HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-03-29, Page 12f •, • •r•rot.••••—••• • • 41....1,pq 41,7744'7' rorri7r4'`. ' a ' Paw 14,4 Tha Mar , . - • ;-: ‘7, • .rt • SPECIAL 1%1 Birthdayer Amtiver011Y Mauro& — ... .. . -*OA` EoPliefoont Noloos (withlgotore) . :4 ;5.00 Engagement Notices (without picttne) — ... .. $4.00 Annitfer*OrY Pioton4. S iseolo,sit4 over • No 0340 Wedding Write Ups .. • . . • .... _ ............. No Charge if copy is receivrxi within three weeks after the ceremony, Charge for accompanying picttire is .. • .-. . • . .. • After third week ........ , ........ . • . • . Writel,tp Detailed wedding write ups will not be accepted after six -weeks but within e weeks a picture and a brief caption will be published m a charge of. • • .... .. .. $10.00 After 9 weeks a Picture and a brief captiiin will be published at a charge of . $20.00, Birth Announcements LI our regular format . . • . _ • • . • No Charge FOR SALE UNIVOX electric bass guitar with case, $250 or best offer. Phone 3573864. 0 - - 15,22,29 HEALTHY and aggressive purebred and crossbred boars, also bred gilts. .Reasonable, can deliver. Con- tinuously on ROP since 1975. Peter P. Petrovic, Wellesley, 656-2619. rrb DO YOU have items to advertise in 132 weekly newspapers? Call us now for details on our blanket classified coverage of Ontario or specific areas of the province. The Wingham Advance -Times, 357-2320. rrb KEROSENE metered pwnp. Lynn Hoy, phone 357-3435. int WESTINGHOUSE washer and dry- er, $550 for both. Phone 357-2732, Sue Wai. -,ammummammegormommormar no net, -.- -1500. rime 3928206. FOR -SALE- • : .1 • t •' ^AM ' k vonjme.F... • beautifulsOlidijne case, t and litetJfree dehvery, to Wingham, $6.99 weekly. CanconectnOWPf mediate credit approval 1-5794100 World Wide. Waterbeds. CARS ANDIRL(CfCS FOR SALE 49/it FiREillitP Esprit, 'Pol./ging:4 paint, veleurinterier;650antor'riatie, ENGRAVED signs: door plates, mailbox plates, house numbers, name badges, desk signs. Easy to read, washable, stainproof. The Wingham Advance -Times, 357-2320. rrb MAGNETIC signs: many sizes available; 8"x20", $29. For further information phone The Wingham Advance -Times, 357-2320. rrb STEEL buildings, must sell, two arch buildings, brand new, one 40'x40' will. sacrifice. Phone Peter 1- 800487-2380. - 22,29 TWO fernial dresses, size 7-8, a waltz -length deep fuschia formal and a teal green full-length dress. Like new condition. Ideal for up- coming graduation and dances. Phone 357-2388. 15,42,49 FIRST and second cut hay.Phone 3924135. ' DO YOU have a faverite recipe, a 29,5 story or a poem? Let us make photo- copies of it for your to pass along to your friends. We can do any quanti- ty. Drop in at 'The Wingham Ad- vance -Times office. -Phone 357-232 I. rrb WEDDING invitations. Drop in an view our latest book of sample in vitations. The Wingham Advance - Times, 192 Josephine St., Wingham Ont. Phone 357-2320. CUSTOM made hydraulic lift on wheels with overhead arm, one ton capacity. Has been used indoors for two years for adult patient whe.n lifted into whirlpool bath. For details phone 291-3915,, Harold Roberts, Lis- towel. tf 9-M ADDRESS labels: gummed 200 foe $6.95; press-mr200,for $6.95;- trans- parent 200 for 0.95. Add 7 per cent pet to all prices, The Wingham Ad- vance -Times, Box 390, Wingham, Ont. Phone 357-2320. 