HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-8-28, Page 8Phone' 16W Fall and Winter Coats NOW ON DISPLAY We invite yon to come in and see the new coat for ladies and Misses, A big variety 'of new cloths and styles at new low pX ees will tempt you to make an early selection. House. Dresses 98c. These attractive house dress- esare an unusual Bargain at )8c. Come in and see for your- self. Stocking Bargains Cotton Stockings, all sizes, 25c Silk Lisle Stockings, 49e Silk Hose, nude shades,,98c M-' s = . rk Shirts 98c. ALL SIZES FROM 141/ TO 17 IN STOLE These shirts are real value and w e have a big demand for them Men's Shirts $1.49 All Sizes trellis 14 to 17, in neat patterns and good wear- ing materials, all with soft cuffs. Values up to $2.50, to be cleared at $1.49, Men's Boots $3.90 These are good solid work boots and are regularly worth from $4.50 to $5, You save the money while we reduce our stock. S,,,, e Special Values LARGE GLASS FLOWER VASES 35c. EACH Jelly Glasses 5c. ea Odd Cups Sweet Oranges 39c doz 3 boxes Matches 25c 4 tins Banquet Sardines....25c Large tin pink salmon.. 15e Large tin red salmon 25c 10c ea. Royal Yeast Cakes 05c Carnation Milk....6 and 12%c 15 bars any laundry-soap.,98c 2 lbs. Seedless Raisins 25c New, large Lemons ....30e. doz 1 .,.7`"eese"ri9'i`d,'.I4Wev.. t. ,bs;ir�"•t,s •vVirair • f>e, Ksi! w.+tr,ct e'lF-urnish your home Comp!.., to and Save ,r. `s, ;} You e For many years we have been furnishing homes like yours. Our service to young couples has been perfected to the highest de- gree of genuine helpfulness. No matter how little or how much you may wish to invest, in furnishing your home complete, you are assured every advantage of low prices, courteous service and pains- taking attention in making your selections. All we ask is that you give us an opportunity of showing you how reasonably you can purchase furniture at this store. WE OFFER SPECIAL PRICES ON EVERYTHING IN OUR ENTIRE STOCK. Licensed Eanbalnner and Funeral Director Motor Hearse and F' Horse Equipment Long distance calls given prompt attention. DAY AND NIGHT -SERVICE • :OPERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 743; Night call 74W •W� - B � iS tore �rfifers tell IA",r RIC eft maw os n � � g AUGUST :n all lines of Furnishings:; and Clothing w. TAMA P ,® iX g aes TH XETER TIME Market report , ' T1te following is .CAVEPRESI I"I'EiIIAN CHURCH, the report of the Exeter Market corrected every Wednesd �, ileis aomos i'oQte, B.A., 1&3Tin1iter New wheat $1.2.9 Old $1,15 Oats 4Q to 45c Dar•IeY 65---70: Manitoba flour $4.40 Pastry Flour $3.75 Family flour $4,15 Feed Flour $2.00 Bran $1.55: Shorts $1.70 Dairy ,Butter 31c Creamery butter 39, 40 Eggs, extras 34c Eggs, seconds 24c Lard 20e Hogs $10.25 LOCAL Mr.' Jos. Davis, of Merlin, is hol- idaying in town. Mrs. Cook, of Yorktown, Sask., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Hy. Squires. Mr, Wm. Davis is holidaying with. his sister, Mrs. G. Wells, in Wind- sor. hiss Rose Lamport is holidaying with the Misses Sweet in Tillson'-- burg Rev. Jas. Foote will be in his own pulpit on ° Sunday next, after his vacation. Miss Alice Pfaff returned on Fri- day form a holiday trip to Bad` Axe, Michigan. Mrs. W. H. Dearing and daughter Madeleine visited for a few days at Grand. Bend. Mrs. P. Rowcliffe, of London, spent a few days last week with her sister Mrs. R. Dinney, Miss Lillian Myers and Miss Mc- Donald, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. M. Pfaff, Mr. '•iF. Sheere and Mr. R..Gould= ,ing are in Toronto this week tak- ing in the exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Baker re- turned Monday after visiting for a few days in Kingsville. Mr. Wallace Fisher, of St. John, N. B., is holidaying