HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-9-18, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES News From Hensair „„ • MiiiiipliiiiiiiiiiIiiiiilliiiii11111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111iIIIIIIIIiilliiii11111111111111111111iii111111111111111101,,, HENSALL M. TOUCH TYPEWRITING IS TAUGHT EXCLUSIVELY IN THIS DISTRICT BY THE SCh001 of Commerce Clinton', Ontario YOU CANNOT ATTEND A BETTER SCHOOL, SO WIDI NOT REGISTER NOW FOR THE FALL TFRM? SCHOOL RE -OPENS Tues'day, Sept. 2nd 1924 COURSES Stenographic -- Commercial -- Secretarial Special Courses For particulars apply •to A. STONE, COM. SPECIALIST, Vice Principal Phone 198 B. F. WARD, B.A., Principal SCHOOL OPENING WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF THE BEST IN Pencils Scribblers Note Books Copy Books Pens and Ink School Books Drawing Books Paints & Brushes EN FACT WE ITAVE",EVERiallING THAT TIM SCHOLAR WELL NEED IN OUR, LINE 34‘ ••• ••A • • A The Hydro Shop J. Passmore PROIJDFOOT, KILLORAN & I-JOLMES Barristors,&c. Office on the Square„ 2nd door Irma Hanal1td4 St., Goderich. 4 rrivate funds to loan at lowest rates. Proudfoot, K.C. 3. L. Killoran, D. E. Holmes Mr. Holnaes will be in Hensall Avery Friday from 9 until 6: AUCTIONEER OSCAR KLOPP }donor Graduate Carey Jones' Au- pition School, Special course taken in litegistered Live Stock (all Breeds,) Xerclaandine, Real Estate, Farm Wes, etc. Rates in keeping with "prevailing prices. Satisfaction as- sured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, or ;wire 18-93, Zurich. DR. A. MOIR, L: M. C. C. Physician" and Surgeon nose` 70 HENSALL ••••*•••••....•••••••=m• DR.. J. W. PECK Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, Montreal; lVfetnber 10d College of Physicians and Surgeons ,111 Ontario; Licentiate of Medical gouncil of Canada; Post Graduate -Member of Resident Medical staff of gleneral Hospital, Montreal, 191 445; )1)1111ce, 3 doors east of Post Office. Rhone 56, Hensall, Ontario. 1x6, v matched dressed on both sides at 0 PE M. THIS IS Tug mom TO STOCK ye WITH GOOD COAL WHILE VOUS CAN GET VC AT A LOW PRICE CLATWORTHY GRANTON • IAn organization meeting of the Temperance threes ot Hensel" was held in the Methodist church en Tuesday evening. A large number were present and a full organization was1 effected. Mr. W. G. Medd, of Exeter, County Organifer, was pres- ent and, outlined the plan of cant- paign. The committees were appoint" ed and everything is in readiness to carry on a plan of campaign for sustaining the 0. T. A..• on October 23rd. The difference between a violin- ist and a fiddler, is just about four inches of hair. Hudson --- Glenn.— St.: Andrew's Manse, London, Wee the scene of an interesting wedding on 'Wednesday September 10th, at high noon, when Rev. D. C. McGregor -united in mar- riage Miss Mabel Irene Glenn, dau- ghter ofthe late Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Glenn, to Mr, Lloyd Hudson son of Mr e and Mrs. Thomas Hudson, of Hensel". The bride looked- charm- ing in a suit of navy poirret twill, black hat and °.gray squirrel choker. Her corsage bouquet was Ophelia roes and lityt,:bf the valley. Mise Rena Hudson, sister of the groom acted as bridesmaid gowned in nig- ger brown canton crepe, with hat to match. Mr. Earl Mitchell assisted f the groom. The groom's gift to the", bride was a rope of pearls; to the d bridesmaid, an onyx ring, and to the groonisman,, gold cuff links. The d wedding' dinner was served at the Deluxe Cafe, after which the happy couple left on a- trip Detroit,.Win- dsor and Toronto. Mrs, Thos. 