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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-8-21, Page 85. Phone 16W Fall and Winter Coats NOW ON DISPLAY We invite you to come in and see the iiew coats for ladies and Misses. A big variety of new cloth% and styles at new low prices will tempt you to make an early selection. House Dresses 98c., These attractive house dress- es are an unusual Bargain at )Sc, Come in and see for your- self, Stocking Bargains Cotton Stockings, all sizes, 25c • Silk. Lisle Stockings, 49c Silk Hose, nude shades,98c Men's •Work Shirts 98c. 1 ALL SIZES FROM 14i/2 TO 17 IN STOOK These shirts are real .value.and w' e have a big demand for them Men's Shirts $1.49 All Sizes from 14 to 17, in neat patterns and good wear- ing materials, all with soft cuffs. Values up to $2.50, to be cleared at $1.49. Men's Boots $3.90 These are good solid Work boots and are regularly worth from $4.50 to $5. You save • the money while we reduce our stock. Sotne'Special Values LARGE GLASS FLOWERVASES 350. EACH Jelly Glasses ... . ....50. ea Odd Cups 10c ea. Sweet Oranges ............39c doz 3 boxes Matches 25c 4 tins Banquet Sardines....25c Large tin pink.. salmon 15c Large tin red salmon 25c Royal Yeast Cakes. . ... . .. .,.05c Carnation Milk,....6 and 121/2e 15 bars any laundry soap98c 2 lbs. Seedless Raisins 25c New, large Lemons ....30c. doz • . ,t.. t..!M At!Mtio03,!re,r.42,44,14=4;11m1.91,!rh.S!,,;,1,h, ar,E -04,g,,a44.W4,1irA, Complete and Save ellFurnish yout:horae You Money For many years we have been furnishing homes like yours. Our service to young couples has been perfected to the highest de- gree of genuine helpfu/ness. No matter how little or how much you may wish to invest, in furnishing your home complete, you are assured every advantage of low prices, courteous service and pains- taking attention in making your selections. All we ask is that you give us an opportunity of showing you how reasonably you can purchase furniture at this store. WE OFFER SPECIAL PRICES ON EVERYTHING IN OUR " ENTIRE STOCK. '5' 4 IN ER Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Motor Hearse and Horse Equipment Long distance calls given proxnpt attention. DAY .AND NIGHT SERVICE -OPERA HOUSE BLOCK' PHONE, 74J; Night mill 74W ..e.14.Mf!.!MgrOVAT,.:44 WA$ 1410,444. etwi-te01$11M,e;?..q,1°ellr!!“.:,11.41.„4,••!,;;!!,;:, gat tealTMV-_,:=131E2Mcki, I .FZVM a:tW..„aWi t Gents Fiirriishili • Store offers -- ECIAL for UGUS In all lines of Furnishings and Clothing • •• THE •,)(..47..TR ".,171W5.•• ..• • • Market report -The following is the report of the Exeter Market corrected eierY 'WediieedaY-. NOW Wheat 81,15 • Oats 50e Barley 65-70 11lanitoba Flour '$4,50 Pastry Flour Family Flour $4.25 Feed Floor $2.00 . Bran $1.55 Shorts $1.70 Dairy Butter 31c Creamery Butter 37 38, • Eggs, 310. Eggs, seconds 22e. Lard 18e Hogs, $10,25, LOCAL • ,t;o•ott,itax, 41,444t**** Mr. E. Howald has returned after holidaying at Grand Bend. Mr. Wni. Harris, of Calgary, is visiting with Mr. arid Mrs, S. Davis. Mrs. 'W. H. Gregg left last week to visit Ingersoll, Toronto and Ot- tawa. Miss Helen Hodgins, of London, is spending a week with Miss Viola Hodgert. Miss Bertha Russell left last week for London where she has secured •a positieh.' Miss Margaret Sharp, of Simcoe, is visiting with friends in and aro- und Exeter. Thuilsday of next week will be the last of the weekly half holidays for this summer. • Mr. Homer Russell, of Calgary, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs Mrs. M. Sheere, Mrs. G. Eockey and son Kenneth are visiting in Lansing, Mich. • - Mrs. W. J. Beer returned the lat- ter part of last 'week after holiday- ing in Toronto. Rev. John