HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-10-2, Page 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111IIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllillfllll int Illi ' IFT'Y.FIRST, YEAR No. 2561 1 1. l• , i r i 1 s 1 INIIIIIII IIItIIIIIIINI tt IIIIIiI INTUIT 1 jj `` ff PP P 1IPy` Illlllll Illlflllllllttlll ll � fHl�ll ,... ,� �a1111 a+31f �i,l�..�/ll1�11�'IlBlli�1l��Ilill�lCilf�lllllll{�� ,...� ..:.. a ,. NO OF t 16 12 ��E 14 1 2 ®. SIZES h or 3 for ,,,3. 41 -_- We place on Salethis week several dozen Mens Fine Shirts, the Celebrated "Tooke the factory. l ar Good clear from m" -brand o bad e ; patterns, sizes from. 14 1-2 to 16 1- , Don't Miss This Opportunit 1 amme mama Men's and Boys' OVERCOATS he Greatest Variet3'of Mens and BOys Overcoats we have ever S.hAll at., 1Vloderate Prices. wiite e n� you to come in and inspect them. TIIURSDA C MORNL-NG, QCTOBi.R Znd, EXETER PUBLIC SCHOOL ��". The following ls the report 4C°�' • September the results bei�n"' based on s ect the course. • test oa, all wly] � �t s • With some the attendance has been very poor, hence the ,'ow standing, ,Miissied tests. ' • Sr. IV. --Irene Bierlin 74* Wjlnm Kay 73, Roy Batten 72, Aida McDon-" .� al:l 68, Kaitlrleen Reid 67, C 1ifl`oad Hutchiinsoir 66, Jcnn e Passmore, 65* Tom Kay 65, W, llwe, Sarnders 65° .:(sear gena Nelson 64, Hilton Laing 64, ;Mad- eLiiene Dearing 63, Stanley Walters 62,i 'Gr'ace Chambers 58* Alvin ,Passmore • 54* Baden Powell 41*, Jr. IV. -Geraldine Burke 77 Gladys Hunkiin 76, Mary Wells 74, Wale El- lerington /4,,Mable Snell 73, Hellen ,�• ',,- ',..,Pen.hale 71,' Willie' Baalcwi,l 69,•Russell KK i S ue11 67, Willie Lee:i 65, elillord, Lam - =1 am - =1 port 65, George .Andrews 65, Dorothy Dinirney 65* Clarentie' Boyle 63, Char- =, lie Ladder 62 Russell Calliargwood 61" FE I Vio1e Gambritl61s Harold Mc Don.. on.- old: 59, Nelson Wells 56, Ray Sanders r48, Jean'Walper 47* Lillian Payne 32* =1 • Loretta Little 30*. • No, on roll 38,''average 35. G. S. Howard, Principal. ROOM IV Sr 3rd. -honors" Raymond Pryde 84, Madeline Stewart 84, 'Margaret Martin 82, J. Creech 81, Jean Sheere 81, Gerald Skinner 81, Cecil Laing ie a 80, Hazel Bloomfield 76, Grace Chris- tie tie 76, Gladys Hutchinson 76. Pass Ruth Balkwill 74, Joe Jackson 74, R. Collingwood 69, Gladys Smith 68, G. Cochrane 68, Ilena Kestle 67, Wal- lace Seldon 67, Lois Statham 67, Jus- tin Kuhn 66, Helen Stanbury 65, D. Cox 64, Lloyd Freckleton 64, Mary Cann 62, Muriel Kaye 62, Kenneth E. Ward 61, Helen Vale 59, Rosie Jen:, nings 59, Marguerite Bloomfield 58, Hugh Walper 58, Clayton Batten 55, Richard Trumper 54, Helen Heywood 48, Margaret Ellerington 47, Jack = Hedden 45, Harry Cole 44, Bille Nei son 43, Kenneth Vale, , i17.ellville gamma Mama INEAMIst 40110.. 