'Farquhar is visiting in Chic'ago this week. Prof. A. W. Anderton, of London, was in town on Monday, , Quite a number from town attend- ed the Exeter Fair on Wednesday. The interior of the Sterling Bank is being re -decorated this week. N. Hill and Mrs. W. Hobkirk toOk in Exeter Fair on Wednesday. Dr. Cawthorp and family of Tavi- stock, visited, friends in town on Sunday. Mr. Gordon McConnell, of Detroit, is visiting his parents at the Manse this 'week. Mr. Vern Iledclen has been suf- fering from blood poisoning in his right hand. Mr: D. A. Cantelon returned on Tuesday from a trip to Toronto and other points. ' Clinton 7 -piece jazz orchestra will furnish the* music•'for the street dance to night. ' Mr. T. C. joyht has this week -put up two new awnings in front of hie departmental store. Mi. Pam Wills. of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Case for a fe* days this week. A bouncing baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Clark on Fri- day last. Congratulations, Don't miss a good night's fun by failing to attend the street dance in Hensall to -night (Thursday.) Mr. James Nicol of the Sterling bank staff at Dungannon, spent a few days in town this week. Mr. Louis 11.+IcKa,y has recently re- turned from Chicago, where he has been taking a special course. Mr. David Smith. of Detroit. is here attending the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Samuel Hurueston. Mr. Jas. Parks, of Chicago, is visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. D. Parks and Miss JeSfsie this week. Mr. David Thompson, of Toronto, a former Hensall boy, was renew- ing acqtaintan.ces in town this week Mr. Mervin Brown of Toronto was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown" in- town' over the week -end. Miss Margaret Ashton, of Sea- orth, was the guest of her, sister Miss Beryl Ashton, in town on Sun - ay last. As we go to press we learn of the eath of Mr. Wm. Lattie, of the West, well-known to many of our citizens here. GRAIN WANTED We are now in tne market for all hinds of grain and are prepared to pay you the highest price. We can also make arrangements with you to haul the same with our truck. For particulars phone 54, during dinner and supper hours phone 68. COOIc _BROS., Milling Co. Hensel', Ont. 91FRIATIP4R11,„ CENTRAL BUSINESS COL- •LEGE, STRATFORD, ONT. prepares young men and women for Business which is now Ca,nad's greatest profes- sion. We assist graduates to positions and they have: rn oratorial training which en- ables them tonneet with suc- cess. Students are registered each week. Get our free cat- alogue and learn something bout our different depart- ments. D. A. McLaughlin, Prin. ersietmeirisemensmitiesestaishersias Give Us a Chaice To show you Samples and quote you Prices on ritICKETS BILLILEIADS l@NIZVLOPEP STATEME,NTS IJETTERIIEADS SHIPPING TAGS VISITING CARDS BOOKLETS' and CIRCITLAES OR A.NYTHING nLsz IN THE II: PAINTING LINE A TRIAL SOLICITED 1 The FIensall Observer' ea a g Miss Margaret Murray, a former Hensel' resident, and welleknown to many here, called on friends in the village this week. The anniversary services of the Chiselhnrst Methodist church will be held'bn, Sunday, October 5. Rev. R. Fulton Irwin, of Seaforth, will be the preacher. .° Mr. eH.. II. Little has sold his'. Tainting and paper hanging business to -Mr. W. 0. Goodwin. We under- stand that Mr. Little intends mov- ing to Philadelphia shortly. Don't forget the Street Carnival and Street Dance on the Pavement in town to -night. A good orchestra will furnish the music an.d a lively time is assured to all who take it in. ,A baseball gaine between Clinton and Hensel' will be played on the local diamond Cm ° ThurSdaY after- noon (to -day.) The -game Will be palled at 4 p.m. sharp. '+ ..mr: Ferris Cantelon„ Mr. Keith Love and Mr -Laird Joynt ieaVe on Monday next for London, Mr. Love and Mr. Cantelon to attend Normal and Mr. Joynt the Western Univer= sity. Rev. J. J. Durant, of- Varna, occ- upied the pulpit in the Methodist church on Siinday last and delivered two Very interesting sermons. Rev. A. Sinclair took the services at Varna. Next Sunday is Temperance...Field Day in Huron County. • A spleaker representing the Ontario Plebeiscite, Committee will speak in the Presby- terian church in the ,morning and in the Methodist churchin the