Ball, of Lambeth, will conduct the services in James Si. church next Sunday - Rev and Mrs. Duplan,•, of Flint, Mick., visited with Miss Vera Essery on. Wednesday last. Mr. Hy Fuke, of Toronto, is visit, Ing for a week with his.parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Fuke. .pAvray P10.18.34TETIAN (.7.111.4fiell Rev, Sallies Foote, D.Ae Minister Uxiion Service a in Caven Church Rev. Clyesdale will preach 10 aam-Sunday School and Bible Boy Scot s meet Friday evening' SALES STREET METHODIST tittuBC11 Rev. W. E. Donnelly, D. A., Pastor 10.15 --Morning Fellowship. 11 John Ball. 3 P.m. -Sunday School and Bible Classes, 7 p.m. -Rev John Ball. The IPurondale W. I. 'will' hold their meeting at Mrs. E. Rowcliffe's instead of at Mrs.„0. Allison's. Mr. William Snell was in Toronto this 'week. Mrs. Win. Wilson, of Petrolea, is visiting in Exeter. Miss Vera Eessery left Wednes- day to visit in Toronto. Mr, Leslie Harts visited in Exeter for •a few days last week. The Canadian National Exhibition opens in Toronto on Saturday. 'Mr. Ed. Taylor visited for a week with his ,sister, Mrs. Wm. Burke, Mrs., A. g...doycl of Toronto, •is visiting her tether, Mr. L. Day. 1\fiss of Portage la Prairie is visiting her father, Mr. P. Gill, Mrs. T. 0. Southcott left Tuesday to ViSit relatives in Galt and Preston,' Mr. L. .IA:Penhale has ,purchased a new mastersix McLaughlin auto. DrIr. W: T. Acheson has rented the home of Miss L. Johns, on William. Master Charlie Gladman, of Lon- don, has beeii visiting with friends in -town. Mrs. G. Mantle spent last week ,in London, visiting her sister, Mrs. A. D. Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Clarke, of. Elora are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Howey. Dr.L. and Mrs. Gill, of Gibsonburg /owa, are visiting the foriner's father Mr, Frank Gill. Mrs: Mervin Cox -worth and babe,,Miss Ola Hollinger, of Arthur, 'of London, are visiting her parents, isited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Short Mr. and Mrs. E. Heideman, for, a few days. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Boyle return- Rev and Mrs. Duplan, ef Flint, Mich., visited with Miss Vera Essery on Wednesday last. Mrs. J: Walper and children, of Harrow, are visiting with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kestle. • Mrs. R. G. Hewarrl and family, of Goderich, visited..,cit the liorne,, of Mr. G. S. Howard this week. A rink of bowlers went to -London on Wednesday to attend the tourn- ament at the London asylum. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Parkinson, of St. Marys visited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. David Parkinson. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Rowe and dau- ghters, Mises Vera and Reta mot- ored to Peterboro for over the holi day. __• Mrs. E. C. ComPlin, and Mr. and Mrs. Dickson, of Toronto, are visit- ing With Mr. and 'qrs. M. R. Comp - lin. Mr, Geo. Blatchford and family, of Clinton, Ohio., are spending this week with Mr. aid Mrs. Blatch- ford. ed last Friday after holidaying for two weeks at Grand Bend. Mr, Richard Gilley has returned after visiting for a month with his son at Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. ,..Jos. Follick and edaughter Pauline have returned to 1Hamilton after holidaying in town. .Mr. and Mrs. John Leary and fam- ily, of Staffa, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 1. M. Southcott on Sunday. Mr. Andrew Hepburn, of Vangu-' erd, Sask., visited his sister,, Mrs. Geo. Hepburn for a few days last Week. Mr. Bert Gillies has returned to Hamilton after holidaying in Exeter Mrs. Gillies and son are remaining for a time. