HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-03-01, Page 6Pase 6A The Winsbam Mimeos. lime, Mar.1,1988 MRS, HAZEL GRIFFITH 3353249 My apologies to Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Musgrove for printing their news in error last week. It was they who visited Clarence Ott in Heim- stra Nursing Home, Listowel, rather than Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Higgins, Mrs. Allan Griffith accompanied Mrs. Isabelle Scott to Toronto last Monday to meet her son, David, who arrived home from university in Ottawa for this week's spring break. A number of women attended the UCW meeting held m the Howick Mutual social rooms last Tuesday evening when Mrs. Eleanor Bridge of Palmerston, representative for Visual Image Planning, was a very interesting guest speaker. Wroxeter United Church parlor is taking on a new look with paint and paneling and other renovations, thanks to the support of members in their work bees. Mrs. Ron McMichael, Karen, Judith and Rhonda and Becky Elgie travelled to Buffalo on Saturday where they attended the fourth annual Heritage Hoedown which was presented by Western New York Old-Tyme Fiddlers' Association. The McMichael Sisters were guest stepdancers and performed before a large crowd, accompanied by the Woods Family of Fergus, Graham and Elea nor Towns end of Willowdale and Ivan and Vivian Hicks of New Brunswick Speaker on visual image attends Wroxeter meeting WROXETER—Mrs. Eleanor Bridge of Palmerston was the guest speaker when members and guests of the United Church Women gathered at the Howick Mutual Insurance social rooms for an en- joyable evening. Mrs. Bridge, of the Visual Image Planning consulting firm, gave a wonderful demon- stration on how to combine the way a woman presents herself to the public and how she feels about her inner self. "We cannot separate them and NOTICE The Cduncil of Turnberry Township is planning to purchase additional new streetlights and poles for residential areas that require them. These lights are paid for over a ten yearperiod by the residents of the area in which they are installed, by adding an annual cost to the tax bill. If you wish to apply for a new light and/or pole, do so by writing to the Municipal Office before March 8th, 1988, stating the desired location of the light and whether or not a pole is required also, or if there is already a pole there. Dorothy Kelly, AMCT Clerk Treasurer Township of Turnberry Bluevale, Ontario NOG 1G0 1 Are you confused over the talk of changes to the tax laws? Our carefully trained tax preparers can answer your questions. They are always up-to-date on all the tax credits, deduc- tions and exemptions that apply to people in the agricultural industry. At H&R Block we'll take the necessary time to do the job right because we want you to pay the lowest legitimate tax or get you the biggest refund you have coming. Come to H&R Block. We could save you money this year. Emimmuommisirimummems THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS Hours: Mon. - Fri. 10 am. - to 6 p.m.; Sat. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 317 Josephine St., Wingham 357-3006 we must use our assets to overcome our disadvantages," she said. "It is the whole self that must be used." The speaker added, "If you don't feel good about yourself and have faith in your ability, it shows in the image you present to the world." She also said that colors and ac- cessories play important roles in achieving the best overall image and demonstrated the use of scarves, jewellery and makeup to complete the picture. Mrs. Bridge was introduced by Mrs. Phyllis McMichael and Mts. Marilyn Elgie thanked her for her cheerful and inspiring message. Mrs. Eileen Hamilton opened the meeting with a poem entitled "Sometime". Mrs. Joy Wylie read the minutes of the last meeting and treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Sandra Edgar. Roll call, "what perks you up", proved interesting, with many good ideas and thoughts. The members were reminded of the March 17 noon luncheon at the community hall. Canvass volunteers were requested for the Red Cross and the Kidney Foundation. Thank - you notes and program notes were read by Mrs. Wylie and a poem, "Take Time", read by Mrs. Hamilton, completed the business portion of the meeting. Mrs. Elgie led devotions and the singing of two hymns prepared the ladies for the worship theme, "Vital Signs of a Healthy Church". Six ladies and Marilyn