HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-8-21, Page 5_ _ ti' r a ceiv l e c Vo d wa e ed z ze an VI n. 0 ` z. 1 A_ II 111111611! I 1 l! I 11111111 6 I !111111 Ili 1 I Illi 111 11! 611116 ! I 111!! 1 �iil1 I � ! II 1 11111116111.1616! 1 I! !1 III ! 16 ! 6 1lIIIIIlI I 111 111111!iIIlHllll#IllllllllillllMlililli! - . • rte. .. T!day t1Y Nlzs. Mclac�zlald of au uzzfozr tunate accident which befell ` her Heris.: oldest son, !Hugh, of tlie News -Ree ,�,,,,, d d staff, at Clinton, While out slot ` .... :Frbm . ,..,,, orkng with a eliunz ,near Mitchell, """ the ca: asedan'to lditch, 1 a Staz ok t de ... _ ; znjuihng- both ads °so that. zt iwas necessary to. remove thein to the Mitchell hospital. THE EXETER TIMES ..• 1 IA1111111 II II110.16000 I .. I 1 1 1 ! lull 11116 611 661661111 i 1111. � I 1111 161111111111.1111116 I 61 1 1# 1 6 11 11 1 Ili l_ I 1 11161...61.111..6.661 l 611161 ##1111111 l _ 6 Illi.... l __ �,� ;,jai Ef 1 411.11.01161 111106160 .�® 9 �Jw�p+-Tan/'! ��•��^ OF — TQUCH H ' ., Y LJ � '�" 0'iWR "f"# IS 'TAUGHT EXCLUSIVELY IN THIS DISTRICT BY THE School of[ill om er�ce ....... Clinton, Ontario YOU CANNOT ATTEND A 13ETTER-SCHOOL, SO WHY NOT REGISTER NOW FOR THE FALL TERM? SCHOOL RE -OPENS Tuesday, Sept. 2nd, 1924 COURSES Stenographic -- Commercial - Secretarial Special Courses For, particulars apply to M. A. STONE, COM. SPECIALIST, Vice Principal Phone 198 B. F. WARD, B.A., Principal THE SUMMER WILL SOON BE PASSED AND 'THE LONG EVEN- INGS WILL SOON BE WITH US AGAIN, WHY NOT INSTALL 'A GOOD RADIO, OUTFIT AND ENJOY THE BEST MUSIC *HAT IS BEING BROADCASTED ALL OVER OUR FAIR DOMINION. w 4• THESE CONCERTS COME .CHEAPER BY RADIO THAN CAN BE SECURED ANY OTHER WAY. WE ARE DISTRIBT7'TORS FOR THE STROMBER G CA.R.LSON ONE OF THE BEST THAT HONEY. CAN BUY,. ; AS „WELL AS SEVERAL OTHER 11AIiES. ?INFORMATION GLADLY GIVENa The Hydro Shop Passmore J. 'PROUDFOOT, KILLORAN & HOLMES Barristers, &c. Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hamiilton St., Goderich. 4Private funds to loan at lowest rates. N. Proudfoot, K.C. J. L. Killoran, D. E. Ho1saes Mr. Holmes will be in Hensall inlay Friday from 9 until 6. AUCTIONEER 0-OSCARKLOPP Monor Graduate Carey Jones' Au- ',stion School, Special course taken in M egistered Live Stock (all Breeds,) pierchandiae, Real Estate, Farad Bales, etc. Rates in keeping with prevailing prices. Satisfaction as- sured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich,, or wire 18-93; Zurich. mmosstaganamsommalsaman gamigmossen DR. A. MOIR, L. M. C. C. Physician and Surgeon, Phone 70 HENSALL DR. J. W. PECK Graduate of Faculty of. Medicine, McGill University, Montreal; Member Physicians and Surgeons eons College a g Sio y ,s 8 of Ontario; Licentiate of Medical Council of Canada; Post Graduate Member of Resident Medical staff ,of lenerai Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15; Office, ,.3 doorS east of, Post Office. Phoe 56, Hensall, Ontario, Fertilizer 16p c. Acid Phosphate For fall Wheat 19.00 Per Ton PLACE YOUR ORDER WITH ME AT ONCE AND SECTJRE YOUR SUPPLY AT THIS PRICE. A. J. ((ssrr1aL�, R TWO TY 9.d GIIANTON Mr. Wallace Dick, of Detroit,,vis- ited at his home here last `week.. A street pedlar held forth on the ' Main st, here on Wednesday evening. Mr. Harold Drummond and Mr. Harold Jetferys, of Moncton, N. B., are visitors this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Drummond,,of town. • On Thursday evening last the Iocal nine, broke their losing streak of three straight by taking a closely ,played 7 -inning Mixture from. the Dashwood Cubs in their own back- yard. The game was full of thrills for the spectators. Steady hitting by lour boys drove M. Heaman from the mound in the fourth, 'after which his^brother took up the hurling dut- ies, but ' was greeted- with a barage of hits. The game was tied up,- but, lo! the lucky seventh dawned and1 our boys shoved across the winning tally on hits, coupled with an error by the opposing 3rd- sacker. Munn pitched superb ball and' was given - real support at all tunes. Armstrong b and Miller "did their stuff" for Dashwood. e Batteries—For Hensall Munn and s Cantelon; for Dashwood; Tienzan t and Tiernan. Theld c i a tion to the school isoin g g up rapidly ,and when• comple.,ed will °lie a credit to the town. Ample ac- commodation will be provided to take care of all pupils who may At- tend. Tlie 'trustees have decided to add third form to the curriculum. Two high school teachers are being engaged instead of one as formerly. BASEBALL HENSALL IN , WINNING . STR.EAK Mr. W. N. Drummond, of Toronto, recently Visited at his home here. Master Teddy Cudmore, of Kitch- ener is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Cudmore. Miss Ethel Murdock is holidaying with friends at Grand Bend this week. , Mr. W. O. Goodwin spent a few days the forepart of this week in London. Miss Thelma _ Hudson spent the week -end the guest of relatives in London. Miss Violet Whiteside is this week visiting with friends in Ailsa Craig and Parkhill. ; Miss Lydia Pope, of Toronto, is the guest of her, mother, Mrs. John Pope this week. Dr. Blatchford, of Clinton,' Ohio, visited with friends and relatives in town this week. Mr. C. Bradshaw, accountant in the Molsous Bank here is this week enjoying Iiis holidays. Mr. and Mrs. W. Geiger of Kitch- ener were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Owen Geiger.' Mr. and Mrs. D. Joynt, of Detroit, were the guests of Mr.- and Mrs. T. C. 'Joynt, in town this week. Dr. A. Moir recently purchased the grass farm of Mr. John M. Bell, one mile south of the village. The W. M. S. of the Methodist church held a quilting in the church basement on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Wismer and little daughter, of Kitchener, recentlywere the gue- sts of Mr. and ,Mrs. Wm.'i3eaver. The Hensall Girls ,,,Softball team were defeated -by the Kippeui girls on Friday ;evening last at Kippen. Master Ralph and Miss Ruth Gei- ger ,of London, are the guests of their grandparents, Mr. ank Mrs.' O. Geiger. • Mr. and Mr's,.• J. W. Bonthron are on a motor, trip this week to Pittsburg, Pa., visiting relatives en route. Mr. George Horsley, o former Hensall boy, now. of Goderich, was renewing acquaintances in town on Tuesday. Miss Mattie Ellis retihrned from' Guelph on Saturday . evening last, where she has been visiting with relatives. The annual Sunday School picnic of Carmel church will be held to Grand Bend on Thursday, Septem- er- 28th. Miss Pearl Beek, a former .resid nt of the village, now of the West, pent Saturday last' with friends : in he village. Mfrs. T. J. McLean and Miss Elea Box Score . