HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-06-21, Page 11a t? •, • : se.• ' ' • " • 3 amotiker,,,,,vort.C.-runt,..-fm,atoverr: Az •,- 4:0 1-,,,••••41,111*44,4V Q. 14:0 iy . , . _ Frientpand relatkieSilolMay-,Yound -were. at Flitt6niii0W.an-,Jurte'.. 6 0400, her ceIebrate her 90Jh btrthday Mrs Voond *60 :born: East : yli,ibtitapo&h TownshipOri•JOnsce, 1898,and, thth��ifr the4reo for a number of keare. She :tires It5i1 .tirne 9 _ a anosh an er, Presbyterian Church in VI.,fthani.' Ants. Young mov-, 'i: eIbi.Winghath to ilurontriewin June 19-82, • • NaCa -.AY* • FOR1 lkaPP3r Peca*194 was. celebrated by Ms Elva Cooper,, ,- *day, June fl, for ,,,ber birthday Wted phureli ladies served *Met at noon to friends-atid relatives and later at a tea Oct Oliaalianse in the FoilvolehdOtiii*Olialt; member of Calvin :Presbyterian Church in East W vv d lat • it osti_ A. --FoRDwrofizzw-c----Bilr. opened her horneto Trinity MOM • Church Women, with the vice- president, Mrs. Brian Doubleday, • Prea0111 °Peal -w4 !warm; after-wbi • i•lre OPS One lions • *rad '28 WittPtlfant,4 W Foster. Roll' call was ans members,: With : #061 tf: the ChUrch'illehen. • Nixon gave the treasurer's report. Members were reminded of their •Secret Pals; the ',birthday box and the bus trip- ,on Arne 21.• Mtg. Mark Brunarski led a chapter from the study book- and Mrs. I W. Daunt reported on the De,aneritheld at Pine River. • MIS. Doug Harp -aye Wilted the ladies to attend' the -strawberry social at the 'Fordttrieh -Village Nursing Hone ,on Thursday, June 244.. Members were,alsoreminded of Mrs Tim Blinker gave the card report; she also announced she has cards if anyoii*needs any,• Mrs. Ahil4 Hargrave intrOduced die'spealier, Mrs. Jack- Ilitttian, who ate''.trtetfelit4144#1NoWli. aid Ifourinaker0" -whaie""'! Several questions **Atonic treri idt" and Heten. :Very ably answered- them. She was thankedand*resented-withagift; There will not be a Meeting in July and in Augyst-lbsitsap,44ant to go. to Mrs ,N*010!-1railer at Bayfield. The ladieibalObeewasked to cater for a Wedding. Septeraber; plans NW be niade,;, toot. Elva Foster *tanked the At* for'the plant she received While in hOSPital, aiso for Cards,Oeta toher. . . • • *.• Rev. Brenda1tiark :closed the. meeting with praCe and hutch was served by Mrs., Peter llarrold and 1VIrs. acitiott &thorn, Assisted by the hostess. • Among telatiVnaand,friends from: a distance who:,attended Were Mr. and, Mrs,,;, •Caigiphell Strathroy, Mr; and Mrs. Murray Lynn, Mr..' and ;tack Lynn of Whidser; Mrs: Biehardiiilardaere,, •Toronto; lean Itabb,, Harriston; igra_:A4tgaretMeCann, dravenbur$4: Mr. .arid`MrS. Harvey Bride; Don- Mrs. Lionel ,4411e104•Bramp,. toitte*rwride and ',Medlar- • Brown, PalmerStoii :Mr z• :Mrs: Donald BroWtft, St ;SACOlisl lVflaaN.fatibet Darlmg, Kitchener; Mit Barbara Stevenson, #6411rt.1p01,376 110.00.04;1 Witieht Seafort 0Also attended Surrot aftervion4ms veiy efljoab1program, making a rnemorabje Occasion for 1VIts: ,, • . , NEW TELEP110* There was good news for people of Fordwich in February of 1,1* private telephone system running from Fordwich to points in the townships of Hew** and Wallace had been connected With the Bell Telephone lines to tbafan exchange of conversations over the two sySteins, WaS pOSEdble. HAVE -Y" YOUR cAR' CHECKED'AND RECHAF - • :.-w**.utchook: : belts • 411":01t: Ootiditiohiniffjosei reonleaks: • • C"PteS Athing system • • • - or.operatiOtt..' •-• -.,; -ho'r04:-744 • t. All air Conditicfning pads and from Otta et t$%-diedount Offerexpires July 20, 1988 • iie, hOfl o( Juliaz, -.01.4nri.4"1:: t..J.: .: oloy.g „ contests;. * , i r r I WO iSq. e. OP: IT400,1v 60-040r§4,c, ,4 ' fiatebliee: r111(i4-, ' eitOratt 4tit, 01e4:: it*. L. itL goes to Mrs, impathy;°01:4tittel:" Il' " : tltit,Ars.eit: 0 . elkof 1 '0,.„ .,1: . ....:. gpt her Mr and .4140,,,017.1:7Fitti:440rax Sundayo,...44i10,0 Th. al *, • held inPort, gi to avkvds !-,J., m ` 464 ' '''' spenttthe wet, , at Ti? 4eSttli.Orat 'it jedding. : Perdivie " Defetiorg , : at the 44,4v.in. , „ Ho*. ' '- -, ,• fr ''a. „, , . comie.r.,,'' Y Aomemeek, : . , . .,.; l bi'uce .- ,. . Alta; ' iterjAnk-marria' - •S`''` nt-1-' . .. • aft .0100: a Pe Sandia and e Saturday ,gu 4 weekenel144inio ti at e-homi , And M115. :Porgy. raniiiilt. ••• • courses Cen. July4th. to July 26th, (A)SECONDARy fillpteliak if • J:MEROVEME Enggsit I G English 1A., englisti2G •• EngliSh 2A, Engli6ts 3(1, - • Engifsh .3A• • . •English- 40 •English 4A Senior Tutorials .‘• tJuly 26th'9aittio Mathematics 1G • Mathematics IA • • hIllsAaatthheffilltilecOs 22:G • MattietilatieS G, 100hematics 3A. Mathematics.40 Mathematics 4A . — • An ettotwitt 130made 10 povide-tutoriatinstrimion.fot Seniqr Seoildarir'..sludaritS for updradihttpurpoteS.'''fridiuiduaj..aptjji OaS4rktO'the ':Surioer 40001 Principai is required- • • (13):ELEMENTARY Jutir 4th. to July.22114:-44M. to . 4.. • 000 4',11600$4141,.MatileMatiOs rade 7- Rernediatrigfigft and Mathematics Orade,8:4etnedial 441011f • . • rad0'0 Ref:004rMathematics • • Grade 0 .-flernediatEriglith and Mathematics • (0 Driver EttucatiOrl • July 2ndto July -13th 9 a.m. to • 12120 pent • Fees; Secondary No Fee elethentary , No Fee Driver &Notin: .$50.00 . • ' • t ion, for and further liifo non are .:caVilabik.;,.‘, ethehary: and SptiondarytchOot in Huron Cour!' Who the:,8un1mr Schoolt Prinelpal " c ald -"•,' • . Otttit)ri: • • • • .2.„?.. • •JidJL te .• • ,