2Orrb RICH black top soil, no stones. Call Gerrie 335-3167 or 357-3721. 29-May31 TWO -piece cheSterfiekly 30" btiilt-iii electric range, .2 aluminum storm and screen doors, -oak pedestal' dining room table, 3/4 ton pick up truck. Phone 357-1268. 29,5 BEDROOM suite, solid pine, 10 pieces, take it over payments co our easy Rent to Own Plan,\and get free delivery to Winghani, $14.95 weekly. Call collect now i -G7:-.1,1.."'„ Ilhroold Wide Waterbeds. - HARDWOOD Slabs for tale, truck load lots. Photie528,3047. r• • A:Wit of. Hwy. 9. Phone 343-2122. SAVE•en replacement -parts for But- -ler and Jamesway. Equipment, e.g. 20' silo unloader auger, $303; 20' dis- charge chute, 094; guide wheels $27.80 . each; bag of auger 'wives (S), $14$3; 111/2" 66711 conveyor chain, $6.05 per ft., etc. etc. Most parts instock. For parts or service contactidoOrefieldEquipment 414 . Teviotdale"let.-,of .Hwyr- 23 and Hwy...9. Pin* 343-2122: USED -and new. truck caps.. Fibre:. glass and aluminum to fit most makes, Before you buy check out our big et; selection and our low couch try prices. If you,rlon't, you'll neve.r buiw what a deal you missed out on. Come to one Open House Apri1,22,, 23 - and 24 -for. special , deals and free prizes. Open seven days a week, Royal, Trailer Centre in Teviotdale, Jct. No. 23 and No. 9 Ph0ne343-2123. 29ff USED and new 11.V.s and trailers by Bona4r; utility, hardtop, tent, travel: and park models.. Before you buy check out nur big city selection modern trailers and, our levy, country", prices. If you don't you'll never ,,know what &deal you. missed out on Come to Mt, '‘.";p0-7. lalette TA. and 24 for spectal deals and freE prizes. Open 7 days a week. Reyaig Trailer & iLV. Centre in Teviotdale, Jct. No. 23 and No. 9. Phone 343-2123. ‘, 1974 OLDS 98-, 4 door 'hardtop,, load- ed, 61,000 milet. Phone 3354727. 1980 FORD LTD, car aS is; Best offer. Phone 3574526 after 7p.m. FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE LYNN Lowry Farm Systems Ltd., RR 1, Kincardine, Ont. For all your manure,leed and grain handling re- quirements call 395-2615 and 395- 2616, or see us in Am berley. We handle everything --Almost. PETS TO GIVE AWAY GOLDEN Lab, male, neutered, free to good home. Phone 3574828. ,I4Doemorezeseri Huron County Board•OUEducatIon,_ CUSTODIAN CONTRACT TENDER Plainly marked sealed ten- ders will be received by the tindereigned,PriOr ItolKitInen Friday, April 8, -1988 for con- tracting custodial services at .Grey Central PubliC School, Ethel, Ontario. • All tenders must be sub - milled on the .offical tender forms which are available at the HuronCounty Board of Education, 103 Albert Street, Clinton, Ontario, and Grey Central Public School. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. - G. Glannandrea Superintendent otPersonnel - Huron County BoardotEdOcation 103 Albert Street Clintm, Ontario NOM ltJ3 R.B. Allan J. Jewitt Director of Education .-Chair GQW chain braceletWinghant bOsPital. or Parking lot If found ' 141400435-3280,, 11, 4, .1197. , SPOKrta, hub Off o'•:Corijot41- ; . , .Saturday,piOt.p**Irt. - „ t . Z Finder irdeasephOne3P-12;52 FATHE11 4:e- • ItlitSt 11:' IF YOU arelfileactiotiefitifirettan • • . the41-ittoorkraMtly s.Group May be -able- to heli)you solv-e?yofir siderof Hie -problem. Please contact Post Office, Box 1135, Wingham. rrb •on Highway 21. 