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Trebner and little son, of Cornwall, are holiday- ing with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Trebner. • Mrs. G. H. McDonald and. son, Robert, of Grinnell, Iowa, who have been visiting her mother, Mrs. John Snell for some weeks, left for Wind- sor. ' • . Astreet pedlar ,held forth on the ' come?' of Main and, John streets on Rev. John Veale, of Dorchester, Saturday evening selling patent occupied the Jaines St, puL*lpit on medicine.. .. - . Sunday and preached two very -ac- ceptable sermon,s. He remained in IN1r..111, R. Complin,, manager of town for a few :'-days, the guest of the Canadian Bank of Commerce has Mr, and Mrs. J. Pedlar. • returned after holidaying at Mus- koka Lake. 1VIY. Alex Mulheron and Miss Mul- At the Iast regular meeting • of heron, Miss Marjorie Laird, Rock- the James St. Ladies' .Aid it was ester, N. Y., and Mr. and Mrs. Roy decided to hold a 33azaar some time Lashbrook 'and daughter Marjorie, in November. ' of Toronto, were the guests. of Mrs. Essery on Friday of Iast week. Mr. S. 'Reed returned last week after' holidaying ,ht Renfrew, Arn Gordon, and Mr. and. Mrs, T. O.- Mr. and Mrs. Wm'. May and son prior and Ottawa. He enjoyed.a O ca- Southcott Were on a motor trip last nos trip to 'Golden Lake. week taking the Blue Water high- way to Collingweod. Mr. and, Mrs May are holidaying 101Mite1. this week. • Mr. Chester Lee, who recently took over the Central hotel in town also owns the Grrancl Central hotel in Paisley. He will conduct the bus- iness at the Central and Mr. McCl- oud of Ripley, will manage the Pais- ley hotel. • , Rev. Dr. R. W. Knowles; pastor of St. Mary's Methodist church, has re- ceived a tmanimous invitation from the Central Methodist chnrch at Woodstock to become their pastor at the close of the Conference y -ear. Dr. Knowles is on his third year in Si. Marys. Mr. Stewart. Pfaff and sister, Mrs. MYrtle Slack and two daughters, ,Dorothy and •Pauline, of Bad Axe; Mick., called on relatives in Exeter and Zurich during the latter pa,rt of • last week while on a six -weeks mo- tor tour throtigh. the Eastern States Miss AliCe Pfaff returned with them to visit for a few, da,ys,---- Mrs. J. H. Greive has returned, from Strathroy where she spent a few days with her son andfamily, and attended the .wedding of Miso J'a, Muir to • Mr, Basil Kennelly. The wedding took place at 3 o'olock at the residence of the bride's mo- ther, Mrs, J. Muir, '."The Apart- thents." After a dainty stipper the bride and groom left for TOk011t0 and Montreal, whore they sail for England on their Wedding trip. Miss Lillian Robinson of Mani- toba,, visited with. relatives in tow as wee< and is -at present visiting 1 t 1 her sister, Mrs. T. Handford, Grand n ' /.•••• .114•0•111. 1411••• .4mM amain M. NM 1M. aiNont we. MOWN • • • • • .1•10,11C. g)1, 1024 ' 111-111111141111111111111111111110111111111111111111110411101111111111111/11111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,10 t ummet Dresses a. e 'lice Prices R WE ARE OFFERING Ti -IE BALANCE OF OUR SUMMER DRE/SS- • ES AT RE1)15CE1) PRICES, WE STILL HAVE A. FINE ASSORTMENT FOR. YOUTO• onoosn FROIVI. DROP IN AND SEE THE VALUES, White Footwear at •D. & A. Corsets pr. $L59 IS A D. & A. CORSET, ONE Reduced Prices THIS D , , GP OUR BEST SELLERS. • A GOOD FITTING AND WEARING CORSET AND A LIGHT WEIGHT FOR SIM- MER, SPECIAL VALUE AT PIR PAIR $1.59. WE • HAVE REDUCED THE PRICES ON ALL LINES OF WHITE • CANVAS FOOTWEAR. SPECIAL VALUES AT PER PAIR • 98c, $1.48 $1.98 I 10 1 I iy• 4 • MI • I • - C 11 A NO BUTTON UNDERWEAR Children's Hose and Socks aroma .00,111•11 egos= •••• oankm.B. moodo• WE 'OFFER ABOUT 15 DOZ. IN THIS ASSORTMENT, IN SHADES = OF BLUE, BROWN AND BLACK, REGULAR 30, 40 and 50c LINES. WHILE THEY L.A,ST, 25c. Men's Cotton Socks 4 prs. for $1.00 `, IN GREY ONLY, THIS IS A GOOI) = SOCK FOR SIT1VI1VIERWEA.R. GET A' SUPPLY AT T1-11$ PRICE. THEY • 'ARE GOOD VALUE. 