HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-03-29, Page 8114
Page 8A - The Nirialghara
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ot tYPes Of shoes, .t1dwha
440Clite's,olocise _types could. cause s
were Ma to wear. ,She said s
fitting; be purchased in thelatea
jive irogn Mrs. Yanderheyden was 4,
' *web and the meeting coati=
e? causing 13 M 4" devatiO s led byMrs. J. ,
problems because sores do not heal
diabetes especially have foot remedy for foot care ",• wa,
oinSand foot
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eats: peopldwith saOrreao1:1 Mrs.c.tiil„'F‘,/tifi:ooldnixs itr,i,:ret'
as'w,ett ' the Motto, "Your feet wiltearry
- only as long as you take care of
Mrs. Vanderheyden works with them".
two types "of corns, bunions and ' Marg Burkhart spoke aboutt bus
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calluses, for whithshe recommends trip to Boat Creek Farm planned (Or;
using abrasives bke fine sandpaper, late May. The meeting closed and
emery beards and punuee stns- lunch was served by the hostesSes.
rs is topic
n meeting
Mandl McClory, Grade 6; and Janelle Gallaway, Grade 5.
S These four Turnberry Central School students
SCIENCE displayed their Science
Fair projects for the photographer From left, they are: Shari Wright, Grade 6; Jodi Cooper, Grade 5,
Kindergarten has been working
with computers. They have been
using the Adam to print stories they
have written and have been playing
the game called Smurfs.
On the 64, they have played the
game called Donald Duck. They try
to throw fruit into the right box and
it tests their reflexes.
On the Icon they have learned
about the brain of the Icon.
Grade 1 has been collecting hats.
the_ Heart_
They have made booklets about hats
and have been told stories about
hats. They have picked their favor-
ite hats and had their pictures taken
wearing them. They have &seethed
their favorite hats and organized
them by color, size, men's or ladies'.
They have also written in their
journals about them.
The Grade 2-3 class has been
learning about Canada's 10
provinces. They know all the names
of them and they have also been
talking about the St. Lawrence
So, you are looking for a job. Need help?
Plan to participate in the employment workshop to be
held Saturday Apr. 16 at the Clinton Town Hall from
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
"WOMEN POWER" from London Ont. will lead you
through job search techniques, resume writing and in-
terview preparation.
Phone Women Today 482-9706 between 9 and 5 Mon-
day to Friday until April 5th to ensure your participation.
Limited space available.
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We are looking for a self motivated individual to take
charge of our data processing operation.
These include, the provision of data processing service
to our clients, custom programming, and sales of pro-
grama and hardware.
A knowledge of RPG and 0 Base III r uir arid
some experience in a mini Computereninrorirrtent would
be an asset.
SC V Computer
aox 127
Grade 3-4 is studying Quebec and
who discovered it. They have found
out that Samuel de. Champlain found
it and spent two years in -Quebec.
They think he is interesting.
• 0-0--0
Grade 5-6 has been studying Italy.
They are working, in groups and
have different assignments. These 1
assignments are: political mapt;
transportation; landform maps; a
forestry and agriculture; minerals.
Some people have been building
Italy farms and card games to go
with agriculture. The people' doing I
landforms have made a styrofoam
map and show where the: water is
deep and shallow. Students, who 11
have been doing transportation built
a garage and showed roads and
railroad tracks.
F'ORDWICH -- "Open Doors" vv
the topic for the worship seri
when the afternoon, unit of t
United Church Women met at
home of Mrs. Jean Clarkson, 'I'
worship otiened with prayer led
Mrs. Harold Doig. She then spoke
the Door of Lips, of speech, hospit
ity and kindness. The hymn, "Lor
Speak to Me, that I May Speak", w
_sung by_Miss-Minnie MeElwai
Mrs. George Richards and Mrs.
Jack Wilson,
Mrs. Clarence Carswell spoke on
the Door of Hope and the Door of Op-
portunity. Mrs. Anson Ruttan read
scripturcak4 spoke on the Door of
Faith.Vhe'llYrari, "0 Jesus, Thou
Art Standing Outside the Fast
Closed Door", was sung by all and
Mrs. Doig closed the worship with
Following a Potluck dinner, the
meeting opened with a reading,
"The Meaning of Prayer", by the
unit leader, Mrs. Elmer Harding
Roll call on prayer was answered by
5 members. The minutes of the last
meeting were read by Mrs. Clarkson
nd the treasurer's report by Mrs.
