HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-8-21, Page 1,rser" ys "+i.° FIFTY.FIRST, YEAR No. 2560, EXETER ONT.., THURSDAY 'DXOPiNING, AUGUST 2i.et., 1924 ,ii1, feeljll„iil;►!!1i!!1!I{{{{I{{{I{{{I{{I{I{{II{{I{ {{{{{1111{{{IIII!#f4WIM4{{il11l{141111{{{4i[i1 E 1 0 6 LSCHOOL � LO' 7ER SCHOO L RESULTS FIRs1, rOR1VE a WISMSI 016111. FALL Fall �?Vinter boats Milan a�dies' an. and caftan OMANI O Avemora nawell The, Ladies' and Misses' Fall . and 'Winter Coats are here.' There ,are many; decided changes in materials and styles for the coming. season. The most popular cloths are in Marvella, Camel's :Flair, Cut Plush, Velour, Etc, PRICES ARE 11"IUCI-1 LOWER THIS SEASON. Come, and; look them over. I The following Frst Form sup+ls i have passed is sour. su;oiects" 'l; he usual group is Cara hdi n History, Geo- graphy, Art and Botany,--- = ota;ay -== Beavers, .Marjorie Clark, Frani. Creech.. • [- irgh Creech, Melville Down,., l-arol l 'l. Grc tLlton i b hitith-- Ze �' L • F'sltier l� 1 , Y a t m =' leen L-Ieanaain, Eugene iioa� J ylar,i;n Flow ey, Lulu Hunter, j"oliri hnntz, filar lo"rie 'Medd, Norah Oke. Leonard =-• fiats, 'M;aybelle Shang, 7~dward X'a • macs., Leslie 'F.honisont, Hazel 'feet- = soot, F1,arrise West; The foll"owLgg• have, passed in, three siibjec(ts,=FTelen HLclss, Murray Neil Calvin WiPstlake. The following bav obtained two- ' Vtelma' Caldwell, John Garabrill, Mar- jorie, Hunter, Alice..Willard, The following ort,i: , subject- ins Elardirm, parch' Seat "ares We have an exceptionally large stock of Sweater Yarns for fall in the well-known "Monarch" quality. Wehave-nearly all the new `Shades and weaves. Get your supply early, mamma Mewed Silk Scarfs Silk Scarfs will again be very pop- ular for the coming season. The new ones are here and are beautiful, both as to coloring and the weaves. Black. and White are are among the most popular color • combinations shown. We have dozens to select from. ,SEGOND,UI.Z;M. _ In Second F�orni ithe ,subjects are` - Englist or Latin Grants --au, Plhysio- ....,, grape d Zoology'. i y, Air. Arne -nee _ and "- The.re are a few, .hotvev'er, who iii- clu,de one or more r first l.orm ubjeclS not obtained last year, Six Subjects -Gladys. Wren. Five, . Subjects",=•T-1elen:, Hayter. Row: Subjects--tibe� usual number- Wiii.rid Allen, Marion BpSaett 'tuna Chambers, Lloyd Foote, Gordon Fow- ler' ,Irene 'Frayne, Gladys Fulton, Rob- ert Gambrill, Merl -ham'. Gower, Grace Manson, Ada ',Milte1helll,; Ella \lorlock Vtclet Murray, (Mildred Murphy, John S. Pryde, -MYleta S7.ter, Walter Spen- cer, Harsald_•Whyte, Marie. Wills, liar•- ry 1ia rl\ireest. Subjects -Blared Campbell, Lillian. Ford, Arth Lr Frayne, Stuart Kulin, Iirerne Lamport,. Harold ;Hairy) Snell, Oscar (Tuckeyes ' Twe• .subjects-Gea. •Frayne, Mar gar- et Johns: One subject -Jas. Penrice. Owszil mound nompag aloof vast Woollen Blankets, Com- f forters and A to Rugs E. ... We have the celebrated "Ottawa Valley" brand of woollen 'blankets, Comforters and Auto Rugs. These are absolutely all wool of very fine quality. . _. Clearing Summer Goods iRoevreel simai acaMMIll pots The following Tlskel Forni pup'is have, passed the niunbes, of subjects indicated.. In nearly ;every case this completes the; lower, school "eight sub- Sects,- • Geosge ubSects,- Gmeosge Beavers 1, Mildred Bell. 1, I Peter Case, 'Latiw Gram., Chas. Canvp belt 1, Aurelia Andersons 2, Celia Christie, 1,, Fred Ford 1, Dorothy Fritz == 3 Jame 1-loigartll "'2;. Mary Hornet' 1 Gilbert Jarrott 1, . ilarvey Pollan 1,. Bertha Russell 3, Jean Elder 1, Helen Wtethey 2,Wandat:Yon Wascinslci) 1. voile lea p day ev ening last, defeating Coven 1EMI3EES OF THE LONDON 0 0.. 