presented a skit, each using a poster and scripture verses for her part. Mrs. Cindy Hutchinson represented the presence of unity and harmony; Miss Becky Elgie the absence of favoritism, status and prejudice; Mrs. Leone Kaster an emphasis on individual dignity and mutual variety; Mrs. Tracy deBoer a de - emphasis on independence and self efficiency and Mrs. Carol Pyke the support of others. Mrs. McMichael used the sign, exaltation of Christ as Head and Supreme Authority of the Church. Each lady was given an orange to examine for a special mark. They were placed in a pile and each had to find her own, showing that all things have their own special marks. They peeled the oranges and exchanged segments, noting that each had its own shape and identity, just like humans. This also applies to the Church whtch is one body but made up of many segments. The United Church Women are grateful to the Howick Mutual ilizanee Company tor hosting the group during church renovations. Lunch was served by Mrs. Wylie, Mrs. Ethelene Smith and Mrs. Mildred Coupland and a social time completed the evening. The reason why iFehave two ears and only on g mouth is that we may listen the more and talk the less. Zeno of Citiurn (300 BC) OLYMPIC HOCKEY — Michael Rammeloo takes part in Sacred Heart School's version of Olympic Hockey with this shot on net_ The action took place Friday during the Wingham school's Winter Olym- pics as students competed in a number of "Olympic" events. Howick representatives attend Toronto convention HOWICK—"Reflections, Visions and Goals" was the theme of the 1 Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies convention, held at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Feb. 16, 17 and 18. More than 1,600 delegates, including 120 fair queens, attended. Those attending from the Howick Agricultural Society were Mr. and Mrs. Ron Douglas, president and homecraft president of the Howick Society; Mrs. Marion Feldskov, secretary -treasurer and her husband, Holger; Miss Erika Hooftmann, Howick Fair Queen; Mrs. Alieda Murray, OAAS junior convener and her husband, Lyle; Mrs. 'Glenn F. Johnston; Mrs, Jean Clarkson; Mrs. Leone Foerter; Mrs. Irene Judge, Paul and Yvonne. . Mrs. Murray presented the junior program on Thursday morning. A panel of young people included Paul Judge of RR 1, Clifford, who en- tertained the delegates with two step -dancing numbers. Matthew Godbolt, Exeter, sang a solo, "I Am A Promise", and David McKay of Mitchell spoke of his first ad- ventures as a pig farmer and the 4-H club. Rhonda Diebel, Ayton, cap- tivated the audience with her speech on alcohol and drug awareness. Miss CNE, Heidi Robinson, completed the junior panel with an outline of her duties as Miss CNE. Mrs. Dolores Shapton of Exeter was presented with a past president's pin at the luncheon on Thursday. Dolores, who has served as homecraft president of OAAS, is well known by all fair members in the district, having served as homecraft representative for District 8, as well as judging at many local fairs. MRS. GEORGE BROWN 335,3424 Mr. and Mrs. Alex Graham and Mr. and Mrs. Bil Graham of Teeswater attended a bridal shower in honor of Naida Graham at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Richard Melton in Guthrie on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Manke of Listowel visited Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Faust. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Johnston and 1% -,,.1-. a," n • VA A iJ 1.0 CIA AG 11ALAS VI Harriston recently returned after holidaying in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Grainger spent holidays at Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Mrs. Wayne Stevens of Mississauga spent the weekend at the Grainer home and visited Mrs Helen Stephens in Wingham and District Hospital. James Reid 'of Teeswater visited Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Mundell. The people of Gorrie have lost a well- known friend in the person of Mrs. William A. "Scotty" Smith who died in Victoria Hospital, London, on Monday. Sympathy is extended to her family. K. Freqhuirger win high prizes McCormick Kay McCormick and Carl Frei burger were the winners of high prizes when the Sacred Heart card party was held in the parish hall on Feb. 23. Seven tables were in play. Margaret King won the door prize and low prizes were won by Irlma Edgar and John King. Conveners were Jean McDonald and Nancy McKeon. , •. 1