with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fisher. . Mr. Sparling, of Forest, formerly of Woodham, has rented Mrs, A. Ford's residence on Huron St. Mr• and Mrs. Wm. McAllister and family, of Mt. Brydges, are holiday- ing with Mr. and lIrs. • Jas. Jewell. Mr. and SIrs. R. Brand, of Alvin ston, are holidaying with the Tatters parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ma- whinney, Master Robert Hamilton -has re- turned to his home in Cromarty after visiting with his grandmother, Mrs. Hamilton, for two weeks. Miss Lillian Robinson, of Van couver, B. C., who has been visiting her sister,- Mrs. T. E. Handford, • at 0 -rand Bend, ✓left: Monday for her home. Mr. C. H. Sanders has purchased an Overland sedan with balloon tires from Mr. E. Doyle. Mr. Doyle went to Toronto Wednesday to bring it home. Miss Margaret Sharp 'sang a bea- utiful solo in her usual accomplish- ed. ccomplished. manner at the morning service in Cavell Presbyterian church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Briniacombe and daughter Alice, have "returned to` Hamilton, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Welsh, who will visit there for a time.^-' lir, H. Bowers and his bride (nee Miss Dorrance) who have been on their wedding trip to Toronto, Ham- ilton and Niagara Falls, were in town on Tuesday. Mrs. M. Sheere, Mrs. G. Hockey and son Kenneth, retlurned "ihome. .Monday after visiting in Lansing, Mich. The former's granddaughter, Mrs. Amos Parker, returned with them on a visit. Miss N. Medd and Miss Marjorie Medd have returned from a motor trip to Niagara Falls, which they took with Rev. T. A. Barnard and family, .of Fordwich. They visited at Grimsby and Guelph enroute: • Rev. Wm. Ruby, wife and child- ren, of Chicago; Norman Ruby wife and children, of Millbank, and Mr. and Mrs. Ruby, of New Hamburg,, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. S. Hardy on Monday and •Tuesday, Next Sunday the services in the Main st, church will be conducted by ` the pastor, Rev. F. E. Clysdale, at 11 a. m. and 7 p. rn. At the mor- ning service the sacrament of the Lord's supper will be administered. Mrs. Al. Jones, of Grey street, and Mr. and M'rs. D. C. Tanner, •,of. Leslie street, motored td Exeter and spent an enjoyable time with - Mrs': Jones' mother. They also visited.fri-• ends in Hensa11,--London Advertiser The high school enrollment has now. reached 198, which is already up to last year. Exeter school has earned a good name for efficiency which draws the scholars, and Ex- eter citizens are proud of their school. ` Miss Gregory is leaving for Brant- ford on Friday to resume her duties on the staff of the .Collegiate Insti- tute there, having ' vrng liad leave of at - Iseine through, illness since last Feb- ruary. Her sister, Mrs. Millar is ac - componying lier for the winter. Rev. John Ball, of Lambeth, occ- upied the pulpit in the ,Tames street church on Sunday, delivering two fine sermons. The pastor, Rev. W. E. Donnelly, is expected home from his holidays this week to tape his work next Sunday, The Pastor, Rev. Jas. Foote, wig have charge of the services " niext Sunday. 10 a.m.-Sunday School and Bible Class. N Boy _Scouts meet Friday evening. JAMES STREET 1016THODIST CHURCH CH Rev. W.:�E. (Donnelly, 13. A.. Pastor Rev. W. E. Donnelly will be batdc in his own pulpit; next Sunday. "'- 10.15 -Morning Fellowship. 11 a.m.=-"Tile Kingdom 'of God" 3 p.m. -Sunday School and Bible Classes. 