HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-03-15, Page 33ibk J 'Cx. iCtt- INTERMEDIATE SPEAKERS ® The Howick Lions club recently sponsored a public speaking competition at the Fordwich United Church. The intermediate participants were (front from left): Mark Dosman and Brenda Baumgarten, (back from left): Aaron Stewart, first place; Cindy Newton, Mary Feldskov and Michael Greig. (Howick Lions Photo) ROYAL CANADIAN AIR CADETS 543 SQUADRON, WINGHAM •Q Wc7 By Rudy Hooftman Due to the senior cadets.preparing for mid-term high school examinations, last Wednesday's parade at ,the .Armouries-was-at- tended was-..at tended mainly by the junior ranks. The cadets were instructed in their drill exercises by CI Debbie Campbell for part of the evening and watched a film about the "Snowbirds", Canada's aerobatic aircraft team for the remainder, of the time. The Wingham and Lis *vial air cadet squadrons held a combined winter exercise at the Whitechurch survival centre from Feb. 26 to 28. The officers and cadets thank John Green for the use of'his tractor and snowblower to clear the snow Air Cadet NEWS from the survival site parking lot, This generous gesture was much appreciated. A sportsnigh t _ for ._the_ squadron _ was held last Wednesday evening at the Wingham Public School and Turnberry Central School. Capt. Mac Anderson supervised a volleyball tournament in the town school and Lieut. Bregman was in charge of the basketball games in the township school. Fair play and fun were stressed and the cadets at both schools had a good time. The evening was concluded with a general pardde for both groups at the Wingham Public School There will be a regular cadet meeting at the Armouries this Wednesday at 19:00 hours. PR eters c had when cry batter Weitot then stook d:.s a k and SitOo it until it was butter. We spread it .: crackers and all had a taste. - Opinions: "It's good.{"� "I like it. "It tastes like real butter." ":Can I have sortie more?". Grade 2 and MisS Sanderson ha an. Irish celebration last friday with Mrs. McCaughan's Gr,1 class We paraded to their class;,Sanging leprechaun song, and showed therm our Irish story about a ; leprechaun that goes to a wresting,naatch. It's a crazy story. We had full. --Reporter SO Doubleday Mrs. Hooftman's Gr+ 3 class en joyed its bus trip to F•-. Madill Sec ondary School on March 7. They went to see;performance by "Tanglefeot", thOfte,French trouba- dours, Robert, J� and Tim. They played a ryeriety of instru- ments and really brought their music and their audience to life -- "en Francais". —Reporter Aaron Stewart JUNIOR REPORT Edited by Lisa Johnson Mr. Maertens' class started a him - page project on co+lntries. In French we started books for a French li- brary, We are finishing "Read. All About It", a TV program for schools. It. -was -called "Showdown", Last Monday, we watched a French show at F. E. Madill Secondary School. —Reporter Troy Doseman Last week Mr. Hencher's Gr. 5 class went to a play called "Tangle - foot" at Wingham . high school. We really enjoyed it. We also saw a play called "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". For this year's magazine drive Mr. Cober's Gr. 6 class came in first place. They have sold 66 subscrip- tions. Total subscriptions sold throughout _Ole school is over 350. The school has made a profit of $2,000. The top ,room will have a to d a FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS ON NEW HOME FURNISHINGS Chrome Chairs 4 Drawer Chests ... . , Pull-out Bed Sofa 6 Pc. Country Pine Living Room Suites omplete Dining Room Suite (solid wood) includes: Table & 2 extensions, with 6 chairs and matching buffet and hutch o • • m $ 26Q570, IT Complete Bedroom Suite includes: Headboard, Chest of Drawers, Dresser with Mirror, Night Stand, , Box Spring and Mattress, Roller Frame . v Twin Size 1111 a ALSO A 1=1!+!ESELECTION-OF , ,,. USI ' Funtiquite CARPET ROLL ENDS $ ft, in Popular Room Sizes ■ seq. Yd & up BULK BAKING GOODS d PIC CANDY, atifAC G Suggested 1 Salo etail Price $42 0ts $ 29.00 • r $ . 99.00 $.588700"$ 389.00 $i.44900- $ 895.00 RCICF Y ITEMS Hundreds of items to choose :from. LATH rA • ,- $1869.00 $ 695.00 $.4491et 95:.0 Name Brand Jeans - $17.95 Safety Work Shoos. -$39.00 SPORTING 00 DS • NEW t,l' .... GUNS . 