The Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-05-10, Page 24f�.
oard, council, mi
meet to clarify gui
Representatives from the Ontario
Ministry of Community and Social
Services will meet nextIonday with
Wingham Town Council and the
Wingham Day Care Board to ad-
dress some concerns over the terms
of a $37,080 direct care grant.
At its regular May meeting, coun-
cil put off taking action to accept the
direct grant because of the op-
position of some to ministry
guidelines on how the money is to be
The first priority suggested by the
ministry is to use the funds to assist
in funding salaries, with other day
care costs to be a secondary con-
Councillor James McGregor, fi-
nance and management committee
chairman, said that using the lion's
share of the grant to increase
salaries of full-time staff will mean
hikes of between 15 and 28 per cent.
As a result, the town will face
similar demands from other
municipal employees who had
salary increases held to five per cent
this -year:- ~ -�-
"I'm not opposed to anyone get-
ting an increase, but I can foresee
problems in the future when em-
ployees in other departments de- re
maid the -same consideration given
to day. care workers;�-�..he .said,.,
"Consequently, I think we are h
saddled with an immense problem."
He said he had suggested to a min- b
istry official that the town be d
allowed instead to apply 60 per cent
toward lowering the per diem user s
rate, 30 per cent toward increasing n
salaries and the remaining 10 `per t
cent tod training. The ministry d
rejected that proposal, .however. it
"We are confronted with the . '. personnel who might then be. at`'
possibility of sending the grant back, tracted� to centres in other corn'
but he (the ministry representative) 'nullities where` -tie direct `grant has. -
assured assured me we would not be been applied to upgrading salarle;:'�+"
penalized if we did turn it down,"
Dr, McGregorsaid. "The. other -al- CQuncillor�- Doug: �;witzer, one-
ternative is to send it back and get -
the town's �'ep�esentatives on
out of the day care business clay. care boar; suggested re%rrg
altogether." .the matter once again to the board
He said he considers it inconceiv- for further consideration.
able that a government agency •
Council agreed, to..delaying..actionn
dealing with day care would not .be for at least another month, but di -
interested in lowering the per diem di-
rected Clerk -Treasurer Byron
rate. Adams to arrange the meeting
Mayor Jack Kopas said turning between council, the board and min -
down the grant could result in an- istry representatives. That meeting
other problem — how to hold on to is Monday, May 16 at 7:30 p.m.
PUC reminds fire board
deadline is approaching
The Wingham Public Utilities T"hatdeadline was extended until
Commission has sent a letter to the June 31 to give the board enough
Wingham and Area Fire Board time to consider a fire marshal'
reminding its members that they survey into the long-term needs
have until June 31 to make a decision. the fire department, which will b
about Fire Chief Harley Gaunt. . Mariepublic.jn the-nearfuture:
The decision to send the letter.was The situation at the PUC i
made following a committee -of -the- becoming difficult, reports Mr.
whole session at the recent PUC Saxton, as one full-time employee,
May meeting, Manager Ken Saxton Bernie Haines, has left for a new job
ported Monday morning. and another, Ken 'Simmons, retires
As Mr. Gaunt is employed by the in two weeks "We're ett short -
PUC, the�commission,and.the .board; ..-.staff 'e;d 'r;.1Vii; a
ave had a working agreement The tWo summer students hired by
whereby he would be paid by the the commission will help to lessen
oard when he was on fire duty the load, he adds, Debbie Hodgins
uring working hours. started late last month and Paul
However, last year the comrnis- Good began Monday morning. Their
ion decided the arrangement was duties will include painting
of working and gave the board until hydrants, general clean-up and they
he end of the year to make a will assist the linemen upon oc-
ecision regarding the chief, even if casion. The students each will be
included hiring him full-time. paid $7.45 per hour.
COMPETE AT MUSIC FESTIVAL—The following students from the
Wingham Public School earned second -place finishes at the recent
_Walkerton Rotary Music Festival: back, Maria Gibbons, Marc Poulin;
front, Kelly Alexander and Katie Elmslie.
