HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-06-21, Page 9NiRniif,M,Miiii.:?;k1PIRASWEK,S01 '4.:1!"Fxi; • i. 41( It At•t;if*.x0t,', I!? er' -Nr• , • '41; IN 6., Soi Ftt. '04 NEWLY -MARRIED QOUPLEGRADVAIIE AS Brian Reid, son of -Mr. and Mes, Scott -Reid of Wingham, and Deborah Crozier,.:. daughter of Mrs. Phyllis crozier of Deep River each received a- boctoi- of Medicine degree at the June 1 3th co vocatfon of the University of 04avita held at the National Arts Centre chuieh 10, Ottawa. Or..Crozier also received her Bachelor of Medicinedegree AndesOr and was awarded the Dr. Frank P. Kraft General Practice Scholar- The"::s ship for excellence in Family Medicine studies. she is piannino.e , career in MOO practice. Dr. Reid and Dr. Crozier will be, interningin family medicine for the next two years. at hospitals in Hamilton. Oci , 're --;• VE-The1.'114.7n1 eetrnl 911110 TJnimen met June.13 in • .were given ai. sietannsfodS t Iris Or Plans .:the "OverB t wereIinalized,- Par ,• kg ''bnithda ' Knox Sun ?,- • r:77inA:tagulvi •C 00 e, s u rs. tan Pattisen • ' continuedWitlithestudy OiMatthew,‘ 1 • , conducts annual service from a brook about him• by, Willfam Barclay, .Also, varIOUs''reading0.- in books o . BEL.GRAVE—A piano -organ prelude of inspring sacred music welcomed members of Knox United, Calvin -Brick Church ancl viSitors as -they' fired Ind - Sunday, June 12, for the Sunday School anniversary service. Mrs. Donald R. Procter was ..piani0,• and Mrst ,George Procter, orgatiiit. The sanctuary and vestibule were tastefully decorated with multi- colored arrangements of summer • flowers.. A bud vase with tiny white blossoms and greenery graced each window sill. The children's. choir entered to thell, processional hymn • "AThings Bright and Beautiful" and took their allotted places in the chalk. Primarymeinbers, membert, With their teachers, occupied the central front pews. The call to worship was read responsively by. Mri. 'Robert Gordon, superintendent and the capacity congregation- numbering mare than 200. The 20 -voice choir rendered "Love the Lord" and "Children of the Lard" as anthems •with organ accompaniment. A sextet composed of .Grace Carmichael, Margie Gordon, Jayne, Vincent, karrin •Marks, Lindsay Michie and Candice Irwin sang "Jacob's Ladder", "Pass -It On" and "It's a Small World". Guitar aceampaniment was provided by Kate Procter. fro the ical" The congregation joined tbe,gr011p,,, Matknewand,St, :, for the last number.. Luke Wereitc51.4% ."Bintsr Are Singing, hymns were inteiSiseried Woods Are trigging" was mini with, throughout the seryige.,,_ Sturere1aingjesusias11:_t9 For the Worship, Mrs. Olive. Jerusalem whenhe was 12 years old Campbell and Mrs. Helen was read by }leather :Hopper. The used one of the programs. from 10 service calendars were distributed New Devotional Programs; the. Carol Hopper and DianneBlack. tue.me of Which- was "Virait a,. Those two . gir also 'kecOvOrtlie mrs-aani', a:aniikas eft * and Mutrair SOO- prompt, reSieti*° fall$: Of P! - y00,601t, Y i , improperly„.:ass. depends Imuitiprkilie3-°111"IdbYthe m**unic P because the amount .. Olin, ligueP1.9Pert 1 Noti 4413 t - - owners and atte roperty 4 Emig' a Simr yUr Firb--' iifl:rates 1. lld to a. 0 e,1: atOng•Higgins,..toi point (nit- • importance ti°ThteS816r1 • Mrs. Connie Kuc tiC chtio andth vane , member ef the ontariii Asoodatio After the, TVA rs gUest-sPeakerT,Beii.' Btfi , , The ASS 4:4 _ , fl Thingsdj3right,: i -........41 for Marriage and Patilly -cantitheor fro* ans and you vvill p•in Community Psychiatric Services Mrs. Martin said that whein We say” believe your property Mr. Mellesh based