HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-03-01, Page 1„.1 .:••cct: 1 • 04.940.247436141,44ii....414144441, • FIRST SE. TIO$ The Town of •Wingham and its business community needs to be as aggressive as possible in the area of economic development, Huron MPP and Agriculture and Food Mnister Jerk Riddell- told members of the Wingham Business Association Thursday. Mr. Riddell was at the Wingham Golf and Curling Club to address the regular February meeting of the assotiation. While there are some activities currently being undertaken to at- tract industry and new business to this area, Mr. Ridtle11 said he feels there is a need for even- more ac- tivity in selling the town as a home for new businesses and tourist operations. "For. eXample, I know Wingham councithas a committee responsible for economic development and ikhas undertaken some. initiatives," he said. ollowever,,; I think there is *in .• ker., a mori-aggressiv,e ap- friladh 0y:this particular body." Some towns and villages not Bruch Aarger - than Wingham haire tired fult-tinte,'-' -economic development •-• officers, while -other municipalities • have very active and high profik., economic development committees • ' or commissions which are con- stantly looking for new business and searching for ways to 1p existing te .enterprises expand. Still others, spend considerably o advertising the merits of their area to potential'. new 'business. "Now, I am not saying that Wingham should necessarily acitipt any of these specific ideas, but I do think the town and its business, community should seriously look at ways of stepping up efforts to attract new businesses." _ He suggested a county or regional approach to -economic development as a possible plan of attack and pointed out that -a committee of (Continued on Page 2A) 4.-- 4, • .. • Aft,. HONOR RETIREE — Mrs. Janet Clark, chairman of the Wingham and District Hospital's board of governors' public relations corrimit- tee, honored retiring hospital employee Florence Ohm with a certifi- cate at the board's' February meeting. Mrs. Ohm had worked as a dietary aide at the hospital for 20 years. Board defines hospital's'. future role and direction The Wingham and District Hospital's board of governors has defined what it sees as the hospital's future direction. A motion from the board's closed January session was brought for- ward to last week's February meeting, stating the hospital's in- tention to proceed with a two-phase project. The first phase, or initial thrust, will be to improve the servicesp the intensive care and coronary care units, as well as the operating rooms and maternity area. The second phase will consist of improvements to the chronic care, rehabilitation and pediatrics departments and any other areas which require updating. A consulting firm recently com- pleted a role study on future direc- tions of the hospital and a maker plan and master program study • , Township reflows insurance policy currently are underway. No move can be made :by the board until the results of the master plan and -program have been completed. In a telephone interview following last week's meeting, Norman Hayes, the 'hospital's executive director, said the results of the master plan 'and program may be mailable by June. osFI s its • East Wawanosh;qUilac.ii paid its reeently-aftheconunimity centre. The township paid $1,033 for 1988 to the Wingham ReOreation Department. The figure includes township registration in recreation denartment programs, as well as a lird grant. Council also granted $1,000 to the Auburn Hall Board. yearly levies to several groups at a special meeting held -Earlier this month, including fire and recreation. In a telephone interview follow ng the meeting, Clerk-Treasuier Winona Thompson said the township paid $10,056 to the WinghamAand Area Fire Board for 1987 fire 'calls and 1'03 operating costs. A total of $2;500 was for fire il while the remainder was Ohe township's eight per cent share of the department's operatiniCex- penses. Mrs. Thompson said councikalso paid its 1988 levy to the Blytifyire Department in the amount of $9000. Still with levies, East Wawtnosh paid $8,283 to the Blyth and District Community Centre Board for 1988. Of that amount, Mrs. Thompson said $3,965 is East ,Wawanosh's share of the new b5ine chiller installed •::7V0 • •••••,3.:0 East Wawanosh Township has renewed its policy with the Ontario Municipal Employees illintrance.".", program, operated through the. • Rural Ontario Municipalities Assoeiation (ROltIA). • Clerk-Treasuret Winona TheMp- son reports the teintthipS 198 pre mium is OM% ovOr. $100 from,last year. • •• • ••••••;•-•.•4',*.i.. • !, .:, • .4,4,54,,,v..',4!!!'ss1,,i7,41i,,. .EL, '1 — ,CIIIY ik)iffrig* a keildenf al the 'Brook- ,. hailen Nursing Horne near- Wlhgham, helped Brownies Karen SchN and ,Leslie.HoWirIes blowout the candles on a birthday cake ,to cele- brateIhlifkil* MY"; ,the birthddys otkord end Lady Baden-Powell, • foundersthe Scout and Girl Guide mo em Ng Directory is delayed by one week sr! Due to the positive response, the large -type area telephone directory scheduled for delivery with this week's edition of The Advance - Times will not be circulated until next Tuesday, March 8. Because of this response more production time is required, but our readers are reminded to watch for the new directory in their copy of this newspaper next week. Whiteout causes pile-up at Bluevale White-out conditions early last Monday morning, Feb. 22, caused a four -vehicle pile-up near Bluevale. According to an Ontario Provincial Police spokesman at Wingham, only one person, John Jamieson, 57, of Listowel required treatment for minor injuries at Wingham and District Hospital. The police say the mishap oc- curred at 1245 a.m. near the in- tellection of Highways 86 and 87. A vehicle driven by William Warren, 40, of Port Elgin was rear-ended by the Jamieson vehicle during a white- out. Mr. Jamieson's vehicle was struck from behind by a vehicle thiven by Donald Datema, 26, of Auburn and Mr. Datetnals vehicle was struck by a transport truck driven by Dale McLean, 38, of Gorrie, say the OPP. Damage , all vehicles is ,being, listed as miner, according to police. Champions . Page 2B Editorials • ... Page 4A Opinions • . Page 5A Letters ▪ . Page 5A Classifieds • . Page 12A