HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-9-18, Page 8Blaone. Your New Winter Coat is Here 1GW See the new coats 'early this season and make your choice from our large and, complete range, Yolu will have the advantage of a full season's use from the garment you choose and you, will be delighted at the saving our new low prices will afford you. Ladies' coats are priced as low as $14,95 and a big range is offered at less than $20.00 New Dress Materials Come in and see our display of the newest dress materials. More people will buy dress materials by the yard this fall than every before. When you see the attractive new materials and 'learn of the new low ' prices you *ill realize the saving and ...satisfaction over buying tready-made dresses. You can make your own dresses if you use Stan- dard. Patterns with the Belrobe System. Men's Clothing Men! This store can supply your: clothing needs for fair and winter at money saving prices. ` Whether you need a new suit an overcoat, under- wear or other furnishings; give us a chance to show you what we.have to of- fer. Grocery Values 7 bars Toilet Soap ....... ..... 25c. Kellogg's Corn Flakes ....100. 3 pkgs. Ammonia Powders 25c Royal Yeast Cakes 5c. 2 lbs. Sweet Cookies ........35c. 2 lbs. Seedless Raisins 25c. ,.r t" xr of ti 1.51,044441.4 We'll Furnish yor � m e Complete andSave You i= ones For many years we have been furnishing homes like yours. Our service to young' couples has been perfected to the highest de- gree of genuine helpfulness. No matter how little or, how much you may wish to invest, in furnishing your hone complete, you are assured every advantage of low prices, courteous service and pains- taking attention in making your selections. All we ask is that you give us an opportunity of showing you taw reasonably you can purchase furniture at this store. WE OFFER SPECIAL PRICES- ON E VERYTBiNG IN OUR ENTIRE STOCK Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Motor Hearse and Horse Equipment Long distance calls given prompt attention. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE -OPERA HOUSE BLOCS PHONE, 74,F; Night call 74W --<•o ' i om. When you are thinking of Clothes think o Taman s. t he new fall fabrics are very nifty and we ea Y; offer you the very latest s y es at most attractive prices. the very latest hi Llorsalh o and Brock Hats Fall 'Overcoats arenow order es We avea swell ICY e . o nnff y New Ties St orf v. A/c, PHONE 8 ra W, Mr. Hodge's' Car turning over, in the Al ditch. Mrs. Hedge had one arm broken., Mrs. Thomas had tWo ribs broken and another cre,cked, Hodge had his right elbow broken' and his.left hand injured, While Mrs.' 'Wigfield escaped unhurt, THE EXETER TIMES Market report. Fire ;following 11 QtIVEN P 1ESBYTERAN 1(7I3C7f{. the report • of the . Exeter Market• corrected. eiery 1 ednescia5. Rev. J'aznes Feety, J3.Ft., ll ieleter 'Wheat $1.15 Oats 45c. Barley 65-70 Manitoba flour $4:40 Pastry Flour, $3•65,, Family flour $4.15 Feed Fleur $2,00 Bran $1,50,,- Shorts $1,60.' ;Dairy Butter: 32e, Creamery butter 39, 40 Eggs, extras 35c. Eggs, seconds 25c. Yard 20e Hogs $9.25 • LOCAL• NOTICE HOW IS YOUR FORD MAGNETO We are now .in a position to re- charge Ford magnetos and guaran- tee raran-tee results, better lights, easier starting etc. Try us for auto acc- essories and radio supplies. W. J. BEER Mr. Thos. Barton, of London, vis- ited in Exeter on Fair day. Miss A. Mooney, of Ripley, is vis- iting her friend, Miss Elva Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Drew .01 Toron- to are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. S. Fitton. Miss E. Cowan, of Atwood,'vis- ited with old friends in Exeter on Friday last. Miss Mary Triebner,. of Toronto,' is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. F. Triebner. Mrs. Skelly of London, is spend- ing a week with her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) J. Ward. Miss Violet Willis, of Marlette,, Mich., is visiting with Mr.'and Mrs. Esli Heywood. Miss 'Olive Pribr, of London, vis- ited for a few days with relatives' and friends in Exeter. Mrs. Hale, of Flint, Mich., is vis- iting her brothers, Messrs. Thos. and S. J. Elliott, of town. i\rr. and Mrs, W. L. Triebner of Edmonton, are visiting the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. F. Triebner. A Big Screen Attraction ! Harold Lloyd in '"-GIRL SHS" will be put on at the Dome Theatre on October 4k1,.7th and 18th. Mr. and Mrs: John M.. Broderick and daughter Bettie, `of Regina were ~� shipment of useful articles in 10 a,zn.-Sunday School anti Bible Class 11 a.m.—Communion Service 7 P.111.