HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-06-21, Page 8• • • „.; " . • ^ • .. • •;•,i- • • . • 4 0'1diii:CO;tia` 40, • Bill and Janet lieu and Alma HetherhAttea attende4 the. reunion of the 19th Field Regiinent, RCA, held at 'Branch 183j• RoyiI Canadian Legion, June 4 and 5, ApptOximate1y4 attended, including former m bers and their wives. Mr. and Mrs. Wroxeter and Mrs. Stephen were dinner guests of Mrs. Toner last Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Art 01.44$ at, ford and' s. Clifford "erd retatives. Mi. an andMrs. UerbBoelke of RR 1, Pabler'*11., visited there attendec Sunday and other' recent visitors. at .ser:Ace, Gibson, Payne frying Haskins at - Re Ws Bell: OPTOMETRIST GoClerich The Square 524.7661 a, 44* ;., , „s. V?, • the Pyke home were Mr. and KS; kat SUu Melvin Pomeroy of Itiverktirst,.service„ at Sask. and Mrs. Vera .FalstreM of EverettSp Ottawa. , Mrs .J A memorial serviee for the late well as:Mik A Mrs. Annie Howes was held Ruise11 SeYverOt Saturday, June 4, not Sunday. attended the set:Vices and '10 • •• tion o( it :Sin Mrs. Irving Toner accorripanled .iater with ,A1*', fand on S9P, t nd Mr. wet fl, also bth cf ay W! rni1 $htWWa " Aoote , clanieile • f Mrs. Thomas McPherson and Mrs. :Ferguson at, rap, liaVen! Camp in as Mrs. Max Bell and Mrs, Peter '-- 'Seat, wishes „are extended to, businflpts4isin.°YhweithttleiAddeil74°114in,.01,,. -d Arts and 'dille1::e:link:4) enst°84esttichaete'ITahst . , f eof , . , les from ' Wilfred Baks of Teeswater, as well Carrick Township. • - , :‘, f , , - ; and Mrs. D'ouglas Mann, - ._ horil Public' School th� F E I te ia 'class, ' . ' teacher , Melanie a rs - r Baker) who were Marrie dilt Secorlgarii,f,„:80 ..,anci" 'la - - - $ °de °It Perf° riled a A number of the Gortie Senior *- r;a ' 4 . ' . , "i W11479'''' wiu ,the flood; tuel--- Primary class, Citizens visited .Huronview last ''-'• • , .. ,• , . A teacher Connie Fenton; did the I. 4 Canadian Radio -television and. Telecommunications Commission - Conseil de la radiodiffusion et des telecommunications canadiennes DECISION a Decision 88-412. CKNX Broadcasting Limited WinghOht. APPROVED - Renewal of the licence for CKNX Wingham from 1 October 1988 to 31 August 1991. • Where may I read CRTC documents? CRTC documents may be read in the, "Canada Gazette", Part 1; at CRTC offices; and at reference libraries,. CF1TC decisions concerning a licensee may be read at the licensee's offices during normal business hours. You also may obtain copies of CRTC public docu- ments by contacting the CRTC at; Ottawa/Hull (819) 997-0313; fialifax (902) 426-7997; Montreal (514) 283-66M7; Winnipeg (204) 983-6306; Vancouver (604) 666-2111.• • 1-8 ~Saturday: ' - if- pet. show on Noah and the Ark pron. employed Wednesday. The McKay ChoiriSterS, '',,, of Goderich presented:the niusicat-:,, ,"'irith teacher Linda Dinsmore, p, z,,,,,,,, program. - ' Mr. and Mrs. Baby Zinurierma 'teited. the storY of Abraham and , 4 , t V. 1 _ spent a few days at the homeof Jean ..' r. :, CV ' ‘,. 'the 'Sunday School choir sang :. , . . ., and Betty Anclari Of Windier an , - ,,,,,, ,- ,„ ' more numbers and the regular attended the graduation of Stepheirr,. :,,,, — .7".. .„.1 , , ..,,, ,.. church choir'',°''' ' "The Upper Andari from ,the laW 'school at the' ; . ' gave the bedjeti , A 1 Ial• spent severaldays receiifly with' e•ce Mrs. Bert Hiibbard. , Mrs. Nellie Taylor and..Mrs-; ..., University of Windsor, • , • ivits. Esther ': Jacques of Iifford JUNE 23-26, 1988 Co-sponsored by Bluevale Recreation & Carlin O'Keefe Mixed Slowpitch Tournament• Thursday - Sunday - Horseshoes, Saturday Pavillion Dance, Sat. 9:00 - 1:00 Evelyn Wilson of Porclwichretutnet:':' ..,:r.t.,..„ 4-:,=-4144.----Ainon-t-114-y-'7 the ..„,. liomelastSaturday after Nisiti*-at72,.,. the home of their brother and sister, :: n'teetfng of. 'IticintOsh-Behtiore pnitert:VbUreir Women was held • in-law, Mr. and Mrs: GeorgeDane0C Hythe, Alta. ' .the 16.! 'at . the: McIntosh Church. ' Vice-president Mite Mawhinney Mr. and- Mrs. Roy Simmons, :.. - . :BUSINESS• 0010.01.60 . opened the meeting with the Call to Joanne and carol of Guelph, :visited ':.:..1' '' and ' worship. and 'glIen Harkness"led Mrs, -• Joseph , Simmons On, :the'.-: :,C c orrie are iiriii;d61.7(44.08iioatturion1 .th°6 weekend .and attended the. Sunday --: dglia uatiii-h '''4 their -ixiiia.-;71` „ rolls of pennies. , devotions,' followed by the-rolr eat" ' • School kowerSerViee in the Pirated' .-- ' • '' - ''' Rev. Ralph Knock led' an in - Church on *Way morning. Wend frOm Conestoga Collee •f i.