HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-03-15, Page 7„ ,•• • • ,! ...4 -5$.q.4 -g.;11"7•1'; 1.,c4..?•••••::.•,,,,, • .a• 241 ••,•••••:7.-w."'"1:"."7,7 ........ 94 sso.s.sta 94 "As Canadians look ahead to a better than any of the other major rates lower, 4.M per yearn mortgage anwrtizect over .25 years. and POW new decade anda new century they•industrial have 'good reason to look forward with confidence," •So said Michael Wilson in his. February 1988 budget speech. In the three and a half years since this government came to office, our economic progress has been dramtic. Overall, we have done 9. An additional 5,000 Ontario students will be able to live in university residences as a result of a neWprogram announced byeolleges and -Universities Minister Lyn McLedd. All publicly -assisted universities nations. We have been number one in economic growth since 1984 and number one in employment growth. More than L15 million jobs have been created the majority are full-time jobs — and the unems ployment rate today is the lowest ft has been in six years. Mortgage JACK'S TTINGS by Huron- MPP Jack Riddell, Agriculture and Food Minister quarterly to the health minister, an a final report is expected some tins nextiyear • * French Proirams - • A total- of, 30 academicall qualified Prench-speaking Ontari students will be ff n sumers are coofiOcutAs sgoosoilier strjodieg . :has, continued:-tstgrow strongly. 42°1- net:#11.4 ••109!.P laisY°,161-SP,741!jcPPitttrAtto )fear3"!lav14111C0Y'reainseg 27 -per centinereasein1938,. • All this econontiiiiiteetil did .not Just -happen, Iftemine:abotitbevalige Of the Government's ageflda.ler economic renewal, a set Outin November 1984 tO which It ha** pro are oWing esults. The private seetorlias been ec. ••$I.v.• : 1 —• • r ro•-• ., 9 9 ' 1? -41.2'.. 49 .:7.1!;;...*.- :•74.• A/"..,,,, '-'-'- •,- ,,---..$$??•,,,;.,,.....,:„-zz.„.....":7‘.. ...?:."$....":,1;+?..c."...-4^:..4.,,flgs'',:`''::‘1"11.?":;•.:),..,411:-...1?),,:.4.4.:...?,..,?;,,...4,4",i5.14,.41.$;"ii,f1$0)1:,....P.A;:.,P.,./...;.x.:;:f$,::.'.14:me4.41:::',:":.-7-A.:1;i''''',-"‘%. • e (Con!** 11! second a' Mary Joan r Wingh Publjc School was: one of the t' conteStantS emerged t positio at the public SPeakin ri Nr• " •sieti '64 4ti Clinton' '411/4-'-Ot deiterieh„ ' ,IVIA1:10111974.. , - - 41. fi4 —4. .•:;•r%•: .4"../••• • "• 44, 4,1• s ji .1 1 AU LVH'•'Tfl' • )1ri . ,i3.0 ' •, -* 1510, .. ' • i, ' ' -, arose.. s ,9* ,Out ,g, ; ,..,,,... o take .T0610144 ...back .-tos ' r ' lOca ' • g _ * ter was Lyiin - Hardy '6 * 'Which are Violet f. Act. Members *ell revitalized and the Canadian.ec000m); :in better 011.40 to meet the challenges sif iriternatismal competition in the 1990s.. As promised, we have Privatized crown corporations, and deregulat- ed the energy sector, transportation d sector and financial institutions sect tor and financial institutions sector. ' re4ikqer4"mile!naindtheencet has introduced non. In addition, tothe Cni*la-VS. trade agrnellent, exiKet James R. Currie' Of Wirighain donated a photograph of WMghaiti and District 110spitate which was taken in 1911 'to' Use hospital's - Auxiliary. Mrs. R. Ritter ac- , cept,ect-the-- picture, donated in memory ofMr./Curisie'sfather, John Thomas Currie, On 'behalf of the Auxiliary.' • n • Lori.Gavrelidc .and Curtis *sore were ..aMong the ,flieMbers, of 'the Wingharn Figure- Ska "finCCliiis who retnnied frOni- Goderich corn - o ered selected,' opportinuties are also being expand,- petition with awarda. Lori and stitutions are eligible for the univer iti and some related educational in- programs in French at Quebec ed through the pursuit of Multilater- Curtis placed third N vi s es as a result of an al agreements through GATT' provincial government's sub- agreement signed by Ontario Fiscal responsibility' is being sidization of residence spaces. May Colleges and -Universities Minister restored as the federal def 31 is the deadline for submitting application. It is expected that the pro will lower accommodation costs students and enhance opportuniti for qualified candidates to pursue university education. ' Mrs. McLeod adds that t initiative reflects the government "housing first" policy and wi reduce the competition for a fordable housing between studen and low-income citizens. Drug Inquiry A committee of inquiry, headed b Dr. ,Frederick Lowy of th University