22,29$ MEALS -ON -WHEELS - Phone Mrs. L. Janus 3574657: onth. .. • ; ' •`'..1•11. • . OPENING Patio ftienitute per cent 0E149 • Albert St; SouthaMPhin, Ontario rrb SERVICES HELP WANTED PHIL'S Refrigeration and Appliance Service, 24-hour emergency service, used appliance -sales. Phone -887- 9062. • rrb HUNTING and fishing licenses at Steffen's Auto Supply. Phone 357- 1550. rrb NOW available photeeepying. Drop in at The Wingham Advance:TiMes office. Phone 357-2320 • rrb A4. HURON COUNTY _ HOUSING - AUTHORITY - 1305 88-05 Replacement of Mentard, Abofing. WiridOWEStain-:-T 'Doors, Etc„ Clinton 011-1-, • Ontario (Seniors building at 13.5 James Street) 'renders VAN be reteived for .the above until 2:30 p.m. local time, Friday, April f: 1988 by the Min- istryof Housing -Southwestern. Regional Housing Programs Of- fice, 380 Wellington Street, Suite 1100, London, Ontario N6A 5B5. (510-679-7110). Details and specifications may be obtained quoting reference number as above; Tenders may: also be ob-' tained from- 'Huron Open* Housing •Authority,, 48 - Ttiti Square, Goderieh, Ontario N7A 1M$ (518-824-2637). = Tender 'Opening to be in Lon- .ckin Office. - THE LOWEST OR ANY. TENDER NOT NECESSARILY APPEPT4P, • A CAREER -m.7 IN TRUCKING Transport drivers need- ed. Now is the time to train for your Class ,A License. For prescreening interyiew and job placement informa- tion contact: Mery Orr -Tran -sport Driver Training, Kitchener 1400465-3559 c: (min. -age requirement 18) .1 • 'TOtiniship of.: West Wawariosh SEALED TENDERS, plainly Marked, will be: re- ceived by 'either 011ie -under- signed until. .5:00 p.m.. TUESDAY; APRIL 5, 1,988 for - the, crushing and: hauling of, approximately '4006 oil-, bic yards Of 3/4" 'granular ma— terial- on TOWrIShip‘itadilvarki -approxirriately 500 tibia yards stockpile. 'Approxi- mately 101,0007' tikie yards Will be required on roads by June 15th, the remainder when road construction: 4s Complete (September). - Tenders must be submit- ted 'ow -Township -forms, avail- able at the Municipal Office and be accompanied by certi- x fled cheque for $2,000.00. Lowest or any -tender not iker,04=lly =04* tot YOUR NOS MAW #11014R. DEMPSTER'S-8 leader in -the bakingindustry0s looking for individuals liarh0= would like to have the oripoltunity to oper- ate their own FRANCHISE BREAD ROUTE. • Excellent, earning potential. • Complete training available. • Sales and service support. Minimum capital requirernents. Franchlie041Prtli avail- able In surrounding areas. For further- infonnatiort Write or telephone: - R "DempStet's Wingharn NOG 2i11/0 3574663 Fit Only):4 • .WAWANC)81:' • .:•'. •„ a .• ,i4 ';: Sealed Tendert properly marked will be received by the undersigned until 12:00 noon, Tues. ,April 5, I face, 1. Crush and Stockpile 5,000 Cu. Yds. 'of 5/8' Granular "A" Gravel in the Westfield pito 2: Crush, load, and haul 15,000 cu. yefs.'of 5/8" Granular "A" Gravel to Township Roads. Items #1 and #2 may be considered as separate tenders and it is permissible for contractor to bid on either one or both. Tenders to be submitted on Township Forms obtained at the Municipal Ma, LoWest or any tender not necessarily accepted. All ten: ders subjectto the approval of MTC. , Ralph W. Campbell, Road Superintendent, TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWANOSH Belgrave, Ont. NOG 1E0 .01 orf Joan Arthstr011t: .11.#21 Lucknow • • ‘‘ 110 • • I