- • ' i ' the A - 9 Mr. and WS. Alex Graham visited • • Of Applied Arts and tech- riO logy orma on sess ion on con- Mr. a 0016174 in business. Wen- trOversial. issue in the United Church Herb and Barb Spailing of St. Maryi.i. and /attended the 50th wedding :an.: Jattended Howick Central at pfesent„ the ordination of niversary of Mr. and Mrs: Carmen' School and F. E. Madill Secon- group that the recommendation had homoseilials. He . informed the ' Switzer at Welburne United Church dairy School-. She now is not Passed at Presbytery. A group on,Sunday. . employed in St Agatna:• ' ' ,w . , discussion followed Mr. Knock's presentation. Speaker defines learning Excerpts froin the book, "Let's Think For a Minute" by Bob Shrier, as continuous process business portion of the meeting was I •• . were read by Cathy Mulvey. The , conducted by the acting president Ofilt IE -E d ue a ti en and in the Old Country, with very strict and lunch -followed, served by Hilda Cultural Activity Was the theme of parents and relatives who barely let Dustow and Margaret Wood. the omen's Institute meeting, with her out of their sight. One day she Mrs: Jean WitScin and Mrs. Marion threw the shutters of her life open Johnston the committee in charge. and this book tells of the changes The ladies enjoyed a stroll around: Miss i saw. the beautiful lawn with its flowering • • trees and plants; before beginning The president conducted the the meeting at the home of the business. The group will travel" to president, Mrs. Alvin Grainger: Roll Blyth the second Tuesday in July to calf was answered by 13 ladies see "The Cookie War". The 4-H stating their -favorite form of art. Achievement Day is in July in the Painting, crafts, quilting and sewing Gorrie Park. A committee was Were sortie of the answers. appointed to choose a representative Speaking on the motto, Mrs,, •for the Howick Fair Queen contest; Wilson said, "Learning doesn't stop girls between 18 and 23 are eligible. with school; we are learning every day as long as we jive." She con- Lunch was served by Mrs. firmed that a wise mind is like a Florence Gibson, Mrs. Wilson and savings account and urged members the hostess. to deposit something in their Minds every . day, increasing"their provincial affairs and Weed events . " knowledge• of communityi . affars, 1 community Young people and being interested in things" the church around them. ' "A good .con- , _. , .. veAatielialiSt must gwaS•Thave a , er, iiiiervie goi)d knowledge of events in our ...1,,.. ,w.piETER-An ' impressive ,' "rservice was held in Wroxeter United world to keep a conversation ,,' _ ,.. . . Sunday,.. Church on June 5, when, LAURIER GRADUATE rolling," she said. ' Ignowing _the regular morning Karen Pennington, daughter of Mrs. Wilson then gave book'.•.,.;: vif5RrshiP., 10 young people joined the Everett and Kathleen Pennington , one written by the thither' of "The - he. 'Young people are KenY6 • B h / f Bum,. .11144' Birds', colleen McCullough. , Bradshaw, Jennifer , McLean, v 'T ..tWo give' ' ' ' ' t...'''' . z • ' :DennisWi ite$ *le Wheeler, 4111""1 "Thre,e. ffte'Clal#10.1.!' 411,40: : .7 , from Wilfrid Laurier University reviews on three books; 4411wo frotn, ,,, church by,:ito ti faith. I perspective on the life '' Mary ge . Asa I% '' ' , .,.,, - ' , rieia . rsi Trevor Chambers, Sarah q , • Sanderson, Angela held May 29 at the Kitchener ness Administration degree. Convocation ceremonies were with an Honors ac. e or o Joseph and of Teeswater, recently graduated iii eel ',, 'telli:, the Lady of tii,,,Sidly Pitaligier and Cindy Auditorium. Miss Pennington has y , t' . che3i then partook of their accepted a position with the Hud- ." 1,:, titr ' :' - ' . il It soil's Bay Company. . . , , , A - • . - , . .'`'-','`'', 14, ''.: -,11e,,, ,.,Vfl" . , 140,11r,, ' °)',,•''.-6,.A? .:dv-i. , > , ', • ,1" ! 5, ' -t• , . , 1.1111111111MMINIMMINIMENEINIIIIIMIni, PORK BARBEQUE 4, BEER GARDENS 5 pm - 7 pm Sunday Thursday - Sunday for Tickets and Registration Forms call 357 1838 NOTICE .OF PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING SPECIAL POLIO' AREA. WINGHAM TOWN HALL Wednesdly • June(/201988 • 7:30p.m. The Town of Wingham-,ia'considering formulating policies for the possible development of the southern portion, of the munici- pality. AU interested part,10, are cordially invited to attend the public information meeting to make comments or inquiries to the preparation 614-Magteffilalt Study kir this area. Written comments can be sent to the address'below. • Robert A, Secretary, To, Piannin tee - 4‘..:*:••• ••••" ' , •,r• • •2 11,•• 4te