HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-04-05, Page 2.4 •ititgtikt • yr.V.,.17:',.:11„r7, • 1MOWX2214600mOdium Ir a . • ; ,„ s• >40- . ' , • r ra 410 • lefiomq are: rhase spa care faeilities, but .these are rid as flexihle as -the clay care Program would he, , • - Horne daratre couldmakeday care '4140* in Mallet -Central where the werkers lived; he ex- plained, These would be more that" babysitters, because the home day care visitor would help the operator maintain a• proper operation, te said. • Poi' instance, those provi infant care ---- another benefit eirer day care centres witich will not look after infants — would be required have necessary eqUipment such cribs. Asked if the rate of pay mi t be unfair competing,' for ether babysitters, Mr. fitacKinnonsaidthe operators will get $chilt 1 65 Per hour Per To the question onfrhow much the home day care program wouldsaVe in welfare costs, he replied that while there never has been -a-study,-- it now costs Vth) month in mother's_ allowance for a.mother add one child. Multiplying that by the number of children who could be •••:' CHALK TALK — Coach Ted **anis gives basic socger lottrtio, tions to candidates for the newly -Organized Wingharn and Aee$00- car League. More than -40 youog soccer hopefuls turned out last Tuesday for a training session and one of the league's organizers, Rob Wittig, said officials expect to have 60 or more by the time out- door practices begin in a feW weeks. 0 St. Pa 1 'Church (ANGLICA14) WiNG4A111 THertarthaA oF WINGHANI AND BEI:GRAVE-- All services from -the "Book of Cony -Ion Prayer se. alp arre • SUNDAY, OFIle 10940- 11:00 a.m. - 9 ktessont.and Carols of Easter & Sunday School Pageant Minister : Rev. D. Madge • * * * * * * Trinity, Belgrave - 1:15 p.m. FamilyWorship 110-:$01Vation Army., _ 292 Edward St, Call 357-1367 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Family VVorship 11:00 a.m. Praise and TeStirnony Meeting 7:00 p.m. • Yu art, invited • Schneiders 450 gr. Wieners . • • • • . • • • • • • • Schneider's 500 gr. Sliced Side Bacon • • • • • • Pink Grapefruft • • „ • • • • • White Swan, 2's Paper Toweli; • • . Aylmer 14 oz. Sliced Peaches or Fruit Cocktail . Generic, 14 Oz. Beane • or • • • * • 0 * • 1.89 2.79 • 4/$1.00 • • • •••••• • • • " -at • * • II • • .99 .991. .59 tan 111e01.40 Ping 'Reeve Tom :• cost' zS AP. lie flt • Study looks at county tourism (Continued froin Pagel) ems — both positive and negative — surrounding tourism. Following the interviews, a survey of residents will explore these issues in greater detail. Should residents receive a survey form, they are urged to respond even if they believe that they have little to offer. Because a limited number of ( survey forms are sent out, the s department urges all who receive the forms to complete and return them. "In an important way, those who s are sent a survey represent others in r the county who may hold siMilar views," Mr. 'Simmons said. ° "Everyone's views are therefore c Fisher, orris -TownL Doug Fraser, Ashfield Reeve Allan GibSont, Township Reeve"Marie flexile e tont, Colborne Township ve Russell • Pffi" an su . . • . ' , • - • , • • How eau I 'reditte the risk of getting AIDS? The following - is- a list of precautions Which call be taken by the general, *Mc apPsyttertonsin. itiecitif risk" groups te'eliminate or reduce4the--risli- of-confradting or spree' ' g AIDS: -Abstinence from sex, or main- taining a mutually monogamous relationship with a partner who has not been exposed to the AIDS virus are the surest ways to eliminate risk. -Don't have sexual contact with any person whose past history and current health status is unknown to you. -Exercise safe sex practices at all times. --Don't use intravenous (IV) drugs. -Don't share needles or syringes boiling does not guarantee terility). -Don't have sexual contact with persons who abuse TV drugs. o -Proper use of a condom during e exual intercourse will decrease the c isk of ArDs. -Don't share toothbrushes, razors r other personal implements which ould --become contaminated with f 3 ' • Herein