HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-05-31, Page 20„111•,:$?; .41 „ • t 4:*; • '”? e • go, st, ' ' • isy tiaatfter-MacKenzje-- aataC is. Ifeathe MacKenzie and I AM the siirome program assistant here at. the -.1a centre the.endof-August. 1 live one *le north OT Aniherhor and, just coMpleteri a year a 'ItavolitonCellege in Sarnia- MY firs two Weeksrat the centre have been very bUsy, but enjoyable. , r certain tasks r...,1‘ 1 tbe r organizations such:: as C Y Psychiatric Services, — Arthritis Society, 1 ropy others alSti t at the Armouries onMon t June is National Se There are many" specialacti -,,cturdcg -"this . u last Thiirsday we had a triystorY busy tOtir. We traveled to Gederieb to the Stmcoast Mall and did some shopping and we had a delicious lunch at Bayfield. In the afternoon, we stepped and visited.a farm with exotic animals a few miles outside of Dungannon. All in all, it was a great day. This week we held our Elderobic Moonwalk, The seniors walked 84 miles in total. Way to go! Last week was National Fitness Week and a draw was held at the day centre for T-shirts and buttons. The winners were Pat Campbell of Wingham, Ken Davis of /Myth and Edna Young, Lticknow. ACcess-Awareness Day was held Monday. Local community leaders simulated disabilities for a short r.5 ceramicsen Thurs4ayA ' The next foot •glinic wdl be'held June 15 from ' IP 3 -lint ca4 centre at 3574445 or 3574/.4404e in an appointment. A wheelchair Clinic will be held .912 June 24, sponsored ,b)f. the daY centre; the March* Of Dimes an Doncaster Medical, There wIll be • free labor and Small parts are available to individuals. Please call the centre, for an appohitment. I end my article with this thought .FIRE ON PATRIC of the week: "The greatest hap; piness comes from the greatest kitchen recepra activity." , Gaunt. Ernie ‘r. , 4 SJHEET— FirezgAittadan-aPOMeht at 103 POI Je` took Are, Damage has beep, estithaWat $ Het he apartment tenant.'' s Psi jilithen a fan rn Fire 4,017,ef Had LES EY -I O'pt miat : cofrpeted at the TOCO4Saiid es!) men,agi. Classic at :port Elgin in on : fuem0: (Maureen Lisle. Ofloki JustJUSIF�r the v eOlth Of it • • • by Sheryl Feagan Health Education Consultant* ron Cpunty Health Unit • Lifelong dental health starts with good dental care in childhood. As with adults; only regular care can keep children's teeth healthy. Moreover, it's in childhood that positive dental care habits are formed —thopubitoarushing and flossing, healthy eating, and - of regular visits to the dentist. Studies indicate .that most adults who are onto us„ about gehig to the dentist developed their fears during childhOOfi. Healthy- baby teeth pave -the way ler healthy adult teeth, If they are prematurely lost or diseased, adult teeth can come in crooked, defor- • med, or .not at . In addition, •".:ifiew wooly and to learn bi.speak dren.often learn by imitation-. • neourage your children to watch' While you brush teeth.. Provide them with their very own brush and 'toothpaste (make- sure it's fluoridated) . so: 'that they can "brush?' too. Let young children ,cbildrirdieed geed teeth in order to Way at mouth cleaning- as often as -04„ • • they „feel „like it.Ieyei,intjL The' ttotible witli the world is tha childrencian killfully use a fork and t spoon,- ti the .stupid are cocksure and the unco-opd intelligent full Of doubt teeth. Id " bertrandRussel help -.will probably b 'to really Parents w Eating nutritious foods is, just as important as regular JAR and flossing. EncOMPatey:C: C eat sugar -free heallb37,f fresh fruits -or ve make, it easier for 10- healthy snaCii§ .0n- n within reach. cho,Ose nutitlous flealtbx t44'. -Never ar:b00Y to bed with a bottle of Milk It. cause an especially Verna,- of tooth . decay. Formula,unsweetenedor any sWeetOjed,lkiiid are equally as dangeroiis. If your child relies on a bottle at --bedtiMe4rOvide• water only. •• •injury studies indicate t the mouth'the nlest-'.freque injured area of your body, an -in- juries to the 2 teeth?' ara Atte per- manent. . The ,aliadian, ental Association strongly urges t good head, face, .and mouth' rotection beennii part y r isports LEMOI equipment:, • -Children's first or ..”babY".teettiv-, are needed* Spgaldng, eating. and- to preserve space for permanent 'teeth. If Your.child loses a baby teeth. pietnoturely,- one or 'air Of these:1 ciiiiiq'tbeaffected,'Sekketir dentist. --Schedule your elti'lifSfirst visit to the dentist between three.. years. age. Prepare your youngster .10r " by trodUcling4Ine concerned ad :Will help care for his teeth' etilldr*are readyto start ',brushing their:. teeth at about the same"time theybegAn to use a fork or spoor'. Supervised brushing andithei:... of '-fitoridated:---,tratet, - ttietliposteg are effective, ways. cornbat cavitiet. - 4GrtXd nutrition is iiti too • ttheir hive to, • . urage d, heithy Oocitt Oar fifrt r HIPtIIjht SargeantJeff Dennis of Squadion. ••• oseal canadien Air Cadets, Wingharn, was one of this cipienta of tie Dein Delmage Memorial Award, a flying -- • ithIpt,Oft squadron's annual inspection. Clarence Oh& of hr: &and, made the presentation. Fft. Sgt. Dennis, itivoiat Les Phu/lipof Blyth. , 1.1