HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-03-15, Page 541" 44, .`e s "As Canadians look ahead .to a better. than any of the other major new decade and a new century, they industrial nations. have 'good reason to look forward We have been number one in with confidence." economic growth shice 1984 and So said Michael Wilson in his number one in employment growth. February 1988 budget speech. In the More than 1.15 million jobs have three and a half Years since this been created — the majority are governillein came " to office, our full-time jobs — and the ;mem- , economic progress has been ployrnent rate today is the lowest it dramatic. Overall, we have done has been in six years. Mortgage An additional 5,000 Ontari students will be able to live university residences asa result of new.prograinannouncedby Colleges and. Universities Minister Ly McLeod. All publicly -assisted universitie and some related educational in stitutions are eligible for th provincial government's sub sidization of residence spaces. May 31 is the deadline for submit • applications. It is expected that the program will lower accomModation costs to students and enhance opporhinities for qualified candidates to pursue a university education. • Mrs. McLeod adds •that the initiative reflects the government's "housing first" policy and will reduce the competition for af- fordable housing between students and low-income citizens. Drug Inquiry A committee of inquiry, headed by Dr. ,Frederick Lowy of the University of Toronto, has been established to investigate all aspects of the government's role and influence in the prescription drug marketplace in Ontario, Health Minister Elinor Caplan has_ an- nounced. -the minister's decision follows the Goldberg Drug Utilization Report released last year, which found evidence of drug waste and misuse of medications by patients, in Ontario.' The committees mandatetri chides the examination 01 issues to quality of care, program prescription costs, and- equity of access and distribution in the current government -funded the Lowy- co mitten is -exp mealtime , governiflei Drug ' . ilotV arW "We.win are. • JACK'S JOTTINGS • • by Hurpn MPP, • Jack, Riddell, Agriculture and Food __ Minister o quarterly to the health minister and n a final report is expected some time a nextlear., , • French Programs n A total -of 30 academically qualified French-spealdng Ontario s students will be offered selected - programs in French at Quebec rates e lower, 4 saving Per kearon a amortized over .25 , stirners are confid spending has con strongly. also is, es by leiter cent i*yearaonowing 27percent increase in 1006. All this econoMicSticceis.didliot just -happen. It' Caine:about becalise of , the Government'a agenda for economic 114gati set out -in November 1984 to which we have adhered. Our policies are showing results. The private sector been revitalized and the -- economy, is in better shape to meet the challenges of international' competition in the 1900s. - As promised, we have privatized crown. corporations,- and-deregulat,- ed the energy sector, transportation sector and financial institutions sec- tor and financial institutions sector. The Government has introduced tax reformandfile- capital gains exemp- tion. In addition,t0-the Cinaga4S. Wide •egreeMento Canada's' Onion opportunities are also being expand= ed through the pursuit of multilater- e universities as a result of an al agreements through. GATT. - agreement signed by Ontario Fiscal responsibility. is being Colleges and -Universities Minister restored as the federal deficit and wners Re mortgage. years, and o0n*, as Consinnero er -se e supervjsed&ea WOW inconte- (Continued. ated to re increasedas vice, John g Lyn. McLeod and .h ue ec counterpart. The French-speaking Ontario students will be able to pursue post- secondary education in. the French language in such disciplines as audiology and speech-language pathology, dentistry, medicine and pharmacy; as well as graduate programs in nursing and social services. Canadian citizens and permanent residents with at bast 12 con- secutive months' residency in Ontario are eligible to apply. Suc- cessful applicants ftuk agree to, return to Ontario and W�rk for two years — in areas considered to be underserviced and designated for French language service -- upon completion of their studies. "The agreement, which is in effect for five years and is renewable, underlines the spirit of co-operation • hitUreen Ontario and Quebec," Mrs, McLeodsaid. Junior Entrepreneurs - A'gretIP-Of 29 runtrentrefireneurs whoa.. successfully estaigishi!d profilablebushieSsesin Ontario, will national debt, which were out of,.' control in 1934, are beingaddressed. Steady year-to-year &Obits in the deficit have been achieved, andihe reduction project for 1908,-30 wilt be the first time in the post-war period that the deficit has declin,iJOUr years in a row. - _ r • Strong support has also been provided to Canada's farin corn munity in the face of severe in-: ternational market conditions- In additiolli to agricultural assistance under existing programs, the Government announced. in December a furter Seri agricultural initiatiVes. 14ese' initiatives provide income• hil0 allevinte the AteSsilr debt on many farmers, and the' economic base Al ..many coMMUnit,ies„ actions necessary becauseof'the • export subsidy war United States and the Euro CemniundY. Weneedinereeffective international rules governing agricultural subside tilierei' *;ii Work tO J. • ' reeeive4tiniaterial Oar* for +here—continue :to be actions Outstandhig Achievement, the mg g Ruth .04e:11;ititis44•04antodtit,,frlo -. achieyin-0444 bo 0- reient and we Must:.00n tudent ...irn to seize thi Venture tettY1)3changzng world We,'„ an ever itdr Menet to do so,thanks to thi mitillitry of skills ftvelopment has resolve. There- :81MtinThe;',attrd M Lplen 1itidipants As '4:4;k:11.1 A47 A.- '..6.1°'441;11tit . • 1 second40410 Currie , whenaron,P Mary Joan Vorrin of *,,:$64*Public - contestants who wail', ins' top School one of'the two position at the public speaking competition - in Clinton. The other winner 'was Lynn HardY. of dei9MAitojnada7niteCidnelle!alili:74111)11:0Ctoilgrr:rail.169i;WWitiin'gglillith:' and District flOsiritatt-Whrch was taken in 1911 to the -hospital's Auxiliary. Mrs. R. P. Ritter ac- _rePte,d,„the;-PietUre, - donatedin memory of*. Currie's father, John Thomas Currie, on behalf of the Auxiliary.oGavrelt ' 'ilt. Lori ;„anik. Curtis Moore wweingrchani„tuinFligthiee.sitnielitiorcoobt,wthhoe returned .0rOderich com- petition with awards Lori and • curtisplacedthirdin Novice Blaine Moore stele the she* and came home with the first place WAY in -the intermediate men's "Z- As` . Sunday obs*vane arose aroseduetothe4 increase in the Wither of Super, markets :and %other 1,-00 outlets - ." ...tibial are violating thk-Lort41:41 Act... Members were aikedlo take a- treegissollautino: . ,• 7.7 t:: tbie,ir local congregations and have them urge the Provincial goverment to enact andTh''-therr:47n1r114:Vrit:alT°offwiliiiiiPtelCe7honile 4.: wants , the oWnship. sli • tel , PUt-9_1:1,1he „same , two-party,T ,iH:,-_...... .system .and *rite to ' ,th Wightman Telephone Company request the change. The Hon. Hedard J. Robichaud; - Lieutenant - -Governor of NeYlf- Breneetdek and his wife were -the „ recipients of, the ten millionth copyj's of the Bible to be presented 9y, Canadian Gideons. R: W. "Bob" Carbert -has beeit nathed general manager of the Ontario Agricultural Museum, ' Milton. el> -Month Wahl too windy at th fo &hog in Pato*. (Photo cauttesy of TedAtiat