lies the deadlines --Of :the disease. Once the AIDS Vilma, it can take'lift4) 14 months before antibodies &ANA,* the blood, and AIM ffr4)- ten"years before any SYMpt0Msi,:„ - You keep rife:61i "virus", but what is a virus? Oakville, Ont. A virus' is the smallest -disease- producing organism known. To see one, you Would need a microscope' . capable of magnifying an object' 40,000 to 100,000 times.,- Unlike bacteria which are usually- con- siderably larger than viruses and often perform some tteful service to plants and animal, viruses have not been found to my knowledge that are helpful in any respect. More than 300kinds of viruses are known to invade the human body and are responsible for infection*. diseases such as chicken tx, ,in- fluenza and head colds. terent viruses are transmitted in a -variety f ways. When you sneeze, for xample, the droplets of moisture • seated can carry a virus a don; iderable distance. ' Other viruses can travel through the air or can be found, in water or ogd contaminated by infected human waste. In the case of -the IDS virus, it thrives, in infected lood and other body fluids. -All nOwn viruses are completely parasitie, -which means they live off ther organisms and there is no ffective treatment for the infection hey cause. Medicines recom- ended by your doctor for viral nfections don't cure you, they often ust make you feel better, Will parents and teachers be told if ere is a child or member of the hool staff with AIDS in their ommunity? L.W., Winnipeg, an. No, not likely! AIDS, unlike hicken pox, for example, is not a ntagious disease, so it would be necessary. Any AIDS-related forms ation, just as any other- edical information, is held in the ictest confidence. It should Only discussed between the patient - he patient's parents in the ease of • ldren), his or her doctor, and the al medical officer of health. . Editor's note: James Greig tither of the Canadian Pilose alth Association and author Si 61'- ok, "AIDS: What , Every spon sib le Canadian Shoilid, ow". If you have a questionahottt DS, write to AIDS Awareness, tape Avenue, Wiltawdale, Ont. 11 2N8. -1, .ver,•4•.• • r• important to thestudy. blood. --Health workers, laboratory A Dry conditions Personnel, funeral directors, and b others whose WOrk malt involve It restilt in tt) • Abairtnri.tsed,t1i:Yeutesifiallh*:::awiltirbteeic$481.1*:0141164CaltISaftli!hot7elett:13: ete° 0 MDS is anything but silent once it be ..an bear Witness. Whit is AIDS called "the Silent m th A has to oneof the most •;viitte antibody 'test results gular Medical checkups, and take C Oadbotne diseases. . m -*Ireir!*1) l'fjeJlolit).warhOe h'iaiveinpOtrtiVeed changing body fluids during un ler"? Brockville, Ont. str etiOratiat - of . PWAs .(Persons chi tibody, test results should have should not donate blood, plasma, th sues.. _ • . in cis,' organs -,' sperm,. or other se ualactivity. It g tions to which one Persons ' with positive AIDS m special precautions. against co developed. • The rapid (t 'tent of PVI/As have lived five or longer. I suspect when A1DS 'is referred to as The le ere referring to the vfrug which uses it, and that and tranaMitted by foitsly healthy. individuals. CO area grass 'fires Dry conditions late last week bl resulted in two grass fires, both Friday, according to Doug, Carr, a spokesman for the Wingham and A Area Fire Department. she firefighters responded to a call at bo 1:56 p.m. April 1 to the Janet Tate tis property on Mary Street in Lower - Town, Mr. Carr reports no damage an in the grass fire. • • re Almost three hours later, at 4:50 spe p.m, the same day, the department ex was called to a grass fire at the Kett sex Miller property, Loot 15, Con. 10 of flowiek Township, Once again, Mr. itil Carr reports no damage. • In two separate incidents last has week, the department responded to a chimney fire Wednesday evening, 'March 20, at the 8111 St mon d residatlie on Park Drive in win. mr. Carr said there Was A fire last Widnesday,at ont. at the Joint Ifehent tlot Cott otHo .." ,• • years. tobv loc me lie bo Kn Re Al •Te M2 I r , , .