7 p.m. -"The Highway of the Soul" Miss M. Abbott has been visiting for a .week in Lucan, 14`• Mr. E. A. Follick is `spending the Exhibition weeks in Toronto. Miss Mabel Walker has resigned. her position with Powell's Bazaar. Mrs. (Dr.) Lannin, of Hamilton, is visiting her mother, Mrs. S. Camp- bell. Miss Pearl Kline, of Mitchell, ip, vsiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Nestle. Mr: Alex. Lloyd, of Toronto, is visiting with Mrs, Lloyd at the home. of Mr. L. Day. Miss' Wanda Willis, of Centralia, is visiting with her cousin, Miss. Viola Hodgert. , Mrs. Wm. Wilson returned to Pe= trolea Wednesday after visiting ' fo a week in town. r Mrs. Rousom has returned to Tor- onto after visiting her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. W. J. Bissett. Mrs. J. W. Powell and daughter Marion, left Tuesday to visit at Grimsby and Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Follick, of Pt. Perry, are visitin with Dr. L. L. Dr. Johnston, of Hamiton, holi- I W. H. and Mrs. Johnstone. parents, 1X111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111f11111111111111111111111111111II141111111111111111111111111111111INIIIIII •• f I I I I i I I I I I II I I I iNIIHtliilll[ Mr. and Mrs. C. Spackman' and "... •. �. PHVRSDAY, AUGUST '28th, 1924 1111 #[lilt ll�llll�llflwo to I � II�IiIIIIIIIIIIIiflllll8l[ifIIIIIIfiiillfiililllllilf � IiIllill! ..�. � I�iIIi�LII�IIi�IiiIiIIII il�IIIwoiilllllltem FIRST ' SHOWING o IMMIX 01011. IMMO =: lagraoll 01.10160 Mane .1012 MOM , MONS OWNER mawarsx smosaaa Follick at Grand Bend. Ladies' and Misses' Fall WinterCoats. ass WE HAVE A SPLENDID RANGE _ OF SNAPPY STYLES IN NEW FALL AND WINTER COATS FOR MISSES AND WOMEN AND . ARE °READY FOR THE EARLY BUYERS. eau.tif u1,S1k Knit Dresses $15 THIS IS A VERY POPULAR LINE FOR, FALL. IT COMES IN 15 SHADES, .LOOKS SMART, AND WILL BE VERY .SERVICEABLE. OUR PRICE $15.00 Table Linen $1 per. yd. A Good ,Cloth for every day use, and comes in a very pretty pattern. It is unbleached, Good Value at $1.00 per yard. Table Linen $1.75 yd. This is an all -linen . Cloth, and looks well when -laundered. The best line we have had for years. Extra Value, 'at per yard $1.75.' All Y Wool Sweater Coats f or Men. IN THE NEW 'LIGHT SHADES THAT ARE BEING. WORN SO MUCH THIS SEASON. THEY ARE ALL W,0c1L AND COME WITHOUT COLLAR SPECIAL VALUES, EACH $2.75. '25 pair of Ladies' & Children's Shoes at 75c. WE HAVE 25 PAIRS_ OF LADIES- AND CHILDREN'S OXFORDS AND PUMPS, VALUES UP TO $3.50; NOT ALL SIZES .pr TFIE LOT. FOR QUICK SALE, PEIt PAIR 75c. o�thcott Bros. family, of Guelph, have been holi- daying with relatives in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Rowe, 'Misses Vera and Reta motored to Clinton and spent' Sunday with relatives ;Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Triebner and daughter, of Toronto, are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Triebner. Miss M. Gill, of Portage la°Prairie left Wednesday morning- after vis- iting for several days with her fa' ther, Mr. F. Gill. , Mr. and 4Irs. 3. Cisler and Miss Myrtle, of Jackson, Mich, visited with Mr. J. W. 'Powell on Tuesday while on a motor trip. Reeve W. - D. Sanders . returned home last week from a trip to Chi- cago. He took the boat from Chicago to Milwaukee and had an excellent trip. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Triebner and little son, who have been visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Triebner, for two weeks left Satur- day for their home at Cornwall. Rev. W. E Donnelly, who has been holidaying during the month. of August, expects to return Friday and will occupy the pulpit in James St, church next Sunday. Mrd' Don- nelly had motored as far as Oshawa, when he was '•called to his home near St. Thomas owing to the ser- ious illness of his father. On Friday 'night on London Road, a horse running loose nn the road; jump - e:.1 out of the ditch directly ;in .front of 2. N. Creech's 'car,, and as there was no chance Of avoiding the col- lision they nal -trolly caane together, with the result that (the• horse, was slightly injured and the radiator, one: