The Wingham Advance-Times, 1988-02-16, Page 5•-•
.„ •
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... !:7
Public School students gather in
front of the Valentine Tree at a
special Valentine assembly ,Fri-
day. The $250 raised by the
WPS students through the Valen-
tine Tree, a Valentine's Dance,
and the Grade 8 Box Lunch Sale
will be fprwarded to the Can,Save
Deborah Kathleen Hanula,
daughter of Bill and Shirley
Hanula of Wingham, was called to
The Bar on Jan., 8. At an im-
pressive ceremony, Ms. Hanula
was presented to the Supreme
Court of Bridal" ColtiMbia at the
Great Hall in the Vancouver Law.
Courts, with the 'Honorable Mr.
Justice Auttan of Me Supreme
Court presiding. Ms.' Hanfria baS
accepted a position et the firin of
G. Lauk and ASsoefiges of VOtt-
Former res ent
to come home to
Dear Editor:
The reunion committee for
Lucknow's "Celebrate hi 1' " asks
• yew assistance in letting former
residents of Lucknow and area know,
about out upcoining reunion, June 30
tojuly 3.
Al.• proceeds from this venture will
geteward theyeconstruetion Of the
•tulelkilow Arena which will,. of
eiiiikrse, be Considerably expensive:
• 'Former residents are invited to
• ggine 'home .to Loektiow for a fun -
filled weekend, meeting and visiting
Vofce.for pier ur
COncerried t r.
Disegtioit ba..htnnan train the ,bion'lest
Many: .people in this area. have Conception.
with old friendsand families, as well
as partigip* sting in a ball tour-
nament, barbeciM, beauty contest,
church 'services, dances, fireworks,
pancake breakfasti, parades and
• me& more:,
Foie:further information, write to
Box 571i. Lneknow, NOG 21/0, or call
(519) 520139. • '
.• Sincerely
Jean Montgomery
Celebrate in 1
contacted, our organizatiOn., ex- May we, suggest that those con-
preibtlig !felt* shock at the recent „ ierned vas to tirou4itruce MP
supreMer curt decision concerning Murrai Cardiff, House of Venunons,
abortion and have -asked what they Ottawa, Ontario ".
Prime Minister Brian 'Mulroney
With the flew ruling, the situation (same address) to express their
now is one of abortion on demand for disapproval of „the d Jon and to
any retailed Whatsoever-, with no ask' that 'Path di enact
restrietions. It should be noted that legislation to pretea rights of the
- in Canada, abortion CU he done unborn. - •
anytime nine months of 1,
pregnancy. , of course, is a
grave' injue *Web *o4'
onnbotts of So*ty„ cannot Wen
A 046 and to
can o. „
Sally Cainpeau
-- .,- -' Minister
..,,_- .. - - - -- -------- - - -
the Canada4j.s.
voqunissiori. - , _ ...•- trade agreement. . _s 11:4'.:
81 Ontario grain stab ' ti,04 plan L= ,, oidd like trt.,
the Farm Income Stabilisation repercusSirSIS' Of '
will receive itIVIVICIMatebr < *124 about a series of iflformafjoh
men who are affected by tow grain understand what the free Outs deal " '•
million in final pomekta through meettogs to bean! farmers of
prices. They are in additiOn to- ini; will mean to their fa
what gilvtlowe°ritert;oilto lit' , °sill"' : ‘°1111111. ' - meetings These payments will assist far- _ Farmers 'have told me' they don
,, 4
terim payments of 411.. / *Vol *WO their .,income. These which the Ontario government has 'milli Firovi4oDoirio- o op,"
made to date to these growers, and ' agreement so ' in :Vidaal
p ucerq b Hey,. oats ,
"and canola.
The stabilization account is Abided
One-third by the grower „ant tse,!.
thirds by the Ontario government
Interim payments were made for
oil per cent of the total ittunber -of
tonnes each crop prwtwerti bad
registered in the plan. Achim***
for these payments vvill heft&
the final payinent.
The total payment is $4,26 per
tonne for corn, $4.85 per tonne for
winter wheat, and oxper tonne for
soybeans. Theseamounts represent
two-thirds of, the total declared
deficiency payment as caladated by
the federal. •,Agricultural
Stabilizatjon Board the board has
not yet released-paymentin
formation for barley, oats and
can dookfo'fOr-tPeniel*.