11101000 WOMMO Mama PHONE 82 Jones & Nay 3 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNHIIININNH II�IHIIIIIIIIIIINNNMNIII PHONE .32 • :. e Season when - r., 11th ' eo l aint oraProtection f � Lowe Brothers High Standard Paint will Protect your Property PINTS 80e. QUARTS $1.45 .3 GALLON $2.80 GALLON $5.40 ALSO TO PROTECT USE AGATE FLOOR 'VARRNISH UNIVERSAL VARNISH SUN FLOOR VARNISH NEPTUNITE VARNISH IN TINS FROM 80c. UP repare for Winter Complete Stock at Lowest Prices STOVES HEATERS AND RANGES 'STOVE PIPE ELBOWS STOVE PIPES COLLARS� DAMPERS AND STOVE BOARDS • TINSMITHING AND PLUMBING FURNACES AND IRON PIPING .CISTERN PUMPS AND SINKS max S Rardwa,,r ✓ and' Stove, Store' l: _ saga WRIMMI mem 01113001 swam gi SWOPS BIRTHS MILLER= In, Victoria Hospital, London, on Sept. 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred -Miller, (nee Ethel Day) a son. MARRIAGES O'REILLY-O'HARA At the church of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, on ,,,,September 16th, Miss Stella Mar- garet O'Hara to. Mr. Louis O'Reilly DEATHS KEST'LE-In Brtantford, on . Sept- ember 24th, Mary Jane Gerry, beloved wife of Frederick Kestle in her 72nd year.• LUKER-In Exeter, on September 27th, Maria • E. Luker, beloved wife of Roberto G. Luker, ,aged 65 years 10 months. CARD OF THANKS Simmons and Verne Brimacombel absent. No. enrolled 38. Average 35. Jean S. Murray ROOM III Jr. 3rd. -A. honors Ruby Stone 88,Utah Clark 86, Jean Penhale 84,. Allan Fraser ;78, Burton Donnelly 77 Pass --:Thos. Ellerington 73, Con- stance Jennings' '72, Wm. Chambers 70, Florence •Cornish 67, Edmund Wethey 65,Stella Little 66, Mar guerite Can.64,' Ie1en Salter 63, Edith,, Kestle 60,. - F , •Jr. 3rd -B '`_Pass: Florence ''`Ste- wart 74, RuthFraser72, Lucy Porn.: fret 70; Hodgson' odgson' 68, Jean Ross 66, Kenneth Hockey 64, • Dorothy Luker 60. Sr. 2nd -honors A. Stone 80, C. Cornish 78, L. Macdonald 78, J. Stanbury 78, M. Simms 77, E..Clys dale 77, Jean Pilon 72, Vera Kestle 70.• No enrolled 41. Average at- tendance 38. H. M. Kinsman, Teacher ROOM II Jr. - II. A. -Honors, Eileen Snell 79, Margaret Taman 77; Helen Walper 76, Teddy, Batten 75, Reba Simmons 75' Pass, Stanley Ward 73, Billly Walter; 71. Mavis' Spencer 68; Jr. II. B. -Hon- or's, Ray Hutchinson 84, Ray Creech 81,- Helen Trutnper ' 80, Pass, Myrtle Lee 72, Irene Mooaey 68, Rowe D,in- ney 61; Sr. I. A.-Ho¢nars, "Grace :Ba - Icer 91,, May Sims 90, Eileen Cornish. 88, Edith --=83, Clifford Heywood 78, Fred Ellerington 75, Pass, Ray - mom.' Freckleton 73, Jack Pryde. 72 Patsy lllartin 70, Hazel Clark 62. Pro- moted to Sr. I. B. -Honors, Harold Foss 94 ,Gordon, May 89, Warren San- ders 86, Gordon Appleton 82, Charlie Complin`75; Pass, Harry Denhale 62, Vyrnne Smith 60, Jr. I, -Honors, Jean Stanbury 92, Phyllis, B.nerl?ing S9, Nor- val Jones' 87, Elizabeth Foote -8Z, Jean ette -Taman 79, Verdtuni Wells. 76, .Ger- trude Rawcliffe 75, Pass, Harry Bea- mer 62, Vivian Elliott 61,• ,Kafhlieeav Go vile: 60, Charlie, Cox 60. No on roll 45, average 42.5. Medd, teacher, ROOM•1 Class V. -Honors, Vera Donnelly 80; Bernice Delbridge 77. Pass McLean, Lucan. Gladys Stone 65; Jessie Jennings ' Running Broad Jump Sr. L. 60; Bettie Complin 60. (Statham, Exeter; Culbert, Lucan, Class IV. -Honors, Mary Van Ed. Aldworth, Exeter. Camp 80. Pass, Charlie Snell 65; 100 yard dash Jr. H. Hunter, Ex- Raymond xRaymond Smith 62•; Annie Cox 61; eters Armitage, Lucan, H. Hodgson Ivan Webber 60. Exeter- 100'yard dash, Sr.