HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1924-8-14, Page 5111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!1111111111!1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 's From Hensalf= lli lllllllill I 111t1111111111IIfi1i1iN1}11111111111tIII11111l1111l1111t111t1111111111l1111If1111111111Di1l111111111111111 ! ON• 'T'uesday, Sept THE 24 Schoolf ® Commerce Clinton, Ontario WILL RE -OPEN AND GIVE YOU ANOTI ER OPPORTUNITY OF STARTING ON THE ROAD TO COMMERCIAL SUCCESS '' WE TEACH /� GREGGSHORTHAND USED IN MORE 'SCHOOLS ON THIS CONTINENT THAN ANY OTHERSYSTEM OF SHORTHAND COURSES Stenographic -- Commercial - Secretarial Special Courses For particulars apply to A. STONE, COM. SPECIALIST, Vice Principal Phone 198 B. F. WARD, I3.A., ' Principal THE SI 1?.IE+R',WILL SOON 13E PASSED AND THE LONG EVEN- INGS WILL SOON BE WITH ITS' AGAIN, WHY NOT INSTALL A! GOOD RADIO OUTFIT AND ENJOY THE BEST MUSIC THAT IS BEING BROADCASTED .ALL OVER ,OUR FAIR DOMINION. THESE CONCERTS COME CHEAPER BY, RADIO THAN CAN. BE SECURED ANY OTHER WAY,' WE ARE DISTRIBUTORS POR THE STROMBER G CARLSON ..)NE OF THE .BEST THAT. MONEY JAN BUY, AS WELL AS SEVERAL. OTHER MAKES. INFORMATION GLADLY GIVEN. The H Shop J Passmore FROUDFOOT,- KI LORAN & HOLIES . • Barristors, &c. Mee on the Square, 2nd door gyrosa Hamilton St., Goderich. Private funds to loan. at lowest rates. 3V. Proudfoot, K.C. J. L; Killoran, D. E. Holmes Mr. Homes will be in Ileneail� every. Friday from 9 until 6. AUCTIONEER OSCAR KLOFP Honor Graduate Carey Jones', Au- stlon School, Special course taken in Registered Live Stock (all Breeds,) pierchandise, Real Estate, Farm Bales, etc. Rates in keeping with prevailing prices. Satisfaction as- sured, write Oscar Klopp, Zurich, or wire. 18-33, Zurich. DR. A. M.OIR, „�,.-1VI: C. C. Physician and Surgeon 'none 70 HENSALL DR. J. W. PECK Graduate of Faculty of Medicine, p[caill: University, Montreal; Member et College of Physicians and Surgeons 1�f Ontario; Licentiate of Medical Council of Canada; Post Graduate Member of Resident Medical' staff of Beneral Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15; pftice, 3 . doors east of Post . Office. Phone 56, Hensall, Ontario. Fertilizer 16 P ' c. Acid Phosphate Fall Wheat $19a00 Per Ton PLACE YOUR ORDER WITH MB AT ONCE AND S19CUR YOUR SUPPLY AT THIS PRICE. A. <J. L it ' T GRAN TON Dr. John W. Bell, of Harrisburg Pa., is visiting at his home here. Miss Greta Laramie is visiting with friends in Sarnia this; week. Mr. Wnz. and J. D. Craig are making some noticable improveme- nts to their home. Mrs. S. Vair, of Toronto, recently visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bonthron. Mrs. Ed. Gould and family from the' West, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs:' P. Munn. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn. Johnston, of Windsor, recently visited with relatives in and around town. Rev. H. Naylor, Mrs. Naylor and Iittle son are- spending, a 'month's holidays with relatives in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. W:, Volland, of God- erich, are the guest -of their father, Mr. Hy. Volla"nd-and 1Vliss Clara this week. - A little girl•, was taught to close her .evening prayer during the ab Bence; of her papa with `Please watch, over my papa." Her papa `returned,!: and her mamma ..blushed w,iien :'the" child added `And you'd better keep'. an eye on mamma, too." HARVESTERS' EXCURSIONS ' VIA. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS , Solid tra,ins,'run through to Winnipeg without '• change. New Convertible (berth) Colonist 'Cars will add to the comfort of the journey and Iunch counter cars ,will be attached to the trazns"s,erving food and refreshments at reasonable prices. Special cars will t be " provided for women. The special . Harvesters' trains of the Canadian,' National Railways from all Ontario' points as ,advertised will make the fastest ' time To Winnipeg opetatfiag i 'via the ;new Langlac cut-off, the shortest route between Eastern, and I Western Canada, Har'e,sters travelling by this ,route,.. will,- as 'a -consequence,, l be first `in the field. The first train i B leaves Toronto one, minute after mad- 1 i night of August 21st, (12.01 am.'Aug- T ust 22nd); ` The fare, is a flat rate' of s S15 to.',:Winnipeg and, half at cent .a mile a, beyond. Returning the fare, ,is half a B cent per mile into Wi tiiipeg and $20 back to starting point.: Full particul>lars re fares, train s•er- a vices,"etc., apply to ;!nearest Camad- i.an National Agent. d Mr. Sheldon Coleman 'returned to Detroit, Mich., this week, Mrs. Bertha Bell recently retua ed from a visit' with friends in Por Huron, Mr. • and Mrs. A. Smith and fam fly spent Sunday wjith friends in Bayfield. Mrs. S. G. Merrier spent the past week in Seaforth, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. I. Hudson. Mrs. E. Boyle.and'Miss Helen spent Sunday with relatives and friends near Eexter. Mrs. F. Marshall, of London, and Miss Ada; of Detroit, visited friends in Hensall on Sunday. Mr. M. Brown, of Toronto, is„ the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Brown this' week. Miss Beryl Ashton, of Gorrie, was the guest, of,,Miss Violet Whiteside a few days this week. Quite a number -from here attend- ed the Veteran's Picnic 'held at Bay- field on Wednesday last.' 'Mr. and Mrs. J. ` Dick, of Oakville, are visiting, with friends and relat- ives in the village this week. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Drysdale' and fancily are on a motor trip to the state of Michigan this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Glenn of Toronto were the recent guests of the for men's grandmother, Mrs. McDougall of town. :THE ETA, TIM CREDITON Mrs. Fred. James and daughter have returned home to London af- ter visiting her mother, Mrs. Louis Wein. Mrs. Dave Gell, of Kitchener, is visiting at her home here, Mrs. Susan James; or Chicago, is visiting her brother, Mr,•. Mathew England. Miss Madeline Haist has returned to Detroit after visiting at her home tHer",lirother'-LloYd. turned with 'lzer, for' a holiday .in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. , Fred Lamb, of London, and two children visited n- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, , England over t the week -end. Miss Martha,Wenzel, of Detroit, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wenzel. Mr. and Mrs Ed. Sweitzer are returning home to London after vis- iting Mrs. Sweitzer's father, Mr. Michael Finkbeiner. Miss May Voelker has.returned. to Pigeon, Mich., accompanied by Mrs. Wm. H. Smith and Master Gerald. Mrs, Geo. Either is camping with relatives at Grand Bend. Mr. Roy'Wolfe is home from Detroit. Mr. H. M. Faist and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eilber spent Iast Thursday at Springbank. Mr. Wm.` Hertzel,' of Detroit, is assisting Mr. Geo.Hirtzel with the harvest. Mr. Alonzo Hodgins returned t his !tome after another trip to Eng- land. Miss Lila Kuhn'has. returned from visiting in Detroit. Mrs. Harrison Holtzman under- went an operation in Hensall on Monday. We hope for a speedy re covert'. Services in the Methodist church next Sunday will be taken by Mr. Harrison, of Parkhill. Everyone is welcome. .'The many friends of Mrs. August Hill regret.tolearn that she is on the 'sick list and hope for a speedy recovery Mrs. Wm. Sweet and daughter, Ruth, of Olds, Alta., who have been visiting friends here for the past two weeks, left on Tuesday for De- troit to' visit Mrs. Sweet's mother, Mrs.' Sims, who;: is seriously ill with blood poisoning. Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Tillman, of London, called on friends in town on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Steacy, of- OrilIia, are the guests of Mr. John Steacy and other relatives in town this week. ,Mr. Wm, Stone, Jr., who has been. sojourning for come time at his. home here, returned to Detroit the later -part of"the week. We are pleased to report that Mrs. H. Arnold, whorecentlyunder- 'went an • operation in the London hospital, is now doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs: Sullins, (nee Ina Hudson,) of Detroit, are the. guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hudson, in town this;week. The rains of the past week have, hindered the farmers somewhat' in harvesting their' crop of fall wheat. We notice, however that some -of the farmers in this vicinity are already 1 rr, and Mrs. J. Dingwall and fans- ily; who have been .visiting relatives iir town for the past week or so, left. for their home in Streetsville on Tuesday., They were accompanied back by Miss Nora rollick. Mr. Andrew Boa preached - two very acceptable sermons in the Me- thodist church on Sunday last. He will have charge of the services net t Sunday also in the absence of Rev. Sinclair, who is holidaying at the Grand Bend. The death took place in Stanley' Tp. on Friday; August 8th, of Rebt, ell McLean, well known to many n this vicinity, in his 75th ' year he funeral was held on Monday at t. Andrew's church, Kippen, from hich" interment was - made `.:in aird's cemetery. The cucumber season is now on nd quantities are being received aily at the, store;` house, of Libby, 1VtcNei('&' Libby 'at the south endof the C. N. R. freight yards here. Within a week or so the cucumbers will be maturing fast'and the row Give ;t g. � Us::,_ � , Ch�.nc� ere will have to htzstl'e to get thein. picked ' before ;they become too big. To show you Samples and Work on th e, quote you Prices on s tlze: new addition to chool is progressing nicely. The oiler from the planing mill has een secured to furnish steam to heat the rooms. Mr. A. Fisher, B. A., of Stanley Tp., has been engaged to teach high school work and another' teacher will be secured ` later on when it, is ascertained when the new addition will be ready for' use. A. public meeting of all interested in social service will ;'he held in ithe town -hall, Iensall, on Tuesday. at 8 o'clock' p. m. Addresses will be given by N. W. Trewartha, Clinton,. Mrs. Edwards, ,Komoka, Pray. Pres. W. I., Rev. F. E. Clysdale, Exeter, and Miss Agnes McPhail, 1\f P. for S. E. Grey. Music given by Miss E. Harvey, Exeter, and by orchestra. Offering taken to defray expenses. A suecessf ' ttl e gardu party was held by the U. F. 0. and U. F. W. O. at the home of Mr. Win Peppereast of Hensall, on Wednesday s a ever ' Y tin '. g Addresses es Vvere given; by Mr.W. F.' Porter,of London, who took for his subject "In times like these. 1VI. Ir. Livingstone, of 13, C.:also addressed those present on "Government Con - TICKETS BILLHEADS ENVELOPES STATEMENTS LETTERHEADS SIIIPPING TAGS VISITING CARDS BOOKLET'S and CIRCULARS OR ANYTHING ELSE IN THE PRINTING LINE. A TRIAL SOLICITED The Hensall Observer rico" tti,froinalt% V • Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules for RHEUMATISM StA�'�1 tl'ol. The different 'iiulberson ,the ... , .., p 'ogram; were interspersed • ,with NEURITIS �� O wollsrend;ered selections '.by aitii,e .�...,, ,..,;,;.,z .� Goulding orchestra, At the ;close of 1!�p programme lunch was served, TEMPLErONS TQRQNTQ' c orprised of sandwiclea, cal, -;e and A. W. C. L*>i53irt1•ILL coffee, Mr. W. D, Saunders, of Ex - ver aI i,:: y y sly conducted the pz ogz axe,. in a { kiDNSALI ONTARIO the.capacity of chairman. 0 CENTRALIA After an illness of many, ruonths duration, the death. ': of Mrs Clara Anderson, 'one of,_.Centralia' most highly esteemed and, much re spgcted' citizens 'occurre4 at the home of her daughter, .Mrs. Wm. Spencer, 68 Elysian st,; St., Thomas, on Thursday of last week. Mrs.' And erson was one of the pioneers o this community, comingfrom near Taunton, England, with her -parents when 12 years of age, and she, has resided in Centralia from that time on with the exception of theawinter months of the last few yeare, -which she has spent with her daughter ..in St. Thomas. Mrs. Anderson was the last of a family of 12 and had lived to the age of 83 years. The deceased had been twice married, her first husband being Mr.