HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-05-24, Page 21
amA May 24,1
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Si. Paul's Church
All services from the "Book of -Common Prayer"
SUNDAY, MAY 29,1988
11:00 a.m. - Matins
Sunday School & Nursery
* * * * * * * *
Minister a Rev. D. Madge
Trinity, Belgrave - 9:30 a.m.
* * * * * * * *
Friday, May 27, 6 pin
292 Edward St,
All proceeds will be sent by The Salvation Army
to alleviate human suffering in Ethiopia.
Mr. Andrew B nd°ar - ecialWorld Vision
Film - "How Will They Know im?'
Limited Seating;
For tickets call : 357-1367 or 357-2660
Adults-- $7, Ages 5 -12, $3.50
The Salvation Army - Wingham Corps
Special Guests Major & Mrs C. Moore
Divisional Commander ® Ontario South.
Come and join us for a day of music and inspiration!
9.45 am Sunday School
11.00 art Family Worship
7 pm, Praise Meeting
Sunday, May 29°
292 -Edward St. Wingham
"folding it book _is quashing the one
(minority)- report, and that's notthe
democratic prams.
The minority report takes ex-
ception with a number of issues
included in the other reportand
would, therefore, serve as *OW
information for the Municipal
councils. he added.
"I don't think there was any intent
to quash the (minority) report," Mr.
Fortune replied. "You're free to do
anything you want with it."
Mr. Meier, however, took ex-
at least
another month. "If you want to stall
this for another month, then we're
going to be without a chief at the end
of June."
Dr. McGregor suggested
Wingham's concern is not so much a
question of whether or not to hire a
full-time chief, but the manner in
which the hiring is to be carried out.
Mr. Fairies reminded the
Wingham representatives that the
fire board is an autonomous body
and for that reason, members do not
have to go . back to their councils
each time a decision is to be made.
"That (autonomy) was brought up
at Wingham �cocB and that's Vie,
l et nfr s
.coua � +� the , �w�rse a�'�: �►I#��� `�� � s�,
Strings," iM1 'r. 'e , ft said u�cork.g'
"Five - n s control the' t
stress, and wt's why the. b ,rd. T e beard a so app ted ,
set up autonomously," Mr. Fortune separate c ttee to Invest
countered. all asp is
Mr. Beecroft's suggestion that. benefits, vehicle, job deser iptton and
perhaps the bylaw should be, other details,
amended in order to allow a Members of the committee, which
municipality to veto prompted Mr. is to report back to the regular
Fortune to point out that such action beard meeting, are: Mr. Jacques,
would result in an unworkable Mr. Beecroft, Mr. Fortune, Mr.
situation. "It's unfortunate that Meier and Mr. Elliott.
a cis
Wingham asfi• ngh ruest o �� �" ..
delay any decision for t � board
to delayaction on report
(Continued from Page 1) cost effective.
Kopas said. "They're forcing an
opinion before the Fire Marshal's The minority report also questions
report is tabled." the method of hiring as recom-
The minority report questions mended in the ad hoc committee
whether or not the department's report. Rather than offering the
present chief first right of refusal,
problems will be solved simply by
appointing a full-time 'chief;"We the minority report says the position
perceive this as an effort to throw should be advertised and open for all
dollars atthe problem without ob- to apply.
taining a definitive result." The minority report also su
Although a full-time chief would the annual salary for the full -tune
be . desirable, the report questions chief should be set at $25,OOO-$30,O00
whether the appointment would be plus benefits.
n investrnent
New foreig
may save regional lines
A new promise of foreign in-
- - vestment - may- provide the-thrustt
needed to save regional branch rail
lines from extinction.
Project ReRail co-ordinator Peter
Bowers said in Owen Sound on the
weekend that he hopes the con-
ditional promise of up to $15 million
Bridge counter
indicates heavy
flow of traffic
A traffic counter placed on the
Lower Town Bridge in Turnberry
Township indicates a good deal of
traffic passes over the structure in a
Road Superintendent Ross. Nichol-
son reported to the second May
meeting of Turnberry council that
an average of 864 vehicles pass over
the bridge every , Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday.
A second counter on Albert Street,
the route to the Royal Homes Plant
and Western Foundry, shows that ari
average of 492 vehicles travel that
road every Wednesday through
A counter on the 25th Sideroad
registered 326 vehicles on a week-
day, while 824 vehicles passed over
the B-line.
The road superintendent placed
counters to establish usage on some
township roads.
217 Minnie St.
Sunday, May 29
Flower Sunday Service
11:00 a.m. ® Guest Speaker
Mr. Lloyd Hutton, Kincardine
(Sunday School pupils come
at 10:30 a.m.)
Open House to view display
Light. Refreshments
125th Anniversary Event
Everyone Welcome
lifiinister: Rev. J. Rea Grant
B.A., M. Div.
Organist: Mr, Flop swatridge
Church �51
Menne - 357-1072
in foreign capital will whet)e in- Project Reltail-was-for ed
terest" of provincial a d f
n ederal Bowers, a writer, and a number of
governments. long -service railway employees to
Foreign interests are willing to head off CN and CP plans to dump
invest in a branch -line railway branch lines in Peel Region and the
company if government loan Counties of Huron, Bruce, Grey,
guarantees are provided, he said. Perth, Middlesex and Wellington.
Mr. Bowers is sending a letter this . Project ReRail is also looking at.
week to CN Rail and CP Rail of lines in the Midland, Orillia and
ficials telling them an offer to buy Peterborough areas wich aren't in
the lines with foreign money will be immediate danger, but are listed as
forthcoming if - government potential lines for abandonment.
gainedguarantees on the loan can be obm A marketing study the group
"We don't want them to start hoped to have completed by this
ripping up track before we canget week won't be available for about
three weeks, Mr. Bowers said. "We
this together,"he said while poin- want to create an improved rail
ting out that CP plans to tear up a transportation system with these
line in the Fergus area soon.
neglected branch lines."
A lawyer is also drafting a private
member's bill which Project ReRail 0-0-0
hopes a sympathetic MPP will Little things console us because -
present to the Ontario legislature to little things afflict us.
make the group's railway a reality.
Blame Pascal
y A��
Beatrice, 500 gr.
Sour Cream 1.59
Beatrice, 500 mi.
Half N Half Cream
Libby's 19 oz. Alphagetti or
Spaghetti 1.19
2 litre Coca Cola or
Diet Coke
• • • • • • •. • • • • • • • • • • 1.99
Schneider's, 500 gr.
Sliced Bologna •••.••••••••• 2.69
Schneider's Regular or Maple, 175 gr.
Cooked Hain •.,•••••*••®••• 1.99
STORE HOURS: Mon. - Frim 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Saturday.: 7:30 a.m. - 7000 p.m.
Phone 557-2240. We Deliver.