HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-04-26, Page 16:!1'" • ;-!!'
1.40, 01.0 I I 1
4 4"
tt't .• • "
Engagenienfistetices (nth pichne) , - • — • • 0... $0.00
Engagernitnt Oakes (without picttn . • , .............. .. . $400
Grath:x:4,er! Picturos ...... • — ...... • • .. • .. $5.00'
'Gravy.' Pictures, 55 years end over ......... _ . • — .............. Char00
Wedding Write tips , _ _ ........... Charge
it copy is reeeived within three weeks after the ceremony -
Charge for aoccmpanying plc° hire .. , $5.00
After third wet* „ . • . Write tkr$5.00
Detailed wodding write ups will not be accepted after six weeks but within 8 weeks a picene
and a brief caption will be p.iblisr.ed at a charge ot ................. 610.00
After 5 weeks a picture and a btlef Caption Will be publiihed ;It a charge qf. _ $20.00
Bin) Announcements to our regular forniit nr.4tCharga
• Paving Stones • Stone Landscaping
• Retaining Walls •Insulated Drywall Panels
RICH black top soil, no stones. Call
Gorrie 335-3167 or 357-3721,
WEDDING invitations. Drop in and
view our latest book of sample in-
vitations. The Wingham Advance -
Times, 192 Josephine St., Wingham,
Ont. Phone 357-2320. rrb
1977 JAYCO hardtop tent trailer,
sleeps 8, has a stove and awning and
large ice box, excellent condition.
Phone 357-3118. 26,3
DO YOU have items to advertise in
132 weekly newspapers? Call us now
for details on our blanket classified
coverage of Ontario or specific
areas of the province. The Wingham
Advance -Times, 3572320. rrb
KEROSENE metered pump. Lynn
Hoy, phone 357-3435.
23' MOTORHOME, 1977 Winnebago,
62,000 miles, sleeps 6, fully equipped,
one owner, very good condition.
Phone 519-357-3031. 19,26,3,10
1970 TRAVELAIR 15', sleeps 6,
fridge, stove and furnace, good con-
dition. Phone 357-2123.
BABY BATH tub, sitter, sterilizer,
swing and car seat; Inglis dryer.
Phone 357-1139. .
SAVE on bearings, V -belts, pulleys,
roller chain, sprockets, seals, and
transmissions. Most sizes in stock,
to fit all makes of equipinent,
machinery, and vehicles, including
combines and swathers, etc. Top
quality at low prices. Before you buy
elsewhere check our large selection
and competitive prices. If you don't,
you'll- never know what -a deal -you
missed out on. Moorefield Equip-
ment Ltd., in Teviotdale, Jct, Hwy
23 and Hwy. 9. Phone 343-2122.
USED and new aandtkalt
ty/ tent,
and park models.Before
cheek our 'selection Of
modern Willem and le* e011fit
prices, 11-y011.41on't ywil never
know What a deal you missed (*en..
Come to our ,PPealfOoset Aprit72023
and 24' for 'sped& deals; and free
prizes._ Open 7 days a We*. Royal
Trailer ft R.V. centre m Teviatthiel
Jct. No. 23 and No. 9. -Phoile343-214.
BOY'S 20" BMX bike, blue,. 2 Ye
DO YOU lialre a favorite recipe, a old, $50. Phone 357-1605.
story or a poem! Lel ephote, •
copies of it for YO.11. to
your friends. We can -
ty. Drop in at The. Wingham
vance-Tiroes (*lee. Phone357:-
SERVICEABLE age purebred and
crossbred boars from high quality
bloodlines. Also bred gilts, vaccin-
ated and due date. Peter Petrovic.
Phone -056-2619. 20tf
USED and new truck as. Fiber-
glass and aluminum to fit most
makes. Before you buy check out our
big city selection and our low coun-
try prices. If you don't, you'll never
know what a deal -you missedout on.
Come to our Open House April 22,23
and 24 for special deals and free
prizes. Open seven days a week.
Royal Trailer -Si -WV: Centre in
Teviotdale, Jct. No. 23 and No. 9.
Phone 343-2123
TE Admiral fridge, excellea
lonjtrx418" deep by 24" wide; EV
I. Phone 357-3297, 26,3
LEFT hand guitar and case. Asking
$125. Phone 357-1860. 26 3
COMMODORE 64 C. Computer, la-
(eluding monitor, disc drive, Gemini
2 printer and keyboard, also joy••
stick, some programs:and gairies.
,PhOne 8354842. .
; .
13' CABIN' TRAILER-, threeway
power, ice box, sleep's,. fotir. Phone
357-2807 eVening,s• .• ' 19,26
ADDRESS labels: gumrded 200 for
$5.95.; press -on 200 for $6.95; trans-
parent 200 for $6.95. Add 7 percent
-pst-to-all-prices. The VC-Ingham:Ad-
vance-Times, Box 390, Wingham,
Ont. Phone 357-2320.
