HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-04-26, Page 9JOHN CLUGSTGN, a morning Kindergarten student at the Wingham Public School, perform- ed in the spring concert at the school. Afternoon unit meeting has resurrection theme rs: • it 0011DWICII. ,,T Trinity Anglican Church Women were led fin -Warship. by Mrs. Emerson Ferguson when they met at the honle ,of � Main Hargrave, Presiplt , Jen Whern presided, opening with prayers, a thank -you to the hostess and a welcome- to members and guests. Roll call was .answered by 24 membersand three visitors,telling a childhood memory. The Thankoffering meeting will be held Wednesday, May 11, at the church. Rev. Stephen B. Harnadek of Listowel and Palmerston Anglican Churches will be the speaker and guests from neighbor- ing churches are invite. The bazaar, tea and bake sale will be held Nov. 5 and plans are also being finalized for the bus hip in June. FORDWICH--Easter and the resurrection were the themes when the afternoon unit of the United Church Women held its April " meeting on Apri114. Following a pot- ` luck dinner, Mrs. Elmer Harding, unit leader, opened the meeting and read a poem, "The Garden Is Alive With Easter". Eighteen members answered the roll call on "resurrection". Mrs. Leo Ruttan read the minutes of the last meeting and Mrs. George Richards gave the treasurer's report. Business . items ° discussed. the*, 'Worship. service,._._ ith----the.___...._. theme, !Our Risen Lord" and. the - program, were presented by Mrs. Ruttan, Mrs. Jack Wilson and Mrs. Glenn Johnston. Following a hymn, scripture was read by Mrs. John- ston. Mrs, Wilson gave a reading w ?an devotion, "A Talk From a c Tulip", the roots of bitterness, p shoots of hope, feeling of love and m care, blooming into a beautiful flower through the miracle of His power. Mrs. Johnston read the "Guard of the Sepulchre", followed by a dialogue on the "Proof, Pur- pose, Power and Promise of the Resurrection" by Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Ruttan. Following the hymn, "He Lives", the meeting closed with benediction led by Mrs. Ruttan. Rainbow Club ,✓ere has spring theme Mary Hastings Rainbow Club met Wednesday at 2 in the town hall. Mrs. Hazel Hardie opened the meeting with a poem entitled 'Spring" and Miss Merle Wilson as pianist for the opening exer- ises. Roll call was answered with laiis for planting flowers. Plans were made for the May eeting which will be on a Tuesday • evening at six o'clock, beginning Thirteen tableswith at -luck po ck meal. Friends and at Legion party usbands will also attend. Mrs. uriel Coultes will report on her recent trip to Ethiopia and also show ictures. After the minutes` and treasurer's port, four tables of euchre were ayed. High prizes went to Miss Ima Casemore and Mrs. Clara tch and low prizes to Mrs. Flora eaton and Mrs. Millie Welsh. Miss Merle Wilson had the lucky cup and rs. Helen McBurney won the lucky aw. Lunch was served by the com- ttee, Mrs. Vera Marsh, Mrs. zel Bateman and Miss Casemore. M Thirteen tables were in play at.tle Wingham Legion Hall last Monday - night. night. High prizes were won by Kay McCormick and John King. Marie re Merkley had the most lone hands Ir Coultas and Dave Currie. Draw prizes were awarded to B Margaret Robertson, Marg Pollock, Alice Jamieson, Gert Reavie and M Lorne Jamieson. dr next party will be shoot on Monday, May 2. mi Ha and low scores won prizes for Marj Fi CONTINUED row Maw ► were thunk .:for eabPaght''f the which the- " et u .. moi, co., homed on April I2. The .event was succeSsfil and they the ed D everyone who supported- A w.. card was signed tor Laurie Mahe . , Ii -a. Jim Dugan, who worms ; , ship and Development Pi; it K,. Fifteen. young Can- adians will win an all - expense paid trip to the Toronto Economic Summit, June 19-21, as officially accredited reporter -observers. The Government of Canada wants to en- courage the active par- ticipation. of articipation.of Canadian youth in this major international event whichwill be hosted by Prime' Minister Brian Mulroney, andattended by the leaders of the United States of. Amer- ica, United Kingdom, France, Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, _._J.apan,_and-- the ..