light and themolter meter of - the car were broken. Luckily the car was travelling very slowly, aact was onLv swerved to one side, the occupants receiving only, a shaking up. The Times is in `receipt of a card from Miss L. M. Jeckell, who with her brother, Mr. Jas. Jeckell, are. visiting in the Yukon. The card was written from Dawson and - reads, "This is the farthest We will be away from home but it is well worth com- ing to see the mining for gold by hydraulic and dredging, not to men- tion seeing our brother after an absence of twenty-four years. OI3SEILVATIONS I wonder if the people of town and surrounding country know that the Exeter Canning Factory canned nearly 1,000;000 cans of the choicest peas that were 'ever' packed; and that our own farmers grew them. And then again theesavii g° of the crop gave employment' to over 100 people and spread hundreds of dol- lars in this community, A few yards over from this fact- ory is the cucumber salting station where there are thousands, yes mil- lions of "cokes" finding an outlet from this community and pouring in Shelties to the pockets' of citizens as well as farmers, and keeps Dad Chambers on the jump till late on into the night storing the back - b breaking ar fr ` t-. Across the track the Salt Worlds are busy night and day, lifting salt: front under our very feet, inaking it pay., Did anyone see the 'new face of the tgwn clock, lit by hydro at night andthe beautiful flowers and car- pet of grass around the Library and I•Iydro station Obseryer WELL'S BAZAAR PLAIN PRICE STORE Last Saturday we had a little Flow- er Show, which -we believeour patrons appreciated. We are always on the alert to have: new offerings to ;Tease, While. the flowers were not for Cale many people enjoyed their presence along with us. As acu ounce of per- formance is worth a TON of cionm- Jilaint wi5 want to be itt line with the Performers, both in new ideas and business gett•ess. We want you to Comte in often and see our offerings. Time is 'at hand for FALL PARTIES when that Popular Cantly Confection \Iarshmellows is more appreciated than any other time. We keep only the best makes and sell it iliac any quan- tity. Also Picnic Plates, . .Napkins, Wax Paper and Wax Cups, Paper Tablecloths too. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS BERRY' SlJTS, SUGAR AND CREAM SETS sr At, rediculous prices, 2 days only. Do you need a Set of Diishes ? If 1ve cannot save you money we don't deserve your patronage. HOUSE FOR SALE Two lots cornering on Wellington & William Sts.; 7 -room brick 'dwel- ling with kitchen and woodshed; good cellar, hard and soft water, :electric lights, stable, garage ;and hen .house. Easy terms and a bar- gain for quick sale. For terns ap- ply on premises or to Thos. Camer- on, Auct., Box 154, Exeter. 4. Also a, Jersey cow for sale due in , Sept. GENERAL COOK This is a steady position in a com- fortable home. Good salary to start and increase at end of six mon- ths. No washing. • P. 0. Box 672 London: FURNITURE FOR QUALITY; QPRICES: EService and Satisfaction CALL ON US FUNERAL ' DIRECTORS AND. FURNITURE DEALERS. N. W E PHONE 20W PHONE 20J W. R. Goulding A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. Methodist Church. Teacher of Piano, Vocal and The- ory, Instructor of Music in the Public Schools, TERMS MODERATE Box 67, Exeter. CLEANING PRESSING and REPAIRING SUITS MADE -TO -MEASURE TO FIT YOU AND YOUR POCKET WORK CALLED FOR AND DE- LIVERED. ELLIOTT. AND JOHNS FOR SALE -On Mildmay Cider and two Apple Butter Cookers, all equipped with belts, etc. nearly new,. just 'run two seasons; and one hand power Cider Press. Apply'' A. D. Stewart, V.S. Ailsa Craig. ,Phone 3 PROPERTY FUR SALE. SLP WANTED 'ren acres in Tp. Stephen, • Cour. 2; Men and women to work in the