-MacNamee, Lu can; Statham, Exeter; ,• C. ' Hodgson, Exeter, Bicycle Race, open -V. Roulston, Ex- eter; H Gower, Exeter; G. Frayne, Exeter Halt mire, open -Culbert, Lucan- Statham. Exeter; Spencer,, Exeter, and( -- Lucan; tie. ^Tug of War -Exeter won. 5.3 Iwo W. straight pulls, W. Woods, T. and S�. Heywood, W. 1VIcGill,r T. Delehert, Ed Class' I A. -Pass, Irene Van Alrlworth.. Girls' Events Camp 72 David Kestle 70; "Gordon Soft Bali, 24-2, in. favor of Lucan,. Sanders' 68; Gertrude> Cornpiin 67; Throwing baaebalr distance -L. Forel Orville Webber 60: Sweater aRI acne -Ada Mitchell and ASI, Class I` B. -=Pass, Joe Goly er 72; l Clark, Exeter; Lucan,, 2 and 3. Florence McDonald 70, -Ronald Row- l Relay Race-Ltteary 1 and 2; Exetea land 65 • Maidon, Walper 60.: -t A Mitchell,, D. Westcott, M. Ald-f worth, iM.'Strang. 75 yard dash --Exeter 1., 2, 3, • A. ]lint= cheli, M. Strang;, V. Caldwell. Three-legged race--.Exet r i., A. ach-hell, and M. Strang; Lilca,n 2 ea 3. :fug of war-Lucan Throwing basketball, basket, Exeter 1 aryl 2 ;jean Elder, I., ;Martiin,• Lucan 3 NuniS2r al pyounts-1, ceter 33; Lucan 26. Stenieary of Paints•= Girls -Exeter 33, . Lucan, "26 oyswExeter 6ti , L tcan 34% 1� , .' r '1`�atltl--Us�efer 1021-: Lucan b0,�, Mr. Frederick Kestie and family desire to thank the {navy friends for their kindness during the time of their recent bereavemlent',,in the, death of Mrs, Kestle. Blyth Methodist Church will hold their Anniversary, Oct. 12th. Rev. W. E. Donnelly, wiil'be the preacher. liti TtIE PUBLIC EYE Elf REPAIRS;., We are now prepared to do all kinds of repairs on broken frames,, whereas before, we had to send'thsnn to, London or elsewhere. THIAVY SHELL FRAMES TO YOUR OWN LENSES, WHILE' YOU 'AWAIT, $3.00. SPECTACLES, LARGE LENSES, $J .00 and UP. Dr. John Nirard CiI1T OPfl.ACTOTT`t t& • ; Olt'TIOLiii N S'I'. 'EXETER, OT(''.'°i P19[Oi . 70 • 1924 STRUCK BY CAR e H. S. a d Day .races Wer run off- on the Main St near the post office Monday and a large num,. ber of boys and girls thronged the thoroughfare. ,lust at the close of the sports Master Ray 1�reckleton was knocked down by an auto but fortunately escaped with only some bruises and a bad scare. CONN ROAST The Stephen and Usborne' Junior Farmers entertained the young lad- ies of the:Junior Institute to a corn roast on Wednesday evening of last. week. The roast was: held in Mrs. .Cudmore's gravel pit;and over forty were present:, The young` people' gathered around two bonfires and roasted corn, weners and marsh - mellows. Games were played and a jolly good time was spent by all. DIED IN THE WEST Word has been received in Exeter of, the death of Mr. Wesley Lyne, of Edmonton, aged 58 years. The de- ceased was a resident in Exeter for. a number of years having ,resided with his uncle the late Thos. Sweet and learned the mason trade with Mr. Jas. Sweet. His death took place October 18th, and the funeral; was held on Sunday, October 21st.. His bereaved widow is a sister of Messrs. Robt. and Thos. Dinney, of town. One sister, Mrs. Geo. Winter- bottom, resides' in London, IL S. STUDENTS ENTERTAINED On Tuesday evening the students of the Exeter High School together' with the staff ,were entertained by the Young People's' League of the James St. Methodist Church. There was a large turn out and everyone entered heartily into the spirit of the occasion. A fine musical program was given consisting of a duett by Misses E. Jones and R. 