11tNU1ON 22. L.R. Ammo $1.7 prer{fin. HAND TIED (Bucktarl) pickerel Jigg s 3 f 2. r: A. aten bt v On March # go went skating for the our March break this we left, we received Our ;'report cards. Last Monday, we started a new English unit. --Reporters Wendy Clarke and Peggy Price Mr, Raynard's or. 8 cess had a grueling week before the March break. They worked on completing. thein - individual reading folders, and �dt Q0h CP ire Just For tile Health Of IIF by Sheryl Feagan Health Education Consultant Huron County Health Uhlt se lama 'to help kee a's ea t a l"iia held inside the ad cOOSISts of all Weer act vi- tib. All help will be:appreciated..If you are Interestedin comingrto help call :the school •at -358. Your body. isbuilt • for aetioni Participating in regular physical activity can be the most important thing you do for yourself. Being fit means: increased .energy and productivity, rid ,i ed stns, proved sleep patterns, more s confidence, effective weight con healthy bones, possible protect against coronary heart disease, an overall feeling ' of well -bei Fitness can be fun, if you just giv try! You should participate regularly in two main tYpes of exercise: (a) flexibility or stretching exercises which involve gently bending, ex- tending or 'rotating your neck, shoulders, back, hips, knees, and ankles; (b) aerobic activities which are repeated, rhythmical movements such as brisk walking, cycling, or swimming. Participating regularly in aerobic activities will improve the efficiency nd strength of your heart, lungs nd muscles. For maximum benefit, o an aerobic activity at least three times a week, for a minimum of 30 to 40, minutes each time, keeping your heart rate in your target heart rate one (200 minus your age for the pper limit, and 170 minus your age or the lower limit) . For example, a -year-old should exercise at a rate which keeps his one -minute heart rate between 160 (200' minus 40) and 0'"(170 minus 40) . Choose a variety of activities to uit your lifestyle and preferences — brisk walk at lunch, a jog -walk th your dog some evenings, and oss-country skiing on the weekends. 20 nninutes per session tour Mies per : week :equals.., 80 minutes 'EY exercising:: just -80 minutes a Week;- you can get into relatively good, shape and iaintain-it. You -proles un- spend more time: than. that watching elf- television in one day! So: how about trol, substituting some TV time for a little ion activity? and 2. FALSE! Muscle size and. ng. strength is only one component of ve it fitness. You ?Mist also develop a stlrong heart and lung system through regular cardiovascular exercise and keep your body flexible by doing slow stretches. It's not enoughto just "pump iron". You should aim for a balance among the three .important, components of fitness. 3. FALSE! Physical activity does not have to be painful or exhausting to be doing you some good. Anything more than mild stiffness and soreness in muscles unaccustomed to activity means you are overdoing it. So, if you experience painnmhile exercising, stop and , rest your muscles. Continuing could cause a serious injury! 4. FALSE! If you bounce during exercises such as touching your toes, you can do more harm than good by pulling muscles or tearing tendons or ligaments. Instead, hold your .stretch steady for 10 to 15 seconds in one position. and repeat until you feel tired. You'll get to those toes eventually! 5. FALSE! Fitness has to do with the condition of your muscles and cardiovascular system, not just what you look like on the outside. It's what's underneath that really counts. Fitness can only be achieved through participation in regular exercise and not through dieting. a a d z u f 40 13 s a cr FITNESS QUIZ Decide whether you think the following statements are true or false, and then check below to see if your choice is correct. 1. Fitness takes a lot of time. Much more than working people who must care for a house and family have to spare. 2.Muscle size is a good indicator of fiMg_ 3. Everybody knows you should practice therule: No pain, no gain, 4. The best kind of ' exercises for flexibility are those which involve bouncing. 5. If you're thin, you're automati- cally fit. Answers Here are the answers! Check to see how you,:did! • .FALSEI If finding time for a irless IS a, problem, consider this: NEW ADDITION It was announced at the regular board meeting in November of 1980 that Wingham and District Hospital was going ahead with a $500,000 building and renovation program, aimed at improving patient services and rationalizing the use of space in the hospital. The board was hoping to have the project underway by early in 1981. The provincial ministry was prepared to un- derwrite $318,000 for the enterprise and the rest of the money was going to be raised from the counties of Huron and Bruce and the municipalities served by the hospital. 4