good house and barn, nenlrouse; 334 acres Strawb'rries for 1925 crop; .ex- tra good land, well, drained --must be seen to be appreciated; will be sold with or without crop. Apply to Geo. Hay, Crediton, R, R. 1. Exeter Evaporator. Work to start about Sept. 8th. Apply to L. E. NIX at the Evaporator Harvey Bros. have a few tons of Swift's fertilizer more than they have sold. Anyone wanting some may call and get it. Harvey Bros. Mr. and Mrs. Farnsworth, of Chi- cago, motored over and are visiting the latter's father and sister, Mr. T. Seed and Mrs, W. F,' Abbott. Mr. Farnsworth carries a motto on iris auto that is web worthy of notice "Safety - or Sorrow" DIED IN INDIAN HEAD SA SK. Sre, Mr. Thomas ,G. Wi,Iliantis died ;n, Ini- 'riian Head Hospital, on August 7th at'h. t e ager of 52 'ears ; y (,5months.N_ tvite predeceased Winn a year ago last iliay 13th. He, leaves to inou.rn his adit,l ted daughtertnine,'years old, three sisters and two ;brothers, one s,irste,r being Mrs. Solomon, Jacobi, of 7,u.r,iiel: ;11�r. Williams used to reside .in. Exeter North, 'but in 1903 went west with �tl• the rentr of the .family, living for sone , . satx• S7 ttronville, Sasl. :E -le left;' the Jarm; two yes,rs ago out, account of his' wife's health, and •since has resided 1,. es7ded at rnci ya7,Head, f r Death was, s due t 0 anaemia and ka;dney trouble, INSTJIvANCG CONJ'ANY THE 1WIETROPOLTIAN LIFE The Metropolitan Life Insurance Company of New York, insures more people' and: is growing faster. than any other life 'insurance' company, Obviously, the reason for Metropol- itan supremacy in its ° field, is that people ° believe its policies most des- irable, its service best, and its costs t mos economical. This Company is ready to serve you. Tell your insur- ance wants to CHARLES F. WAY, Metropolitan Agent, Exeter, Ont., i s�Canada. Auto for Hire CLOSED CAR DAY AND NIGHT S]Ci1uVIOp7 CHARGES "REASONABLE. A, T. HARNESS Phone 424 Exeter. tr, i M ANDY EASTON Licensed Auctioneer for the Conic my of Huron, Correspondence arran8ni ments for sales can be -made by ca1ZZ lug up the Central Hotel, Exeter. Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. I. R. CARLING B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, &c., Loans,, Investments, Insurance, Office, Carling Block, Main St. Exeton G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the. Royal College at Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Unf,. versity of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil. tary District Number One, Londo; Ont., Main Office, Main .St. Exeter, On& Phone 34, Exeter; Hours 9.00 8.4-, to 6.30, p.m. , Office hours at ZURICH ONT., Tueit, only, at 10.00 o'clock a.m. to 5.a6),' o'clock p.m. Phone 79. A. L. TENNANT Veterinary' Surgeon Office -McDonnell's fsaies iTtables on John St. Phone calls' receive prornp attention. Phone 26w Local Cartage 1 AY! NOW IN .A POSITION 4 GIVE OUR LOCAL TRADE AN A MOST IMMEDIATE SERVICE. H. Bagshaw TRY US Phone 5 Sv" .Cochrane Machine Works Ford motors •reground, fitted wit' Pistons, Complete $16.00 Ever make of Car Motor and Engines re- ground with Pistons Complete to fit; aleo Tractors. • FARMS POR $ALE -A. few choicAt Lamas In the Townships of Usborne'. Tuckersmith and Eibbert. Good buildings and well located as to mars" kets. Priced right. Apply to Thog4 Cameron, Auct.. l3ox 154. Exeter. nekemisoommoleoloommirm GREGG'S � J Clothing Hosp lI Wo are pleased to,annouuce that: we are able to return to our: wort and are again able to give yogi prompt And satisfactory service. ' Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing, Re pairing, Il:emodelling. Turning of all kinds of clothing. LADIES',,WORR A SPECIALTY ~ , We also make Ladies'' and Gent'* Suits to -Order. A trial is solicited. WV'I. "GREGG