evening The law firm of Proudfoot, Kill- oran and Holmes, of Goderich has dissolved partnerships, Mr. Killoran retaining the old office while Mr. Dudley E. Holmes has taken over the office of Mr. Cameron, who has been appointed judge in Prince Ed- ward CouritY. Work on the new school building is progressii4 very nicely under the able management of Mr. T. Welsh. The brickwork is now tip to the, first storey and with a couple of ,weeks of fine weather the mason work will be eompleted, leaving only )the in- terior to finish. On Sueday last while out driving at' Centralia Mr. Angue Itobineon d the misfortune to tnrn over in the ditch With MS new Chevrolet Se- dan. Three other occupants of the . car together with Mr. Robinson es - Ped injury but considerable dam - O WAS done to the ear. HENSALL Very' succesaful Harvest Thanks- giving Services were held in St. Paul's church on Sunday last, The pulpit was occupied by the Rev. S. S. Hardy, of Goderich, who deliver- ed two interesting and inspiring addresses. Special musical numbers by the choir added greatly to the success of the occasion. DIgNillt101Ple1VRS. S, HITMESTON The death took place on Wednes- day in Hensel", after a lingering ill- ness, of one of otir aged and highly respected residents in the person of Mrs. Samuel 'Humeston at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E. McQueen, The - deceased ha,d been in poor health 'for some time having suffered from high blood pressure. She was pre deceased by lief husband quite a number of years and since then has made her home with her daugh- ter Mrs, E. MeQueen. She was a woman of sterling qualities of a quiet and retiring disposition and Was admired and respected by all . • who new her. Her many friends and neighbors will feel her absence keen- ing dispite the fact that during the last -few months she has not been able to leave her home to visit. She leaves to mourn her loss one sister, Mrs. Smith, of Detroit, and two daughters Mrs. E. McQueen and Mrs. Robi. Higgins, both of town. The,funeral, which was not of a private nature, was held from the 4orne of mr. E.McQueen on Wednes- day at 2 pan, interment being made in Hensall Union Cemetery. DASMOOD Dr. H. H. Cowen, L. D. S. D. D. S, " DENTAL SITRGEON At McCormick's Block, Zurich every Thursday and, Saturday. MAIN OFFICE Hartleib'n Block -- Dashwood, Ont. Mr: Czar Kellerman underwent an operation for appendicitis last week at Victoria, hospital. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. Lloyd ,Edighoffer, of Mitchell spent Sunday in town. Miss Ada Witmer has returned after spending several months in Sarnia. 'Mrs., J. Rader has returned after an extended trip to ,Toronto, Nia- gara Falls and other places. Mr. -and Mrs. 5'..Aclams, of London visited in. this' vicinity on Sunday.., Mr. and Mrs. Stadlebauer, of Lon- don, spent Sunday with the latter'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Kraft. Rev. E. F. Bruer, of "Wartburg, has accepted a call from the Luth- eran congregation and, will commen- ce his duties about November 1st. Mr. Louis Restemayer has in his possession barred rook pullets that have matured at an unusually ten- der age. The young chickens, al- though only four and ahalf months' old, have already started laying. GREENWAY We hear every one from far and near is going to the Anniversary ser- vices at the Methodist church Sun- day next, Sept. 21st. The services on Sunday at 2:30 and 7;80 will be conducted by Rev. ,D. McTavish, of Crediton. There will be theusualhot 'chicken dinner on Mond -ay evening followed by an excellent program of addresses by resident Ministers elo- cution and music by the Rannie sis- ters, of Zurich, who always delight their hearers. Admission, 40 and 20c Quite a number from here attend- ed London Fair last week. ELINIVILLE Mr.,':Silas Johns, Mr. „end:Mrs. W. Johns, Margaret and IDOrtithY: :and Mrs. Will Pybus, motored to Sarnia and. spent the week -end with relat- ives.: • : Mrs. Ed. Johns and children :left on Tuesday for Saskatoon where they will visit: Mrsjohns' parents and other relatives. CENTRAI:JA NESS Jones, of Lambeth, is a guest at the parsonage. Mrs.