__ -- a n European` ! ornar tt To enter this:. oom lion. simply write- short ,editorial' on ' topic ' 1 Key Issue for • Canada at the Econorn'' Surnrnit:' The i u selected should reit to Canada in the Wo ecunorny Or to so and ;other factors that directly affect our economic pertorrnanoe. A video and an infor- mation nformation kit are being sent to your'high school (or CEGEP) and. should be there by April' 18. Ask your teacher or principal for details, or call 1-800-267-Q829 for --.. ----4 -rther-informaticr�: Competition rules: Entries in English or French. Length up to 500 words. Double spaced. Typed or legibly written. Open to full-time high school (including CEGEP in Quebec) students age 19 or under on Deceml)er 81,.1988. A. panel: of experts will judge entries 'for clarity,style, strength of argu- ment,and originality. Competition entries must be received in Ottawa by May 12, 1988. Entries cannot be returned. Winning entries maybe adapted, trans- lated, reproduced, and made public. Send entries to: SUMMIT EDITORIAL COMPETITION Department of the Secretary of State of Canada Ottawa K1A OM5 Attach this entry form or facsimile to your Summit Editorial. ®HBua Theon. SecretaLucienry oof Statechrd of Canada L'hon. Lucien Bouchard Le Secretaire d'Etat du Canada NAME: ADDRESS: soMnner-rorwivrO.SUM wr PHONE: SCHOOL NAME: SCHOOL PHONE: AGE: I have read the competition rules and accept them. Signature of student Postal Code Signature of parent or guardian if student is a minor Pour une copie de cet avis en frangais, veuillez composer le 1-800-267-0829. Hon. Jean Charest Minister of State for Youth L'hon. Jean Charest Ministre d'Etat a la Jeunesse Caiiad'3 TOWRSBIP OF MmBERRy CONSOLIDATED SCHEDULE OF OPERATIONS For the ?ear Ended December 31st, 1987 (uith comparative figures for 1986) SOURCES OF FIINANCING Taxation end User Charges Raeidential and Fara Taxation COmmereial. Industrial and Business Taxation ?exotica Other Governments Charges Greats Proyace of Ontario Other Memicipalities Other Penalties and Interest on ?axes Prepaid Special Charlie Invest`ent Income Total Boum of Financing EXPENDITURES General Government Protection to Persona and Property ?r'anspmrtetion Services Envirodisetel Services Health Services Social and I`amilyr gids Secrsatios sod CultStel Services Plenums mind Develoamemt Total btpenditares Back's of ripancing over (ander) Expeaditnrcs Appraprietions Mst Appropriations beltways fes, feud Salem's at the lsgiseimg of the Veer read Salaams at the End sf the ?mar Revenue hind Budget. Actual $ 3 182.405 32.003 2.250 38,608 230,955 10.000 18,000 189.434 35.110 2.070 87.004 231,060 15,852 6,000 15,900 520.221 576,438 90,947 51,355 255.200 6,900 300 9,100 8,00 • .86.717 . 49,022 11.197 1.098 dteo 34,169 6.471 430,002 416,565 90,219 159,8113 (88.894) (100.917r. • (7,625) C),625) (6,090)' (61.3414 strsassea********sim asseikam*smite Capital Fund Actual 69.310 193 2.859 72,362 6,325 108.449 3,199 3,448 121.406 (49.043) 49,547 (8. "1) (8,467) s*bet*sssens**U Reserves and Reserve feuds Actual' 61.370 212,E aaas26 608 1987 Total Actual f 189,434 35.110 2,078 87,004 300.370 193 15,852. 2.869 15.900 1986 Total Actual $ 171.758 28.347 2,15 52.223 270.231 55 18.568 1,822 8.932 648.110 0 554.086 96,042 49.022 338,960 9.373 1.098 400 34,159 9,918 90.232 49.272 302.156 13.464 511 28.668 13.989 631',964 496.292 110,840 67,794 197,652 300,492 Itaae' ata xmrg *9141 139,!115* 197,852 asaeaaasfesaass4 r- '1 ?;i