'Rowcli:ffe, reading by. Leonard Pfaff, `piano duett by Miss L. Coates and Roy Goulding, story by Rev. W. E. Don- nelly, chorus by a number of girls, sono by Roy Goulding and a musical selection by Messrs Clarence and Meiville Down. A sing song was conducted by" Mr. Goulding and all heartily joined in the choruses. Fol( lowing the program several contests were held and refreshments were served. Mr: Wethey-_7nxoved""".a• vote, of thanks to the league seconded by Mr. G. S. Howard. EXETER-TAXAN 11. S. FIELD DAY The Exeter-Lucan High .School Field Day was held in Exeter'on Monday, September 29th, and was totally a success. The day opened with a baseball match between the boys of each school which Exeter won by a score of 10-2. In the afternoon the girls played soft ball Lucan winning 124.4. Lyle Sta- tham was the individual champion. in the boys events and Ada Mitchell in the girls. Both of 'Exeter. ' 'Fol- lowing Following is the result of the different events:- . Throwing ball for distance -L. Tiernan, Exeter; McLean, Lucan; L. Statham, Exeter Running High Jump --Armitage, Lucan; McLeanT Lucan; H. Hodg- son, Lucan and K. Stanbury, Exeter tie, Running High Jump Sr. -L. Sta- tham, Exeter; Ed. Aldworth, Exeter H. Dignan, Exeter Running Hop Step and Jump op- en -L. , Statham, Exeter; E. Dig- nan, Exeter; M. .Hey, Exeter Relay Race, 1/2 mile -Exeter, H Dignan, C. Hodgson, N. Woods, G. Beaver; Exeter, Statham, 'M: Hey, H. Hodgson; H. Hunter; Lucan, McNamee, Culbert. Running Broad. Jump, Jr. --Arm- itage, ,Lucan; H. Hodgson, Exeter; 'RALLY i t. I Aq � C S Rally Day ,services were held in. counection with several, of the Sun- day Se pools intown:;o y + c n Sunday. In Main St. Church the rally ser- vices was a splendid seccess. In spite of the very inelement weather there was a good turn out, The printed program with "Our Neigh - bore" as the theme was carried out. Recitations were given by Edith CIy- sdale, Ray Pride and Kathleen Reid. A quartette was sung by Rev, F. E. Clysdale, Geo. Beavers, Howard Dignan and Robt. Gambrill. ' Miss. E. Follick gave a very excellent address on the recent World's Sun- day School 'Convention held in Glas- gow. The proceeds for the after- noon amounted to $19,25 In dames St. Sunday Schoci spec- ial rally .service was held in the aud- itorium, and a large number were present. The printed program was followed largely.: A recitation was given. by Master Roylance Westcott. Short readings were givevn by Miss- es Hazel Sanders, Margaret Johns, and Ella Homey. A short appro- pirate address was given by the pas- tor Rev. W. E. Donnelly. The primary sang a chorus and the or- chestra provided special'mucic. Four young men from the 'Main. St church will conduct ;tha' to -52410e on the Elimville circuit next Sunday. They are B. Tuckey, E. Aldsworth, L. Statham and H. Dignan.' The pastor at Elimville, Rev. H. E. Liv- ingstone, a former pastor in British Columbia, is