4 PAIRS FOR $1.00, < Hatchway Underwear ASK THE FELLOW •.„, WHO WEARS IT, HOW HE LIKES IT. IT IS GREAT FOR HOT WEATHER PRICE PER(SIIIT $1.50. Sout tt Bros. ()WELL'S BAZAAR • •"IPLA.IN PRICE STORE Truly Business is Better; peopie are daily realizing that they have a..tive..Store of Bargains, right in Exeter. A Store that they can feel at home. in, 'a Store where 'loocls. are,.' all nfarked in, Plain Prices - VALUES.' A ,Store nicely arranged, airy, .bright and most of all Where their shopping ie Appreciated. COME IN OFTEN and see what we have. It is well to remember at all times that we can furnish short - notice FLOWERS ,for the sick,Wed- ding, Birthday or Funeral. We. are members "of the "SAY IT • WITH FLOWERS- CIRCLE," and can ar- range to have fresh flowers sent to friends hundreds of miles from here at Rea'sonable:Rates; Enquire. August is the •month to get slips started for Winter Flowers,- we have FLOWER POTS. ' Hyacinth, Daffodils, Etc., will soon 'be, in •the Public Mind, we want to- tell you we will have, them too, as'usual. " TWO REAL B.ARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK Large Mahogany Cabinet, with 40 Records, all good as new, ' just $1-25. Large Table Model; with 35 RecOrds gOod as new, just $50. Columbia Records, 3 for $4.50. Blue Ainberel Records, 45c•.ea,, or -$4.50 per doz. We .repair all makes of PhotiographS Violins, Etc.' Let :us 'have your re- pairs, ReasonableCharges. • . • FOR SALE Secontl hand 7 -ft. Binder, trans- port Truck and Bundle Carrier, all in fair condition. •• • Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Howard, Miss Evel McDonald, of Brucefield, are this week attending a funeral at Fair - grove, Mich. ' • ' • WANTED -Married man with car to represent ;the Fuller Brush Co. Selling experience is unnecesaary., Work the year round, write yn and Mesdames-, Haugh and Cecil L. Wismer, 34 Daly Ave., Stratford. Messrs. Eli Sweet and William Sweet, of. Alberta, and Mrs. W. F. Sand of Crystal City, Man, who are visiting at ,Crediton, called on fri- ends in Exeter this week. . Mr, and 14,Trs.p. B. Dignan and family returned tc Toronto Friday after holidaying'. in. Exeter. Miss Helen Dignan returned with them to visit for a cottpIe of weeks. Mr. Harold Bell, Reeve of Strath- more, Alta., who was with the Can- adian Weekly Editors oversees, TiS- ited with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hca - man the forepart of this week. Abont 200 people attended a meet - at bean grbwers in Zurich recent- ly and it was decided to actively af-, filiate with the new- Ontario "Bea,n Growers Association. 13y -Jaws were tentatively adopted, and Mr, John Laporte, and Mr, George Layton were elected to the Board of Directors as the Huron Representatives. Oscar weS the cha Irina)) of the Meeting. About 70 per cent of the beans grown in Huron are now eon - trolled by the new organization and more growers will be 10111111g ONION ' CRATES - - Parties who' ,require onion crates can .have the same from the , fair grounds on'Friday,.:1 Angust-, , • J." H. GREIVE: , , • .GENERAL COOK .• This is a -steady position in a coin fortable • borne. Good ;salary t start and increase at:end of,six,mon ths. No -washing. P. 0. box '67 London.', • e• • • DELP WANTED Men and women to work • in the' .