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 nor, of; Wingham, were visitors this Dashwood 0 1 0 3 0 0 0-4 week with Mr. and Mrs. T. Drum- Hensall 2 0 '2 0 0' 1 0-5 mond, of the village. Dashwood Hensall Mr. J. Passmore has recently in- Teiman stalled a large radio receiving set p . Munn in his store. You are invited to ,drop Kellerman c. Cantelon in and -hear this outfit. Eveland, A. 1st: % Scruton Eveland, L. 2nd. Knapp; Mr. and Mrs. G. Duncan, (nee Armstrong 3rd. Joynt Phyllis Young,) recently spent a Tiernan,- L. ss. McDonell few days at the Commercial hotel, 1Vliller If. McDonald Tiernan, E. cf. Hedden TViilert rf. Steacy Not satisfied with winning one, the locals motored to Exeter on Monday evening and got sweet re- venge for the defeat- inflicted on us by the Exeter boys on our local lot a couple of weeks ago, by winning a closely fought 5 -inning game by„ the score of 3-2. _ Hits by .Scruton` and Hedden brought in the winning run in the fifth.' .The' Game as . a whole was a pitching duel- between Lawson and Munn, the latter having the edge. Batteries: Munn and Cantelon Hedden; Lawson and Ford. Box Score • 1 2 3 4.5 Hensall • Exeter 0 0 2 0 1- 3 0 0 1 1 0-2 "Come in and listen to my loud speaker for a while." "Sorry, old pian,. but I have a date to 'meet mine at 7 sharp." eve Us a Chance To show you .Samples and quote you Prices on TICKETS BILLHEADS ENVELOPES ES STATEMENTS LETTERE :.EADS SIIIPP:ING 'TAGS VISITING' CARDS BOOKLETS and CIROuLARS OR ANYTHING ELSE IN THE PRINTING, LINE A. TRIAL SOLICITED The Hensall Observer. with the latter's parents. Mrs and Mrs. A. Whiteside and Miss Jean visited .in Hamilton over Sunday the guests ,of Mr. and Mrs. A. Whiteside, Jr., of that city. Quite a number from this vicinity are leaving for the; West this week on the Harvester's' Excursion, to help harvest Canada's crop of grain. Quite a number of prominent Con- servatives from this vicinity attend- ed the Meighen picnic,; held at Strat- ford on Wednesday. On the opposite page of this paper will he found the names of the suc cessful Middle School pupils who attended the Exeter High School from town. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dignan, who have .been visiting with relatives in this vicinity for several weeks, left for ther home in the West on Friday morning last. Mrs. N. P. Warrener, Mr. Gerald Warrener and Misses Evelyn aiid Ruth, of Pontiac, , Mich.,' motored. over and are the guests of friends in town and also in Goderich. The Hensall School Board have rented the building formerly occup- ied by the S,. M. Sanders. Mfg. Co., from Mr. G. C. Petty, and will use it as a temporary school room until the new addition has been complet- ed.. TIIe death occurred in Hibbert on Annie Sunday of z lie Wren beloved wife of Mr. James Horton, in her 76th year. The funeral ,which was not private, was held from her home on Tuesday, interment being made .in McTaggart's cemetery. Mrs.' C. Hoggarth, and three sons, who .Dave been visiting with relat- ives in Norwieli for some time, ret- urned Lb town this week, and going from here on to Grand Bend; where they will camp pfor a time, Master Den recently had the liistortuit to fall and /Break leis arm. KIPPED DEATH OP ROBERT 1;. McLEAN lJlhe#deatlze,tra'iak place 1Vldiiday ti gust 11th; 'of Mr; Rol.t, McLean, who passed away after an illness extend- ing over a period of nearly four years. He was born 75 years age on the farm across the road from where. he died, on of the late James Bell McLean, and lived there until 18 years ago, when he moved to bis new home. Forty-six years ago he was married to Miss' Marion Keir, dau- ghter' of the late William Kerr, of Hay township, who survives together with five children: James B., of Tuckersmith; William J., Hailey - bury; Mrs. Fowler, Exeter; Mrs. Earl Sproat, Tuckersmith, and Mrs. John Henderson at home. Two bro- thers are still living, David 13. Mc- Lean, Hensall, and Andrew B., of Foam