HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-10-2, Page 8he 16W' emiemeweawsewiewireeno All the New Wearing' Apparel and Materials for Fall and Winter are novV on. Display, 'Ready for Your Inspection. THE NEW C ' We not only specialize in Coats for Ladies and Misses but also have a well assorted stock of, Warm coats for small children. Men and boys will, find here a large stock of warm attractive and rea- sonably priced ';overcoats. We would strongly advise every man in, this district to see, the new Barrie Cloth Ulster overcoats before de- ciding on thea overcoat to buy. SEW FALL FOOTWEAR Ask ,to see the new. Slippers and Oxfords for Ladies and Girls and also the new stockings ° in fine cashmere, wool, silk and 'silk' and wool. Our, stock is now complete and the new lower prices will surprise you. NEW DRESS .MATERIALS The new all wool flannels and crepes are taking first place a niongst. the popular materials for fall and winter dresses. We have all the new shades and also' some pretty new plaids and checks. Ask to see the new all wool delaines also the cotton broadcloths and brocaded and knitted silk materials. I C -USE .F RNIS INGS This is the practical time to beautify the interior of your home for the coming winter months. Take stock of what is needed then come in and see our display of wallpapers, rugs, linoleums, stove squares, curtain materials 'and blinds, our prices are lower on all these lines. Grocery Jiarga.ins Tasty. Cheese 25c. Kellogg's Corn Flakes 10c. 3 15c.. boxes. matches 25,ce Cascade Salmon e1 lb. 15c. 2 lbs. sweet cookies 35e. .8 bars any laundry soap..55c. Stewar -4111 e 11 Furnishyour home Complete and Save Q You ..x'16T For many years we have been furnishing homes like yours. Our service to young couples has been perfected to the highest de- gree of genuine helpfulness. No matter how little or how much you may wish to invest, in furnishing your home complete, you are assured every advantage of low, prices, courteous service and pains- taking attention in making your selections. All we ask is that you give us an opportunity of showing you how reasonably ou can purchase furniture at this store. WE 0.1e ER SPECIAL. PRICES ON EVERYTHING IN OUR ENTIRE STOCK. ,Ni. E. GARDINER Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Motor. Hearse and Horse Equipment . Long distance calls given prompt attention. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE DPERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 74J: Night call 74W elea • ens F mm .hangs When you are thinking of Clothes think of Taman's. The new fall fabrics are very nifty ' and we can offer you the very latest styles 'at most attractive prices. See the very latest in Borsalino and Brockilats New Fall Overcoats are now in order ehave a swell line of nifty New Tien.. THE EXrER N $MES Market report -The; following the report of the Exeter Market corrected event' Wednesday. Wheat $1.25, Oats 47 Barley 75e 'to 80e. Manitoba flour $4.40 Pastry Floer $3.65. Family flour $4.15 Feed Flour $2.00 Bran $1.50. Shorts $1;60. Dairy Butter 32c. Creamery butter 39, 40 Eggs, extras 36c. Eggs, seconds 26c. Lard 200 Hogs $9.25 *S.., eee.0 e....ei eetee...414.® • LOCAL • Mr. L. Day "'spent `.a few '`+days in' London last week, Mrs. F. Sweet returned to Sarnia Saturday after visiting in Exeter. Mr:G S.Howard picked a nice lot of raspberries in his garden on Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. ,G, F. Roulston and son Verne, visited in Kincardine over the week -end. Mrs. F. Neil and son Alton, of London visited with Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Jones on Sunday. Little Miss Louise Nichols, of Adelaide Village, is{ visiting with Mr and Mrs,:. Esli Heywood,. Mr. Beverly Acheson has return- ed • to Toronto after holidaying ,for two weeks at his home here. Mr. T. Cameron will hold an auc- tion sale of choice cattle next Tues- day, Oct. 7th. See advt. page 5. Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Saucers and sons Jack and Gordon of Toronto, visited in town during the past week Mr. Don Davis has returned to his position as teller at the Canadian Bank of Commerce after holidaying in Toronto. Mrs. E. Rowcliffe and daughter,. Miss Verde, returned home Thurs- day last after visiting • for 2 weeks in Detroit and Pigeon, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beer, were in London, Monday and were accom- pained home by the former's mother who has been visiting in that city. 'Mr. Reg. Bissett; of Chatham, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Bissett. Mr. Bissett has resigned his position at Chatham and has' tak-; en one at Detroit. Sheriff Magwood, o, Mitchell, has been appointed returning officer for north Perth and Jasper Walkom, of St. Marys for south Perth for the coming plebiscite. Weekly newspaper publishers of Western Ontario will hold a meet- ing at the Tecumseh Hotel, London, on Friday October 17th, when 'mat- ters of interest to publishers will be discussed. Mr. C. C. Pilon has again taken over the Huron Garage on Main St. and M. B. Doyle has moved to Mr. Thorn Baker's building corner of Main and James Sts. It having been remodelled. Mr. and Mrs. C. Pym, and family motored to Wingham Monday visite ing at the home of Mr. Samuel Van - stone. They also called on Mrs. J. Weir, who at' one time taught u t schoo 1 g at Farquhar. Mr. and. Mrs. M. Coxworth and babe, of London; visited in Exeter the later part of the week. They have been holidaying' for two weeks and visited in Toronto, Kitchener and Niagara Falls. Mr. Maurice Harvey has returned to Toronto to -resume : his studies at the medical college. Mr. Jas Morley has returned to Osgoode Hall.'' Mr. Hy. Seldon has resumed his medical studies at Kingston. Mrs. C. Birney, IVfrs. W. J. Rus- sell and daughter left Wednesday for Winnipeg where the former will visit 'with her daughter, Mrs. Ferg- uson ' and her son,,, William: Mrs; Russell and her daughter are going on to Alberta to visit with rela- tives. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2nd. 4 24.. CAI,'t?BN PRESS EERAN CDUEOR Rey. Jaarues Foote, B.A.., Minister 10 a.taa.----•Sauday School and Bible Class, 11 a ni -ee''X;ool ing toward, Diviner Sni'roundngs." • The Minister,; 7 p.m. -"Does it Pay' ti Be Good." The Minister', Boy Scouts meet Friday evening.•' ����lilllll�illlillltil��IIIIIIIIIIUINIIII�IIIIII�IUIiIIIIIII1111111011111IIIA II L ���. �NIIIII�IIII�IIIIIIIIIII�I��III�IIIIII[��III�III�I�i�t IMMO JAMES, STREET I4ETIIhODIST CHURCH Rev. W. E, Donnelly, B. 4., Pastor Harvest Home Services 10,15 -Morning Class. 11. a.m.-"Th`e Romance of God's Universe." ' 3 p. m, -Sunday school; and Bible. Classes. ' •it .• 7 p.m. -"Those Women" EVERYBODY 'WELCOME i OWEL L BAZAAR PLAIN PRICE STORE Tleir Store .ie:} the KEY ' to you Needs for Fall and Christmas goods, The passing of the Summer months give place. to these, of Winter. Our Xmas goods are commencing, to arrive. We heye .sur Xmas. Handkerchiefs .for Children and Ladiese These will, go. on sale in due season at prices,,that will move 'them: Handkerchiefs make useful gifts,'areeasy to send and best of all, inexpensive, gifts. We have Flowering leu,1bs, a number of kinds, at reasonable. prices. We have more of those white por- celaiin plates,, snappers and bakers, at the same Low Prices ',also the Glass- es at Sc, and' 10c: ` We have secured a number of Pho- nographs and Records, at a price, and will pass them on to you at :ruoney saving prices if ,you are considering buying a Phonograph, or Radio, you better consult us. We are expecting a Big Shipment of Grey Graneteware, and will eat it on sale, a soon' as' we get :t at price,s that will command attention. • Its our business : to be on the out- look for Bargains.. Its your eusmessl to pick th,e'm off when we present Lb err Come in anytinie and see the New Things • r FRIDAY AND SATURDAY BARGAIN S 100 lbs. Fancy .Pipped Chocolates, regular 6.0c,, specie,! 