HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-03-29, Page 6Pa
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Fifteen. are -171:
during special set
A large attendance was on hand
Sunday at the Winghani United
Church for the Palm Sunday service
at which 15 young people were con-
firmed. Members of the. Grade 8
Sunday School class from Septem-
ber, 1987, the youth are led by the
minister, assisted by Gary Lisle, in a
study of what it means to become a
full-fledged member of the church.
Following confirmation they are to
join the teen class, led by Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Laidlaw, Sunday
mornings in the -manse recreation
room during the Sunday School
During the morning service Mrs.
Florence Reavie, chairperson of the
church's Worship, Music and
Membership Committee, presented
the following for confirmation:
Jason Campbell, Lori Crawford,
Jennifer Dennis, Gregory de Vos,
Ryan Deyell, Andrew Gibson,
Fabienne Glauser, Jennifer Lane,
Kendra Mavhan, MOwiga,Y,
Shannon 1obh)004, Shannon Sim
son, Lana Thompson,. •Elizabotb
Ward and Caroline Watson.
For the confirmation, the mini.4,
ter, Rev. J. Rea Grant, invited
parents and one other person: signi-
ficant in the yotith's Christian
development, to share in the "laying
on of hands". in addition to 'their
official certificates, the confirmants
were given plaques denoting the fact
that they joined the Wingham United
Church during the 125th anniversary
year. The plaque were prepared by.
W. A. Tiffin and Mrs. Brian
Cameron of the congregation.
During the Palm Sunday service
the young people also had the oppor-
tunity to take their first communion.
Following worship, the United
Church Women provided a reception
of light refreshments downstairs in
the Sunday School room.
The interim instillment for the Town of Wingham is due
March 31, 1988.
Interest at 1 1/4% per month or any part thereof will be
charged as of Aprilj, 1988.
NOTE: Persont/Who have acquired properties and have -not
received a tax bill should contact the Clerk's Office. Failure to
receive a bill does not relieve a taxpayer from responsibility
for payment of taxes, nor from penalty for late payment..
J. Byron Adams.
Clerk Treasurer
Toon & Tavel Ltd.
Everything is coming up
Roses . . .Tulips . and blossoms
Departs: April 25th Price: $729.00 p.p. (twin)
Tour Vanderbilt Mansion, Chareston and Middleton Place,
Myrtle Beach, & Busch Gardens. Delightful scenery and de-
lighfful tour.
Departs: April 13th Pribe: $696.00/perkin (twin)
rall get aboard now on a Eettes tour to the exciting
south. Tout inclUdes guided tours.of New Orleans,
Mobile, Bellingrafft gardens & home. Enjoy bayou
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accorrimodatift transportation and fully escorted.
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Our flew sprin •
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EASTER SONIVETS,These-afterneen-lcindergaften • u. c oo pre ene.
they were making Easter bonnets when lhey really were supposed to be making Easter rabbits at the
school last week.
St. Paul's United Church,
Walkerton, Was the setting for the
Bruce. Presbyterial United Church
Women's annual meeting. Mrs.
Margaret Rapp, .president of the
local UCW, extended a Warm
welcome to the ladies and in-
troduced- representatives from the
"9(0/4 neGet Ti'se
War Snow"
by Peter COney
all Be Back For You Before
*a ii$roduction of the Cryphon Theatre
• Tuesday,
Aprit 5, 1988
8:00 p.m.
Adults $10,00 Children $4.00
Blyth Memorial Hall
•The latighteri_ _the tears, the song's and
the drama of Citittaati military during
Gteat Family! Entertainment
sister Chuiches. Two haiored
meznbers" and guests were in at-
Theme for the day was "Reaching
Out in Response". PreSbiterial
president, Jessie Clark of Kin-
cardine, opened 1the meeting,
reminding the group, of the past
year's 25th anniversary and the
oriPlitinities that await the ladies in
the future.
• Vi Chambers and Dorothy Louclis,
Zion Amal3e1, Sadie Fenton, of
Allenford, conducted the opening
• worship service. Anne Morley of
• Whitton introduced Margaret
- Osborne, president. of• Hamilton
Confereme UCW, along with other
representatives from, Conference
and Grey Presbyterial president,
Margaret Whetstone. Division
• reports for leadership, citizenship
and stewardship were presented by
Laura Williams, Port Elgin,
Dorothy Magwood, Hanover and
Mary Worthington, Ripley. Bible
study was conducted by Rev.
MargaretBainof Hanover.
Deborah Marshall, resource staff
The Townwili
advance to
• Daylight Saving 77rne
on Sunday,
_ . April 3rd, at
ZOO aim.
*utak M. Kopas Mayor
Town Of Wingharti
• person -for woMen's work with the
National, Divlaion of Mission in
Canada, was *test speaker. She was
introduced, by Laura Williams and
4hose as her text Luke 13: 10 to 17,
which tells of a crippled woman
healed on the sabbath. She had the
, ladies think of the "crippled
women" in society throughout the
world and how everyone can reach
out iii'responte to their needs. Mary
Worthington thanked. beborah and
• presented her with a gift.
Mrs. Osborne presided for the
election of officers Or 198849 and
Burton Hodgins, chairman of Bruce
Presbytery, conducted the in-
stallation service. The meeting
closed with a communion -service
conducted by Rev. John
Oestreicher, Walkerton,
Members of the Presbyterial
executive include: president, Laura
Wilhlams,, , Port Elgin; vice-
presidents,' Edna Avery, Chalmers,
Betty, McCullough, Paisley,
Margaret Ferguson, Pine River;
• recording secretary, Lorna Caley,
Port Elgin; corresponding
secretary, OrIo Jarrell, Kincardine;
treasurer, Dorothy Domm;
leadership co-ordinator, Edna
Avery; Christian Development,
Judy Blue, Southampton; literature,
Ruth Wolfe, Clifford, Helen Welch,
Wiarton; assistant, Kathleen
Crawford, Mount Forest, Joyce
McE:wan, Kincardine; nominations,
Jessie Clark, Kincardine; archives,
Anne Morley, Wiarton.
The contract for the building of the
new Presbyterian church in
Brussels was awarded to John
Hunter of Cranbrook early in 1914.
The amount of the contract was
$31,000, exclusive of fixtures; glass
and seats and it was going to be
erlq.COAR t!IPAsit9f -
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