Marguerite Lam- jelly, Mrs: .11- Barnett, Mrs. W. J.
port; collection 3 specimens of Art, Urquhart; sour pickles, A. Robinson,
5 Edith Sweitzer, 4 Kathleen Mor- A. E. Doupe; sweet pickles, Mrs. E.
lock, 4 , Edna Martene, 2 Thelma, Lancaster, G. Jacques; catsup, G.
Sims, 5 Bernice Eilber. 1 Mina r
eacqueS, A. E. Deeeee; rhubarb, J. T.
Flynn; crayon sketch, 1 Marguerite
Amy, 4 Loreen Becker, 4 Esther Hern, Dr. J. Grieve; cherries, E. N.
Martene, 4 Edgar Radet, 4 Joe Mar- Shier, Mrs. E. Lancaster; raspberries
tene, 5 Carrie Fahner; • monogram, Mrs. D. Roger, Geo, Jacques; pears,
5 Edith Sweitzer, 14 "Wm. Richards, Dr. Grieve, J. Urquhart; plums, C.
3 Grete Dearing, 5 Inez Faliner, 5 Atkinson, Miss J. Robinson; peach -
Hazel Woodall, 2 Thelma Sims;es; "Gtieve„, W. Herne strawberries,
quetatiOn, 5 Edith Sweitzer, 1 Ha-
_ Routley, Mrs. .E. Lan
2caster; • ap-
zel Hay, 1 Elsie Rader,
Sims, 1 Wealthy Schroeder, Pies, Chas; Attkiiison; grapes, C.
Einkeeiner. . outley; corn, E. -Doupe, J. T. Bern
Judging cattle, 4' Lloyd. Wein., 4 Peas; G. Jacques, A. M. Donee; to -
Eldon Smith, 4 Arnold Becker, 4 matoes; A. Shier, J. Urquhart; chic -
Lawrence Wein, 5 Rodney Bowman, ken, C -Atkinson; noon hinch, Mrs.
5 Gordon Lampert. J. Sqllire, ,Mrs. Goulding; gooseber-
Creaseeht sewing contest, 4, Wein eiea, A. wiseinan, A. :Rundle
13"s. ' 3-uclgeS—Ms's. W. C. - Epplett and
Interschool singing; room 2 No. 5,,
No, 4; No. 14, NO. 1 room 1 No. 5 Mrs' Switzer
No. 2.
School parade, No, 1, No. 2, No, 3, Pencil drawing, G. Gallop,Winone,
No, 4, room 1 and 2, No. 5, No. 14 Gallop, Ward Horn; speeiMen of
awarded $1 each. writing by pupil in 3ect or 4th read -
In the evening a concerti was givoll er, Audrey Paul, Netta Shier, Alma
in the Town Hall, at whic1r the pup- Hem; writing by pupil in anci or -3rd
us of the different schools who took reader, Victor Chatten; col. of wild
part in the Fair put- On the progratn, flowers, pressed, 1:11.01. piedeme, 19,
Special Mention must be made to the
Musicial Selection of Miss WendHern, Grace Gallop; col. of weeds,
produced on day of stile, the under-
signed wili offer for, sale on Satur-
day, October 25th., at 1:30 o'clock
p, ni., on tlie preniises, tile residence
property situated on Lot 34, south
side of Simeoe St., Willis' survey/
Village of /fleeter.
On the property is a comfortable
beicit house with metal roof and a
frame stable, and an excellent gar-
den. 'Phis dwelling' iblocated- mat one
of the nicest streets of Exeter.
At the same time and place there
will be offered for sale, ai quantity of
valuable furniture and household
effects. See small bine for ,particul-
ars. '
Terms of Sale ,
20 per cent of purchase price In
cash on date of sale and the balance
within 30 days. Possession upon
completion of purchase money.
For further particulars and con-
ditions, which will be read on date
of sale, apply to
Exeter, Ont, Solicitors for Mortgagee
FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer,
OF —•
LOT 5, 00N. 2, USI3ORNE
•One hundred acres of land, fine
brick house, 2 good bank barns,
drive shed, hen house and good gar-
age. Well drained .and fenced 7
acres of bush, all ie grass. .
Also Lot 6, Con. 2, 100 acres all
in grass.
HORSES: -1 heavy team six and
seven years old;.1 heavy horse 4 yrs.
old; 1 driving mare 6 years old; 1
driving mare 7 yrs. ,old; 1 two yr.
old Belgian colt; 1 one yr. old Bel-
gian colt.