- Conner and daughter, of Toronto, are visiting at Mr. Thomas Ogden 's On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Rich- ards gave a pleasant trousseau party to the ladies of Centralia and vicin- ity. Wire. John Essery is visiting her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Heighway, of Lon- don. An auto accident oecurred iII Centralia on Sunday but fartunately the occupants of the ear eseaped With little injury. Two young men from Hensall accompanied by two young ladies. from Exeter Were mot- oring through the village in a sedan when the car took the ditch and up- set,. One of the wheels were broken and the tender dented. Some of the glass was broken in the 'doors. Mr. and Mre, Evelyn Broderick, Zitrich, Ont., annoutme the engage - Merit of their daughter, Lillian Mae; to Mr. Orville Smith, son af gr.., and .I\Ins. WM. Coneitt; the marriage to take place the latter part of Sept- ember, 1.j •., CREDITON • Rev. W. 3. Maines, 13. A., Of grand Bend, will occupy the pulpit in the Methodist church on Sunday evening-. " 1Vliss Pearl Drier and friend, of Hanover, are visiting at'the former's parents, Rev. and 1VIrs. Drier. Mr. Dan Oeetreicher -has return- ed home from Tavistock. A number of Hanover friends spent Sunday at the Evangelical parsonage, "the guests of' Rev. and Mrs. Drier. Mr. Nelaon Drier has returned to Naperville Ill, after spending his holidays at his home here. IVrr. and Mrs. Heatherly and Miss Pearl Motz spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. IVIotz. . Mr. Wes. Wolfe and family, of Dashwood, spent Sunday at the home of .his father, Mr. C. Wolfe. We are glad to see Mr.Harry Eilber around again after his rec- ent attack of rhumatism. ' Mrs! Ewald visited her daughter Mrs. Telfer in London during the pasMtissweePt' arl Haiet of Annarhour, Mich., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heist. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith and Miss Alma, Mr. and IV'Tts. Ernest Gentten- ger, Mr. and. Mrs. Clayton Sims vis- ited Mr. and 'VD's. Hillard Sperling at Walkerton over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Young and Miss Shirley spent Sunday at the latter's home in Tavistock. We extend a welceme to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hill, new residents of our village. October 2nd -is School Pair. Day. Mrs. Louis Wein and Sam Wein are in Dashwood visiting relatives. Miss Hazel Lovey is assisting Miss Clara Oestreicher at Mr. C. Zwick:. er's millinery shop this season. Quite a number, of our citizens attended the fair at London last week. ' Miss Lila Kuhn and girl friend spent Sunday at her home. We regret that Mr'. Wm. Roeszler has been on the sick list. We hope Bill will soon be out again. Miss Vdra Holtzman/1 is spending a few days at her home. The Misses Pearl and Loretta Holtzmann entertained a number of young 'people Friday evening. Our town will be honored with TRU Jack Horton, Geo. 13ott; Wyandott Mervyn Dunn; Leghorns, Geo, 13 Mervyn Dunn. Ducks,Iiiervyn ',Du Gordon Block, Jack Horton. bits, Harold Outliner°, 1VIentn Dun Grain, winter, wheat; Richard Et erington, Mervyn Qudinere,, f-fOrtoll„ Oats, Geo, Boa, jack Ho ton, .Arehle Etherington, Rarl Mervyn Dunn, Archie Etherington, Throe Stalks of corn in sheaf, Pic ard. Etherington, Archie Etherin ton, Gordon Black. Vegetables -- Dutch pets onion Ray Squire, Richard Ethel-ingto E. ,Herten; short beets, E. I-Iorton IVIl' Iler, 'Richard" Etherington. beans, Douglas Stewart, Do othv Welsh Eyerett Stewart; 'Golden BantamCorn, Olive -Parsons, AleX. Strang, Marjorie Oke; potatoes, Gor- don Block, Ross Oke Harold Cud - ;more, Carrots, Fern Welsh, Ross take Douglae Stewart. Mangolds, Elmore Dunn, Gordon Block, Jimmie Miller. Pumpkins, Margaret Parsons, ROsS Oke,. Elmore