HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-06-28, Page 2.c.*
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CMZENSH1P A WARDBrenda Van de Kemp and Denise. Mino are
the co -winners of this year's Brenda Brown Citizenship Award at
Hnwick Central Schnot (Marilyn Elgie Photo)
• Schneiders, Old Fashioned 1/2's
Ilam. .............
• Beatrice :175 g
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Beatrice 500 g
Cottage Cheese. . .• .
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Gold Seal, Red Sockeye 73/4 oi
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Kraft, Reg. or Lite, 1 litre
Miracle Whip 2.99
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STORE HOURS: Mon. - Fri:: 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Saturday: 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Phone 357-2240. We Deliver.
St Paul s Church
John Street at Centre Street
All services from the "Book of Common Prayer"
11:00 a.m. Matins
Minister Rev. D. Madge
Trinity, Belgrave - 9:30 am.
ti he thr
arectiO4lef Ar tis t
• valor Sa edonad; the
musical coaxed Itifecs an•enj able•
opening3to the "- surrinier season
of the playhouse.
In past years, audiences of
musicals it the main 'stage have
often suffered Through, Perform-
ances plagued by loud mak and.
soft voices, or evenskugglewith the
crackling Static of boakitiikes which
were sometimes used by cast mem-
• bers. However, such is not. the case
with A FundyThing, much to the
• credit of- Conductor Michael WW1-
rooneyandhis orchestra.
David Mains is delightfully absurd
in the role of:Pseudolus; a wily slave
who will' do almost anything — and
does — to gain his freedom. His ef-
forts to do so by delivering a young
courtesan_ to his maSter,S SOn are a
constant source of trouble for him, •
absolute mayhem to the other
characters, and pure enjoyment for -
the audience. The .fact that the
young woman is already' under con-
tract to a Roman army .officer only
serves to make the prospect at the
very least ridiculous if not totally
impossible. . •
Christopher Barry is a classic
study in perplexion. as Hysteriurn,
chief, of slaves and a master at
grevelirig ' and
reluctantly is drawn into the
madcap schemes of Pseudolus. The
reprise of the love song "Lovely" is
reduced to foolish fun as Pseudolus
convinces Hysterium he will be
convincing as a substitute for the
body of a dead woman.
Robert Burns as Hero, David
accompanied' by pow* action
'and 064 " ter. Timothy
Murphy, David TAlhot. and - Glen
• Peloso are perfect as the frenetic
trio who even open the show as
members of the Dashwood Olympic
• Rounding,: out the cast are Carl
Zvonkin (Erronius) and as the
courtesans of the liaute14,4cu
'14 '
• ; Kk*Tiaera
„Set an • tostui
Martine Graham whil
designed •b .
Choreography is by coo
and Mr. Mulrooney- IS
musical director. "
"A Funny Thing Nall
Way to the Forum" run
It's funny and it's a ha •
44'7 34;:
, •
, " •
• •
A 'FUNNY THING — From left, Christopher -Barry, David Nairn,
Donald Saunders and David Mal/is tell tfle audience everybody ougtit
•to.. have. a maid in "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the
Forum" at Huron Country Playhouse. The Sondheim musical com-
edy runs to July 9.
Retiring teacher goes to
Sputh africa for two years
If you thought Edith Lockridge of teaching for 24 years at the F. E. teaching stint in South Africa.
Wingham was going to take it easy Madill Secondary School, Mrs. She is going, to Lesotho in the
in her retirement, guess again. After Lockridge left Sunday for a two-year Republic of South Africa with the
World University Services of
Special policy area creates cCoaungleas atto teaagcrhicuaintudraiheclpollesegte up
• concern amon
g reia
e_.ents the program over one year ago from
Mrs. Lockridge said she learned of
lady who was involved. The thought
- alternative than building a concrete of going overseas to teach sounded
weir • challenging and- she also thought it
Robertson said he would like would be a good way to see the
totee the pond returned to its "for- world.
mer state of beauty". But there are
many factors to take into con-
Lesotho is a mountainous place,
' she has heard, very beautiful and
sideration, he added, including the
fact that the river does not belong with a temperate climate. It is not
plagued by the social and political
just to Wingham and anything done
to it will affect those upstream and unrest common to some areas in
South Arica.
However, Mr. Robertson did say Although she will miss her
he would like to see "something children and grandchildren, Mrs.
rolling on it (the dam) before theend Lockridge says she will not return
of this (council) term". home until her two-year term has
Getting back to the topic at hand, expired. Instead,.she intends to use
John Henderson asked,if there have her vacation time travelling,
been any inquiries from people Classes begin for this term in mid -
interested in •developing the July,
southeast corner of the town.In addition to her family, Ml's. Hewines, secretary of the Lockridge will be missed at. St.
planning advisory .committee,saLd ,panpa Anglican Church in
he ho$ received some inquiries, but .Wingham, where she is a devoted
did not wish to divulgeAny details. and respected member;
"What is the appeal of the area?"
(Continued from Pagel)• • -
Although he cautioned he was
offering his own opinion and not that
of council, Mr. Robertson said, the
.:filling would be up to the developer,
but the town would assist in
'providing services.
'On a separate topic, Harold
• Hutton asked what the town intends
• to do about the Loiver barn,
, which washed out four years -ago,
Art Stokes suggested creating two
• stroll ponds at the site, a ltss Costly
• VVirigham •
Riverside Park
(around Patrick % -nearlhe pool)
*kw a frtandargia coupig ailawn
Each week Will feature Special Musical Groups
iron around Wingham. Leadership and speaking Is
• Shared among. the church leaders in Wingliarn and
217 pt.
..4Ouriday, JU1Y
- 4tooairth,..s.
'"- at St Andrew's.
•Broadcast on CKNX.
Everyone Welborne
Minister: Rev. J. Rea Grani
RA M. Div.
Organist: Mr. Hap Swatridge
• Telephone:
Church - 357-2961
Manse - 3 7-1072
asked another person. She is St. Paul's first woman
Being at the . interseetion of two church warden, appointed by the ,
busy highways, said Mr. Robertson, rector, Rev. Douglas Madge,. wh
it is highlSf visible and therefore at'
sayshe will miss her assisUmce.
tractive to developers. "We want also is past president of the Evenhi
Guild and reads lessons at NM
take an area of land that is unsightly
and develop it," he concluded. This active church member was
"I don't think it's ugly," said honored recently by the board of
"I think it's quite rriariagement, the rector and •
• People's Warden Robert Johnston.
4.4. A