• Officials of the Ontario.Ministry 01.
Agribultnte. and. Foots ecOnornics
and policy co-ordination branch
provide explanations' as to what
each cmmodity group. can expect
under the bilater#lagt,ment.,,- "- -
The ministry*.,10alyals IS 1?asecii
0,a a study which shows that farmers
in Ontario stand toles, nneolile.teo
-$95 million under the geftl:Ftiftber
losses. will occurinthe food
processing industry.
Again, the information meeting in
Mildmay will be heIdI Feb. 29,1988 at
the Knights of Columbus Hall on
Highway 9 north.
High -Tech Beast
. ...The Ontario_ _Government -will --
Provide up to $8 :Whorl over four
years to upgrade the= capacity' and
Centre for Large Scale Computati
producers' sales, witli the marketing on
for soybeans and winter,wheat. been ant! es
boards providing this information ii.wat0 atthe,thliYerfAY ctlrarMinieraSIL.tayn,
e "
PaY-PlentS10;s03.!biao PrOdiieitro will- i,a14
start -at the end of 11e74-".:-
these are
iotiriPleted; cheques for The ce!geall."• .
other producers willIli issued. corn computer Strengt
• Ontario's
producers Must complete fre-re- competitteetess in leadhig-edge
with sales data These forms will be
asw research -and is -an important
mailed to prediicers in mid- resource to the province's research
Febroary. communi•
The super corn:Pater - Serves
ciatarb4LIC4Vade researcheri` hp digs
ipties*,' ing
Premier Davklfetettortmetwith' „
Prime *inns Ma "°111 - .
edicine and Atrial/leering to
British . ter rgaret
lncreasThatcheMg betweeaiio
r andpressed the case for astronomy and atmospheric
pyss. it permits calculations not
trade n Ont
ible on standard oniter
and Britain, while pledging to op-
C Pu S.
pose protectionists. •prants to Riding
In their meeting, Mr. Peterson Several townships in Huron have
also promoted IbtOnto -as a major been awarded grants under the,
international financial centre. In Ontario Home Renewal Program.
addition, Mr:: Peterson and Mrs. iloushig Minister Chaviva Hosek
Thatcher discussed the Junesummit has announced that Ashfield
of the Group of Seven industrial Township will receive the $15,000
countries„ seheduled to take place in first installment of its $80,153 grant,
Toronto. • - while the Township cif Morris will
In a speech to the Canada-U.K, receive the $40,000 first installment
Chamber of Commerce in London, of a •$56,938, grant and East
Mr. Peterson 'repeated his criticisms Wawanosh Township will :receive
of the trade agreement between_ Memo of its $57,551 gent,. -
Canada and the Umted States,. He The OHRP, Which is administered
also explained that the Canada -U.S. 'by the miziiicipaflty, proVidedloans
trade agreement willnot affect antler -grants to herneowners' to
Ontario's search for new export repair and maintain their dwellings.
(Continued from Page 4A)
10go- on/ to the ,coimty Conte0. The
two Winne& were Jeanette Maiming
of Myth Public School and Susie
Powell of Turiiberry_Central.
The Canadian Radio -Television
Commission• will bold public
hearings in connection •with a
• number Of applications for cable
television undertakings in several
communities 'in -this area. The
named applicant for the Town of
Wingham is Raymond Gowdy of
Gorrie. The toinpany be Would
establith would include Eric Walden
who also controls the cable system
hi Kincardine.
The - Wingham Lions • 'Club
resented a chttitie for $500 to the
torian Order of Nurses to aid in
vpm the area. Club
president, Russell Zurbrigg,
presented the Cheque to VON
representatives, Sheila Lancaster
and Louise Sloan.
The Huron County Plowmen's
Association has been successful in
its bid to bring the 1978 International
Plowing Match to Huron. It is
rumored that it may be held in the
Wingham area.
Members of Gideons International
present:ell Wiiigham and District
Hospital with a set of Bibi and
psalm books to beplaced in patients'
Last year's RNA graduating class
has donated a dia
the Wingham and Dhaka
The machine was
num of WS