- Henry Bicknell. From that union two daughters, and two sons survive, namely Mrs. Geo. Lyddon, Clearfield, Iowa; Mrs. Has- kel Avitt, .Creston, Iowa; Mr.• Thos. Bicknell, Sutherland, Sask; Mr. Geo. Bicknell, Regina, Sask. Her second husband was the late Joseph, And- erson, who pre -deceased her twenty five years ago. From this union two daughters and one son ,:survive, namely' Mrs. W. H. Mills, Centralia, Mrs. Wm. Spencer, St. Thomas, and Frank. Anderson, of San Fransisco,. Cal•. The funeral' service was con ducted from the home of her daugh- ter in St:''Thonzas on )i'riday evening by the Rev. Percival Caven „During ,by 'service Mrs. H. 'Pearce sang, "Beautiftjl. Isle of Somewhere." The remains -were brought to Exeter on Saturday morning for, interment'' in the Exeter cemetery. Services were conducted at the grave by, the Rev. W. E. Kitley, of Centralia.. • Those who attended thefuneral fr ons a distance were Mrs. A. Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Spencer, Misses Jean and Jewel Spencer, all of St. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. John Spencer of London, Mr. Shirley Dobler, of Guelph, Mr. Rex Mills, St. George. DASHWOOD Pr. H. H. Cowen, L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At McCormick's Block, Zurich, every Thursday and Saturday. l AIN 3:OIWICvI ., Hartleib's Block - Dashwood, Ont. Mrs. Wm•"Nadiger and daughter, Zeta` spent a few days in London last `week._ Mr. Ira Tieman of Chesloy is sp- ending his vacation with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Earl Neeb, of Pon- tiac visited the former's mother last week. Miss Tillie Miller, of Toronto, is visiting with her mother' at present. The Misses Gertie and Louise White, and Mr. Weller, of Gorrie, spent the week -end with 1Vliss Verda Fassold. Miss Minnie Rinker, of Thedford, is this week visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Elsie. Mr. Wm. 1rorenz, of'Detroit, is spending a few days in town with" his parents, Mrs. Abel, of Royal Oak, Mich, is visiting her sister",-' Mrs. Otto Resta- meyer. Mr. and Mrs. Parisian and family returned to their hone in Royal Oak, Mich, on Tuesday, after spend- ing their vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Held. SUNSHINE iVlr. and Mrs. Jas. Knox, ' of St. 1VIaz•ys,; spent Sunday visiting friends in the vicinity. Mr's. D. MVlcDougah and Jean, of Kingston, visited with friends in the vicinity last week. Miss Agnes Creery is spending a few days with friends in Seaforth. Miss Doris Hodgins of Saintsbury is spending a few days.' with her cou- sin, Greta Fletcher., Miss Hazel Gunning of Blanshard spent a few days Iast week with her aunt, h rs. Albert Scott. Mrs. W. Bayley, of London, is spending a few days the guest of her mother, Mrs. Heywood. Mrs. Ray Fletcher spent the week- end with her aunt, Mrs. S. Miller, of Cromarty. ` G.REENWAY Miss N. Hodson visited with Miss Divina Mason last week. The ice-cream social' held by the Mission Band last Thursday "was; a. • splendid success. • Refreshments we - s re served in the basement and an excellent program of vocal and inst-. runiental music, and recitations was' given by home talent, assisted by. Miss Breen. A debate added variety -a to the program and all present en - f" •joyed the social part as well. The ' proceeds amounted to $40.00 Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Eagleson and Mrs. Mason spent Sunday in London with Mrs. Toll. The family of Mr. Thos. Bullock gathered at his home on Sunday to celebrate his 70th birthday.” Miss Olive Brown spent a few days in Windsor visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ulens. 