remar,kten • • not vet He' also is a counsellor *Of offered a prayti "InbetmeditatiOn, mitniCipal office said . "Let" us focus, oz!, Children. he Tem -older we aeed is that the ke his wordcoticlurluip the scritture/1y JiiiYd1.; . Scr4plurarealings wei,41, or700 Bible is not "Wait a. ment Ft .s‘ .v eV lesson with the familiar verse, • "And rabmtib* receive 7 Mrs. Janiiii4oulte.s..Cantinuertthe "The Importance of Being a Child". u are to g something, off.. until later. The. YOLh V a tittle child shall fead-thett!.” ,1study oit Ethiopia by using maps Verses from -"Please, Hear What I'm Saying" and show -the size coand.,,Lue „smaller untries bord rin 4thiapia?"(Sh e gave further emphaSis to his M -e8- also discussed the Iiinate.-and the 640. Mrs. Gordon eXtenued r terrain, Usingnewspaper articles. he appreciation to all who had helDed • . • before, during and after the service SETS llr TEETH , and. then concluded the worahip In late 1900 and early 10091 an period with a suitable verse and advertisement in the.11/161Pala benediction. Tittles stated, that IRJOOktio A chicken- barbecue and social dentiat, iras makingheaUtiftil,SetSnf hour on the church la*ti,and falhe teethf,r elghtdollrSAIIworkWaS Women's Institute Hall then were guaranteed. enjoyed. • • CbishOIMIgeek WO) MrS. Mary Keemar, Mrs. Aline Pitcher, Mit Marie' Merkley„ Mrs Meth- tiara Pitch, Mr.. and Mrs., .Harvey ,Mel)orrnitt: and, Mr. -and FitoLvAsited,at- the hiinte- of Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Montgomery onitne§ditik' Mr. and Mrs, patitt Reid attended cerntocationvegin, 0'0 Uni- versity Ottawa on Arts centre onJune IS. Brian and his wife, DeborahCrozier, graduatedas doctors et • A numberof ° Wedncs ,„ PeoPli imatifle� =goat Centre The Win llart1 Lior 50th. Anniversary or Club in Vingham banded in the, early 1938. " • • , . Club willcetekeate • their et. 8/ 1988. Th first Ltons • thartered in- es and re-frme is i a our • ipp vins :r ••41 • : , • 'Et r. S l .san a ea ill or deliver jfaitr api ard. Andremern ' Otide0fProperty VaIu your.1 to , aldutate s: ..• viewthe Roll at. your t hoostiersts.lof ayonou stilt have until eal to the Assess - 7/I en if did not 'On; Oust!!! have the sr' icipality peal eadline July 4, 1988 The' Assetsment Review Board is an independent tri- bunal under the jurisdiction of the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General. it is intended to provide you with an additional opportunity to have your assessment reviewed if, in your opinion, it is not fair and equitable with the assessment of similar properties in your area. The Review Board is more informal and relaxed than a regular court of law. You may present your own case, retain a lawyer, or ask irelativeOr friend to speak its your agent. o rielp you in filiflg, our appeal, Notice of Appeal forms are availablefrom eSsment Review Board, your Regional. AssesSmEiit Office, or your municipal office. YOU opr,t atsO.usethe reverse side of a Notice of Property altiatiortorwrste a Iettergiving the property address and olt number 'along. With your reasons for appealing.. AppeaIs:shou1d be forwarded tome Regional Registrar of :the Assessment Review Board at the addressshown below. 4 ",i444,41c.; ;'"," • ;•;,47 444,1;',"`.,. • ,„ •!•• . , . tario designatecl for French Lan-. can appear before a bihnguatig J Rard. Plate cheek the s appeal form if you wish to uSO 4 Inistry . ‘!' • 1440110 Reg:istrar ASSESSIVIENT REVIEW BOAR() tvlitilSTAY OP THE ATTORNEY GeNgRA4 4aohiro St ,1.6t floe ,,t . . :, Lixtdon, Otitar;i)3 , NA141,14iN6 . ,, '.,..• , ',. • ',. A 't , . A.„•-ii!,..4041.1y1.kriehrmtlittrnamorrey,mretotreqyar,,,Pre”.. . • • .', 4r,