of Toronto, has bee established to investigate ail aspect of the government's role an influence in the prescription dru marketplace in Ontario, Realt Minister Elinor Caplan has, an flounced. Lyn McLeod and .her Quebec counterpart. am The -French-speaking Ontario to students will be able to pursue post - es secondary education in .,the French a language in such disciplines as audiology and speech-language he pathology, dentistry, medicine and 's pharmacy, as well as graduate 11 programs in nursing and social services. ts Canadian citizens and-permanen residents with at least 12 con- secutive months' residency in y Ontario are eligible to apply. Suc- e cessful applicants must agree to, n return to Ontario and work for tw�. s years — in areas considered to be d underserviged and designated for g French Insignige service -- upon h completion of their Studies. "The agreement, which is in effect Lw five years and is renewable, derlines th spirft of co-operation - -the Minister's decision follows the un be 'Weep Ontario and Quebec," Mrs. 001clberg Drug Utilization Report released last year, which found evidence df (in* waste and misuse of medications by patients» in Ontaisio. . The ...committee's mandate -1'n - eludes the eXtiinitiation of issueti relating to quality of care, program prescriptjoit costs, and equity of access and distribution in •the current governmeEit-funded drug , program.. Furthermore, the LoWst cern- nlittee is expected to develop recommendations. for 'the future of government-ffindeddriwrograffiti. Drug expenditure in Ontario' IS ' now approaching *i bight -It year. "We want Wig* are, ,getting the best isoksibis, there tie ,testi providedprovlded throiigh t tirogr The., eoti •. • • .• 5.4 -,••• • $: in 0 cetio ce. Blaine Moore stole the -shim 'and came home with the first place national debt, which were 'vitt of, 'congregations and have Mean. urge'' the provincial goveriimentin'enact • legislation. ,.- • The ',IttillbirtY collfigiV • -st; wants the toWnshipshed' telephone and the municipal office telephone•.„ 'put On- the Same- " system and Wilt write to the Wight -Ilan TelePhene Company 044,'• request thecbange-: - The :Ron. Redard J. Roble& Lientenint 4.*kitior bf"`New- B111110WIPIE and his wife wetie---411e, . recipients Otthe ' ten Millionth ,6 opy of the Bible 16. be-preseated. by Canadian Gideonfe R., W. "Bob" Carbert -has been named genera) manager . of the 'Ontario _Agricultural Museum, - 11. • ", • icit-and troPhy bi -the intermediate nienTs Milton..• control in 1984, arebehigaddieseed. Steady year-t*year declines in the deficit have been achieved, and -the • reduction project for 1988-89 will be the first time in the post-war period that the deficit has declined &Or years hi a,row. • Strong Support has also been , inutility in we fate of': severe in-: ternational market conditions -In addition? -to agricidtural assistance under existing itrOgrams, the. Government announced.itt December a further Series agricultural initiatives. These: initiatives provide inCoM6:suPPOrtr help alleviate the pressures Of,ifa debt on Many farmers, and Main the economic base of Many, rural communities. These actions Were necessary cause of the eni - proiid to Canada's farm cOi!ti;.•., export subbidy War betw McLeod said. United Sttes andthe. Eike Junior Entrepreneurs A group of 29 youngenteepreneurs who, successfully established profitabiebusinessesin Ontario, will receive.. Ministerial Awards for Outstanding Achievement, the ministry of skills development has announced. The award recipients represent 3,800 iiarticipanta intlie087Stiident Venture Capital Ventura Capital programs. • tinti*r' the programs,' young peciple ,siarting their' 'WO, btelinesses- can Obtain intier0t4ree.loinikk • - ..'• LOC year the. Youth' Veht,14 Catitet:prograinauthoriZed $4.2- rnfflion:in I generate 0 atitif • # • , • .?,.1,4 Community. We need more effective international rules governing agricultural subsidies. There' is Still Much work to There continue to be actions requiring tough decisions and firm resolve. there are fl,.sJi�rteUt achieving -Canada's potential. anWefljugt 117 OWCtufljtie created- by an world"wv We are well ability t� ••,r, • - •,, • .>"%e .F • s • : 4 :es•:••• • • •44,•'` 944 9,9 44 • ,• hi/ warn too wkM iOlyntitileiGWee In Ciiarjc (Photo cowrie tit . •••• •...•••• • • :44444494 • 4 ','"••!,, • ••