HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-03-15, Page 1, . •
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Wingham and Area Fire Board
members received a first-hand
description of the responsibilities of
a full-time fire chief at the board's
regular IVIiirch meeting.
Strathroy Fire Chief Bill Gibson
and the chairtnan of that municipal:
ity's fire -protection services corn-
, mittee, Hank Van Dyke, attended
the meeting last week at the Wing -
ham Fire Hall. •
Mr. Gibson told the board his
department, although covering only
the one municipality, roughly serves
about the same population as the
Wingham department --- around
10,000. He is the only full-time em-
ployee in a. department with a
volunteer deputy chief and 20
volunteer firefig,liters. -
Tho Stratlirer chiefa _owned his
full-time duties 1930,-aithough the
municipality . has had a full -Wm
chief since 1976. His responsibilities,
he said, include looking after all of
the department's administration, as
well as fire prevention and some of -
the training, although
casionally gets .assistance .on. fire
prevention duties from, some Ofthe,
firefighters. who on shift work- •
"The worklOad-ft administratitia
is now so heavy that there is no -time
to do inspections, and we are now.
looking at hiring a fuliatime deputy;"
Aft, 0410444 The
coo, which oogin
.,88 a
"mail but confusing"- book, is.
constantly changingas mere and.
Mei*legiSlatienis•-'introdUed, idl
it harato interpret, he said
'Remuneration to firefighters is •
based on a points System; Mr.
(CiintinUed on Page 2A)
Although It has ratified the Tlie
ourict gets • S1V4200 %ugh= and Area Fire _pr4visi
" - •• ' Beard htidget;71Win
more rogue
for street -1a
4.4004 thittisi
'Management co
TUrnherrx, council has received aideration.
will„bemaking Las- tonr.ot.tho. „
township's residential areas prior to councirs-fr: regular
the next regular meeting on March was inforfliatili”
22. expenditures tacit* the, board and
aerk*Tretisiirtr DarOthy KeIly its,,Tellilietfilliatc*Oa
reporteditthi.14rell meeting nit The purchase ofa new Pumper is
six requests for streetlights have being amaktgred for 1990,council
been received. The council tour will learned in a letter accompanying the -
take members to these sites and proposed budget. The letter suggests
they also will take into account other the municipality may want to
areas where extra lighting might hie establish a reserve account to cover
required. its share of the estimated $170,000 to
The township pays the initial in. $180,000purchase price.
stallation charge and those costs Whigham's share of that ex -
then are amortized to the residenlial Petaliture is estimated at more than
communities over 10 years." $6601600.
d? tWo;oth
finance ajttee;.-for eon,
• ie chief, the bu
amended 4at that "
lor James
:wed to oinitstigh t of einincil's two' reprOentatives to
tame, but Witlf"the- be firboard,Saidltiiezatierayon of
if it decideater „ the beard._ is%commehdablefor:„,
- • .
tar, 1,70
- f .
. • ,
Residential ratepayers also pay for
the hydro and maintenance charges.
Township makes
donations to
library, study
East Wawanosh Township will
contribute this year to the Wingham
Library and the recreation master
plan study currently underway in
the town..
Township council was approached
last year to contribute to both un-
dertakings, but decided to wait until
drawing up its 19 budget.
A total of $2,000 will be donated to
the library, the grand opening for
which will be held later this spring.
East Wawanosh also will con".
tribute $i,000 toward the master -
plan study. The c6stof the study into
the future recreation needs of
Wingham and area will be covered
mainly by a government grant,
however, $7,500 must be raised
As the study Will look at recroati
in the outlyingareas as W
council had asked
neighboring township
contribute. -
Niel Edgar, sglift
Township% 're
committO deth
and shit*, Alt
meeting of to
present the 8
In addition to the pumper, the
letter also points out that the budget
as presented does not include -a
provision for a full -tine fire chief.
60iinat receweditotar
in r eration and expenses for receiv
The figures were included in a
statement — required Under Section
243 of the Municipal Act — released
at council's regular March session.
According to the statement,
Mayor Jack 'Copes received an
honorarium and meetint allowance
of $5;037.50 and a 014.79 reim-
bursement of expenses for a total of
$6,352.20. for Reeve Bruce Meehan;
the lisitiariuM and meeting
lloWanceldtalled $2,890and he also
AfliktY,!, • e-"
a $2837 50 hotioratiuin- _
g -allowance, but liad no
For the rest of council the
statementshows, With expeei in
brackets, the holierariaameeting
allowances for councillors as
follow Rim Beecroft a $3,91.7.50::
($40); Don Otter - $2041.501#10;
Bill McGrath --- 324455 ($591.56);
James McGregor- a• $2427.50 07,504 -
Ward Robertson $340240 ($0), and
Doug Svvitzer -$2,902.50 ($143.20) -
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• . Page 5A
. Page 12A
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