Dunn. Long Beets Archie Etherington, Kathleen Strang Jack I-Iorton, Turnips, Kathleen Strang, Pearl Moir, Jack Horton. Citron, Jack Horton, Kathleen Str- ang, Marie Squire. Cabbage, Loreert Dunn, Mervyn Cuclinore, Tomatoes, Verna Oke, Helen Moir, Loreen Dunn. Butter Beans, Marvyn Cud- , more, Harold Cudmore; Loreen Dun.n Watermelon, lVfervyn Dunn, -Harold Cudinore, Verna Oke. FRUIT -----,Spies, Kathleen Strang. Lillian Miller, Dorothy Welsh. Greenings, Kathleen Strang, Chester Dunn, Helen Mali-; Snows, Mervyn Dunn, Alex. Strang, Pearl Moir. Kings, M. Dunn, A. Strang, A.Etlier- ington; Telma n Sweets, , A. Strang,P. koir, Geo. Boa. Best ,colleCtion of not more than G- fall apples, Kath- leen Strang, Margaret 'Parsons. Plums, Ale, Strang, Helen Moir, cPdea:1 211Voslo,i;iaokPe.e; Pears, (tall Jack Boa, Kathleeia Strang. kliig stool, Mervyn Cudmore, Fern Mrelsh. Pears (winter variety) ,`Marie, Squire, Geo. Aliscellaneous for boys — Chicken T-Iorton, Mervyn, Dunn, Ross Oket Jurigea—I-larry Strang, Harold ' liena Horace Delbridge, Gordon Cucituare Ernest Pym Canning.--Colpreserved" ffults,-- Lor eel.: Dunn, col pi,ckleis. Lateen, Dunn C,coking—Maca.ranns,AIim Etheringe, ton, Verna Oke, Lillian Miller; bran muffins T -Tian A�Wler, Berniee Hor- ton, Alma Etherington; annifins, Vera Dunn, Anna Moir, Loreen 1)unti; ap- ple pie. Bernice Horton Verna Oke Targaret Parsons ;, loaf of bread, Ver- a Oke 'Lorcen 1)u,nn, Vera- Dunn. ,est dozen ,eggs—W.hite, Lareen unn, brown Marjorie Oke, .Flowers --French Marigolds, Edith Iorion, Chester Dunn, Everett Milleae rerbena, R.oss Ok-e, Alex Strang, Ed- ith Horton; African Marigolds, Gor- don Block. Bernice Horton, Elmore unn; Nasturtiums, Elmone Dunn, ernice- Horton, Alma EtheringtOn; wieet Peas, ,Perchie Etherington, Jack orton, Mervyn Dunn; Asters, Arch - e Etlaerington, Pearl" Mole, Marie quite; Gladioli, ',Verna Oke, orton aareley 'Hyde; Zinnias Harrold g- 5,, fl, E. te two fowl suppers this year, the n Methodist annual supper on Thurs- e day, October 16t1i, and the Evangel- D ical supper on October 30th. A hold-up ,in thetown during the past week! A clothes pin held up e la,die's skirt. ZURICH s Mr. J. 'Preeter has sold his gener- al store business to Mr. Albrecht of New Hamburg who will be Zurich's '0S . , I new merchant. Possession will -be „re given about the firs-to:if next month. Miss, Lulu Albrech.6.1eft on Mon= day for'Detroit, where she intends to remain for the winter. Mrs. G. Merner .who,thas been -vis- iting at New Hamburg and Kitchener for a few ,weeks has returned to her home here. Mr. Dan Gascho received some bodily injuries the other day while threshing,,that will lay him up fora - while. In some way the tractor en- gine slipped into a hole, and Mr. Gascho who was, stooped over beside the wheel was injured. HURONDALE HOLDS STICCESSFTIL: SCHOOL. FAIR Months of preparation,: much thought and patient toiFkwent into the making of the 5th. ,Hurondale school fair; which was :held on :Fri- day afternoon September 12th, and the results certainly justified the ef- fort. There was keen competition among the sehool. Children ter the best gar- dens,; the .jiidg,ingat:Whicli, WaS -done on the 26t1i of Aug. Exhibits were brought iai". during the morning and they were judged in the early after- noon. In the meantime the people of the section gathered: on the school grounds and proved that they could play as Well as work. Old and young jumped; ran :races, Wiggled through barrels hoops, and played hall, then loyally squandered their prizes at the booth which the Wo- men's Institute had provided. Live stock oil all descriPtiOne lined the yard, froin calves to guinea- pigs and potiltry. One small pig Was bitten with the travel brig and led the:boys a merit Chase. :" The interior of, the: school Was re - Served fel! the Other exhibit. It was tastefully decorated' 'with flo*- ere," andpracticallyall the epee° Was taken up by Vegetables: flowers, fruit,"eOoking, canned