Lake, Sask. He was of a g1uet and retiring nature trusted and respected by his life-long acquaint-_ antes. He served on the municipal council and for a number of years was reeve and rook an active interest in politics. The funeral services were conducted by his pastor}. Rev. A. Lundy and interment was made. in Baird's cemetery. The pallbear- ers were six cousins, Messrs. R. P. Bell, Seaforth; William Bell, Hay township; William and Andrew Bell Tuckersiiiitli; Robt. McArthur, .Hay and . John ;McLean, "Riverside," Tuckersmith. CREDITON Service, in the Methodist Church next Sundayevening a representa- tive of the ,Lord's Day Alliance' will have charge. • Come and hear of the efforts -that are beiiig made to pre- serve the Lord's Day. Mr. and. Mrs. Mose Heist of Pig- eon, Mich.,are visiting relatives in Crediton. Rev. Livingstone of Elimviile and Rev. W. Y. •Drier of Crediton, ex- changed pulpits on Sunday. The former preaching two very instruct- ive sermons on. temperance. The Misses Dorothy and Ruth Werner, of London, returned to th- eir home on Friday last after spend- ing a few days at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Holtzman. Quite a numb,,e' fziom here ,:atten-, ded the social service sleeting held in Hensall on Tuesday evening. The Zurich and Crediton: boys played a friendly 'game of ball on Tuesday evening, the sco3,e being. 5- 6 in favor of Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Mclsaacs have ret- urned home ;after spending ; the week -end in Toronto. Miss Palmer, of London, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lamport during the past week. Miss Laura Smith has returned home after a two -weeks visit with 'Mr. and Mrs. Hillard Snarling, of Walkerton. Mr. and ` Mrs, H. Snarling visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs., John Smith on Sunday. Miss Thelma Gue- ttinger returned to Walkerton with them for a two weeks visit. 14rr: and Mrs. Herbert, Haist,, of Detroit, are spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Haist. Mrs. Sheardwn and Earl are vis- iting the-former's brother in Mitch- ell for a few weeks. • Mrs. Ed. Lawson and daughter, Reta, ,of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Albert King over tiie week -end. 'Mr. and Mrs. T. Herstil, of Det- roit; visited friends in Crediton over the week -end. Mr. Lloyd Haist has returned to his home' after visiting for a few days in Detroit. ZURICH Messrs. Ed and Eldon Snell of De- troit, are visiting there parents. Jack Rennie,who hasbeen Mr. 1 . visiting with his father Mr. Alex Rennie, has returned to his home in Tenn se e e. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd O'Brien, Miss Olive and Messrs. Leroy and Lennis O'Brien spent a few days with friends in New Haven, and Detroit. A monster- sturgeon fish was capt- ured apt ured by the fisherman at. St. Joseph measuring nearly six feet in length and weighing 137 pounds. C11OP COMPETITION RESULTS ANNOUNCED D. L. McClure,' of -Brampton, the fin- ished judging the d e � g gin field crop competition for oats in the Mitchell district on Friday last. The mon- ey for the prizes will be paid by the Fullerton, Logan and Hibbert Agri- cultural Society. ' Some of the com- petitor's oats were°not judged on account of the barley,being among the oats. Tlae following is the stand- ing in order of .merit: I•I. R. Green- wood and son, Joseph 'French and. Alex. 