-EXeter EVaporator, Work to start. abOut Serpt. Apply to L. E. NIX at the Evaporator FUR:NITUItE - FOR - QUALITY, PRICES Service and Satisfaction CALL ON US FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND FURNITURE DEALERS R. N. R PHONE 20W PHONE 20J RGou1diiig A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. Methodist' Church. Teacher of Piano, Vocal and The- ory, Instructor of Music in the Public Schools, TERMS MODERATE Box 57, Exeter. CLEANING PRESSING and 'REPAIRING • SUITS MADE -TO -MEASURE TO FIT YOU AND YOUR POCKET • WORK, CALLED FOR AND DE- , LIVERED. ELLIOTT AND JOIINS !h!, FOR SALE-Orie MiIdniay Cider and two Apple Butter Cookers, all equipped with belts, etc. nearly new, just run two seasons; and one hand power Cider Press, Apply A. D. Stewart, V.S. Ailsa Craig. Phone 3 !PROPERTY FOR SALE. I. Ten acresin Tp. Stephen, COIL '2 ; gcod hou,se and .barn, ncnhouse.; acre.,„!, Straw ocrries for 1925 crop; •ex- tra..g,Ood land, well drain,cci--inu,st" be seen to- he appreciated; will he, sold with- or without crop; Apply to 'Geo. Hay, Crediton, R. R. 1.. INSURANCE COMPANY - - T'The 1V1ITE 1:1E.tr01PBoi°1tPa°uVilLifloNILnsiFurEanoe o -I any other life insurance company. ; peeopplieanaynodf Ni se wg r owo iYr,nkginf as us treersr omtphooarin_e itan supremacy in it field, is that Obviously, the rea,sen. for Met • A number from town attended tlid Conservative rally al, Stratford On Wedriesday when Rt. Hon, Arthur Meighen ,was the principal S'peaker, Another of the large buildings in St. Joseph is being torn down, men are ,busy tearing down the building known as the wine factory; and whenf this work is completed there remains only it feW ,dwelling houses of What at one time seemed the makings of a city. , • People believe its policies most des- irable, it Service hest; itnd its costa most economical, This Company is ready to serve yOu. Tell your insur- ance wants to CHARLES F. WAY, IWIetropolitan Agent, Exeter, Ont., Canada, '• • Auto for Hire CLOSED CAR I3AY AND 1/IGHT SERVICE CHARGES RE,ASONABLE ANDY EASTON 5 Licensed Auctioneer for the Conn; • ty of Huron. Correspondence arrange. nzents for sales can be made by call.. Ing Up the Central Hotel, Exeter. -Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. 4111,11113,0911=0 LW' CARLING B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, &c., Loans, Investments, Insurance, Office, Carling Block, Main St. Eicetsg v011allIMIUM......110•110M111119:. G. S. Atkinson, I,. D. S.,D. D.S DENTA,L StitGEON Graduate of -the. Royal College et Dental Surgeons of Ontario and "ErnI., ' versity of Toronto. • Late District Dental Officer, tary District Number One, Loridon„A<' Ont., Main Office, Main St. Exeter, Ont. • Phone 34, Exeter; Hours 9.00 a.m.. to 5.30, p.m. Office hours at ZCRICII ONT., Tues.: only, at 10.00 o'clock a.m. to 5.00 o'clock p.m. Phone 79. •-• A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Stugeon Office--McDonneil's bales ab/es ant John St. Phone calls receive prokupti attention. Phone 26w Local Cartage, , I AM' NOW IN A POSITION TQ GIVE OUR LOCAL TRADE AN AI MOST IMMEDIATE SERVICE.' H. Bagshaw TRY (JS • Phone 58W, Cochrane Michine Works Ford,moiors reground, fitted with Pistons, Comp/ete., $16.00 Every", make of Car Motor ancl„Engines re- ground with Pistons Complete to fit,-, also Trac4ors. FARMS FOR, SALE -A few cheitel farms in the Townships of Ufsborneg Tuckersmlth and Hibbert, aootl buildings and well located as to marl kets. Priced right. Apply to Thos,, Cameron, Ane‚ Box i4. filxete. 7 • GREGG'S Clothing lIospital We are pleased to announce that we are able- to return te our work and are again able to give you; prompt- and satisfactory serVice. Cleaning, PreSsing, Dyeing, Re pairing,, Remodelling. 'I'tirlifrig of all kinds of Clothing. LADIJOS' 'WORK A SPECIALTY We ,alati make Ladies' and Gent Ortler,,, -A trial is solicited. A. T. HARNESS AV;11T.AthoGIIIIEGG lehene 1.42„ Exeter,