being called on to deliver a` number of Temperance addresses dealing with conditions in the, western province. Let Us Help Y. �o See Better IN ORDER TO DO SO WE HAVH A TEST ROOM EQUIPPED WITII THE MOST MODERN. OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS AND THE KNOW- LEDGE OF HOW ` TO USE THEM, BACKED 'UP WITH 2,8 YEARS • OP EXPERIENCE AT SIGHT TESTIN(A, AND SPECTACLE FITTING. WE CAN YELP YOU SATISFACTION •GUARANTEE S' . Fittolr 9 Registered Optometric AUTO* TO ACCIDENT An auto accident took place .on: Main St, Monday, evening when' the small service truck belonging to the Ford garage was run into by a large touring car. Mr. L. Schroeder was • coming out onto the Main st. front Ann Street -with the truck and at the same time a touring car was driving south at a -lively rate. The big car, struck the ,truck broadside and knocked the two hind wheels .over', the curb onto the side of the road, One of the wheels was completelf smashed. There was little or' lid damage done to the big car and nen one was hurt. T;1 ;,, AH, RE F. I ANDSATURDAY OCT°1L a t 66 99 Feat t ring Katharine Calvert who played opposite Rudolph Valentino in "Blood and Sand. The Mar chioness of Queensberry and all star cast. A life and death struggle• at midnight in the gondola of a burning airship flying over the English Channel. Provides a really magnificent thrill In "OUT TO•WIN." USUAL COMEDY on't forget the n'DANCE TO -NIGHT DANCING AT '8: 30 iecs1�t;1.5 y". 4'+i51*Y+.a-Xf�rutR ,k`.!t v. ,�'TS..$iY'.:x3>�v t. a8.7x"h' �"'& �JiyA,7 ':.i'a4i Del Very 9 Class III. -Honors, Marjorie Ker - nick 90; Mildred Quance 79. Pass Harry Kestie 70; Billy Penhale 60. Class II A. Honors, ' Marjorie Foote 96; Lorne Howey 75., Pass, Robena Hunkin- 70; Gordon Hew- lett' 69;` Cecil. Smith 67;'' Lloyd Genttner 65; Walter Davis 63; Florence -Snell' '60 Class II B =Pass;` Fred Simmons ' 71; Eileen Sims' 70 Ola Reid 60 Number , enrolled, 40. Average. Attendance,38. O. M. Taylor. Mr. Archie Morgan underwent another slight operation, in Victoria Hospital in London, on Friday of', last week and is doing nicely. Mr. Morgan,has not been well for some time ,and 'it is hoped that this may prove the` turning point and that he will, regain his usual good health. Service Grocery estocersursmemsaratamvsetss, mama SPECIAL-O.ne cake of Pahnolive Soap' Free with each our -- chase of a 1 lb pckg. of Princess Shap Flakes at ...:.....,25 PINE TREE- MATCHES LUX FOR LAUNDERING 3 BOXES 40 PCKG. .11: LOOSE LAUNDRY STARCH PER LE. 10 WOOL SOAP 3 CAKES .25 2 LB, ................ ROYAL DATES PCKG. .15 SEEDLESS RAISINS Meal's and i-iensai Bread Ioc a Lo LUCERNE TOILET SOAP LARGE CAKES EACH .1.0 BULK PEANUT BUTTER PER LB. • .25 TL.ISCUITS 2 PCKGS. :...... ........ .25 SWANS DOWN CAKE FLO'R • PCKG. .49 CUT MACARONI PCKG. 4 15 ;L POTATO FLOUR 25 i' 2 PCKGS,' ......, GROUND RICE PCKG. ...................... .15 HARVESr Another new Christie lais- cult a delicious cream sandl- tvic;h ruadc up very tasty and light .35c Ib.. . -35 OLIVES, LARGE JAR EACH .40', HURSLE i' Our new special blend, Let us save you 10e a lb, on, your tea, Ask for a sample. 65c. Ib. , • "tY STORES<•