'Cole and son, of Fully •ton, Amos Donne, of Usbor ne, Mark Cl- ark and son, I'ullarton, Robt. Norris Hibbert and George Hillebrecht and son, Logan, DASHW000 Dr. H. H. Cowen, L, D, S. D.D.'Se DENTAL SURGEON At McCoxm1cli's Block, Zurich, every Thursday and Saturday. MAIN OFFICE Hartleib'a Block — Dashwood,- Ont.' Miss Laura Mae Reid spent a flew` t�nys' last week in Blyth. Miss Mary England lias returned after a pleasant visit with relatives in Thedford, Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Broughton 'Mr. J. Fried, of Toronto, and Mrs. Bro- ughton; of 'Whitby, are visiting at the home of 1VIr. J. Kellerman.' Miss Thelma Elsie is visiting in Thedford. Mrs. J. Kellerman has . returned from a visit in Kitchener, Guelph and Toronto, Mrs. Chas. Hintz, of Romeo, Mich, is visiting with friends in this vic- inity. Miss Myrta Hoffman left. Tuesday for Iitchener. , Mrs. L. Taylor, of London, is vis- iting her brother, Dr. Taylor at present. Misses A. and E. Zimmer; of Det- roit, are visiting their parents here. Mr. Lester Gates and sister Ida, of Chicago, are holidaying- with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. Gage, of Detroit, are visiting in this vicinity. SUNSHINE Friends from Detroit and London spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. 'Brock. • M. and Mrs. G. Godbolt andGer- ald' of Centralia, and Mr. D. Clark,. of Exeter, spent Sunday ,with Mr: and Mrs. C. Fletcher... Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Fauson spent a few days last' week with friends at Highgate. ,, Misses Ina Jacques and Verna Brock spent a few days last week with friends in Rockwood. Mr.- and Mrs. Geo. Jacques spent the week -end with Mrs. Jacques' sister,' Mrs., Peart, of Rockwood. Miss Ella and Vinetta Routly are spending a few days with their cou- sin, Mrs. Wyneu, of Woodham. 'Miss Jean Coventry of Toronto, spent a few days the guest of her friend, Miss Inez Creery, last week. THAMES ROAD The W. M. S. met at the home of Mrs. Dan Coward on ThursdayrAug. 7th, the President, Mrs. Kydd, in, the chair.- The meeting was 'opened in the usual way: Mrs. Goliings sent. in N:her resignation for the office of Secretary; and Mrs. Fenwick was appointed in -her place. A number of hymns were sang, Miss Louise Ha- ckney at the piano. Mrs. Andrew Campbell read the closing chapter of the text book. Miss Violet Rat- cliffe then favored the meeting with a pianoforte solo entitled "The Sweet Bye and Bye. Miss Alice Hadkney then read :a missionary story. It was decided to send for a new text book, "The Island Beauti- ful." A number 'gave their donation of clothing for the Indian boy. Mrs. John Allison very kindly invited the ladies to ineet at her home in Sept- ember. The meeting was closed by a few of the members engaging in sentence prayers and the Lord's prayer in 'liaison. An excellent - lunch was served by the hostess. GREENWAY Miss ,E. McDonald, of Brucefield, visited Miss D. Mason and Mrs. R. Engleson last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ulens, of 'Windsor, and Miss Lillian i Ulens, of Toronto, are holidaying here. Miss Edna iBelt, of Detroit, re- newed acquaintances here last week. Mr. Lawrence Pollock has pur- chased a Chevrolet, car. • Mr. J. Woodron, -of Niagara, is visiting relatives • here. HAY COUNCIL The regular meeting of the Cou- ncil of the Township: of - Hay was held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday, August 4th. -All the mem- bers were present. The minutes of the last sleeting were adopted as read. By-law No. 9, 1924,authorizing the Reeve and Treasurer, to borrow certain sums of money from the Molsons Bank, Zurich, to meet cur- rent