Rural counsellor
s WI speaker
HOWICK—The March meeting of
owick Junior ,Women's Institute
as Richards. Items of business were
'ice discussed, closing with prayer ledby
he Mrs. Harding.
the An interesting Bible study on Open'
he Doors. was -conducted by Mrs. Doig,
by Mrs. Carswell and Mrs.. Ruttan.
on Mrs. Jack Wilson .sang "He Washed.
al- My Eyes with Tears that Might
d, See" and the rneeting closed with
as prayer by Mrs. Carswell.
n, —
The Grade 7-8 class has been
learning about puns. Here are some
of them:
Q: Why doesn't Ben Jolmson listen
to music? dait
A: Because he has broken all of his
records. (Peter McDonnell)
Q: What did one math book say to
the other one?
A: I've got problems. (Chris-
topher Chornyn)
• Q: What did the frame say to the
A: Dont move, 1'vegot you sur-
rounded. (Darryl Manahan)
Q: What did the lamp shade say to
the lightbulb?,
A: You light up my life. (Ivan
Q: What did one -Canadian de-
fenceman say to the other while
playing the USSR?
Oh, oh, here they come a-rus-
slan I (Jason Metter)
Our junior hockey teem Won
every game ht. our
Matedbile* 2 to
Kings -
was held at Howick Central Schoo
with 13 members and one guest i
attendance. -Roll call, "You
favorite way to relak", was an
swered before the guest speaker,
Brenda Mason of Belgrave, from the
recently established Queen's Bush
Rural Ministry, was introduced. She
has been involved for 10 years in
emotional and financial counselling.
The Queen's Bush Rural Ministry
is an ecumenical service supported
by the United Church. It was started
in the fall of 1 7. It has answered
over 300 calls, ranging from wife
abuse to alcoholism to financial
problems. It is basically a help
centre forrural fiunilles and can be
reached at392409&
This presentation certainly
opened the eyes of members to the
problemi of roan& today.
A committee vias formed to set up
a project for the year's theme, "All.
YoUr Children". It was suggested
that .the group tionate school sup-
plies to Libby Lu Allan, a Jamaican
girt Whose education was paid for by
the Wornen's Institute and who is
now a ioperviiior for the primary
schools h Jai/taloa.
The ligt or officers was read by the
norninating edifitnittee for the 19 -
year. The next meeting, which
- thiporlik 4
1.44t.iled c9 OH
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Janice Mann and Kelly Day of
Bluevale spent the Winter break at
St. John, New Brunswick.
Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Ball of
Ehnvale spent the weekend
and Mrs. Ivan Haskins and also
visited Mrs. Ethel Dennis.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Faust have
returned home after visiting a few
weeks at the home of Dr. and Mrs.
David' Charters of Essex.
Mrs. John Strong is a patient in
Wingham and District HospitaL
Mr. and Mrs.: Harry
David of London visfted re
with Mrs. George Noble and Ken.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hayden,
Christine, Sharlene and Carrie, RR
1, Norwich, visited Thursday with
Mrs. Fred Hayden.
1 Mr. and Mrs. Allan Watson of
n Keswick visited with Mr. and Mrs.
r George Brown on Sunday.
Games night
held at Gorrie
GORRIE—The Come Alive Club
sponsored a Games Night on
Tuesday evening. Four tables of
euchre were in play and eight
members played UNO. Prize win-
ners were Mrs. Reta Ash, Mrs.
Robert Elschner, Mrs. Sheldon
Mann, Russell Nickel and Herman
Van Pelt.
President Mrs, Lloyd Jacques
announced that the next pot -luck
dinner will be held April 5 as the hall
was not available on the regular
date. Special guests will be the
Scottish Country Dancers froni
Wingham and Lucknow.
Early in January of 1920, it was
announced that Lucknow was going
to have a flax mill. Messrs. Logan
and Cutt of Blyth bought the building
of the Bagholder Company and were
going to convert it into a mill which
was expect d to I3e in operation by