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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-02-16, Page 6
a a Pew' -°* :T4Wee5+- bo EE fCi • Y1i 4lN .4 • MOT THE 1 E TIMES , THE ADV',° PY f,.ujRy$ Tqf IhOVViek MUTUAL INSURANCECOMPANY © WRQXETER ONTARIO The 115th Annual meeting of the Howick Mutual insurance Company will be held in the Wroxeter Community Hall on: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26th 19 at 1:30 p.m. Purpose: 1. To receive the Annual Statement and Auditor's .Report. 2. To elect two Directors to replace Lloyd Michie and Don Eadie whose term of office expires. Both are eligible for reelection. 3. To appoint an Auditor for 1988. 4. To amend the following by -laws: - No. 33 - Director's Renumeration No. 42 o Banks and Banking 5. To create the following by-law: No. 62 m Access to records 6. To transact any other business which may tightly come before the Annual Meeting. DOUG ANDERSON RANDY HUTCHINSON President Manager An FBDB representative will be in your area soon. Come and meet him or her. There is no obligation and no costs and your business can gain a lot from it. If you're looking for financial aid in the form of loans, Ipan guarantees or even selling an ecititty position in your business, Genie and discuss it with us. We have experienced counsellors who can help you plot a course for growth and success for your business. And we can provide you with direction to get government assistance, both federal w :.provin- cial, as well as other vital inforlafion. For an advance appointment, calla . DAVE SELKIRK, ° P.D.M. 1-800-265-4594/ (519) 271-5650 1036 Ontario Street Stratford, Ontario N5A 6Z3 Le Banque oftre Ses;services dans les deux „iangues'oft%relles. . BACKING INDEPENDENT BUSINESS • l'tt t 91 t.i,tl 4 Ts; > Fersi'. r. and T Mrs. Lodi . i. visited Mrs. Irving Toner on nesda , Mr. and itiif, Alaro tebner Joe•S m ,..1. Brett Geniis, Who, :is .Brock, University -in St. Catl arin�_,.. • visited recently with his grand* parents; Mr. and. Mrs. Eldred Gathers. Jill Welsh of New Dundee -spent a -- week recently with herparents, Mr.. and Mrs. Robert, Strong ;.; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brambilt of Palmerston., have moved to brie where .. he will . . pastor of Genie Bible Fellowship:- Relit and Gwen 8ramhillhave four children;, Katrina Jeff, Bryce -and Anianda. They have taen up re idence in the former McMillan home. Brownj& C�rner beomld ingha n aro* . Pack continued the .work :'.en Thilaking Day They had two games relating the tory of Lerd andi, i Ra lei Powell; - then the „girls ex. - changed valentines.. Next week they are going to Copeland Lodge as their :Thinking Day project. _ NGHAM -.- Blue and white decoratecj the Wingham ,CIiirdhp i a vandelight ceremony uniting .Shelly -Christine `ra th end Paul' Wayne'Good in marriage on Saturday, Jan. 30, at 7 p.m. The bride is the daughter of Rod ail Inge Wraith and the groom is the soh of Israel: and ElettY God; : � all of Wingharn. The happy cou- ple -is residing4n Lpndoo, Vvhete both are=students at Fanshawe Col- lege. TOURS AND TRAM ; ETD. FLORIDA LONGSTAY PROGRAM There are still :a --few weeks of winter to Gomel Stay in oceanfront, fully equipped -efficiency units. Choice of -2,4, or -6 weeks! Limited space available! Don't be left out in ,the cold! BOOK TODAY! 9 DAY CAROLINAS- AND MYRTLE BEACH TOUR • DEPARTS: April 251198 Get a hetidstart4irtiprinewith this tour to - Charleston •andwthe ivanderbilt Mansion, gor- geous Middleton Place and Brookgreen Gar- dens, enjoy the sunnybeaches of Myrtle Beach and the beautiful Blue Ridge Moun- tains and Lur .y Caverns. Beautiful Spring scenery! Boa rte. From $5999.00 pr peraouro room. ,9 Y= e at, F ANS - DEPARTS: April ft,19 Includes tour of New Orleans, Mobile, Rei- iingrath Gardens, BalfoU Cruise. See the fa- mous Canal Street, Bourbon Street, Million- acres Row, Slave Auction and more!! Price: $699.00 per person (twin) st; For You: Something Specia-i _; . For ll Seasons! .1988 18 DAY TEXAS & MEXICO DEPARTS: March 19th Price: $1399.00 per person (twin) This tropical holiday has everything to offer. Modern cities, blue waters of theGulfof Mex- ico and the Mexican culture. Includes King Ranch, Graceland, Houston, Matamoros and San Antonio AND A DAY AT THE RODEO! COUNTRY MUSIC • FANS ..4 day Nashville DEPARTS 'April 1, & :May 20, 1988 . 3 Day Renfro- Valley - DEPARTS: May 27, 1988 3 Day Wheeling o DEPARTS:: April 15, 1988 3- Featuring Ray Stevens at the Jamboree! WASHINGTON CHERRY BLOSSOM FESTIVAL DEPARTS:- April 8,1988 Washington, D.C. comes alive with cherry blossoms! What better way to celebrate than a grand parade! Tour Corning Glass, Arling- ton Cemetery & Lincoln Memorial. Always a winner! Price: $399.00 per person (twin)- REMEMeEPA ALL FETTER Tem ion 5EATURE I HANSPORTATION ON OUR "LUXURY HIGHWAY MOTOR COACH, FIRST CLASS ACCOMVIO`4ATION,BAGGAGE HANDLING AND FULLY. ESCORTED!! AM TRAVEL LTD. • -:n •