Lake Wingham ro �� osat�
E1mde'-rrle�r e
O ECTj(.
_ —Motorcycle
y ... .:.,
MOTORCYCLE A WARLNf�Ss< May is lNotorc cle SafetyAwareness Month and members of the
Bikers'Rights Organization set up a public information booth Saturday in Wingham. Above, Kenny
Wright, 8 sits in the saddle of 13RO representative Allen Wagar's-,rnotorcyele while his sister, Heather, 5
waits patiently for her turn. In the background are Mr. Wagar, Barbara Elliott and her children Billy, 2 and
Jennifer, 3. Not in the photo is SRO representative Mike Storozuk of Listowel.
Representatives of the Wingham Mr. Underwood also raised grave
Business Association took their concerns about nearby farm drains,
"Lake Wingham" proposal to -the which could be lower than the river.
first monthly meeting of Turnberry Each case would have to be looked
councillast week, at, replied Mr. Squires.
,;.s..-.1,110-X0_,_1100411,eiribers gave Elmer NEXT STEP
.and Gordon vires urian 'What- is the next step?" asked
Cameron their attention for almost Doug Fortune, acting reeve.
one hour after which council ex- Mr. Squires said the concept cur -
pressed its own views and concerns rently is in the "idea stage". The
about the proposal. proposal has been presented to
Elmer Squires presented a brief various groups and agencies and
history of the "Lake Wingham" con- possibly public meetings could be
cept. The business association has held to get input, he suggested.
been promoting the idea as a way of Once that has been accomplished
generating growth and development and if there is consensus that it is a
in the area, he said, adding this area good idea, Mr. Squires said it is -up to
has a great potential for tourism and the local government officials to
recreation. (Continued on Page 28)
Through the use of a map, Mr.
Squires illustrated the effect of dam- Mayor critical
ming the Maitland River at Zetland
Bridge to create an inland lake, of long-standing
While he agreed that such an
ambitious project would be too much library opponents
for one municipality to undertake, Wingham Mayor Jack Kopas has
Mr. Squires said he feels the federal publicly criticized two members of
and provincial governments would council for their continued sniping
be quite interested if it had a whenever items pertaining to The
beneficial effect on a large region. Library
"Don't look at the problems," Mr. appear on the agenda.
Squires told the council members. At council's regular May meeting,
"Look at the overall concept." it was reported that The Library will
DISCUSSION PERIOD be dedicated at a civic reception and
Following Mr. - Squires' address, open house this Saturday, May 14,
which prompted Councillor James
council members had a chance to McGregor to ask who will be a
aska number of questions. p yin
Cotincillor Paul Eigie led off the for the event. When told the Town of
Wingham is picking up the expense,
-question- period by asking what Dr. McGregor said he is not in favor
effect the lake would have on a Mor- of the estimated $1,000 expenditure.
ris Township property, owned by He was supported by Councillor
Mr. and Mrs. Ted English, that is Ron Beecroft who also has opposed
subject to flooding during the high- the library project since its incep-
water season. tion.
Under the current proposal, Mr. "I regret making remarks- of this
Squires admitted, a portion of the nature in public, but I think it's
couple's driveway would be below about time some of you stopped
the water level. He also said one playing dog in the manger on this is -
man's property in Lower Town sue," Mr. Kopas said. "Your con -
probably would be flooded as well. cerns are suspect because of your
"These are things that would have long-standing opposition to this
to be looked at," said Mr. Squires. project."
Councillor Nelson Underwood said The discussion took place during
he is concerned that there is not presentation of the monthly report of
enough summer flow to keep the council's finance and management
water fresh. committee.
Mr. Squires said he has acquired In a related matter, council also
and studied month -by -month flow received a letter from the Huron
charts back to the 1950s. While it is a County Public Library conrnending
valid concern, he said he feels there the town for its development of
is enough flow to sustain water "such a first-class library for its
quality. citizens".