HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-02-16, Page 20• a.„ "•' . . • bL I 11;gi.p ;?•• •1•1 4 Ok• 46, ;rtirrit ok, 4' •?,71 .4; Ltr 44 1 Ar ' At -Sacred ,.. t class ls_takthit ., with Mr. cervrenotek?.-,* of the ce Forge- • - "4!;f4 ear Impressions azjd peeve.% Wehay. be* talking about wbat a value is, We have come up * psrassaifierantisa. --We've alto beef talking decision making, cr*ating im- li:4;77,21C1;e:7747, ,;;;* pressions, peer pressure„and What it means to" be toutliftil. We have dincussed authority and authority figures. Mr. creeden brought films • for us to watchand some of us have rria ,rr • mitancl-BleVV: the bigirprohleins, Peter Albers; It helps us in dectsioit.whether we abonkt somethingor not, Think yoio, Mrs. ,Laing and Creeden for:teaching= about VIP, Seniors' Day Centre •.ByPain Wftharns Many thanks to our volunteers who braved the heavy snowfall for the Day Centre's volunteer ap- preciation social- evening lastirhurs- day. Without the support of our many volunteers, the Day Centre for the Homebound programs couldn't continue. We sure appreciate all their help!. Volunteer board members, Marie deVos and Keith and Mary McLaughlin and attended a Retirement Planning workshop from Feb. 8 to 11 in Lendon. The main aim of the training seasion, spo$ored by the provincia' I govern- ment, was to develop an under- standing of- the importance and benefits of planning for retirement. Perhaps a retirement planning session in the community wanld be use.ful. As Dr. Michael Gordon wrote in Its bock, "An Ounee of Prevention": "The average Canadian retires with over 20 per cent of his or her life yet to be lived and is often at the height of intellectual and emotional maturity. Mid yet, for many, moving into this latest stage of life is it fraught with anxieties and nagging fears about what is going to hap- pen. ,, To point us in the right ohrection, Joey Smallwood, toeing. premier of Newfoundland, once said, "It's not where you are, it's where you're headed that matters." The Day Centre programs con• - dime this week with an Olympic theme to help commemorate the Winter Olympic Games currently underway in Calgary. Special "adapted" Olympic • events will be The next foot clink, sponsOredby Community Nursing Services, will be .on Wednesday, Feb, 24. Please' call 357-1445 foran appointment. remiMder to all members of -our board of directors that °tn. regular monthly board meeting has been postponed imtil Feb. 29, A thought for this nieeleisfrom the Ontario government booklet, "Options — A Handbook of Retirement Information": "If you don't think about the future, you cannot have one." John K. Galbraith. • ler 4 • 4,44.4.„.„„„.4,:„..„,, . • ••44.:*:i••:iir..:„M:1% 4. ••• • • • •, • c014,6060 VIM 0E0)01 of the Wiridhan)„P. -eltindetOknoltre-,Valpe-a, impressions and Peers . Sehp01 In-Wingfiarn. Her r„ Creeden hands out piob e ':' • - ' • ' . '014 #t SO:Orescl. -Wen.; s'Yo and- *mei tOlt , . , • ,;„ • : .$:•ToKV • • • „ The Women's Missionary Society of It. -Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wingham, held its-nionthly meeting in the ITO* Room earlier this month. - - ca The Meethig opened with a prayer row s lloids by the president, mrs. - John 9 s , ..,.. • Donaldson and by repeating :th• e Piapose. – ' Mrs. Roy McKay read The congregation of St Andrew' Presbyterian Church, Wingham held its annual meeting following the morning worship iervice on Feb. 7. eettng s Kenneth McKague and Gordon , Sutcliffe were re -appointed. Reports of the various organizationS of St Andrew's were received and; an operating budget e for 19 was accepted by the congregation. Douglas Conley, chairman of the board Of managers, Presented a n table of Disabled, Hess Facility Operations_fiediseUssion and a committee sill be chosen to study the mattorturther. • During1910, the 125th anniversary • year, there were many happy oc- CaSiOrn of worship, fellowship and rich blessings. A church history was C published and a photo directory compiled. A light luncheon was served after which Rev. John Vaudry read th scripture lesson, followed by a prayer. John Mann was electeci chairma and presided over the remainder of the meeting. Mrs._Ken Leitch was acting secretary. New members serving a three-year term on the board of managers are: Edna Carr, Mrs. Daniel Webster, Bryan Allen, Scott Pettigrew and WilliamStapleton. Stapleton. Trustees Gerald Ciuickshank, the scriptaire, taken from the Boot of Markand Mrs. 03=16On-save the meditation On "The -First Miracle". The Waling was received by Mrs. L. Shiclihma and Mrs. JJ)/felCague and dedicatedhylitriaDtiofidson. The *nimbi' st'ii1010r:tlie Year is on Russia and was given by Mrs. Donaldson. The business was condudted by the president. The Secretary, Ars. McKay, read .the minutes- the last meeting, call and: correspondent*: • The treasurer,: Sim: 11. iiattoin, gave her report .' Afrs, J. Conn presided it the piano, for. the meeting. Lunch was served by Mrs. T. urrie and Mrs. McKague. Mrs: tioAtilOsill'elloa€4 tkt 't!1"teuhiwith a ra Dotiakr Is the cif Happy Gang Denaktotwas theguagwheu the niar, citizensit Happy Gang of gham met' Feb. 12 at the ittnettliea. He spolti mut the tpancse language. and showed Three Ms rou about moder ankmg The fundamentals of modern banking 1* 006144W filtnillieni of the s'ms group at St. At(dtiors Presbyterian 'Chards' hi' brant Crie, manager of * Wingham branch of therin*Ofdeinniereei, rizes aleri* Sinti 4 .,41t411 children ahoiddlit* account when - responsible age; Hea unable to manage to appoint someam "How Gret' title of the Cathelikkli :40finOiniedbyeora Robertson. The devotions wer0 *kelt* Aft antstri. ait- *ikons Ski read the Se , scripture and led in prayer,.while eth the A "Beatitudpq" *. Pisvl 8 ." Jo suaditinee ,- with two - ' . ,4 . 4 *Iiiiiiti Great *liberal). ', andi i Itteie? t".- ., •-•- - , ..,.....: • • • . •44..a4.4. ,,••••:•••44.,: VIP PROGRAM G nide 6-studnts at Sacred Heart School in Vefliharn' Currently are taldng the Vlues, Impressions and Peers Force and...teaChei Nancy Laing. Mr. Creeden is shown with stu- dehts Vrif L Jim She�pproducers mottiting The: Ontario' Slteep Marketing AgenevOstriet 3 and the Huron MeatShe Iniprovement Club firg, tolpeciat infOrmation " 'Thursday, Feb. no atthe 02tiais Of Agriculture and (Vi (Owe With Constable Tom Creeden of the Wingham Police , •. • . , . • • f•• '••• '• J%•—• • „ , the agenda will include videos about sheep handling; current state of the sheep industry and comments about handling facilities by Bill IVIcCut- cheon, provincial sheep specialist. A brief report, including general willbe a business of the Huron Sheep sheep in- Improvement Club, will be led by Thn, club president, Chris Boeteber, •