1Vfrs. John Foster has been suffer- haingnd. from blood poisoning in her Rev. Grant will conduct the ser- vices in the Methodist church the next two Sundays. He and Rev. Mr. Maines are exchanging pulpits dur- ing the holiday season, ZION Miss Alma. Hern, who- has been visiting in London for a few days has arrived home. Miss Heystead, of London, spent a few days with Mr. John T. Hern. -Messrs. I-Iarold Ross and Maurice Hero visited with their aunt, Mrs. Chas. .Ker lake of Exeter s eter over Sun- day. Miss Reta Lingard, of St. Marys, is Visiting with her gr a, i naz olts Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lingard, Mr. and Mrs. David Stephens and family, of St. Marys, visited with his mother, Mrs. J. Stephens, over Sun - 'Rev. Dreier, of Crediton Evange ical church, will preach at Zion next Sunday morning, Rev. Mr, ,LiVing- stone going to Crediton. A meeting of all those interested in temperance will be held in the township hall, 1,limville, on Friday evening to -organize for the coining campaign, STEPHEN COUNCIL The Council of the I'ownsh.i,p 'of Stephen convened in the Town Hall Crediton, on Monday, 'Aug. 4, at 1 p.m, All present. Minutes of prey -- ions nr•eeting read and adopted. The following orders were passed :—Cent ralia Farmers' Co-operative Co., ce- ment, $43.90; C. N. R., freight and' exp., $2.69; Sawyier-Masse3s. Co:., tile. mold $57,75;. -.Municipal World, , sup- plies, 52,.10; London Rollin: IVlils. iron for IKtuhn's culvert, $44.99;• .Rich, Davey, gravel, $81.95; R, Davey, Rd, coma,, $4.25; Jos. White, con. Rd. 2 Alvin Baker, contract, $.40;50; Thos. Chambers, Com., $4.50; Mrs. R. Can- n,ung, burial expenses, $15; T. Cham be,rs grading, $13,50; R. Hill, gravel $10.15 ; R. Davey, burying body, 31.50; 'J. `, Ianhofer and others, rep. culvert,. $15; :Math. Sweitzier, grading, $49,35. The Council adjourned to meet a,ga„in in they Town. Hall, Crediton, on Tues- day, Sept, 2, at 1 pini. . Henry Eilber, Clerk. ZURICH The .residential property inn; Zurich being `the estate of 'the late Andrew Smith, has ' s. been sold, togetherwith the lot, to Mr.' Gideon ILo;elzler. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd O'Brien, Mr. Lee 0.B,riic.n and Miss Olive O'Brien Were week -end visitors with relatives mn Detroit iVErs Peter Koehler has u•eturnad af- ter spending the, week at Port. I-luron. .Ali• and Mrs. Achim Perst of Plats - vine tt c, 7 t tet, enf' visitors at (lit home i.(11r. and (Mrs. r WL 'Siebert.. Ret a rc' \lr i, Ll;oyd I.� i1UIless .'h of Brantford are spending ' their vacation with their .pat c,nts in the • village. vfr, anal ,iV'tis. SWeitzer and Mr.. I. F,. Aloritz are visitnig friends at Guelph and Mitcia�e:iuer, p lEr '? ttp;i I-,itt of Toronto is spend- aria 'ma vacat,'out, welt .h?s fam,i,ly nt !he f+:van,,clacral .parsonage, Mr, Wer o`inrith 'of Ca.l+°lotus, and \fr. Ezra Smith di Detroit "were ✓ur_ ic:h 'visitors .ii,ev and <Afrs. 0, Lauder anfl Rev. and Mrs. 'Troyer .off the State `o.f. In- diana were Sunday t'is.i,toi's at the bore. o.f Rev, and Mrs. C. Schrag. SDA iP 'AUG 'ST! SI Or SRN OtIA ,L0,,Dori. CANADA Thenew buildings of the College of Arts will be ready for the Fall The University'',rncdw enjoys lloys excellent equipment ment for r � � all three Faculties—Arts •.,� Medicine, arid Public 'Health. Requirements for admission to d LS �degree CO rses . Junior atrrculation or Honour ' Matriculation. Registration Day, Sept. 22, 1924. For information Wri' • K. P. R. Neville, Ph.D., Registrar Towerand Assembly Hall University .of Western Ontario London, Canada or Arrange beforehand laerore telephoning dis- tant friends, sone sub - Sabers write them the day, and hour at which they .will call the -"J will call you at 9.00 Wiz, by Long Distance?' The person to be called led is 7�e the preparedpreparedto most of a few !!Batu es conversation. On Station - to Station LongDistance aYlce . earl% low evening rates apply from 8.30 to midnight: Frain midnight to 430 aro.the rate is ol3iy aboutQ�,,one-quarter the dao rate, with a min- imum charge a25 tents. AG NETIC Europe is at- tracting tourists from the whole world, in record breaking vol- ume this year; To be able to go when you had plagued—at the time Lest suited to your convenience ---is half the pleasure of the trip, Make your travelling, arrangements now, the comfort way—the able w Y th e Canadian Pacific way, and be assured of a voyage of supreme pleasure. Either Empress or Mono. class Cabin Service. For full particulars ,ask Local Agents