HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-04-05, Page 19,•••
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MOST VALUABLE PLAYERS — These young hockey players were chosen their teams' most valuable
and presented with awards at the April 2 Wingham Minor Hockey awards day at the Wingham Legion
Hall. Shown are: back, Ryan Deyell, PeeWee A; Rob Johnston, PeeWee B; Mario Kotsanis, Bantam;
front, Trevor Huffman, Novice B and Jeff King, Novice A. Absent from the photograph are Jamie
MacKay, Atom A, Shawn Gedcke, Atom B and Bill Kinahan, Midget.
TOP SCORERS — The Wingham Minor Hockey Association held its annual awards day for deserving
young players April 2 at the Wingham Legion Hall. Top -scorer awards went to: back, Peter Gusso, Atom
B; Ryan Deyell, PeeWee A; Duane Patterson, PeeWee B; front, Jeremy Hickey, Novice A; bavid Laing,
Novice B and Brett Sangster, Atom A. Absent from the photograph is Midget Jason Moore.
Wingham Super X Atoms
Peter Gusso °
Jamie MacKay
Chris Patterson
Bryan DeBruyn
Joel Pegg'
Shaun Walker
Mark Gibson
Jason Kkrist
Todd Edgar
Mat Adams
Patrick Magee*
Jason Crawford
Chris Alexander *
Chad Davis -Goal
* denotes defencomen
Goals Assists Points Penalties
In Minutes
44 18 62 16
29 26 55 16
34 21 55 28
16 16 32 2
9 22 , 31 8
10 20 30
10 12 22
16 6 21 2
8 11 19 •4
7 9 16 20
4 7 11 43
4 6 10 4
2 7 30
1 2
The boys played -50 games, including 7 tournaments, winning
29 games losing 26 and tying •
Chad Davit playW"every gamo 1V �oal and had a 2.71 goals
against atioragitikith 10 shut04
Total Goals for ft 193 ,
Total GoalsAgainst ft 162
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Seniors enjoy
Irish music
BLUVVALE—The senior citizens
held their business meeting March.
28 with 36 members in attendance.
Florence John.sttin played a number
of old Irish songs before the meeting
Eight tables of progressive euchre
were played. Prizes for high scores
went to Marguerite Fischer and
Alex IVIacTavish; low, Muriel
MacLean and Ross Purvey. Draw
prizes were won by Alice Elliott and
Bert Garniss.
The host cornmittce of Bill and
Mary Peacock, Norman and Shirley
Skelton served a buffet lunch., The
next open euchre party will be held
April 11.
The moat Monogamous animals
are "Klipspringers" (small an-
telopes a eastern and southern
Africa), The males rarely stray
more than five inutoes two
mates during tina
elitre *inak
week to hearsomeof the. finest Thec
Luck -how and ; r
Schuoi otgl tUn
o, It•:,
School choirs 11 tirade 0 ciass at .Fitness. .
Wingham Plittne• 0°01 entertained WS trips an -
at the centre- as part of our special - tivitJes,. .,,, rrii
Easter Otivities. PrograMs.
available at the ventre01#4teek. On 110111, aft04
April ,program calendars .wiu te older
er adults.,,
seniors' 'apartments. . or litWITT
also touring the new Belmore . 6,16Mt_t_l_,,i1.4.1)9r '
Belmore Maple Syrup Festival and-
ThuradaY' we w0Lbe trekking:O the psusee:ohan,e1 and.cet:'.:: i , or,
The next foot clinic at the centre . h • • ' 1 - *" -
ho rn
sponsored by Community Nursing oets:*. in .the O' "ti
Services is Wednesday, April 13 tiridairitrina0:30 to410-it
from 1 to 3 p.m. Please c.all. for an two phone lines, 357'.' , ,,. a
ppointment. •. 1.445-: . :-, - , .,
Part of the Day Centre proram
our noon meal, a delicious, we vase to learn, we cease.
nutritious hot dinner planned by our intereating:TP **a is teach one's.44 '
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is .
A %Ought for the week'‘ ,
part-time meals superVisor.:Audreyse#, AN whether we gain intellectual !
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Fenton has been our. meals -super- power andknOY1e4fte.10)r 4.) '
visor for the past year and this will servation, bY 1.661414g ''6'1' by .
be Mrs. Penton's last week at , the, listening, the result is the outeeMe of.:. - .,...:7,
centre. Wewish you the best of luck, our self -activity." Jelin Lancaster .. - .'...,
Audrey. - Spalding. •' . .
p. I •
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,Three .11/1s.grOpp
features Easter thOmt '•
• Easter was the theme of the
March meeting of the Three Ms of
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Churvh,
The meeting was hosted by Mr..
and Mrs. .Tolui Donaldson and Mrs.
Donaldson opened the meeting with
an Easter message. Her husband led
a singsong of Easter hymns. This
was followed by an Easter message
written by Billy Graham and read
by Mrs. Donaldson, which said:
"God did not create us to a life of
/loneness, as everybody who puts
his trust in Christ can have access to
God in Christ."
Young people
join c urc on
Palm Sunday
Several young people were
received into the fellowship of St.
Andrew's Presbyterian Church on
Pahn Sunday, March 27.
Received into communicant
membership by profession of faith
and baptism are Cheryl and Heather
Campbell and Karen Clugston.
ReceiVed by profession of faith
are: Christi; Curzon, Kristen and
Mechael Hawkins, Kenneth and
Murray Lapp, Susan Stuart, Cheryl
Underwood and Linda Versteeg.
A new d ,,;r arrived in the town
of Wingham in November of 1920. A
surgeon, Dr. W. W. Reid of Montreal
was to be associated with Dr. Irlma
Kennedy. He was about to take over
the suite of offices recently occupied
by the late Dr. J. P. Kennedy and
would specialize in surgery and eye,
ear, nose and throat work.
Specializing in
• Weddings'
• Portraits
• Family Groups
The Country
Wes N.E. of Auburn
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A selection of readings by
Elizabeth Robertson, Mrs.
Donaldson and- Jean—Robertson
portrayed the death, burial and
resurrection of Jesus. Cora
Robertson gave two pleasing ren-
ditions of "Fill My Cup, Lord" and
"It Is the Blessed Hour of Prayer"
on the piano.
Mr. Donaldson introduced the
special guests, Mr.- and Mrs. Roy
Bennett. of Wingham. Mr. Bennett
gave the group an armchair trip to
the Scandinavian countries of
Norway, Sweden and Denmark, via
a slide presentation.
They noted that the factories of
those countries are all situated in the
country and each province has its
own costume. Flowers are
everywhere and lupins and roses
grow wild. The slides depicted the
beauty of the churches, castles and
other features characteristic of the
countries. Their presentation was
very much appreciated.
Refreshments were served and a
time of fellowship followed.
*W -
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