0. TO VISIT EXETER, TODAY Members of the Loudon Chamber of Commerce will visit Exeter today (Thursday,) on a motor trip,' that will include Mitchell, Listowel, Winghan, Blyth, Clinton and Ex- eten The party have dinner at Listowel and expect to arive here at 5:15, A band. will accompany the visitors and will enliven the proc- eedings. They will be met at the vn of 'rials and vthe toti z ovnf � hallby business men and it is hoped many will beet on hand to give them a hearty reception. • THE FLOWER SHOW The. flower show lielcl by the Ex- eter Horticultural Society last year was the ' event of the season, and this year we are looking forward to something still better. TIhe season has not been the best for flowers, but ilia' weather of late has done Much .to bring forward the ; bloom and' gardens are looking beautiful. The Society has ' arranged a very generous list of cash prizes for this Year. The date for the show is pla- ced for Friday and Saturday, Aug- ust 29th; and 30th, in the Sanders block. PRIVI'TT AND JAriLES ST, 'TIE FOR FIRST PLACE Trivitt - and James ''St. soft ball teams are now tie for first place the second half of the series and a play-off will be necessary to decide the winners. Both teams have four twins and one loss to their credit. On Tuesday night Trivitt won from the Thames Rd. team_ The game to decide the championship will be playedext Monday evening. In a • rther one-sided game James. street defeated Centralia in softball on the local grounds on Friday ev- ening The Centr'llia team was weakened owing to some of the pl- ayers being` inthe harvest field. Tri -vitt Memorial won their .third A pupil who was not passed on the, game in the• second half on Thurs All summer goodsmust '.go -,,at • = 'ince.' To clear -out `-our stock 1wezare offering- many bargains in summer goods." MemoIastik Corsets We have the new Nenno allerub- ber,"'self-reducing Corset in stock. This is the most comfortable corset shown to -day. We will be glad to show it to you. toftell PF -LONE' 32 PHONE 32 11�11�SPIIIIIII111111111,111111111111111111111IIIIIMMIlillinillinini Apple Pie -and Ice Cream - Social and Concert at Hurondale School on Friday evening, August 29th, under the auspices of, the Hurondale W. I. Orchestra.Miss Bolton, elocutionist, Miss Welsh and Miss Park, violin- ists, Admission 25 and 35 cents. Oft ft. !!{ { {{jBe EVERSALE 8 qt. pres. kettles $1.89 10 qt. pres. kettles $,2.30 12 qt. pres. kettles $2:45 14 qt. pres. kettles $2.95 21/2 qt.:- sauce` pans.. ;70c 3 qt. sauce pans 800 9 ,in. pie .plates 30c 10 in. pie plates 35c ALL., BASEBALL GLOVES AND MITTHAMMOCKS '. S OILS AND GREASES THRESHERS SUPPLIES LACE LEATHER BABBITT AND BELTING BINDER TWINE HAY FORK ROPE SLING ROPES II Fs -PULLEYS , 1.00 ..,Tio.onittuti.g:....40.4..phip4t4. Miss Vera Eessery left Wednes- day to visit in Toronto. Mrs: Millar has returned to Ex- eter after visiting in Brantford. Mrs. R. 