HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-03-08, Page 28ss .• • - " ••, . 4 • 1st 4 r1J ;IP • .4-• , • ,• )4, .. .. '••••' OP 4,44*04440M40:1; efi " 425` 4 ttAl • • 1. • Q111409's-,ist or›. r Mit.1" • • „.? easier to gam = .Feb. meeting employment th •. The ofeoltembiSis provincial government will spend Trade illitiiitott - $45.8 million to create 62,000 sum- • ess - I j mer jobs throng) three will oin * trade missionmissionA'ree programs- s: n to the offered by the Ministry of Skills caculse' "wen Mama! to 17 to Development. encourage -increased exports of The Start -Up Program offers Ontario alticultpre .food students up to $3,000 in interest-free Products in at Market The Asia-Pacific, region, has been loam to start their own suminer business, • an area of rapid ggewth of Ontario Under the Ontario Summer Ern- exports, tip 41 per dent last year. ployment Program, the government Agriculture, and food exports alone subsidizewili were worth $176 million in 1986. . the salaries of stet- denheleireWertummer jobs by quaiss win visit Japan., Hong Kong, and inedeittitOser*S-844- the Republic of 'Kbrea. In Japan, I . I win 'Patticitfatelii:-Poodex a major In addiveses' ihiSlents are in* vit with apply for career -related jobs -in trade show, tour food processing Ontario government ministries and plants and farrne, and call on key agencies porters af Canadian food. hi Hong _ through the Summer im Kong, I will meet with a leading Experience '88 Program. Farmers Concerned supermarket -chain which has organized a major promotion of Almost 1,000 people attended the Canadian food productS. first five free .trade seminars . sponsored by the Ontario Ministitof In the _Reptile& °UK -9 ere 1 wall Agrichluirkaerlf eekei repepeelit.theflp R During' the,:keni s in AtinlidneWie14.:*f KemptVille; NeWLiskeard, 'to showcase technology excha nge Mildmay and Ancaster — I andinvestmeist presented an overview of the :impact ; Twelve Ontario food companies' Of the free trade agreement,. while will be Participating -in several feed Rob Seguin, thrector of the 061110119ns in Hong Kong, Feb. 26 to rninOtkrdO1s.0ed poesy ..March 2 and will join up With me for ordination branch, presented a the Foodex show in Tokyo, March -77 iXk •V, 5 .a• detailed slide s how. 10. ---- -- ----- se Material for the seminars was We want to tell importers in the based on an assessment by ministry Asia-Pacific region that Ontario is a staff, which shows that Ontario reliable supplier of quality foods. We M.` 44N 41 k•W - -,; 'S Y ,1N,NARs — AlenOffe tHunter,:tent4,1-t ' ,:01,iii ''' q o ,441X. . 000101Writing Competiti and,iiiriW4vat:tieib : Gide 11 student at F E. Madill Secondary r.SOfieketellig afftenitet 14 .01:-' 1444 iil`,'-. ' miiiii Mle The OO*. , ,Itii•--1/4:',,-,. • - - .-, Valley Forge, Pa. With Miss MOntyi,e; are two Opierpiade- 1 1 st_udents_nlo ore ,e:tsp loot winners Kevin- Smith, right,,seciand,PhOe and Sandy MagrityrertOir. - d. . .•.- ; fanners stand to Jose an estimated do sell sub,stantial quantities ofpork $95 mill*, up* t the live trade deal and kerisegies leseeoes, - Alf -essay sessitsees-'"IsyltfilitM‘' -hitthIhrOptiMiet' leaders*--thereferkzfiletititliaViIhe freetiOnl The large" turnout for' the -Se Ontario eirporters would like to Hunter of Wingharn has been seminar in Valley Forge, Pa., later to act as they wish. It is wrong for. a meetings indicates that there is still increase the range of exports to all selected as the winner at the local this stmuter atid her essay ad- select powerful grow to -thecae so processed foods - . a real degree of concern and un- three countries and export more and district levels of the Optimish; vstnces now to the international others their thoughts, opinions, certainty in the agricultural coni hiternational Writing Competition. eoniPetitiefl- • emotions, and religion, and punish munity about the impact of this Ministry officials expect this "Freedom, nonaro taOur Mostecos Lcthagreeentmission to icrroallysedontestwassponsored hose who act as Individ uals,erige, is the theme of the by the Wingham Optimist Club. displaying their own unique per- eee14".pl pro. oes peeys...havy expressed food products to the Asia-Pacific winnhig essay by Miss Hunters a Other 1061 prize winners Were sonalittes° novel `Anthem', by rep epnnpaet the region. CemPapies participating in Grade 11 student at F. E; Madill Kevin Smith, second and Sandy Ayn Rand is the story of a man who agree** will 04Ve on tllepar- ihn-pronioiions expect to boost sales secondary School in Wingham. MacIntyre, tbird. lives in a society without freedom of titular commodity they grow or by $5' million at the Foodex trade Winning the district level . corn- FollowingTa the text of Miss any kind. He even lacks the freedom produce. slum? alone. petition qualifies Miss Hunter for a Hunter'aprizewhining essay: to say the word `I'. In the end, he "Free attest, free at last, thank discovers both himself and freedom. God almighty,, rm. 'free at last.' He says, guard my treasures, any These itre the words Words 'Of one of the thought, my will, my freedom, And, great om lighters of our time, • the greatest of kie is freedom.' To Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Jr. To me, met. - this, represents our task of these words 'have' great meaning. ureserving freedom for our future They symbolize the - ideal of = generations. -Freedom is our universal freedom and its great greatest treasure.' We have a Value. Rev. Rihg's leadership and reversibility to our forefathers to dream influenced 'Mete Who were guard the freedom they gained for not free tostrive for the freedom is and maintain it for our children. which every individual deserves: Re if wit woik together today to obtain led the freedom mareh to universal -freedom, future Washington, bus boyeotts,rit figiitfor generatienswill be able to say with the vote pies countless 'other quests pride that because of their an - for the free-' 'of his petiole. Others eestors, freedom is their most who hav 'to obtain freedom precious heritage. Until that day include Ssnante: Nelson liolandella, arrives, there are only a select few Utel*Widesa and John Knox:' who can truly make this elaim. Only have been ..tottittless by working togetheewill we evenUrrnivjg that - haVelaOktit fres Wally make freedom a Chrome Chairs . 4 Drawer Chests Pull-out:Bed Sofa 6 Pc. COMO Pine Living Room Shiites ' Suggesteda • $ Ilipiete Dining Room Suite isolid: wood) Includs: Table & 2 extensions, vvith4.cihairs and, matching buffet and hutch . .• ComMetitedroom Suite Included: Ileadpor hest of -Drawers, Drester witkiVilfror, Night Stand, Box . Vf R • Springand-Mattresti 11101(017,fkamtirt: n . . ... ALSOAfiNE SELECTION volitkrumfrune ARP s $ ..16900" $ .588170° $144900" Sale Price • 29 $ 99.00 $ 389.00 $ WS 00 , • • 9 universal versa! tip*, Otter the : 41;06:14-- ' . 'Characteristic. The day of the history. Ar'. example, the realization of this goal will be a MAO ' peOple -during the Second -fig* one for mankind. In closing, I ict:Nap zi :? Germany, ,kkdiait will leave you with the words of a eP ' in , ., . century, •$1- , AlandsibliknoWn'AtegrO spiritual . ; .„. Venii i Veinitiy- hearki„, ' s :}iis it 'slot it ' I do believe , ,. ilone, it is alto a - We shall ovtrcome teal-tOdaY. There line day."" ' Very moment who a ' . • a evies are paid . ...;.:, Odom Of speeeh, L $.469:ett in Popular IROCIM BILK BAKING Hundreds 4 sup v0.14401( • • not him thought,. movettioot 1.01 i- IA Name Br/i SPORTIN • " • " ,• „. •,• • religion or ap g Avkiimp 9 • • ir10 Swil not 88 auutra kdir 't ,Att the past An article in last week's edition of . .emettibrauce be The Advance -Times incorrectly should model our atated that East Wasvanoh, , f inag of y terday's Township had paid its recreation eftiJ,1y strive to and fire levies for 1 , when in fact . s tot realiz° ed over Tho figures quoted were for 1987 ..: ; alt This glans- it has not. . . - sttigethet With our and were part of the ownshp- e , izau Whig is equal and, coma'. tv* Einandiel statement presented to '210410...