CATTLE: -1 heifer due on Oct. 7th,
1 heifer due on Oct. 15th; 1 heifer
due on Oct. 20th; 1 cow due on Mar.
2nd; 1 'tow due on March 25th; el.'
eels, due on March 271h; 1 cow due
on March 5th; 1 cow due March 28;
1 cow due April lst; 1 cow due on
April 15th; 1.farrow cow; 1 export
steer; 4 steers 3 yrs. old; 1 fat heif-
er 3 yrs. old; 3 steers rising 2 yrs.
old; 2 heifers rising 2 yrs. old; 4
yearling heifers; 2 yearling steers;
7 spring calves; 1 Herford. Bull 3
years old.
PIGS: -2 brood sows with litters- at
IMPLEMENTS: --- Massey -Harris
Binder, Tudhope-Anderson Mower,
M. H. stiff tooth cultivatoremanure
spreader, roller, set of harroWs, 2
walking plows, disc harrow, scuffler,
fanning mill, 10 horse power gaso- •
line engine and grinder, wagon,
sleighs, top buggy, circular saw, seed
drill, hay fork and new rope 160 ft.,
hay rack, gravel box, root puiper,
stone boat, flat rack, set scales,
cream separator, extension ladder,
wire strechers, 1 set heavy britchen
harness, 1 set heavy back band har-
neig, grind stone, sugar kettle, sap
buckets and pan, cedar posts and
lumber, iron fence posts, ill straw
to be sold. -
suite, sideboard, couch, extension
table, ironbed, springs and mattres-
ses, carpets, churn. pictures, hanging,
• ,'
$10 and under cash, over that a-
mount 12 months credit on approved
joint notes or a discount of 5 per cent
per annum off for cash.
FARM ----Terms will be made known
on day of sale.
Richard Coates
Frank Taylor
of weed seed in bottles, E. Copeland
E. Pridham, E. Here; col. of injur-
ious insects, Grace Gallop, Elaine
Canine D. Camm; col. of grasses,
grains and clover in flo-wer, Ethel
Pridham; col. of photos G. Hazle-
wood; col. of native woods, Ethel
Pridham, Ward Bern; potatoes, early, S. Ratcliffe, A. Pringle, L. Stone
late potatoes, C. Stewart, Marguerite
Ratcliffe, V. Chattel; carrots, j.
Ratcliffe, B. Ratcliffe, Ina Gallop;
parsnips, Thos. I-lern.„ A. Pringle
Kathleen Gregory; cucumbers, W.
liernA. Pringle. Jas. Ratcliffe; blood.
beets, Thos. Hera, Bums Ratcliffe,
Ward I-Iern; sweet corn, Grace Gal-
lop, C. Stewart, Arthur Pringle; pop
corn, Violet S'cluire; pumpkin, punap-
kin T. Brock 1, 2, and 3; citron, A.
Pringle, Ina Gallop; onions, iVfargt.
Ratcliffe, n. Copeland, G. Heywood;
tomatoes, T. I-Iern, Margt. Ratcliffe
Alda Squire; Northern Spy Apples
E,velyn ,Routley, Arthur Pringle, C.
Stewart; King of Tomkins, Evelyn
Routley, Chas. Stewart, special late
Astrachan apples Margaret Rat-
cliffe; apron, Aida Squire,' Alma
Bern; Cookies, Muriel Robinsen, V.
Squire, Grace Gallop; soda biscuits,
Alma Bern, Violet Stone, V. Squire;
light cake, Alma I -Tern, V. Squire;
best dressed doll, Sean COle, Carrie
Wynn, Netta Shier, special,; -Water
color paieting, Ina, Gallop, A. Hern,
Winone Gallop, Carrie Wyun; bou-
quet of cut flowers, Scott Theme -
Con. Thos. Here, Alma Hern; sun-
flower, Philip Ilene Thos. I -fern, T,
Brock; hens' eggs, Evelyn Routley,
'Violet Squire, Thos. Brock; postage
stamps, Scott Tlionipson, V, Chalice
Public School exhibit) Anderson
School 'exhibit. WilicheiSea School
exhibit; special tatting, D. Calm-
a .special 'postage staMps, Margaret
Willis of Centralia, the Solo by Mas- Winona Gallop, Ethel Prid.ham; col, ewe,
zee. el le