ettifis and sew ing. , The walls Were lined with creditable eXanapl es. -6f Writing, art and map: drawing., Font menaliers of the Jtinier° Ear - Mete judged the live etock, fruit and Vegetables and two Exeter ladies, the flowers, cooking, and sewing. The. sports were supervised by the Iodal ministers to all Of these, flurondate people wish to express their sincere thank g an d itPI) r °elation. Foilowing.were the prize wilinere; Live Stock—Best oolt, :Fern and Dorothy Welsh; grade calf under 6 months, Alex Strang, Jimmie Miller; pair of lanths, Archie Etherington; Pigs, best pair under 2 months, Gor- den Block, Archie Etherington, POultrY-,- Reeks, EVerali '14 ,rt orto.n, Helen; Moir, Mervyn. Cuelmore Fancy Work --Towel, Anna Moir, Lorean Dunn; sewing, girls under. IS -- Patched block, Helen Moir, . Verna. Oke, Berrdoe 'Horton; • handkerchief with edge, Verna Oke, Marie Squere; dressed' doll, Rathle.en _Strang, Lillian Mill er. Berni,ce Horton, Writing—Sr. IV, Jack Horton, Eva Boa, Verna Oke; Jr. IV., Pearl _Moir, Geo. Boa, Marie (Squire.; Sr. III., Der-- tiice Horton, jim Miller, Alma Eth- -'erington; Sr. 11-., Lillian Miller; Margaret Parsons, Harold Cuchnore, Paul Boa, • Drawing Map of N. Amerida.—Sr. iv Verna Oke, Violet Hyde, Jack !-Lorton; Jr. IV., ,Marie Squire, Geo. Boa; Sr. RI., Bernice Horton, Gordon Block, JizAriret_liten jo. r Jack—Sr. IV., Verna Oke, Eva Boa, 4Viervyn Dunn; Sr. Ill., Bernice Horton, G. Block, Jim i'Vh".11,er; Jr. IV., Pearl Moir, Marie Squire, Geo Boa, Maple Leaf—Jr. HI., Fern Welsh Margaret Parsons, Elmore Dunn; Sr. II., L:"Miller. Judges—Mrs. (Dr.) 'Graham, and Mrs, Wie.kwine Sports --Were arranged and con- ducted it the afternoon by Rev. Don- nelly and Rev. Foote of Exeter, R-ev, McConnell and Rev,. Sinclair of Hen - salt,. and Rev, Chirlley of Thames Rd. TIIE ONTARIO VOTERS' LISTS ACT, 1922 and 'AMEND.MElklTS and THE ONTARIO TEMPERANCE ACT 1924 Electoral District of South Huron NOTICE OF SITTINGS OF REVIS- ING OFFICERS " TAKE NOTICE that sittings of the • Revising Officers for the purpose of hearing complaints or appeals with regard to the Voters' Lists to be used at the Voting under the Ontario Temperance Act pending for the 13- lectoral Diatrict of South Huron will be held at the folhowing times and places, namely: AT THE .V1-11,Lecl.GE OF EXETER on the 2nd day Of October, 1924 to hear complaints as to the list of vot- ers for all polling sub -divisions for the Village of Exeter and that His EIonour Judge E, N, Lewis will be Revising Officer and his Clerk will be Joseph Senior whose address is EXeter; the sittings will commence at 2 p. m. and Will Oontinue until 4 p. in. Or until the appeals have been disposed of. AT THE TOWNSHIP 1420...a.„ ZUR- ICI-I on the 3rd day Of October, 1924. to heat complaints as tO the list, of voters for all p011ing Sub-dialeions 13 3-soal S Pie.) +lit Is, t91 -t: It Grows or Your , Money Back Thousands f women ere grow -e Ins new hair and Pattit4g an end to c 1 p aiirriente with the new Van Ess method of treatment, Van Ess, Liquid Scalp Massage makes it easy to give the scalp proper care arid to have head of abundant and glorious hair. The rubber nipples on tbo patent. applicator feed the treatment di- rectly to the hair roots -and at the same time gently massage t e sea p. Ask us about °Ur nu ney back 90 -day treatment' plan. We givc you a positive guarantee. W. S. HOW -EY Druggist, Exeter Tor the Township of 1la7 and that D. McDonald, Local Registrar- S. C. O., Goderich, wall be , the Revising Officer and his Clerk will be Andrew F. Hess whose address is Zurich; the sittings will eonanience at 10 a. In. and will continue until 1 p..m. or until the appeals ha-ve been disposed of. AT THE TOWNSHIP HALL, CREI)ITON on the 30th day of Sept- ember 1924 to hear complaints as to the list of v,otersafor all polling zub- divisions for the Township of Ste- phen and that His Honour Judge Lewis -will be the Revising Officer and hie 