-=Pervice witizdrawn iii favor' of Trivi,tt 11Iem Harvest Festival, Caven Anniversary, October 19th Boy Scouts meet Friday evening. JAMES STREET 111141RODIST CUQRCH . Rev. W. E. Donnelly; 13. 4., Pastor: 10:15 ---Morning Crass: 11 a. iii; Rev. J. E. Jones. 3 p.m. Sunday School and- Bible Classes. 'Everybody Welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Robertson and daughter, of Esser and Mr.. Geo. Grand of Maidstone, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. E. ,Gardiner during the, past Week, 1 TIR7xt$1 ir., $1 y. ,EMBER 1$r .1044 -�ltlli! . IIIIIIM�IIIIIII�IIIIiIII illallllllllil( IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIi�lilllllllliillll 1mi L l Illlllllllllllllilllllllllll�llillllllll�lllllilllll[lttll�- BOY'SAND MEN'S • I p, m.—Rev. J. E. Jones. .. BAZAAR PLAIN PRICE STORE mama Plonsing Yon—Meaus SUCCESS MM. for US. We want You to be more. than Satisified—We want you to be Down Right Pleased with every pur- chase you make at Oar Store. R is our Business to Get New BARG- AINS for You and in turn we want You to come in often and share therii with Us. We try to tell the Truth about our Store Goods. We want you.to Compare our values with oth- er OrganizationsA All our goods are marked in Plain Prices, no guess work here. You can come in any- time and Look Around without be- ing continually pestered about Buy- ing this or that. We are just as anxious to sell our goods as anyone, but we are just as anxious to let you choose for yourself. Children can get as good bargains at this store as parents no difference. To -day is Your f)ay to See US for Values— The Longer You,.Wait the More You Loose. We bid for your patronage on the Merit . of our goods and the Lowness of our Prices. Friday and Sattirday Specials:— Mr. T. G. Dow shipped a load of horses to Montreal Saturday.' Mr. Dow is in the market for some hor- ses 160Q pounds or over. Mr. and Mrs. F. Northcott and par ty of friends from Alvinston motor- ed here and spent Sunday witIr the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Rog- er Northcott. Miss May Jones, who recently un- derwent operation in Victoria Hospital, London, was sufficiently recovered as to be'able to be brought home Sunday. student from Japan, Will be spend- ing a day with Rev. W. E. Donnelly on his way back to Yale university, and will address a public rally in James St. chureh Thursday evening. Everybody invited. In his words of welcome to the Pressmen, President Miller of the Toronto Exhibition, was kind enough to ,say that there was no other body of, men who have contributed so much to the prosperity ef this great annual exhibition as the newspapers Dr. H. G. Fletcher resident phy- sician and surgeon of Victoria Hos- pital, London, Ont., 1922-23, resi- dent physician and surgeon of Van- couver General Hospital 1923-24 iee opening an office in the residence ol Mr. A. Camm, Main St. on or about :Seztembe'r 20th 1924. The Times is in yeceipt of a copy of the Gravenhurst Banner of Sept. llth, giving all interesting account of the visit of Lord Byng of ViniY. Governor-General of Canada ac- companied by Lady Byng, to that town. Mayor S. D, Vanstone, who with his wife, welcomed the Vice - Regal party, is an Exeter Old Boy and the paper states that he filled the 'position admirably. Sunday was flower ,Sunday in Jas. t. Church and a profusion of fall )loom decorated the pulpit.' Baatit- til gladioli, asters, dahlias, etc„ riot of. color, were appealing to over8 of flowere. The Pastor Rev. W. E. Donnelly delivered an inspir- tg message in keeping ',with the oc- asion, more particularly was his teSsage to the young people, A hOrus was sung by MisSes. Jean heere, Jean Penhale, Margaret Mar - n, Helen and Doris Salter. As Wm, Hodge, of Mitchell, Mrs, odge her sister Mrs. Thomas of heatley, were motoring from Mit- to the London Pair 031 Sept- nber 1 1th, their car came in coil - ion .csrith another car near G-ranton a 1 ti cl oi It is a FlepAure to show you our New Range of Boy's and Men's Overcoats. They have the Quality, Pit and Finish as well as being mod- erately priced. New tetty Brown Flanne1Dresses .A. New Shipment this week of these Popular Flannel Dresses for the cooler weather. These "Styles are Very Snappy. ' Display of Dresses Sept. ,?,4th On September 24th Mr. Dawson will Display at this Store a Fine Range of Fall Dresses in Cantons, Crepe de Chenes, WOol Crepe, Poiret Twills and Flannels. You are invited to see them. Greb Shoes Greb Shoes Are made' for Boys and Men who demand a Shoe that will stand 'ougli ,a.nd strenuous wear. Why not try a pair this Fall. BOYS $3.75 Southc HOUSE FOR SALE Two lots cornering on Wellington & William Sts.; 7 -room brick dwel- ling