'G: Ploward and fahnily,.. of Goderich, visited at ,time home of Mr. G. S. Howard this week. The death occurred in Goderich on Monday of Robert McLean, aged 83 years. He was a drover for many years and at one time was Mayor of Goderich. year's c1 -tbe 7 tion of wtt,t ng oh1' the EDepartrrne 1 c,P3Pers, -Tbe,.e; a=�e.re 23� passep •�;;ran)te"a'•b, flue • locz,,T • staff, seven ps).sses were: obtained at the Departrri:eftal Eaamin.tiOnS, maks itis " 242 .tn all. Twelve at -temente' at Departmental xarni-tatnofs were tcnsucaesstul: This sieves over 95 per cent. Messrs A. D. Clapp and A. D. Nix are in. Exeter this week' making ar- rangements r-1angenments for commencing oper- ations at the evaporator. Theyex- pect to open up Sept. lst, and Mr. Nix will be in charge.,,,, The prospects this year are fairly good and a num- ber of,,uien and women:•will be re- quired about Sept. Sth. See A.dvt. :DIED IN BLENHETh4 - ,The death oceurt;ed in Blenheim on Tuesday, after an illness 01 only a few days, of Gertrude May And- erson; beloved wife 91; Mr. E. H. Vrooman, aged 38 years and nine months, The deceased had been ail- ing for only a few days, pneumonia and pleurisy being the cause of her death. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson of town. Her mother was with her at the time of her death, having gone to Blenheim last week On a holiday. The deceased was born in l3aeter, her early life having, been spent here. Besides her bereaved husband two sons are left behind • to mourn her loss, and in addition to her: par- ents, one sister and two brothers survive. Mrs. Baker and Oscar, of Sarnia, and Ed. of 'Etiete\e. The re- mains will be brought to Exeter and the funeral will be held Friday aft - Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Iloward, Miss ernoon from the home of her par- Evelyn and. Mesdaeles . Haugh and ents. McDonald,- of Brucefield, are this, week attending a funeral: at Fair Tabgrave, Mich. i T5 LATE dAME5 COLTANGWOOD The Misses Loreen and Gertrude Martin,. of Tuckersmith, who have Word was received in Exeter on n been spending a week' withw Miss Monday of the death of James Col- Anna ol Anna Belt, of Exeter, are visiting lingwood, of Hamilton, wlao passed II this week with relatives near Far -,away in that city as the result of a sun stroke andli;eh fever. HIS age quhar. V-KEERAN,s FIGNJC .'1 SUCCESS 'The Veterans' Picnic held at Bay- field on Wednesday of last week, was a success. Many of the veterans and their friends were present. It was voted to male the occasion au annual affair.. Sports and races )were held and resulted as follows:. Ladies 11aseball.Gtwre Miss Helen Ladd p, Miss Cree Cook c, Miss 51. Walton ib, " Miss Blair 2h, Miss Greeks sb; Miss Fra- ser ss, Miss Beaton rf, Mrs. Butler If, Miss Cook cf. Runs, 14. Miss Draper c, Miss Merner p, i'1liss King ib, Miss Dewett 2b, Mrs. Sheritt 3b, Bliss Davidson es, Mrs. McEwan rf, Miss , Shaw cf, kliss Mc- Leod 11. Runs, 11. Men's Baseball Gang Q. Mutch, F. ,hutch, Roy Cook; F. Carter, J. Sterling, E. Dodds, L. Pearson, D. - Walton, T. Morgan, Capt. Runs, 16. M. .KiltY, W. Mitch, M. McDougal C. McEwan, A, Jackson, K. Robes- ton;•" -W. Heard, C. Westcott, A. But- ler, Capt. Runs 6. Sports • Barrell Boxing—A. Butler. Putting the Shot -Harold Broi- 1 don, Beverly Nash. Officers Race—Major O'Neil, 11Ia for Sloan, Lt. Morgan. .N. C. O.,s Race—Corpl. Davis, Corpl. Fowler. Other Ranks Race—Mr P. Gliddon. Ladies' Race—Miss Haycock, Miss Stone, Miss Rorke, Boy's Rice -V. Elliott, W. Dodds G. Whitesieles. Girls' Race—Dorothy Steep, Miss Grace •Seeley, E. Steep. Mr. and Mrs. P. Collier, of Buf- falo, N. Y. are the guests of Mr.. and Mrs. W. Rivers. Hoskin LOCALS 111r. and Mrs, 'Wilber Cudhnore and family, of Alberta, are visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Fraser. Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Knapp, of Kamloops, 13; C., who have been vis- iting the later's sisters, Mrs, J. N. Howard and Mrs. C. Wilson, left for their home on Tuesday . The wheat crop is harvested for another seasonand threshing has started. The oats are being cut but the . work is slower than usual as much of the, , ue, cLol is down and cuff- ing is mostly one way. The harvest this year is a couple of weeks late. John Cooper, aged Si years, died soddenly at his home in St. Marys on Saturday evening last. liehad not been Well for several Months but was around as usual on the clay of his death, passing away about 7p.m. He is survived by two sons. Mr. ; Geo. Griffith motored tip from Toronto and ,was accompanied home by Mrs. Griffith and three children, who have • been visiting here. Mr. Jas. -Handford, Miss .Annie Handford and Miss Dorothy Foster also left for Toronto and will take in the. Exhibition. Mrs. Nelson 13. Vickers, of Dunz- heller,' Alta., passed away recently at Calgary hospital. She was horn in Hay Township, being rtaaighter of Mr. Christian Hey, of the Babylon Line. In 1910 She was married to her bereaved husband, who with two small sons and one daughter survive Mrs. E. Cornish, ' of Exeter, is a sister., Mr. Jos. Hawkins has been, con - tined to his home for several dais, the result of a runaway. .He. was driving a horse when it became fri- ghtened of an automobile, and jump- ed toward the diteli. Mr, Prawlains was thrown out and was dragged for some distance, _'being consider- ably bruised about the legs and body. His triends hope to see hint' around again soon. SU00ESSFUL-A ETIi4G • INSALL A meeting in the ,interests of soc- ial service Rork was held in the town hall, Hensall, on . T.uesday ev- -ening'. 'Tlaer.e..3s. .as See good attendan.c;e the hall being nearly filled. The ad ' dresses were of a high order and were both instructive and inspiring - Mr. N.- W. Trewartha, M. L. A., in speaking on "Citizenship" spoke of the work and the reforming influe- nces of the Children's Shelter the Juvenile Court and the Prison Farm Miss McPhail, AI. P., spoke of the social aspect of militarism. Rliliatr- ism is the chief cause of the social unrest to -day. Ninety-seven p. c. of the debt of the nations of the world is caused by war, past, present and future. Rev. F. E. Clysdale spoke of the present temperance: 'situation and stated that there was not the evidence of drunkenness in the land to -day that there was 20 years ago. Mrs. Edwards, of Eomolra, spoke very briefly as the hour was late. The chairman 'of the evening was Mr. W. G. Medd, and he filled the position in a very capable manner. ' T Let CUs : Help" o See IN ORDER TO DO SO WE I-IAVj A TEST ROOM EQUIPPED WITH THE 1VIOST MODERN OPT;t OAL INSTRUMENTS AND `lI113 KNEW- LEDGE OF HOW TO USE TI31li l,, BAGIK,Eli 13P WITH 28 YEARS OP EXPERIENCE AT SIGFIT TESTINC13, AND SPECTACLE Fin -TING. VvE C.IN 1U'LP.YOU Sri.TISFt1CTION GUARANTEED S. Fitton,.-- Registered it ton.,.Registered Optometrist. NOTICE TO PAINTERS. Tenders for the. painting of the ex- terior woodwork' of the Exeter Town Hall; and also interior of main 'en- trance, stairway and small halls, will be received by the, undersi,gaed up tilt noon of Monday, _August 25th, 1924. Specifications may beseen at the office of the clerk. By Order. JOS. SENIOR, Clerk • DENSALL WINS FROM. EXETER An interesting gauze of Baseball was played on the School diamond here on Monday evening between. the Hensall team and the local 'nine A good brand o, ball was put up by both sides,and although the game only went 4 innings, darkness