35c. lb. (200 count) packages pins, 25c. Mr. and' Mrs. Asa' Penhale and family have taken, a motor trip to Brantford, Hamilton, Welland, and Niagara Falls.. " ' Mr. Inksater and daughter of Paris, visited in Exeter on Friday. last_and were acconipained home by Mrs. W. J. Bissett. Mrs. A. E. 4Kuhn, is this week moving into' Mr. C. B. Snell's new house on Ann St... Mr. E. J. Wethey is moving into the residence on Wil- liam St. vacated • by Mrs. Kuhn. The West Huron' Teachers' con-' ;•vention will be held in Victoria School, Goderich; October 9th and 10th. When every teacher inthe inspectorate 'is supposed to be pre- sent. Matterser ' p taming to the profession will be discussed. Mr. H. G. Martin, B.A., . of Stratford, Normal,, will be the visiting speaker. Mrs. Margaret Casaday, residing on Ohio, Ave. was made happy when about forty of her friends invaded her home and gave her a complete surprise. A delightful social after- noon was spent, and Mrs. Casaday received some lovely gifts and a fine picnic supper was enjoyed at the close of the afternoon. - Charles City Daily Express FOR SALE -One well-bred Jer- sey cow, 8 years old, due in March, McLaughlin Top 'Buggy,- 1 Cutter and single harness, all in good shape. Apply to Wm. Mitchell. • ereeee C mamma mrrallaa It is a Pleasure to show you our`'New Mange of Boy's and Men's Overcoats.aThey have the Quality, Fit and Finish as well as being mod- erately priced. New Betty Brown Flannel Dresses A New • Shipment this week of these Popular Flannel Dresses for the cooler weather. These Styles are Very Snappy. Priced at $7 50 $10.00,' $12.59 Co'iigoleur. Rugs and Linoleums WE CARRY A FULL RANGE OF CONGOLEUMS RUGS IN THE NEW PATTERNS AS' WELL AS SEVERAL VERY NEAT PATTERNS IN 4 YARD WIDE LINOLEUMS. • Let ush S oW you these ese Sanitax Floor Coverings Greb Shoes Greb Shoes .'Are made for Boys and Men who demand a Shoe that will stand rough and - strenuous wear. Why not try a pair this Fall. BOYS $3.75 MEN'S ' $4,50 outhcott Bros 11IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHillli1111!lllllllllillllillllllllllllllllllllliNlllllillllllllll IIIIIIIIli!lllNifllNilif llilllllllllllill111Ht11Nllillflir Winter Apples Wanted Good prices paid for hand picked selected fruit. Will be shipping at Brucefield, Hensall, Dublin, and Clandeboye during months of Octo- ber and November. Empty baskets holding 50 pounds will be supplied the growers wanting them at the following places: Brucefield, Croni- arty, Hensall,and Clendeboye. For particulars and prices phone headquarters, ' R. S. LANG Walker House, Brucefield • OL AND. 0"K E ,eilesvisli to announce to the public theft have purchased the coal bus- iness of Mr. G. Mantle and will han- dle;a, full line of coal and coke. We solicit a share of your patronage and wrllserve you to the best of our a- bility. WE WILL ALSO CARRY ON . OUR GENERAL INSURANCE BUSINESS E. J. 'CHRISTIE' 6FFICE: North of Elliott and Johns On Friday we were shown a num- ber of fine potatoes that were grown at' the school ' garden from shoots. Several shoots were, taken from • potatoes in the spring and planted. They were cared for dur- ing the summer and produced fine potatoes: Ford Touring Car For Sale -In good condition, very cheap. Apply to W. J. Beer. HOUSE FOR SALE Two lots cornering on Wellington, & William Sts.; 7 -room brick dwel- ling with kitchen and Woodshed; good cellar, hard and soft •;water, electric lights, rghts, stable,: garage and hen house. Easy terms and a bar- gain for. quick- sale. For terms'`ap- ply on premises or to Thos. Camer- on, Auct., Box 154, Exeter. Also a Jersey' cow for sale due in. Sept. FUR