'Clerk will he I-1. Eilber whose address is Crediton, the sit- tings will commence at 2 p. In, and will continue until 4 p. In. or until the appeals have been disposed of. AT THE TOWNSHIP "HALL, ELIMVILLE on the 7th day of Oc- tober, 1924 to hear complaints as to the list of voters for all polling sub- divisions for the Township of- Us-. borne and that His Honour Judge Lewis will be the Revising Officer and his Clerk will be Henry Strang whose address is R. R. 1, Hensall; the sittings will commence at 2 p. and will continue until 4 p. na. or until the appeals have been disposed AT THE, HOLMES HALL, HOL- MESVILLE, on the, 3rd day of eceier, 1924, to ;hear complaints as ta th e list of voters for all palling sub- 'divisilions for the Township of Gad- eriall and that q. Seager, Grown Attorney, Gociericia, will, be; the Re-- vis-Ine.- Officer, and Ina Cleric will be R. G7 Thomson, whose- address is Clin- ton; the sittings will commence aft 10 a.m.; and will continue until 2 pm. or until tlee appeals have been disposed of.. AT THE TOWN" HALL, HEN= SALL, on the Zad day of October, 1924, to hear complaints as to the list of vouers far the Village; of salt, andith.at D. _McDonald, Local Reg- istrar SCO., GocterIcl, vill be the Bevising Officer, and hi,s Cleric will be Alex. MuncloCk, whond address is Hensel': the'sittin,gs will commence it 10 a.in. and will continue until .2 p.n. the appeals- have been disposed of. AT THE TOWN lIALL, BAY - FIELD' on the 27th -clay of September, 1924, to Itear cornMainl.s as to the list of .voters for all, polling ;111;,-c1i5i5- ions for the Viillage. of Bayfield, and that R. 'G. Reynolds; sheriff, Goderich will be the Revising Officer- a.nd his Clerk will. be H. W. Etivelni whose ad- dress is Bayfield; the s-atings isdil com- mence at 10 am, and will continue -in-ail 1 pm., or 'Intl the appeals hzve. been disposed of. AT THE TOWNSHIP HALL VARNA, on 'the 30t1a day of Sep- tember, 1924, to hear complaints as to the,list. of voters fax all polling sub- divisions for the- Township ,or Stanley, and that D. McDonald, Local Rwgistrar S.C.O., Goderich, will .1„)e the Revis- ing Officer, and Ills Clerk will be 5. E.. Hainwell whose,addres.s is Varna,; the sittings will cornmence. at 10 a. tn. and will, continue unti 2 pm., or until the appeals are, disposed of. AT WALKER'S HALL, BRUCE -- FIELD, on, the lirst day of October, 1924, to leea.r oompleinto as to the list of 'voters fax ail;ixollingsub-div- isions for the Township of Tucker- ernith and that D. McDonald, Local+ Registrar S.C.O., Goderich, will, be tine Revising Officer, and his Clerk wilt be D. F. McGregor whose ad- dress is P, R. 3, Seaforth ; the sit- tings will commence. at 10 a.m. and will continue' until,'" 1 P.m., or ttri.til the appeals arc disposed of. AND FURTHER TAME NOTICE that any voter who desires to coni -r plain that has name or the halite or the said- list, has been omitted from 3.4)::::+4.0renttiii:Iteclo::nb,t,ieme,csat:11-edartoynt peasons who are not entitled to bel vot- ers have been entered thereon, may, two, clear days before; the comm,ence- ment of the .sittings, apply, coMplain or appeal ta hove his name or the name ef any other person entered nn, or removed 'from the list. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that .such appeals mutt be by notice M 'writing in the prescnthed form, signed by the coreplelnan1 in duplic- ate and given 150 the Clerk of the 14acv2s3ng +011.fccr, Or left f't' him at 11;8 address as stated above. I Tie bait days for delivering snch appeals are as l',011,00'S,--- Ex,eter, 29111 September, 1924, Hay, 30th September, 1924. Stephen, .271h September, 1924 Usborne, 3rd October, 1924. (-0(1-'6 Ttx, p 3)11 Se tc111 ' 1924 2lith September, 1924, 81.andey, 26th Septeinber, 1924, Tartkersrnitil, 27th September, 1924, Hensel], 29th September, 1924, 'LChair man, Of. N'tl.a..01-.88\IS' 17VOCtiiOn Board lei tile ("minty el Huron ;tied this _I 3tb day of plc t ie 1914 41"