USED and new stable cleaners,
chain, units, manure pumps, silo un -
loaders, conveStors, feeders,
stabling, augering systems, roller
mills, hammer mills, and repair
parts for Patz, Berg, Badger,
Jamesway, Butler, Valmetal,
Beatty, Husky, Ralco, Farmatic,
Houle, Choretime, Cablevey and
other makes of barn equipment in-
cluding fans and ventilation sys-
tems. Before you buy elsewhere
check our large selection and com-
petitive prices. If you don't, you'll
never know what a deal you missed
out on. For sales, part .§ and service
contact Moorefield Equipment Ltd.,
in Teviotdale, Jct. Hwy. 23 and Hwy.
9. Phone 343-2122.
COUCH, $100 and an air conditioner,
$150 or best offer. Phone 357-1623
after 6 p.m.
Township of Morris
Sealed and clearly marked tenders are now being received
for the purpose of supplying, loading and hauling of 1000
cu. yds (more or less) of Pit Run "B" Gravel for various loca-
tions in the north half the Township of Morris.
Work to be completed by July 22, 1988 to the satisfaction of
the Township, Road Superintendent.
The contractor totetesponsible for any rules end -regulations.,
which may be applicable under. the Pits and OuarrieS Act.
Contractor Tnusteupply approximately 1500 cu. yds per day.
• --- -
App- ly-talittutideitaigned for cOntract torn's:
Tendert -MUST- beArebeiVed by the undersigned: -by 4o
Thursday- AO 2& 1988 and be aCCOnvante4t by
cheque for 10% tif the enclosed bid.' -
HARDWOOD slabs for sale, truck
load lots. Phone 528-3047, 23rrb
ENGRAVED signs: door plates,
mailbox plates, house !lumbers,
name badges, desk -sip*. Easy to
read, washable, stainproof. The
Wingham Advance -Times, 357-2320.
MAGNETIC signs-: many sizes
available, 8"x20", $29. For further
information phone The Wingham
Advance -Times, 357-2320. - rrb
MASSEY 4e „industrial loader trac-
tor; Honda 38-13 2 cylindetliquid
cooled riding mower; 24" Pioneer
chainsaw; Canadiana lawntiOwer.
Phone357-3115. 19,26
1979 PROWLER Deluxe travel trail-
er, 31', full 'bath, rear bedroom: All
conveniences and excellent condi-
tion. Phone 887-9058.. 19,26
Fire. Alarm and Emergency Ser-
vices Upgrading at Wingharn
Blyth 0114,-Seaforth OH -
2 and Geiderich OH -3.
Tenders will be received for
the above unto 110 a.m.
local time, Wednesday,
May 11, 1980. by the -HUron
County Housing Authority,
48 The Square,- Goderich,
Ontario. N7A 1M5, (519)
524-2637 1 OM whom de-
tails and specifications maf
be obtained, quoting re r-
ence number as Abby°.
The lowest or any tender
not neceisarlly accepted.
Township of Morrie' - Township of Tumberry
Seiled and clearly marked tenders are now being received
for the supply, loading and hauling of approximat:, ,26,000,
cu. yds of V' Pit Run Gravel, to be delivered to the : • undary
Road east of the Hamlet* Bluevale.
Work to be completed by July 22, 1988 to the satisfaction of
the °Townshipws-Road Superintendents.
ThetorttraCtOtt0 be respOnsibte for any rules and regulations
whten MO be ileableurt er the Pita and Quarries Act.
tO itte t
..• • •
neci.for petite* foiitte. • ,
Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted and a� tandei
are subject to MTO approval.
Lloydlli -
Road $14 e hteticleht
ToWnShip of Morris
t ne$ssar�yaccepted and alt • '•
by the undersigned by,.,4;00 pm on
'acorn anted a certified
. • " •
• • '
.se th. 1,460-0 ,
Trudc Oppadlitches
TIOgaMOIden faldOk abler, I Lionel
Dealer fon
1and floors
Hwy *Strafford
Tenders will be received to
supply and deliver 13,000
square feet.of lain white fis-
sured Mineral non-
combustible acoustic tile with
a fire -spread rating of 25
maximum. The tiie size la
5/8" x 2', x 4'. The successful
bidder shall deliver the
acoustic tile in undamaged
and original containers to the
Asaesament Building, &Melo-
ich, Ontario.
Tenders will be received by
The Undersigned until 1200
Noon on Monday, May 16,
1988. ,
The lowest or any tender
shall. not necessarily be
TOwriship of Kinloss
.clearly marked as to contents
will be received by the under -
Signed at the Township of
Kinloss Municipal Garage in
1401yrood Until 400 p,m., local
time on Mondy, May 16,
1988 for the supply of all ma-
terial and labour for the con-
Struction of a storage shed
and sand storage facility.
Each tender shall be ac-
companied by a bid
bond/performance bond in
the foot of a certified cheque
made payable to the Town
ship of kinloss in the amount
of $2600. Plans and specifi
cations are available ton"
Maitland Engineering Ser-'
vices Ltd., 449 Josephine.
Street, Wingham, Ontarlot'
NOG 2W0, (519) 357-1521.
The project is subject to Min
istry of Transportation and
Ministry of Labour approval.
Lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted.
Corporation of the
Township of Kinloss
Henry Clarke,
Road Superintendent
Holyrood, Ontario -
NOG 1%00