with kitchen and woodshed; geed cellar, hard and soft water, electric Plights, stable, garage and hen house. Easy terms and b.: bar- gain for quiek. sale. For terms ap- Grey Graniteware, at Prices that will make the Mail' order House. Buyers, ply, on premises or to Thos. earner - sit up and take notice. "Bring your. on, Auct., Box 154, ,Exeter. Also a Catalogues. Jersey cow for sale due in Sept. Now the cool weather is approeching you will want to do your own baking and one very,-, important consideration is. "What Flour will- I use?" Anyone living this district should not need to stop long to decide. There is no better Flour made than that manufactured in your own town. it not so, that we generally look hand. Is this not true .in regard to Our Flour ,is sold to you with the back if you are not satisfied. Ask far for the things that are right at Flour? absolute guarantee.: Your moneY for our Western Wheat Flonr.. • 71 am CONSULT THIS Weathsr Prophet CUPON and G..,;17:(.100f Weather use het It is surprisingly reliable on local weathe • conditions. Made on strtct- ly scientific principles, We have sec, tired a special price on a quantity, 8,nd as long as they last we will sell them for exactly what it costs us to GRAIN WANTED retai theni, only 69c if -You bring this coupon, leLEN'S $1.50 QUALITY, PRICES Service and Satisfaction CALL O.N, US FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND FURNITURE DEALERS PHONE 20W • w. 411 PHONE 20J • Goulding Organist and Choirmaster James St. Methodist Church. Teacher of Pian,o, Vocal and The- ory, Instructor of Music in the Public Schools, TERMS MODERATE Box 57, / Exetere - CLEANING PRESSING g 7— -and REPAIRING SUITS MADE -TO -MEASURE TO FIT YOU AND YOUR POCKET WORK CALLED, FOly AND DE- ELLIOTT AND JOHNS Licentate of the College of PhY- Sicians 'and Surgeons of Ontario. Office in yesidence of Mr, 'A. Camm, Main St. ?hone Exeter, Ont. -LOST OR STRAYED— From the premiSes of Mrs. Alex Turnbull, on Thames Road, on Sept.. 4th, a dark bay driving mare. Anyone known- ing of its whereabouts please notify, Men 'and ..women to work in the Exeter Evaporator. Work to start about Sept:"3th. Apply to L. H. NIX at the Evaporator 4, When the weather iS to be fine the two children 'will be out; when the stormw weather is approaching the witch coine out for 8 to 24 hours ahead of rain. or snow. The houso is made of hard wood; is Swiss Cottage style, and is decorated, as tho picture, with thermonieter, elk's' head, bird's nest and birds, etc., It has four windows and two doors. ADVERTISED FOR $1.00. OIIR PRICE EverY ;1101110 and get' yoUrs IihniLed time with the C,oupon in vina,ge, town Or country should have one. „Come once or mail your order. Mail orders 10c extra For Sale at DRUG STORE We are now in the market for all kinds of grain and .are prepared to pay you the highest pride, We can also make arrangements with you to haul the same with our truck. For parkichlars phone 54, during dinner and supper hotre Phone 63. u,o for Hire c-Losun CAR DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Phone 1.42, Exeter. • dommi 424 ormi ANDY EASTON Licensed Auctioneer for the Come-• ty of Huron. Correspondence arrange- ments for -sales can be made by calk ing up the Central Hotel, Exeter. Charges moderate, satisfaction, Barrister, Solicitor, &e., Loans, Investments, Insurance, Office, Carling Block, Main St. Exetat DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal College s); Dental Surgeons of Ontario and 17n1-9 versity of Toronto. , Late District Dental Officer, Mili- tary District Number One, Louthrsei Ont., Main Office, Main St. Exeter, Ont,.., Phone 34, Exeter; Hours 9.00 a.bazi to 5.30, p.m. Office hours at Z1DRICH ONT, Tues. only, at 10.00 o'clock a.m. to 5.003r o'clock p.m. Phone 79. Veterinary Surgeon Office—McDonnell's NtrIes enables on John St. Phone calls receive promel attention. .Phone '26w Local Cartage I AM NOW IN A POSITION TQ GIVE OUR LOCIL TRADE .AN MOST IMMEDIATE SERVICE, I-1. Bagshaw Cochrane Machine Works Ford Motor's. reground, fitted with Pistons, Co1nplete $16:00 Every; make of 'Car Motor and Engines re - also Tractors% FARMS FOR SALE—A few ehoicai farms in the Townships of Usbornec. Tuckeremith and Hibbert. Good buildings and Well located as to mar. kets. Priced right. Apply to Thoo, Caeuoren, Ana.. Box 154. Exeter. Clothing H,ospj are,.pleasecl. to announce that we are able to return to our 'work and are again able to giv° yo% prompt and satisfactory service. Cleaning, Pressing DYeingi Re- pairing, -Remodelling.", Turning tog all kinds of clothing. We aisle make Ladies' and Gent'd, Suits to Order, A trial is solic;ited3 •