N ITUR E FOR _- QUALITY, PRICES Ser ice and Satisfaction CALL ON US FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND FURNITURE '-DEALERS R. �Qlfir;2 RNs RoW PHONE 20W PHONE 20J W. R .Goulding A. T. C. M. Organist 'and Choirmaster James St. Methodist Church. Teacher, of Piano, Vocal and The- ory, Instructor of Music in the Public Schools. ti ` TERMS MODERATE, Box • 67, Exeter. YOUR LAST CHANCE To Get one of '°Y'hese Reliable Weather Prophets This coupon will not appear ,a- gain. if, you Haven't mailed or brought your coupon ; in,• yet act quickly for our supply will not last 'long. Regular rice $1.00 Our price while they last only;' 69/cents An Excellent Gift for all Occasions ' When the weather is to ,be fine thetwo children will be.out;henthe stormy weather is ,approaching the witch will come out for 8 to 34 hours ahead of rain or snow. The ,house is made of hardwood, Swiss cottage style, and, is decorated es in the picture with thermometer, Elk's head, bird's nest and birds etc. It; has four win- dows and two doors, " TINS IS THE: LAST CALL! BE QUICK ' WITH YOUR ORDER ' Mail orders ,I0c, entry for (ttifitea c- ` This CUPON and 69c Good ' for $1.00 Weather. House Prophet eammammememmeieltimmemeeessmommemmuseemeememe x a lore CLEANING PRESSING and REPAIRING SUITS MADE -TO -MEASURE TO FIT YOU AND YOUR POCKET WORK CALLED FOR AND DE- LIVERED. ELLIOTT AND JOHNS Dr. II. G. Fletcher,L..M'.C.C. Licentate of the College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office in residence of Mr. A. Camm, Main St. IPhone 156 Exeter, Ont. HELP WANTED Men and women to work In the Exeter Evaporator, Work to start about Sept. 8th.'-,AppiY to L. B. NI 'at the Evaporator GRAIN WANTED We are now in the market for all 'kinds of grain and are' prepared to pay you the highest price, 'We can also' make arrangements 'with you to haul the same with our truck. For (part;iculars `•.phone;, -.54; „, .during dinner and, supper hours pltdne 63. COOK BROS.; Milling Co. Hensall, Ont. ANDY EASTON Licensed Auctioneer dor the Como, ty of Huron. Correspondence arrange,/ meats for sales can be made by calk tag 'up the Central Hotel, Exeter. Charges ' moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. eM....6... Ia.- CA LING R R B.A. Barriete r, Solicitor, &c., Loans, Investments, Inenrammceo Office, Carling Block, Main St. >4>setW G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S:,D.D.S, DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the, Royal College $ Dental'Surgeons of Ontario and Uni., versity of Toronto: • Late 'District Dental (Meer, : Mill.' tars District Number; One, Loads Ont., Main Office, Main St. Exeter, OnL. Phone Exeter; Hours 9A0 L. to 5.30/p.m. Office hours at ZURICH ONT., Tail., only, at 10:00 o'clock a.m. to 5.0e o'clock p.m. Phone 79. A. B. TENRNAIIT Veterinary Surgeon Office--McDonnell'a bales Ili:Cables ft John' St. Phone calls receive prompt attention. Phone 16w Local Cartage I'AM NOW IN A POSITION TO, GIVE OUR LOCAL TRADE AN Ale' MOST IMMEDIATE SERVICE.. '. H. Bagshaw TRY OS Phone 68W, i ;Co.chrane Machine Works Ford motors reground, fitted with, Pistons, Complete $16.00 Ever*, make of Car Motor and Engines re- ground with •Pistons Complete to fit,, also Tractors. FARMS' FOR SALE -A 'few choict farms its the Townships of'Usborno,' •Tuckersmith • and Hibbert. Good buildings and',well located as, to mar." 'leets. :'Priced right, ' Apply:`to Thin.) Cameron, Aunt.. Boz' 164. Exeter. GREGG'S Clothing Hos its We .are' pleased to announce that , we are able to return to our 'work a " and are again 'able to give yon prompt and satisfactory service. Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing, Re- pairing, Remodelling. Turning of all' kinds of clothing ' LADIES' *VOICE A. SPECIALTY We also make Ladies' and Gent'Mi' ,r Suite to f)'tiler. A trial 'hi aolicitedy W.: GREGG:.