expenditures, was read three times and filially passed. The following rates were strucl. and will be levied upon the rate- able property of the Township of Hay for the year 192;4, and that a by-law a be prepared concerning same. County rate 2 1-10 mills, County road rate 1 1-5 mills, Township rate. 1 5-10 mills Statute tute' laber rate 2 mi11 , Zurich Police Village rate 3 mills Dashwood > v ood .Police Village rate 3 mills and statute labor at the. rate of $1.50 per clay. General School rate 4,1 mills, S: S. No. 7 -debenture rate 1.5 mills. Special Scloi Rates S. S. No. 2-1.5 mills; S; S. No. 3, 7.1 Mills; Ne, 4, 3 1.3 mills No 6, 3.0 !mills; No, 7, 4,3 Mills; No. 8, 9.9 Mills; U.. S. S. No. 9,0.2.8 mills S. S. No. 10, 2.7 i i ills' No a 11, 2.7 mills; No. 12, 3.3 mills; No. 1.4, 8, 10 mills; U. S. S. No. 16, li.5- wills; Sep. S. S. No. 1, 8 mills. 'rile following accounts were pas- sed; - ' I"ostage Part III Voters' List $5- 07; 13 'laws etc, re Massa Drain. $65QQ; J. Kipper repairs to grader $2.50; I'. Radiug ,valuating sheep $3.00; N. pararas re pay sheet' for Masse drain $111.98;; I%eller dit- ching road $114.50; W. Eothaer- mei ditto $4.50 Workmen's Com- easat P ion 13paz•d assessment $13.67 Stro;inberg Carlson Tel. Co, switch- board ,and rs ul?e ili' es $1208.¢5, Nor- tize2n Thedtz{ic "Co. -supplles $38.55. Special a IVleutiig�, 1 A. spi.eial meeting of tire council of the Township of Hay was held on Saturday evening,A _August 9th, with all the members present:' Alex Foster was awarded the`o 7.b of doing the .cement work on the culvert to be built opposite Lot 20 Con. 5, Hay, and do;all necessary excavating according to plans and. s z1cifa a s s and build t npc•••v bridge at the price of $$00, and. at $3.10 per cube[ yarrt' for other snall culverts to bo constructed and rep- air work, ineluding excavations. The i'eport of the 'Townslhip En- gineer re Black creek drain was not adulated as presented and appli- cation.wiil be ni:ade to the, Prainuge Referee to perndit the inclusion in the assessment area of all the lands using this drain' gas an outlet for the water and to carry the drain to a proper r oltlet i i' , wz To a-�h� ` k of 1 Stephen, and that the Townships of Hibbert, Usborne, Tuclrersinith, and Stanley and the village of lienSalif be notified of°the -intention of the Council of the Township of lay to make this change in +the assessment, The Council adjourned to meet again for the monthly session on Sept. 2nd. A. 1.. HESS, Oleck. The' new buildings of the College of Arts will be ready' forthe Fall Term, The University now enjoys excellent equipment for equipment all three F'aculties—Arsp Medicine, and Public Health,. Requirements nents for admission to degree courses , Junior Matriculation or Honour Matriculation. Registration Day, Sept.22 s 1924. Towerand Assembly :Hall University of Western Ontario London, Canada _ q ,ROBERT Canadian National Exhibition AUG. 23 Toront SEPT. 6 More comprehensive; more ambitious than ever—depicting the picturesque, the artistic and typical life of Canada and other Iands., "Marchi g n " Gorgeous : spectacle portraying the might., romance and grandeur of the British Empire All the amusement .devices known to the ingenuity of mats. ONE HUNDRED EXHIBITIONS IN ONE. Consult your agent :for Reduced Railroad Rates. ") MILLER, President. JOHN G. KENT, Managing Director: )go olrod :11,9t 3 1 li/zely, 0 o. � 1st/heti you see it not Maly. lobe ra 0 THE DISTILLED CI. LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR W. J.BEER Fxeter Ont.