inter- vening, n servening, is was well worth watching The score resulted in a 2-3 ti,'in for the visitors. Lawson pitched' fors `thee. local nine and Munn 'assumed,' the hurling duties for the 'visitors. ASE: HYDRO EN T +1NSFON Good progress is swing made with the petition requesting extension 01 Hydro to the village of Bayfield. It is .estimated that about 75 per cent of the cottagers and aermanent cit- izens have signed 'theppeal, which is to he .presented to the hydro Com - ?scission at once. The power will be brought from Clinton, about twelve gm�,�iil,1es d^ii�sten .. �T L `y�y3� y{ [ y 94'13iJ.L-IT O{4�1Y REST »') `�T OF ST. 11tAISYS 15 DEAD A lifelong resident of SI..: Marys and surrounding district p t, ,;ed a- way Friday evening in the person. of Mary Hyde, wife of T. _B ': 111e Giveron,' after in illness of some six months'. duration. The dtc rem d! woman was born in Anderson` 68 years ago, where she lived foe- 50 years, the rest of her life being Spent in St. Marys, -.,,.�'6laa �.c� _.�.4'.�ily..r�:.,...:u��✓i'-� .,.i.,._..,v��'v_�'�- _�� �.�'. �.. -, ..<...< Phone --- - Delivery ('" and Paint Store heron, Miss Marjorie Laird, Roch- of Toronto, were'the guests of Mrs. Wm. Essery on Friday of last week. During the softball game 'Thurs- day evening between Trivitt IVIemor- Lutman was injured in the shoulder with Mr. Iledgert and he has sinCe carried his aril" in. a sling. VROOMAN—In Blenheim, on Aug- ust, 19, Gertrude MaY Anderson, beloved wife of E. Vroomari, aged 38 .years and 9 months. was 45 years end 9 months. r e deceased was an Exeter old boY, be- ing the son of Air. and Mee. Wm. Collingwood. For ,the past 20 years he has been living in Hamilton and. at the 'time he wag taken ill, he was working for the International' Har- vester Co. Betore going to Hamilton he spent several years in Brantford. _ 'We are now prepared to do a411 I -Ie is survived by his berea-vecil • kinds of repaire on broken framed, widoW, whose' maiden 'lance wIes r. Miss Ann tlorney, and three child- I I to London or elsewhere. ren, Mre. 'Walter Stone, Mervyn JaS. and 'AldeWin, all, of 'Hamilton. Be - two Sisters also sUrvive, Themae Collingwood of Exeter John, of Port Huron and Erneste of Owen Sound, Mrs. Chris. Wein, of Crediton and - 3, vice :� eery VINEGARS ,PER GAL . 50 MALT' VINEGAR BOTTLE 80 SHREDDED WHEAT 2 PKGES .. ..... ...... 25 CORN FL AIS -ES PICG 10 1=AII O WANBAKEDPER CAKE5 HEINZ BAKED BEANS 2 TINS ?;z VALENCIA O). ANG•ES • DOZE irr CHOICE LEMONS DOZEN 3 0, .�5a1:sh,s Grape ,Juice, 2 bottles, 25c. rBINTIIEPU LICETEI REPAIRS JUNKET' TABLETS ING P• 15 CIHCKEN RAMIE'S ., 2S. CHARM, a c ieanser 2 PIKS' 25 WATER GLASS CAN - 20 • 'i t�j�• • R. memm.�•..m...R.,,:� ..tea.. TORO TABLETS PKG 5' 0 -CEDAR POLISH - SMALL 25 0 -CEDAR POLISI-I LARGE':.,. ....,,:...,... 50 EAGLE BRAND MILK CAN 25 1 mrs. Kirk, Of town. The rensainS are ,being brought to Exet#, the funeral will be held on Vriday afternoon from the sentience of 'his Augnsit 1801, JameekCollingsvoods prieentS, interment in the Exeter aged 45 years .and 9 Months: cemetery. HEAVY SHELL FRAMES TO YOUR .OWN LENSES, WIT.144.1' SPECTACLES, LARUE LENSES, Dr John Ward MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. PHONE 70 iemaantsessanomata CHEESE White,—Kraft and Cream You are .sure' to get the very kind you nO Was- te time and. sanitary ser- vice. i PICKLING We are Veady tor 'your spice eiders and ethere in- gredients for pickling. A. complete' stock. of nov -whole and gound spices, ssesee